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Fallen by the Wayside: The Russian Collusion hoax investigation


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Apr 11, 2014
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The latest, not much but something:

My own view is that the evidence shows that we’re not dealing with just mistakes or sloppiness, there was something far more troubling here; and we’re going to get to the bottom of it,” Barr stated. “And if people broke the law, and we can establish that with the evidence, they will be prosecuted.”

AG Barr Just Signaled That Things Are About To Get Ugly For The Russia Collusion Team


I can't verify these. We can only hope they are valid.

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According to Joe Digenova, the conspiracy charges are going to be the opening salvo, and everything else is going to filter down in time. Of course, the criminals are going to claim political retribution. But the case will be pretty solid. The only wildcard will be the juries in the District of Columbia.
I doubt these perpetrators will ever pay any price for the unbelievable crimes they committed.
I'll believe it when I see it. I do not have high hopes about this at all. The worst part about this is the complicity of the Fourth Estate and the resulting apathy from the idiots in the gen pop.
I'll believe it when I see it. I do not have high hopes about this at all. The worst part about this is the complicity of the Fourth Estate and the resulting apathy from the idiots in the gen pop.

I had to do a double-take and see if that was you or Sarge who wrote that.

Yeah I'm not real confident at this point.
I doubt these perpetrators will ever pay any price for the unbelievable crimes they committed.

While I have to agree here, I'd practice black magic or do anything remotely possible to make it happen. They have to feel the pain & consequences of their actions, or else this country will never turn the corner.
Obama, Shiff, Pelosi, and all of the rats need to be charged with treason. This is unacceptable.
Rep Matt Gaetz calls out tough talking poser sound bite king Trey Gowdy for denying subpoena power to the GOP In 2018.

Rep Matt Gaetz calls out tough talking poser sound bite king Trey Gowdy for denying subpoena power to the GOP In 2018.

Trey Gowdy was at his best in hearings, in front of TV cameras. He is right at home now at Fox News.
It's over. Officially, 100% over. No wonder Tibs isn't here. 3 years of being wrong...has...got...to...hurt.

House intel transcripts show top Obama officials had no 'empirical evidence' of Trump-Russia collusion

Newly released transcripts of interviews from the House Intelligence Committee’s long-running Russia investigation reveal top Obama officials acknowledged that they knew of no “empirical evidence” of a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia in the 2016 election, despite their concerns and suspicions.

Fox News first reported Wednesday night that the transcripts would show this. The officials' responses align with the results of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation—which found no evidence of criminal coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia in 2016, while not reaching a determination on obstruction of justice.

The transcripts, which were released by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., revealed top Obama officials were questioned over whether they had or had seen evidence of such collusion, coordination or conspiracy -- the issue that drove the FBI's initial case and later the special counsel probe.

“I never saw any direct empirical evidence that the Trump campaign or someone in it was plotting/conspiring with the Russians to meddle with the election,” former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testified in 2017. “That’s not to say that there weren’t concerns about the evidence we were seeing, anecdotal evidence. ... But I do not recall any instance where I had direct evidence.”

Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power, according to the transcript of her interview, was asked about the same issue. Power replied: “I am not in possession of anything—I am not in possession and didn’t read or absorb information that came from out of the intelligence community.”

When asked again, she said: “I am not.”

Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice was asked the same question.

“To the best of my recollection, there wasn’t anything smoking, but there were some things that gave me pause,” she said, according to her transcribed interview, in response to whether she had any evidence of conspiracy. “I don’t recall intelligence that I would consider evidence to that effect that I saw…conspiracy prior to my departure.”

When asked whether she had any evidence of “coordination,” Rice replied: “I don’t recall any intelligence or evidence to that effect.”

When asked about collusion, Rice replied: “Same answer.”

Former Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes was asked the same question during his House Intelligence interview.

“I wouldn’t have received any information on any criminal or counterintelligence investigations into what the Trump campaign was doing, so I would not have seen that information,” Rhodes said.

When pressed again, he said: “I saw indications of potential coordination, but I did not see, you know, the specific evidence of the actions of the Trump campaign.”

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch also said that she did "not recall that being briefed up to me."

"I can't say that it existed or not," Lynch said, referring to evidence of collusion, conspiracy or coordination.

Meanwhile, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was not asked that specific question but rather questions about the accuracy and legitimacy of the unverified anti-Trump dossier compiled by ex-British intelligence officer Christopher Steele.

McCabe was asked during his interview in 2017 what was the most “damning or important piece of evidence in the dossier that” he “now knows is true.”

McCabe replied: “We have not been able to prove the accuracy of all the information.”

“You don’t know if it’s true or not?” a House investigator asked, to which McCabe replied: “That’s correct.”

Schiff released the files -- approved in late 2018 for release by the committee -- after facing pressure earlier this week from Republicans to do so. Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell then notified Schiff that the redaction and declassification process was complete, and that the records were ready to be made public.

“At the bipartisan request of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the Intelligence Community reviewed all transcripts for classification and made appropriate redactions. HPSCI voted unanimously in 2018 to publicly release these transcripts, and it is long past time that these are released,” Grenell said in a statement Thursday.

Schiff, though, faulted the White House for the delay, accusing them of dragging their feet on the classification review.

And even as officials in those interviews said they didn’t have hard evidence of collusion, conspiracy or coordination, Schiff pointed to a variety of examples he described as "ample evidence of the corrupt interactions" between Trump associates and Russia.

For instance, he cited how Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., infamously accepted an offer of supposed Russian dirt on Hillary Clinton.

He also pointed to then-candidate Trump saying in 2016, “Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing." This referred to then-Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Schiff said in a statement: “The transcripts released today richly detail evidence of the Trump campaign’s efforts to invite, make use of, and cover up Russia’s help in the 2016 presidential election. Special Counsel Robert Mueller identified in his report similar, and even more extensive, evidence of improper links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government. A bipartisan Senate investigation also found that Russia sought to help the candidacy of Donald Trump in 2016.”

He also cited how former national security adviser Michael Flynn tried to "undermine U.S. sanctions on Russia" in his transition-period conversations with Russia's ambassador. Flynn later pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about those talks; however, the Justice Department on Thursday moved to drop the case entirely, saying the FBI interview had no legitimate basis.

Meanwhile, Schiff accused Republicans of using the committee interviews to simply "press President Trump’s false narrative of ‘no collusion, no obstruction,’" despite intelligence findings that Russia sought to meddle in the election to boost Trump.

Yet Republicans told Fox News the transcripts still show the collusion claims could not be supported.

“The transcripts show a total lack of evidence, despite Schiff personally going out saying he had more than circumstantial evidence that there was collusion,” one source involved in House Russia investigations told Fox News.

Mueller, similarly, at the conclusion of his nearly two-year-long investigation, said he and his team found no evidence of criminal conspiracy or coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia, but did not reach a conclusion on obstruction of justice, which Attorney General Bill Barr ultimately decided not to pursue.
It's over. Officially, 100% over. No wonder Tibs isn't here. 3 years of being wrong...has...got...to...hurt.


If it hurts he'll never say. Just like the media, people like him have no remorse, no retractions, or apology..they let it go and simply move on to the next lie.

Either that or he'll just continue to believe what he's always believed.

He has a couple options.
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They should hang people for pulling this bullshit. Doesn't matter what side it comes from. That would put an end to this type of stuff real quick. The fact nothing gets done only encourages more treason. All over a group who can not except the results of an election. They haven't stopped. Why would they. There's no punishment.
I had to do a double-take and see if that was you or Sarge who wrote that.

Yeah I'm not real confident at this point.

LOL. Why? Is it that hard to believe there is more than one person that has absolutely no faith that their government would ever do the right thing? It’s a sad state of affairs to be sure, but all we heard was “ wait for this report or that report.” Report comes, nothing changes. It will be the same with the Durham report. No one will be held to account and the beat will go on.
Reports, investigations, ......none of it matters unless it leads to arrests. Since no arrests are ever made this kind of activity will continue.

I thought the punishment for treason was public hanging. That will never happen.

The russians, Chinese and Iranians will continue to control and manipulate the democrats. No consequences.
Quote Originally Posted by Tim Steelersfan View Post
It's over. Officially, 100% over. No wonder Tibs isn't here. 3 years of being wrong...has...got...to...hurt.

Three years of being wrong about the Russia hoax. As far as how long Tibs has been wrong in general, about everything, you have to go back to the date he joined the site.
LOL. Why? Is it that hard to believe there is more than one person that has absolutely no faith that their government would ever do the right thing? It’s a sad state of affairs to be sure, but all we heard was “ wait for this report or that report.” Report comes, nothing changes. It will be the same with the Durham report. No one will be held to account and the beat will go on.

No not at all, it's just that you're really one of the only ones here who's the most vocal about it. And like you, I won't be holding my breath on this one either.
it's just that you're really one of the only ones here who's the most vocal about it

Truth is, you don't have to look real far to understand nothing is going to happen. When it comes to criminal stuff, those cats in DC are all on the same team. They all go on TV and bloviate about nobody being above the law, meanwhile the 535 ******** in Congress prove weekly that they are, in fact, above the law. Oh sure, every now and again they'll throw the public some meat when some low ranking nobody *** rapes someone on his staff or gets caught with kiddy porn or something detestable like that. But all in all, nothing ever happens. They lie, cheat, steal in plain sight and you can't even get the media to question it. It's sickening.

I don't know why the Durham report would be any different. I'm sure he'll find something that in reality is nothing and people will go on TV and raise a stink about it and it will quietly fade into obscurity just like all the other crap they get away with.

I saw that was the number one trending # on Twitter with over a million comments already. Keep up the momentum.

"No scandals during my Presidency" my ***.
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Without the support of the MSM, and you know that will never happen, this will go nowhere.

It's fun to dream we live in a Just society, like the Founders intended.
The Durham Investigation is not about reports. It is about establishing crimes, and prosecuting them. It has been announced that this has become a criminal investigation, meaning that crimes have been committed. I believe that we will see indictments. Won't be Obama or Biden. But Comey, Clapper, McCabe should be nervous about now.