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Freedom of political belief is now under fire by the left.

I don't really like where the left is taking this debate right now but it doesn't surprise me. Again, what comes around goes around and when the rolls are reversed, it will be very interesting to see how the media reports and handles it.

For some business owners, they might assume a rainbow sticker on your car doesn't mean your gay, only that you are liberal, thus I refused you service because you are liberal, not because you are gay. Is that allowed? Think of the ramifications.

And before people call me a hypocrite, I have never really defended the "religious choice" crap in most cases. I have actually warned all the Christians here that enacted laws that you think protect Christian beliefs and freedom of religious "choice" will backfire and be used by radical Muslims to impact our society in much worse ways. I have stated here that the Supreme Court decision on the Colorado baker was NOT some "win" for religious rights but a very narrow ruling that more condemned Colorado's review board that "allow" the refusal of services on religious grounds.

I thought that Kentuckian that refused to notarize a marriage license to gay people was as dumb as rocks and she should have been fired.

What this event promotes is now the potential discrimination of ANYONE hiding behind Right/Left political nonsense. What if I assume every black that walks into my store is "Democrat" and I don't serve blacks unless they show me they are registered Republicans? Is that allowed?

Seems kind of slippery slope and I don't like any of it. This restaurant was dead wrong just as the growing ideology that peaceful protests are allowed to now harass (and who defines that line?) people is wrong. I don't like that either and I would never participate in anything like that.

But this is the way things are headed. In my opinion, liberals DO push the envelope on these things because the media, hollywood and entertainment industry normally agree with their platform and don't consider it the other way, but it DOES create a precedent that the right won't forget. And when they do it (and they will), the media, hollywood and entertainment industry will decry the fall of our civilization without one mention that they started it or did it first.

Not one liberal has provided me a good answer with what we SHOULD be doing at the border. Not one. There is a process of legal immigration that many are painstakingly doing the right way. They deserve our consideration. They deserve our sympathy when so many are breaking the rules and bypassing the process illegally. Without prosecution, it is tantamount to a government "allowing" open borders which we should all philosophically understand is not possible. We can't catch-and-release on American soil (that's an open border policy). The media says we now can't catch and return without due process. The media says we can't hold them for as long as it takes for the hearing process to last. The media says we can't detain the children while we hold the parents for processing. The media says we can't separate the families and put the children in better conditions (foster families). The media doesn't want to build a wall that might reduce the number. The media doesn't want to increase enforcement to act as a deterrent.

If you listen closely, the media and the left are painting themselves into a corner because they don't allow ANYTHING and offer NO SOLUTIONS.

It is a very simple question. What should we do when a father, mother and child are found 100 yards inside the U.S. and crossed illegally (not though a checkpoint) and caught by border police? It's a very simple question and I'm really, really curious what liberals here think we should do. Be specific because this is happening 100's of times a day right now.
Problem is where do you draw the line? Okay to discriminate against politics but not skin color or religion? That's how way too many things end up at the Supreme Court.
Does that mean it's okay to discriminate against Muslims, for whom religion and politics are the same thing? (Oh goody!)
On one hand I don't think anyone should be discriminated against but on the other hand if I owned a restaurant I might like having the right to turn down the neo-Nazis or KKK if they asked to have a banquet in the private dining room.

Right. A business owner either has the right to discriminate or they don’t. You can’t have the Supreme Court deciding the merits of discrimination on a case by case basis.
Shades of the 1960's civil right movements, this is a slippery slope.
You seem to be implying the 1960's civil right movements were a bad thing. Is that how you really feel?

In fact, I think the solution to the hot mess going on in the country right now, was outlined by Dr. King decades ago: “Let us march on ballot boxes until every valley shall be exalted, till every mountain and hill shall be made low, until the rough places are made plain and the crooked places straight.

With midterms coming, it's time to head to the voting booths for those that want to stand up to Mr. Trump and his policies.
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You seem to be implying the 1960's civil right movements were a bad thing. Is that how you really feel?

Yeah, I am hoping that was just poorly worded. Being that it was Coach, that is probably the case. He does that sometimes. I am curious to hear his explanation.
I am actually fine with the owner doing this. Its her right to refuse to do business with anyone for any reason. I just find it hilarious that the neo-socialists are really okay with discrimination if it is someone they don't like. And I don't really care if the people that embrace the evil of socialism hate me, I hate them back just as much.
It seems like a dumb move but i believe one that she should be able to make.
I thought that Kentuckian that refused to notarize a marriage license to gay people was as dumb as rocks and she should have been fired.

She absolutely should have been fired.
But this is a GOVERNMENT employee.
It was not her own private business she herself opened.

There is a BIG difference between being a government person and a private person.
As there is a BIG difference in being the owner of the company vs being an employee of the company.
The golden rule.................He who has the gold, makes the rules.
It was a double whammy for the Kentuckian. Do your job or quit. There's no other option in that scenario.

Lastly, this is the problem with the free speech debate.
I don't understand why there's always outrage when someone protests something, but then they're met with a consequence.
People absolutely have the right to protest whatever they want.
But those same people shouldn't then whine when there's backlash and they're ostracized, fired, penalized, reprimanded, etc.
You don't have a right to be protected from repercussions.
It's early yet but I thought Libs would be lined up out the door in a show of support, you know, like we did with Chick-Fil-A. Of course it involved spending your own money and not someone else's, so there is that aspect.

Not sure that will happen, but who knows. I wouldn't be one of them. I wouldn't have done it if she were in my restaurant. I understand a business owner has the right to do whatever, but why not treat her as a patron who's there to do nothing more than eat? She's paying your restaurant money. You have political bias on a place like this, shouldn't be at your place of work. And I say the same for the baker. He's within his rights to not do something he religiously doesn't agree with. He also said he wouldn't bake a cake for someone who had a hate message. I can't remember the Chick-Fil-A thing.
You can't just refuse service for whatever reason because it's a private business. You guys know that. I can't refuse services to blacks. Or just women. Or just little people. Or whatever the hell I feel like. That's the textbook definition of discrimination.

There are some exceptions in "private clubs" and "association" but if you are public business, that means the PUBLIC. The WHOLE PUBLIC. Not your choice of which segment of the public you want and don't want.

Even the case of the Colorado baker was different because he didn't actually refuse service, he refused his ARTISTIC DESIGN of the cake. He has testified he would have gladly sold that gay couple any generic cake in his store. He just refused to invest his artistic design and creativity to a cause he can't agree on religiously (and that is a very special case when discussing discrimination).

Again, I think it is criminal what that restaurant did to Sanders. I think it was discrimination based on political belief. It was arbitrary (which is one of the big no-no's in discrimination cases). She could (and probably should) sue. Not sure she would win, but I think she has a case.
Let me understand this......

Bakers agree to bake cake but advise they can't decorate due to religious beliefs - Left outrage and Right point to 1st Amendment.
Restaurant refuses to serve someone based on their political beliefs - Right outrage and left point to 1st Amendment.

Hypocrisy, ALL around.

Whatever happened to the simple sign of the business owner, "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason".
Think an owner is a bigot? Don't go there and spread the word.
Had a great inclusive experience at a place? Go there and spread the word.
Welcome to Capitalism.

I can't get into MENSA because my IQs not high enough.
I can't use CURVES gyms because I'm a man.
My son can't ride certain rides at amusement parks, vote, serve in the military, buy alcohol, buy tobacco, drive a car, etc. due to his age and height.
There's discrimination everywhere that has zero to do with hate/bigotry/some phobia.

I haven't smoked in over a decade, but I think it's criminal that you can't smoke in bars/bowling alleys/restaurants anymore.
Why can't an owner say, "This restaurant/bowling alley/bar/etc. allows smoking. If this is bothersome to you, go down the street to one that is smoke free."

Our once great society is crumbling.....because WE THE PEOPLE keep buying into Coke vs Pepsi and keep electing crooks into office, both Ds and Rs alike.

This is how I feel as well. Both business are private entities, and can refuse whoever they want. Now when people follow somebody outside the building, all the way to their house shouting and screaming at them, that crosses the line. Then it's harrasment. But what happened to Sarah Huckabee Sanders, while I find it personally repulsive, is absolutely within the restaurant owners' rights, and should not be infringed upon.
Even the case of the Colorado baker was different because he didn't actually refuse service, he refused his ARTISTIC DESIGN of the cake. He has testified he would have gladly sold that gay couple any generic cake in his store. He just refused to invest his artistic design and creativity to a cause he can't agree on religiously (and that is a very special case when discussing discrimination).
That was part of it, as was the fact that the gay couple found several bakeries who didn't have a problem with it but kept looking until they found one who did. The other part was that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission acted with malice toward religion, typical of a government agency staffed with Liberals but then that's why those people go into government.

GOP Congressman Warns Nation Headed to Civil War

Rep. Steve King posted a warning on Twitter Sunday evening that the U.S. is heading toward a second civil war, comparing the present day actions of the anti-Trump resistance to the run-up to the Civil War.

King, an eight-term Congressman from Iowa, keyed off a PJ Media article about leftist protesters shutting down a Portland, Oregon ICE office and taking down the U.S. flag, replacing with an “Refugees Welcome” flag.

“America is heading in the direction of another Harpers Ferry. After that comes Ft. Sumter.”



Know your enemy


Maxine Waters calls on supporters to confront Trump officials in public spaces

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) called on her supporters at a rally to confront Trump Cabinet officials in public spaces like restaurants and department stores to protest the administration's policies.

"I have no sympathy for these people that are in this administration who know it is wrong what they're doing on so many fronts but they tend to not want to confront this president," Waters said at a Los Angeles rally

"For these members of his cabinet who remain and try to defend him they're not going to be able to go to a restaurant, they're not going to be able to stop at a gas station, they're not going to be able to shop at a department store, the people are going to turn on them, they're going to protest, they're going to absolutely harass them"

This is how I feel as well. Both business are private entities, and can refuse whoever they want. Now when people follow somebody outside the building, all the way to their house shouting and screaming at them, that crosses the line. Then it's harrasment. But what happened to Sarah Huckabee Sanders, while I find it personally repulsive, is absolutely within the restaurant owners' rights, and should not be infringed upon.
Particularly since there was no confrontation or shouting etc. Sanders was taken aside by the owner who politely asked her to leave. Of course she couldn't leave it at that and had to scream it out for the world to read on her official WH twitter account (which is a clear violation of federal law, btw).

Sarah Sanders tweet about being kicked out of restaurant violates law
Particularly since there was no confrontation or shouting etc. Sanders was taken aside by the owner who politely asked her to leave. Of course she couldn't leave it at that and had to scream it out for the world to read on her official WH twitter account (which is a clear violation of federal law, btw).

Sarah Sanders tweet about being kicked out of restaurant violates law

She was discriminated against plain and simple.
So the libs celebrating Red Hen kicking Sarah Huckabee out of their restaurant are cool with business owners refusing service to gays and trans people then?

Glad that's on record
God when is the whining gonna stop from Trump snowflakes? Trump - and a lot of you - spend the better part of your days insulting anyone and everyone who refuses to get on 'the Trump train,' yet run for your Kleenex the second the **** gets shoved back at you.

okay name one time that the "nazi right wingers" refused to serve someone in President Obama's administration...or one time that people blew twitter up saying a guy should not be able to work NBA telecasts because he was spotted at a rally for President Obama?

or one time a Republican Congressman called for their supporters to harass people in President Obama's administration while they are out with their families ....
okay name one time that the "nazi right wingers" refused to serve someone in President Obama's administration...or one time that people blew twitter up saying a guy should not be able to work NBA telecasts because he was spotted at a rally for President Obama? or one time a Republican Congressman called for their supporters to harass people in President Obama's administration while they are out with their families ....
Probably cause Obama and his people didn't lie non-stop, insult & demean others 24/7 and weren't up to their necks in controversy and special counsel and other criminal investigations, you think?
So the libs celebrating Red Hen kicking Sarah Huckabee out of their restaurant are cool with business owners refusing service to gays and trans people then?

Glad that's on record

Now would be a good time for me to talk to our GM about putting up a sign that says: No Muslims Allowed. Hippies Use the Side Door.
Probably cause Obama and his people didn't lie non-stop, insult & demean others 24/7 and weren't up to their necks in controversy and special counsel and other criminal investigations, you think?


If you like your doctor you can keep him....

the video caused the attack on that killed our Ambassador....

plenty of others.....

where were the liberal media with their pictures of illegal immigrant children in cages under his Administration....oh yeah, they held the pics and tried to blame President Trump...
Probably cause Obama and his people didn't lie non-stop, insult & demean others 24/7 and weren't up to their necks in controversy and special counsel and other criminal investigations, you think?

You have got to be ******* kidding me. What you just described was EXACTLY what the Obama White House was.
You have got to be ******* kidding me. What you just described was EXACTLY what the Obama White House was.

He's looking through his socialist Hungarian glasses. That was a good chuckle...haha.

I've stated numerous times. We're going to throw down with the leftist roaches infested in this land. They are begging for it. No wonder they want to disarm the population so bad or leave them with bolt action .22 rifles. They have absolutely lost their marbles out west and to the north. At some point you realize the marriage is over and we have irreconcilable differences.

It's going to run it's course and there's nothing we can do about it. Just watch how this presidential election cycle goes. If you thought the last go round was bad you haven't seen anything yet.
okay name one time that the "nazi right wingers" refused to serve someone in President Obama's administration...or one time that people blew twitter up saying a guy should not be able to work NBA telecasts because he was spotted at a rally for President Obama?

or one time a Republican Congressman called for their supporters to harass people in President Obama's administration while they are out with their families ....

Or one time that a Republican NRA member tried to murder a dozen Democrat Congressmen at baseball practice.

Radical left wing terrorists are attacking America!

DHS tells staffers to 'keep doors and windows locked' after burned animal found on official's porch

The Department of Homeland Security is warning employees to stay on alert after a senior official reportedly found a burned animal carcass at his Washington residence. The acting deputy secretary of homeland security issued a memo Saturday warning staffers that “there may be a heightened threat” against them amid a national outcry over separated immigrant families at the border, CBS News reported. “This assessment is based on specific and credible threats that have been levied against certain DHS employees and a sharp increase in the overall number of general threats against DHS employees


Red Hen Owner Organized Mob to Harass Sarah Sanders' Family at Next Restaurant

The owner of the Virginia restaurant that banned his daughter, White House Press Sec. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, organized a mob and followed her family to their next restaurant where they yelled and screamed at them, Former Governor Mike Huckabee said Monday.

“Once Sarah and her family left – of course Sarah was asked to please vacate – Sarah and her husband just went home, they’d had enough. But, the rest of her family went across the street to a different restaurant.

“The owner of the Red Hen – nobody’s told this – then followed them across the street, called people and organized a protest, yelling and screaming at them from outside the other restaurant and creating this scene.”


Sounds like Spike and several others here are sharpening their knives for a civil war they've been dreaming about for years and would absolutely love to see take place. Duly noted.