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Judging from Facebook my Thanksgiving weekend will be filled with lots of tongue biting on my part as I listen to my 20 something nieces and nephews and a spattering of liberal in-laws moan about the injustice suffered by this poor sweet gentle giant college student. ..... Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I honestly don't GET how destroying businesses proves anything other than they are thugs who destroy innocent people's property.

the fires set by rioters are natural, they are just trying to keep warm
Judging from Facebook my Thanksgiving weekend will be filled with lots of tongue biting on my part as I listen to my 20 something nieces and nephews and a spattering of liberal in-laws moan about the injustice suffered by this poor sweet gentle giant college student. ..... Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
and I thought my Thanksgiving was going to be horrible.
and, seriously, what the **** was he doing walking down the middle of the street for?

You've obviously never lived in a town with a lot of African Americans.

I don't understand why Ferguson doesn't have any black cops. Having black cops that patrol black areas automatically takes out the race angle. That's how Detroit rolls. They can mow thugs down and nobody cares because it is usually a black cop doing the shooting.

Also cops are in a no win situation. Blacks get pissed because their communities are ran by thugs and the police are only interested in protecting white communities. But when you elevate police presence in black areas they get pissed because the cops are picking on them. It's a no win situation.
I think every white cop in Ferguson should resign tomorrow.
Victimization Inc, with Al Sharpton, was in Ferguson agitating today. The authorities are now having to gear up for more violence tonight, and they are going to be forced to take action. They cannot allow the same result as last night. This has a good chance of escalating into something really messy.
You've obviously never lived in a town with a lot of African Americans.

I grew up in Memphis.
your argument is invalidated on that alone.
I grew up in Memphis.
your argument is invalidated on that alone.

They don't walk down the middle of the street there? Maybe because of the trolleys.
I hope they burn down their own apartments tonight. Then they'll all be standing outside going "Well, ****. Now what?"
I hope they burn down their own apartments tonight. Then they'll all be standing outside going "Well, ****. Now what?"

It's whitey's fault and Al Sharpton is in town to tell them so.
I hope they burn down their own apartments tonight. Then they'll all be standing outside going "Well, ****. Now what?"

Tomorrow morning there would be interviews of newly homeless folks that need new living quarters. Have to provide shelter you racist oppressor.

That's funny right there, don't care who ya are.

View attachment 829

Obama’s Immigration Action Reinvigorates Tea Party

What started five years ago as a groundswell of conservatives committed to curtailing the reach of the federal government, cutting the deficit and countering the Wall Street wing of the Republican Party has become a movement largely against immigration overhaul. The politicians, intellectual leaders and activists who consider themselves part of the Tea Party have redirected their energy from fiscal austerity and small government to stopping any changes that would legitimize people who are here illegally, either through granting them citizenship or legal status.

We;re comin' for you next Tibs...there will be no more of this mockery and disrespect. Just listen for the horse whiny late some night. We are coming for the bleeding heart liberals that think the police should just take their beatings like men and shut up, then to make sure the businesses that hire illegals lose their licenses and then shut down the EPA, DOE, IRS and a bunch more of them useless initials.

View attachment 828

You can run Tibs, but you cannot hide from us.
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Has little to do with "trusting the government." Unfortunately, I have to explain to you civics that I learned in 4th grade in 1972.

The decision as to whether nor not to file a charge rests with the prosecutorial agency, such as the District Attorney. The decision as to whether or not the person charged should be held over for trial rests with the grand jury - i.e., the people.

Amendment V

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury

Amendment VI

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

Our constitution mandates trial by jury, and not by a government fact-finder, since governments abuse power. Always have, always will. The right to jury decision is part of the fabric of our society, and incredibly enough, the LOL dumbasses you cite apparently are unaware of this fact.

You are now marginally more informed than you were this morning, and vastly more well-informed than whatever idiot posted that comment (obviously a dedicated lefty, and therefore one who knows nothing about our constitutional form of government).

You're welcome.
We;re comin' for you next Tibs...there will be no more of this mockery and disrespect. You can run Tibs, but you cannot hide from us.
Hey SteelChip, you can suck my dick, how 'bout that?
Judging from Facebook my Thanksgiving weekend will be filled with lots of tongue biting on my part as I listen to my 20 something nieces and nephews and a spattering of liberal in-laws moan about the injustice suffered by this poor sweet gentle giant college student. ..... Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

go well armed with facts my friend, maybe then you can quickly be banished to the garage where you can find something intelligent to have a discussion with....like a cockroach.
I don't understand why Ferguson doesn't have any black cops. Having black cops that patrol black areas automatically takes out the race angle. That's how Detroit rolls. They can mow thugs down and nobody cares because it is usually a black cop doing the shooting.

Also cops are in a no win situation. Blacks get pissed because their communities are ran by thugs and the police are only interested in protecting white communities. But when you elevate police presence in black areas they get pissed because the cops are picking on them. It's a no win situation.

I heard on the news this morning that one of the reasons is that nobody black who lives there wants to be a cop. So they have to go outside of Ferguson to find people willing to be cops...and the only ones willing are whites.
go well armed with facts my friend, maybe then you can quickly be banished to the garage where you can find something intelligent to have a discussion with....like a cockroach.

I love the sign I saw that said "Black Lives Matter" but apparently only when they are shot by white policemen a few times a year and not the thousands of times they are shot by other black people. #hypocrisy
Interesting read, about the witness that was with Brown... > http://www.vox.com/2014/11/25/7287443/dorian-johnson-story

Overall assessment, was justice served?

Indeed, we might never get to the truth of what happened in those two minutes on August. But the point of a trial would have been to get us closer. We would have found out if everything we thought we knew about Brown was wrong, or if Wilson's story was flawed in important ways, or if key witnesses completely broke under pressure. We would have heard real cross-examination. We would have seen the strongest case that could be mounted by both the prosecution and the defense. But now we're not going to get that chance. We're just left with these Rashomon-like testimonies, a dead 18-year-old, and a shattered family.