they are destroying it
burn baby burn
![]() Brown's cousin is saying that a whole bunch of cops should have responded? How is that any better?
That would be great except the majority of the rioters are probably on welfare and don't pay taxes anyways so one again the middle class would be screwedbecause then they would have ended up with a Rodney King incident where the dumbass thug gets stomped on until he finally realizes that trying to resist will only result in getting the billy club upside the head a few more times. I have an idea, lets double the taxes in every jurisdiction in America so we can have 4 cops in every cop car. Then they will always have the physical advantage in a situation Exactly like the one where Brown died. I mean every kid that weighs 290 lbs and has his judgement impaired and just committed a felony deserves to be beat up, not shot.
cant wait to see which is going to be the first commercial aired. should be good.
Heard Brown's cousin say that the problem is the process that led to the officer responding by himself to the sighting of the suspect (Michael Brown). See, when it's just one officer responding, then it's more likely that the officer will feel threatened to the point of shooting the suspect. Apparently the right thing to do is treat these suspects like animals in the zoo at feeding time. WTF kind of mindset is this?
Here's the lessons from Ferguson America- Don't let your kids growup to be thugs who think they can steal, assault & attack cops as a way of life & badge of black (dis)honor. Don't preach your racist bullshit "no justice no peace" as blabbered by Obama's racist Czar Al Not So Sharpton & their black klansmen. When a cop tells you to get out of the middle of the street, obey him & don't attack him as brainwashed by the gangsta ******** you hang with & look up to. It's that simple unless you have no brains, no soul, no sense of decency whatsoever. And dont claim that "black lives matter" when you ignore the millions you abort & slaughter each & every day by other blacks. Those of us with a soul do indeed believe black lives matter, as all lives matter. So quit killin each other you ****** idiots. Drive safely.
Ted Nugent nailed it:
.The mother of Michael Brown could be charged with felony armed robbery for allegedly attacking people in a Ferguson, Mo., parking lot because they were selling T-shirts honoring the late teenager.:
The Ferguson Police Department is currently investigating claims that Lesley McSpadden brought a group of people — including her own mother — to beat vendors and rob them of their “Justice for Mike Brown” merchandise Oct. 18, The Smoking Gun has learned.
One person was hospitalized in the reported attack and another unidentified alleged victim was reportedly beaten with a pipe
If there were more cops, then the cop wouldn't be as scared, and the thug would be less inclined to attack a cop. See? Problem Brown's cousin is saying that a whole bunch of cops should have responded? How is that any better?
I think people do stupid things, and die, every day. People drink and drive. People climb mountains and fall off of them. People do crazy things on a motorcycle, and lose control. Picking a fight, and attacking, an armed person is probably the most stupid.
Typical right wing racist point of view. Next you'll be saying that if he didn't steal anything in the first place, nobody would be looking for him..Or, he could have just gotten out of the middle of the street.
Typical right wing racist point of view. Next you'll be saying that if he didn't steal anything in the first place, nobody would be looking for him..
The mother of Michael Brown could be charged with felony armed robbery for allegedly attacking people in a Ferguson, Mo., parking lot because they were selling T-shirts honoring the late teenager.:
The Ferguson Police Department is currently investigating claims that Lesley McSpadden brought a group of people — including her own mother — to beat vendors and rob them of their “Justice for Mike Brown” merchandise Oct. 18, The Smoking Gun has learned.
One person was hospitalized in the reported attack and another unidentified alleged victim was reportedly beaten with a pipe.
That would be Capitalism rearing its ugly head. Can't have that.Since there is no copyright on his image, people are free to sell shirts about Ferguson as they wish but some people have their own ideas of what is right or wrong and it don't matter what the law says.
Or, he could have just gotten out of the middle of the street.