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Federal Judge Orders State Dept To Release Hillary’s Security Training Records, 2 wks


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Apr 20, 2014
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The hits just keep on coming - round up all the criminals! Out them under oath!

Judge Orders State Dept To Release Hillary’s Security Training Records, Or Be Deposed

A federal judge ordered the Department of State Wednesday to produce for The Daily Caller News Foundation the security training records of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her aide Huma Abedin within two weeks, or face direct deposition of multiple government officials.

“I’m sure you can appreciate Mr. Lee, there is a certain time sensitivity on this issue,” U.S. District Court Judge Richard J. Leon told Department of Justice Attorney Jason Lee, representing the State Department. “We’re looking down the barrel of a presidential election from now in two months.”

“Let me put it to you this way: You need to discuss with your client whether it would be better to give them the answers to these questions or to have depositions to depose those at the State Department,” Leon said.

In a July 29 State Department filing, attorneys for the State and Justice departments claimed they failed to locate any security briefing documents for Clinton or Abedin.

They further stated the absence of any documents meant that the “courses were not completed” by the secretary or her aides. It is unclear if Clinton explicitly refused to attend the security briefings.

The lack of training may help explain why Clinton saw no problem with setting up a private server in her New York home to process her private email account.



Are we having fun yet or what????

Lack of training? Give me a break. I work for the government as a DA Civilian. I have a clearance. In order just to use the NIPR net (unsecure), I had to take no less than 3 classes of about an hour each just to be able to get on the network. It was the same when I was in the military. You will never convince me that she didn't know better. We get hammered with this stuff on the regular. We have to do it every year or our accounts expire. And if we sent classified documents over the NIPR net (which she did), it would be game over. No job, and likely jail time. She didn't know better. Bullshit. Just another instance of her thinking she doesn't have to play by the same rules that the peasants have to abide by.
So the FBI released their report. I was driving to Raleigh from Fayetteville and decided to listen to CNN coverage. Not sure why.

As many already know, they are so far in the bag for Hillary it is ridiculous. I swear,every guest they brought on to "break down" what it all meant were Clinton people. Wolf Blitzer introduced them that way. "Joining us now is Clinton Supporter and former....." or "Clinton confidant" or "Clinton surrogate" every ******* time. And like clock work, they all said it was no big deal, Trump trying to distract, blah blah. It was shameful. I heard two Trump people, and the Trump folks could hardly get a word out without Blitzer interrupting them. It was ridiculous. Funny part that CNN failed to mention was that the report was heavily redacted, and some pages weren't even released.
Crooked Hillary, holiday weekend news dump edition

Clinton Email Scandal: A Catalog Of Lame Excuses From The FBI Report

The FBI report on its investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of emails, which it released publicly on Friday, might not contain any smoking guns, but it does reveal the lengths to which Clinton will go to deny responsibility or cover up an obvious lie, even if it makes her look like an ignorant fool.

Clinton's attempts to avoid responsibility became particularly strained when the topic turned to classified material she said never showed up on her email server. The report is replete with so many different attempts to duck blame that we thought it would be helpful to categorize them.

The Blanche DuBois Excuse: Like the character from "Streetcar Named Desire" who famously says that she "depends on the kindness of strangers," Clinton says that she depended on anyone emailing her to know the rules of classification. If there was a problem, it was their fault, not hers.

As the FBI relates her comments, Clinton "relied on State officials to use their judgment" when emailing her and couldn't remember anyone raising concerns with her regarding the sensitivity of the information she received on her emails.

The Sesame Street Excuse: When the FBI pointed out that some documents she had sent or received had a "C" marking denoting the information was classified, she told the FBI that she thought "it was referencing paragraphs marked in alphabetical order." Apparently it never occurred to Clinton that if that were the case, the "C" paragraph should have come after the "A" and "B" paragraphs. But then again, Big Bird wasn't invented until after she was adult.

The I Fell And Can't Get Up Excuse: When asked about briefings she received about how to handle her emails as she transitioned out of the government, Clinton said she couldn't remember because she fell and suffered a concussion in 2012 and "could not recall every briefing she received."

The Watergate Hearings Excuse: According to one analysis of the FBI report, Clinton said things like "I can't recall," or "I don't remember" 26 times in her interview with the FBI.

The Al Gore Excuse: Many years ago, when Al Gore was confronted with evidence that he'd made campaign calls from his White House office, his defense was to robotically repeat that "no controlling legal authority" said it was against the law.

Hillary's version, when asked about a classified email she received on Dec. 27, 2011, was to say that "no policy or practice existed relating to communicating around holidays."

The Alfred E. Neuman Excuse, aka, The 'What, Me Worry?' Excuse: Clinton told the FBI that she didn't think conversations about a planned drone strike were a problem. As the FBI put it, "Clinton stated deliberation over a future drone strike did not give her cause for concern regarding classification."

The 'Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer' Excuse: Years ago, Saturday Night Live featured a character played by the late Phil Hartman, who, although he was a sharp and sophisticated lawyer, would pretend at key moments not to understand something, saying "I'm just a cave man."

In her interview with the FBI, Clinton said that she couldn't be held responsible for letting classified information slip into and out of her unsecured private email server because she didn't know how such things were determined.

"Clinton could not give an example of how classification of a document was determined," the FBI said in its interview notes.

As Clinton might say, at this point, what difference does it make? None, except that FBI report makes it clear that Clinton is either a liar or she's incompetent, or she's an incompetent liar.

In any case, she's ill-suited to hold the highest office in the land.



Hillary Clinton’s Team Lost a Laptop Full of Her Emails in the Actual Mail

A laptop containing a copy, or “archive,” of the emails on Hillary Clinton’s private server was apparently lost—in the postal mail—according to an FBI report released Friday. Along with it, a thumb drive that also contained an archive of Clinton’s emails has been lost and is not in the FBI’s possession.

The revelation of the two archives is contained in a detailed report about the FBI’s investigation of Clinton’s private email account. The report contained new information about how the archives were handled, as well as how a private company deleted emails in its possession, at the same time that congressional investigators were demanding copies.

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POSTAL mail? Who uses that? Good god could her team have been ANY more inept?

Zero doubt about it, anyone other than Clinton wouldn't see the light of day from the inside of a prison cell. Where she clearly belongs.

Not Fit to hold office.
Well and that is just it. So she didn't know. So are we to believe her and her team are incompetent? I mean, complete ignorance and incompetence is what they are suggesting with this latest round of excuses. So she is ignorant and incompetent, yet qualified to be President of this once great nation. Give me a break.

Sorry. Not buying it. She was a sitting senator, Secretary of State, and somehow was never trained in cyber security, the difference between NIPR and SIPR net and what can be sent on them, and none of her team at state was trained either, yet they all had access. Horseshit. You don't get access without the training. Period.
CNN: Clinton Told FBI She Didn't Recall 39 Times

Hillary Clinton told the FBI she didn't "recall" 39 times according to the investigation report about her email server practices released Friday.

Rumors are she's getting ready to drop out of race....stay tuned
Lack of training? Give me a break. I work for the government as a DA Civilian. I have a clearance. In order just to use the NIPR net (unsecure), I had to take no less than 3 classes of about an hour each just to be able to get on the network. It was the same when I was in the military. You will never convince me that she didn't know better. We get hammered with this stuff on the regular. We have to do it every year or our accounts expire. And if we sent classified documents over the NIPR net (which she did), it would be game over. No job, and likely jail time. She didn't know better. Bullshit. Just another instance of her thinking she doesn't have to play by the same rules that the peasants have to abide by.

Absolutely correct. Not just initial security training but mandatory annual refresher courses. We have mandatory quarterly online SECURITY training classes that are tracked online whether you have completed or not and guaranteed your direct supervisor is notified if you are even one day late taking the classes. These classes have a test at the end which you need to pass with a 100 percent score. That's for just the folks on the NIPR side....if you have a SIPR (secure network) the training is even more rigorous.
Absolutely correct. Not just initial security training but mandatory annual refresher courses. We have mandatory quarterly online SECURITY training classes that are tracked online whether you have completed or not and guaranteed your direct supervisor is notified if you are even one day late taking the classes. These classes have a test at the end which you need to pass with a 100 percent score. That's for just the folks on the NIPR side....if you have a SIPR (secure network) the training is even more rigorous.

Silly peons, rules aren't for Clintons.
100%. That leaves absolutely no room for error. What a joke! I don't recall my ***.

Huma is going to be the president of the United States. As I heard recently, the biggest Trojan horse since d day. Are we Americans going to allow this????? Haven't we learned anything since Obama and his brain, Valerie Jarret, have been in charge???

Are we completely insane?
The libtards are quiet in this thread. Hellooooooooo, helloooo, hello?
The libtards are quiet in this thread. Hellooooooooo, helloooo, hello?


"Wolf! Wolf!" cried the little shepherd boy. And all the villagers were fooled and came running, and the little boy laughed and laughed.... "Scandal! Scandal!" cried the little Republican Party, and all the Fox viewers were fooled and posted angrily on Facebook... But just like the Little Boy Who Cried Wolf, the Republicans eventually lost all credibility, and they had no one to blame but themselves.

Making fun and saying they aren't real does not make it so. When even the lame stream media is covering these things and mocking her in some cases, you know it has to have truth behind it. If she were a Republican she would be in jail and you know it. Whatever you feel about Trump is beside the point, you have to know in your heart that she is not fit to be president of a PTA let alone POTUS. I have seen inklings of sense in some of your posts here and there when you let your liberal guard down and stop just toting the party line. Bash Trump all you want but in not bashing Hillary you lose credibility on this. Anyone who can support her has their head in the sand.
Making fun and saying they aren't real does not make it so. When even the lame stream media is covering these things and mocking her in some cases, you know it has to have truth behind it. If she were a Republican she would be in jail and you know it. Whatever you feel about Trump is beside the point, you have to know in your heart that she is not fit to be president of a PTA let alone POTUS. I have seen inklings of sense in some of your posts here and there when you let your liberal guard down and stop just toting the party line. Bash Trump all you want but in not bashing Hillary you lose credibility on this. Anyone who can support her has their head in the sand.

None of that matters to most Democrat voters. What matters, especially to the dead people and urban blacks who will vote 105% for Hildebeast is:
1. Keep abortion legal and Federally funded. It's a red herring and not going to change but it's a way to drum up votes.
2. First Woman President.
3. Keep welfare checks coming.
There's your 47% of the popular vote right there.
None of that matters to most Democrat voters. What matters, especially to the dead people and urban blacks who will vote 105% for Hildebeast is:
1. Keep abortion legal and Federally funded. It's a red herring and not going to change but it's a way to drum up votes.
2. First Woman President.
3. Keep welfare checks coming.
There's your 47% of the popular vote right there.

There is that, but also I have several liberal friends that are well educated with good paying jobs as well.
They have fallen into the belief that we as a society are responsible for "the oppressed" among us.
It's the number one voting issue for them because they already have the cash to live well.
There is that, but also I have several liberal friends that are well educated with good paying jobs as well.
They have fallen into the belief that we as a society are responsible for "the oppressed" among us.
It's the number one voting issue for them because they already have the cash to live well.

That is one class of Liberal voter. The folks who just wish we'd all agree to be ruled by the "smart" people who went to the "right" schools. I would argue that we have and that's how we got into the mess we're in now.
There is that, but also I have several liberal friends that are well educated with good paying jobs as well.
They have fallen into the belief that we as a society are responsible for "the oppressed" among us.
It's the number one voting issue for them because they already have the cash to live well.

I have a number of those friends , as well. Sad really.
Crooked Hillary, holiday weekend news dump edition

Clinton Email Scandal: A Catalog Of Lame Excuses From The FBI Report

The FBI report on its investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of emails, which it released publicly on Friday, might not contain any smoking guns, but it does reveal the lengths to which Clinton will go to deny responsibility or cover up an obvious lie, even if it makes her look like an ignorant fool.

Clinton's attempts to avoid responsibility became particularly strained when the topic turned to classified material she said never showed up on her email server. The report is replete with so many different attempts to duck blame that we thought it would be helpful to categorize them..

The Sesame Street Excuse: When the FBI pointed out that some documents she had sent or received had a "C" marking denoting the information was classified, she told the FBI that she thought "it was referencing paragraphs marked in alphabetical order." Apparently it never occurred to Clinton that if that were the case, the "C" paragraph should have come after the "A" and "B" paragraphs. But then again, Big Bird wasn't invented until after she was adult.


The I Fell And Can't Get Up Excuse: When asked about briefings she received about how to handle her emails as she transitioned out of the government, Clinton said she couldn't remember because she fell and suffered a concussion in 2012 and "could not recall every briefing she received."


The Watergate Hearings Excuse: According to one analysis of the FBI report, Clinton said things like "I can't recall," or "I don't remember" 26 times in her interview with the FBI.


Hahahaha - bombs away!

Keep em coming!

House panel asks prosecutor to probe deleted Clinton emails

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Republican chairman of the House committee investigating Hillary Clinton’s email practices asked a federal prosecutor Tuesday to determine whether she and others working with her played a role in the deletion of thousands of her emails by a Colorado technology firm overseeing her private computer server in 2015.

The written request by Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, and obtained by The Associated Press, is based on recent revelations from the FBI, which decided not to press for criminal charges after its own yearlong investigation.

Clinton and her longtime aide and lawyer, Cheryl Mills, told FBI investigators during questioning that they had no knowledge of the technology company’s deletions. Those occurred separately from the email deletions overseen by the former secretary of state’s legal team last year before she turned over 33,000 work-related messages to the State Department. The FBI’s recently released summaries of its investigation did not offer any evidence contradicting their statements.

In a separate letter also obtained by the AP, Chaffetz — the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman — warned the Denver-based tech firm, Platte River Networks, that one of its engineers who deleted Clinton’s electronic files last year could face federal charges of obstructing evidence for erasing the material. That’s because the congressional inquiry into the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, in which four Americans were killed, had issued a formal order to preserve such records.



Is that another coughing attack I hear?

Clinton IT aide pleads Fifth, skips hearing

The former State Department employee who set up Hillary Clinton’s private email server did not appear before the House Oversight Committee on Tuesday morning despite a subpoena to testify on the deletion of some of Clinton’s emails.

Bryan Pagliano exercised his Fifth Amendment right not to testify against himself before the House Select Committee on Benghazi in 2015. He was also reportedly awarded an immunity deal during the FBI’s now-closed investigation into Clinton’s use of the server while secretary of State.

“It’s a serious matter. Mr. Pagliano has chosen to evade a subpoena duly issued by the committee. I will consult with counsel and my colleagues to consider a full range of options available to address Mr. Pagliano’s failure to appear,” Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) said.

“He should be here. When you are served a subpoena by the United States Congress, that is not optional,” he said. Rep. John Mica (R-Fla.) suggested that contempt of Congress could be an option for the committee.



