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For those of you who say racism doesn't exist. I have a few questions:

Nice. Hey, been meaning to ask, do YOU have any sort of alibi for when Epstein committed "suicide"?

Rumor has it, he was spotted on the grassy knoll in the Zapruder film.
Okay, okay! Racism doesn't exist. (At least in this video it doesn't):

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">here’s something to cheer u up during the madness .... racism is taught remember that | <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/blacklivesmatter?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#blacklivesmatter</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/minneapolis?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#minneapolis</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/riots?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#riots</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/RIPGEORGEFLOYD?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#RIPGEORGEFLOYD</a> <a href="https://t.co/V4elZrGVb0">pic.twitter.com/V4elZrGVb0</a></p>— alban (@shkodranali) <a href="https://twitter.com/shkodranali/status/1266354924893413377?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 29, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


Man, that was one of the nicest things I've watched in a long time. Humanity is good. Stop watching the news.
I don't know if that's entirely true. The Indyvader star system is believed to be near the Conflursa Major constellation, right next to the Phinnster nebula.

You are welcome to my constellation any time.
Its a race free star system, but with a large bias against stupidity.

We have lots of beer, and cookies.
not a surprise to anybody

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/rdpIIiBe7Wc" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I don't know what you're talking about since I don't watch news, but if we're talking about the 'you Ain't black comment' I thought that was terrible. I also thought it equally in poor taste, given the social unrest in this country, that the other side would make tshirts about it for white people to wear...

OK..you don't watch the news but did you pay attention in civics class ?

not a surprise to anybody

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/rdpIIiBe7Wc" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Great reminder tape. Being away from formal education these last several centuries, I had to research Marxism and found this as a result. Pretty good 15 min lesson that left me with more questions but a basic understanding.

Here’s a short video on what a shithole Cuba is despite media showing it as a paradise

From a post on shitbook:

I’m so confused right now. I see signs all over saying black lives matter. I’m just trying to figure out which black lives matter. It can’t be the unborn black babies. It’s not black cops. They don’t seem to matter. It’s not my black conservative friends. They are told to shut up if they know what’s best for them by their black counterparts. It’s not black business owners. Their property does not mean anything. It’s not blacks who fought in the military. Their statues are destroyed by the black lives matter protesters with disdain. So which black lives matter again?
Black Lives Matter. Of course they do! Then when multiple black police officers and individuals were killed during the “peaceful protests”. I don’t see any outrage? Black individually owned businesses burned to the ground. Silence. Deadliest weekend in Chicago. NOTHING!!
I can’t keep up. I just can’t. I’m exhausted trying to figure out what we’re all supposed to do, believe, and be offended and outraged by next.
Two months ago, First Responders were all the rage. In fact, they were heroes. We gave them free coffee, meals, and cheers as they drove by. Today, we hate them and want them defunded because they can’t be trusted.
Two months ago, truck drivers were the heroes, as well, for keeping America moving and the grocery stores stocked. Today we block the roads with protesters, drag them out of the cabs and beat them half to death.
Nurses and Doctors are still cool for now. But they may be unemployed. They too are heroes, unless of course they truly believe all lives matter. Then they’re filled with hate and are part of problem like so many others.
Just 45 days ago protests weren’t “essential” and were considered criminal, selfish and a murderous activity. Today they are gloriously critical and celebrated. All of the obvious criminal and murderous activities are simply ignored. If you protest about lock downs for freedom, you are selfish and you will spread a virus. If you protest, loot, and riot for social justice, you are a warrior and the virus fades to the background.
Trust the experts. No, not those experts. Don’t wear masks ... wear masks, but only good ones. Wait, don’t wear masks, wear anything as a mask. Never mind on the masks. Not sure, but if you don’t, you hate people because you could be an asymptomatic spreader. Wait. That's not a thing anymore?
For 3 months, NOTHING was more important than social distance. In fact, we gave up all of our liberties for it. We canceled schools, medical and dental procedures, canceled activities, closed businesses, eliminated every spring rite of passage from prom to graduation, denied people funerals, even at Arlington, and we wrecked the economy for it. Then came social justice, and social distance was no more. Now things are more cut and dried though. A thousand people at three memorials for someone they never even met. It's a matter of "respect". But you can only assemble 100 or less people.
I’m really confused now. Look at the data, NO, not that data. Do the math. No, you can’t do the math like that. Only the experts can understand the data and math. What do you mean other cities/states/governors are interpreting the data differently? Pools are safe in Indiana, but not Michigan? Playgrounds are safe in your town but not mine? Amusement parks are safe in Florida but not Ohio, nor Michigan.
If you are silent you are part of the problem. If you speak, you are part of the problem. If you have to ask, you don’t understand. If you don’t ask, you don’t care.
It’s all so predictable, tedious, and exhausting. Nothing adds up. It’s one gigantic Math life problem, with ever changing denominators that I’m sure the media and politicians are eagerly ready to solve for us...until the next "crisis".
So when black people make fun of whites is it systematic racism? You'er so over the top liberal you can't even make coherent points. Do you even know what "systematic" means? It's part of a "system" that includes a method, system or plan. Systematic racism is when an entire "system" bases everything on race.... kind of like the NAACP. I can't be involved in systematic racism because I'm not part of a system. I can't believe I'm explaining this to an adult. Please just stop. You are making yourself look foolish.

Vader...dude...He's saying that you and Indy are the very type of people who belong to a racist collective made up of the white majority who, unbeknownst to themselves, suffer from white fragility and suppress the minority in a systematic nature just by ******* existing. Your privilege is suffocating the black community like an officers knee to their collective necks. You're a villain in this play, you and Indi and all of us. How dare you point out the hypocrisy of BLM and Antifa destroying their communities and stealing from honest minority business owners out of "protest" for the killing of Mr. Flyod. How dare you! How dare any of us wake up in the morning and not feel the weight of sorrow, guilt, and shame for being born white. Our last names carry with them dishonor and a burden of genealogical genocide that should envelope us to our very core and strike us to our knees. Maybe while we're there we can shine their shoes as the owner of Chik-Fil-A offered as a solution. It doesn't matter what is in our hearts nor how they broke watching that video of Mr. Floyd being executed slowly, painfully. It doesn't matter if we love all of human kind. It doesn't matter if we have loving family members who are minorities. We are evil, we are a problem, we are the very roaches of this Earth that must be dealt with. Shame them, erase their history, tear down their statues, censor their movies, burn their books and cities to the ground, and maybe then...when all of history is retold and the injustices of our mistakes are forgotten only then, will minorities be free from our suppression.

I'm tired of socialist Democrats and their identity politics turning the salt of the Earth people of this country into targets.
Vader...dude...He's saying that you and Indy are the very type of people who belong to a racist collective made up of the white majority who, unbeknownst to themselves, suffer from white fragility and suppress the minority in a systematic nature just by ******* existing. Your privilege is suffocating the black community like an officers knee to their collective necks. You're a villain in this play, you and Indi and all of us. How dare you point out the hypocrisy of BLM and Antifa destroying their communities and stealing from honest minority business owners out of "protest" for the killing of Mr. Flyod. How dare you! How dare any of us wake up in the morning and not feel the weight of sorrow, guilt, and shame for being born white. Our last names carry with them dishonor and a burden of genealogical genocide that should envelope us to our very core and strike us to our knees. Maybe while we're there we can shine their shoes as the owner of Chik-Fil-A offered as a solution. It doesn't matter what is in our hearts nor how they broke watching that video of Mr. Floyd being executed slowly, painfully. It doesn't matter if we love all of human kind. It doesn't matter if we have loving family members who are minorities. We are evil, we are a problem, we are the very roaches of this Earth that must be dealt with. Shame them, erase their history, tear down their statues, censor their movies, burn their books and cities to the ground, and maybe then...when all of history is retold and the injustices of our mistakes are forgotten only then, will minorities be free from our suppression.

I'm tired of socialist Democrats and their identity politics turning the salt of the Earth people of this country into targets.

Cope; reading Badcat's post

What about racism not perpetuated by white people?

I'm not about to read this whole thread

Yes racism exists in this country but it is not ONLY a white issue. Most of the "black lives matter" **** is racist as hell. They only care about black lives when they are killed by white cops. Hell they don't even care if the dead guy was ******* shooting at the cops....in their minds the cops should have done more to keep the ******** alive

If black lives matter truly believed their bullshit they would be in chicago, baltimore and every major democrat led city trying to fix the ******* issues that get so many of their young black men killed by other black men. but they don't give a **** about that

Any sane person is against bad cops killing people on ANY ******* race....

ALL lives ******* matter.....**** anyone who is offended by that.
Amen, Coolie. Chicago apparently just had its worst weekend of homicide in its history (or so I heard, it may not be correct), but even still, you'd think that would be the number one issue on SJWs minds in their fight for 'justice'.

I'm sure Cope is marching there right now.
Amen, Coolie. Chicago apparently just had its worst weekend of homicide in its history (or so I heard, it may not be correct), but even still, you'd think that would be the number one issue on SJWs minds in their fight for 'justice'.

I'm sure Cope is marching there right now.

yeah, and I'm sure BLM will be there once they hear about it in the mainstream media........

hell you want to save black lives.....get rid of Planned Parenthood....

but that is another discussion
Amen again. Some of these people just don't know the history of places like Planned Parenthood etc.

Talk about racist pieces of ****.