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Freedom of political belief is now under fire by the left.

Any minute now, someone from the right is gonna come along and say that conservatives are reacting to the provocations of the left. Point fingers and blame, then ask those you are pointing the fingers at and blaming to "step back and chill out." You can't make it up.

Any objective observer will tell you the cycle of provocation starts with Trump. That's how we got here. You can't pretend that's not true. From the day he announced his candidacy, it's been non-stop hate and fear mongering, marginalization, antagonism, bluster and lies, never ending lies. So the fact that people are reacting to it and in turn becoming increasingly agitated and hostile is the reaction, not the cause. There is no sitting on the fence.on this, it's clear as day.

And this is all just rhetoric anyway, cause neither Trump nor his supporters are going to suddenly become civil overnight. It's not in their DNA. That's not what got Trump elected, nor does he have any interest in 'toning it down'. He is who is he and his supporters are who they are. As they like to say, just deal with it. So the situation will continue to escalate, hopefully nobody gets hurt.
Talk about hypocrisy and semantics, you aren't saying she is either.

Sounds like you're ready to step up and denounce the non-stop vitriol and hate-mongering coming from Trump and his supporters here at SN. You're a brave man, Zona.
Nope, would never resort to violence, nor support any type of violence. Just pointing out the mass hypocrisy on this subject, whereby fingers are being pointed at liberals protesting against this administration, yet Trump himself - and his supporters like Spike - are constantly stirring the embers and provoking antagonism and conflict. I'm not saying Maxine Waters and others on the left aren't doing it, but Trump supporters calling for civility is a freaking joke. Yesterday's Trump's rally - and all of his rallies & tweets - are a great indicator of this, as are a zillion posts on this very board from Spike, Indy and others.

Jesus, you HAVE gone off the rails. Spike posting on Steeler Nation is akin to James Hodgkinson shooting Congressmen? Or Maxine Waters calling for in your face protests? Or the countless Liberal hacks calling for actual violence? Or the Left supporting and applauding AntiFA? Good lord, you cannot equate Conservative words to Liberal ACTIONS.

I've seen it all.

Pretty sure Trump aides have guns.

They are advocating they carry personally - CC permits

After a crazed Democrat tried to assassinate a dozen Republican members of Congress, I hope so.

Yeah but Spike posts articles on SN, so...
Any objective observer will tell you the cycle of provocation starts with Trump. That's how we got here. You can't pretend that's not true. From the day he announced his candidacy, it's been non-stop hate and fear mongering, marginalization, antagonism, bluster and lies, never ending lies. So the fact that people are reacting to it and in turn becoming increasingly agitated and hostile is the reaction, not the cause. There is no sitting on the fence.on this, it's clear as day.

And this is all just rhetoric anyway, cause neither Trump nor his supporters are going to suddenly become civil overnight. It's not in their DNA. That's not what got Trump elected, nor does he have any interest in 'toning it down'. He is who is he and his supporters are who they are. As they like to say, just deal with it. So the situation will continue to escalate, hopefully nobody gets hurt.

President Trump is simply using the Libs' own Alinsky tactics against them and they can't handle it. Bammy did the same things but we know how to act. The Left isn't used to a Republican who hits back.

This is all the Left has left (ha!) since they can't win on the issues. All they can do is threaten and shout down people they disagree with.
Put out a candidate for governor, Senate, President, who runs on a platform of more immigrants, more Muslims, more taxes, more spending, more abortions, and more gender categories. That's how you put your ideas into action. Let me know how it works out.
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Tibs can't help but blame Trump for other people's actions. Even criminal or violent actions.

Tibs is like a 3 year old child, made angry by a parent ending playtime, that screams and strikes out physically at the "oppressive" parent.

Except that Tibs is an adult, condoning violence and criminal activity by adults because "....Trump made them SO mad!!!!!......"

That lack of concern for the rights and well being of others demonstrates the hypocrisy of the statists on the left and the descent of modern political movements into violence.

Trump is not the cause, he is their cover for diminishing the freedoms of others.

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Nope, would never resort to violence, nor support any type of violence. Just pointing out the mass hypocrisy on this subject, whereby fingers are being pointed at liberals protesting against this administration, yet Trump himself - and his supporters like Spike - are constantly stirring the embers and provoking antagonism and conflict. I'm not saying Maxine Waters and others on the left aren't doing it, but Trump supporters calling for civility is a freaking joke. Yesterday's Trump's rally - and all of his rallies & tweets - are a great indicator of this, as are a zillion posts on this very board from Spike, Indy and others.

I advise everyone, on all sides, to call a spade a spade. You can't call out liberals for their outrage and antagonism while ignoring the bluster and vitriol coming straight from this President and those that support him.

Maybe everyone needs to take a step back and chill out. I'd prefer those on the left to show more constraint and resist the urge to react to the constant provocation. It's not easy, not even for me.

Spade. And bullshit about you not supporting violence. You openly applauded AntiFa. It's the left who is violent and uncivil. You don't see the Right screaming, crying, rioting, protesting and calling for violence. You tards have no rational answers to anything Trump says and does, so you just scream liar, Russia, Stormy, impeach! I said it a couple years ago, the democratic party is dying. This November will be a giant nail in their coffin. I can't wait.
President Trump is simply using the Libs' own Alinsky tactics against them and they can't handle it. Bammy did the same things but we know how to act. The Left isn't used to a Republican who hits back.
You're missing the point. He's not hitting back, he's striking first. Huge difference.
But Tibs is gonna tell you it all starts with Trump....that it's the RIGHT that is violent.

Our MSM has turned their lemmings into frothing at the mouth wing bats. As Rush said, someone's gonna die as a result of their hate preaching to their Jim Jones following...then it will get real.

Meanwhile, even uber Liberal Politico see what Rush is seeing:

The left loses its cool

Two senior Trump administration officials were heckled at restaurants. A third was denied service. Florida GOP Attorney General Pam Bondi required a police escort away from a movie about Mister Rogers after activists yelled at her in Tampa — where two other Republican lawmakers say they were also politically harassed last week, one of them with her kids in tow.

In the Donald Trump era, the left is as aggressively confrontational as anyone can remember.

What it means for 2018 — whether it portends a blue wave of populist revolt for Democrats or a red wall of silent majority resistance from Republicans — largely depends on one’s political persuasion. But there’s a bipartisan sense that this election season marks another inflection point in the collapse of civil political discourse.

"If you see anybody from that Cabinet — in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station — you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,” implored California Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters at a Saturday rally, prompting an immediate conservative backlash on social media.

The intense, in-your-face approach toward public officials is only expected to intensify, fueled by social media and what appears to be an increasingly polarized and angry electorate.

“It is part of a trend,” said Bondi, a close Trump ally who came face-to-face with protesters Friday at the Tampa Theatre before and after a screening of the Mister Rogers documentary “Won't You Be My Neighbor?”

“When you’re violent and cursing and screaming and blocking me from walking into a movie, there’s something wrong,” she said. “The next people are going to come with guns. That’s what’s going to happen.”

According to Bondi, she and a friend were confronted at least four times — while buying tickets, entering the theater, standing in line at the concession stand and then on their way out — and that activists were aggressive in each instance, with one yelling so loudly at her that he spit in her hair, either unintentionally or because he meant to expectorate on her. She said they also taunted her friend as “blue eyes” and asked him in a threatening manner if he was going to protect her, as though they wanted to fight.

The activists tell a different story.

“Pam Bondi’s version of events is inaccurate and don’t reflect what happened,” said Tim Heberlein, Tampa Bay regional director for the progressive group Organize Florida. He said he and a handful of fellow activists coincidentally ran into Bondi at the movie.

Heberlein said the videos the group released don’t comport with Bondi’s version of events. Bondi said the reason for that is that the activists released only the videos showing what happened as they were leaving the movie, when Tampa Police were there and everyone was on their best behavior.

Heberlein said the activists tried to talk to Bondi about her policies and political stances: support for Trump, and her longstanding opposition to Obamacare in the courts.

“This wasn’t a tactic to mobilize voters. This was a couple folks just going to see a movie. And the attorney general, our elected representative, is there,” Heberlein said. “There’s a lot more of an energized base around progressive voting, just people impacted by this administration’s policies, including Pam Bondi. People are aware and very hyper-cognizant about how it affects the state and how it affects them in their personal lives.”

In talking to POLITICO, Heberlein said he needed to be cautious about his remarks because Bondi is the “top law enforcement officer” in the state and she had called the actions of his group an assault. Earlier, to The Tampa Bay Times, he had more swagger: “If you refuse to meet with us, we're coming to where you're at. We're coming to where you're watching a movie or eating dinner.”
Spade. And bullshit about you not supporting violence. You openly applauded AntiFa. It's the left who is violent and uncivil. You don't see the Right screaming, crying, rioting, protesting and calling for violence. You tards have no rational answers to anything Trump says and does, so you just scream liar, Russia, Stormy, impeach! I said it a couple years ago, the democratic party is dying. This November will be a giant nail in their coffin. I can't wait.
I've never openly - or privately - applauded AntiFa. I made that clear in post after post, thread after thread. I support the Constitutional rights of free speech and peaceful protest. Nothing more, nothing less. I know it's fun and easy to put words into my mouth and paint me as the enemy. But that would be lying, something of course you'd never do. I do agree with you on one thing. I too can't wait till November.
You're missing the point. He's not hitting back, he's striking first. Huge difference.

Oh no, this is where the stupidity begins. He is definitely hitting back. See the assaults began with Reagan and have continued unabated, ever growing, since.

And if you wanna center on Trump alone, just go back to when he first entered the race, when he walked down the escalators at Trump tower to announce his race. Go look at the View that day, the news in general, the ridicule and finger pointing that went on. The man was attacked and insulted endlessly from that day forward.

Stop with your revisionist bullshit Tibs. You're factually wrong on this "he started it" third grade crap.
You're missing the point. He's not hitting back, he's striking first. Huge difference.

You've got to be kidding. He is under constant, relentless attacks from the fake news media. When he tells the truth and calls out injustices, that's not an attack, that's identifying what needs to be fixed. That's when you lefties go apeshit. It's fun to watch.
You're missing the point. He's not hitting back, he's striking first. Huge difference.

I have yet to see President Trump say his supporters should harass any and all democratic politicians they run across out in public.
Except that Tibs is an adult, condoning violence and criminal activity by adults because "....Trump made them SO mad!!!!!......"

You're evidently a big boy Confluence. Surely you'll be glad to back up your big words and show me where I've 'condoned violence and criminal activity'.
I've never openly - or privately - applauded AntiFa. I made that clear in post after post, thread after thread. I support the Constitutional rights of free speech and peaceful protest. Nothing more, nothing less. I know it's fun and easy to put words into my mouth and paint me as the enemy. But that would be lying, something of course you'd never do. I do agree with you on one thing. I too can't wait till November.

LOL bullshit. You lauded what AntiFA did in Charlottesville, standing up to the white supremacists over and over while tepidly saying "but I don't condone violence" but the White Supremacists started it, good for AntiFA!

Good lord, don't make me go into the SN Wayback Machine
You're missing the point. He's not hitting back, he's striking first. Huge difference.

Chicken, meet egg.
If you don't think most of the Left don't have a Hateful Trump Hard-on, then you are blind or not looking far enough through your blinders. Seriously, you know how I know Trump have said or done something, I have friends on fb that I have hidden most of their profiles. When I'm really bored, I check out their pages to see what they are up to because we were once really good friends, but their pages are FULL of every step that the govt and Trump makes. I mean, scary that their pages are ALL TRUMP, ALL THE TIME. It's like a sickness they have over their hatred for him. It re-confirms why I have hidden them. I don't think I could hang out with them anymore knowing what I know and see on their pages. If there is a Trump Hit List, I would put most of these people on the Watch List.
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You're missing the point. He's not hitting back, he's striking first. Huge difference.

You are right about one thing. The hysteria started the day he announced his candidacy. The fact that you completely misunderstand why it started is another thing altogether. The reason it started was not because of his policy ideas, his rhetoric or his make America great slogans. It's because every politician on both sides of the aisle immediately **** their pants in terror. The reason they **** their pants is because a guy came along who threatened to make lobbyists, backroom bribery and cash for favors obsolete. Nothing more, nothing less. He threatens their corrupt way of life in Washington because he doesn't need to play their games or be their pawn. As a result, that left them with their only move, which was to get the lemmings marching by telling them he's Adolf Hitler reincarnated. The fact that we are largely a society of dumb *****, both uneducated and over educated, made that a possibility and has gotten a lot of traction. It all comes down to their money and their power, period. Liberal politicians do not give a **** about immigrants (legal or illegal), women's rights or gay rights. They thrive on power and control only.
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If you don't think most of the Left don't have a Hateful Trump Hard-on, then you are blind or not looking far enough through your blinders. Seriously, you know how I know Trump have said or done something, I have friends on fb that I have hidden their profiles. When I'm really bored, I check out their pages to see what they are up to because we were once really good friends, but their pages are FULL of every step that the govt and Trump makes. I mean, scary that their pages are ALL TRUMP, ALL THE TIME. It's like a sickness they have over their hatred for him. It re-confirms why I have hidden them. I don't think I could hang out with them anymore knowing what I know and see on their pages. If their is a Trump Hit List, I would put most of these people on it to watch.

Two guys I grew up with have become totally unhinged. Last couple days they've backed down a little, possibly because Maxine has given us some ammunition (so to speak) and taken to saying they hate all politicians, but I've been around long enough to know that's the last refuge of a disaffected Democrat who can't defend their party any more.

If you don't think most of the Left don't have a Hateful Trump Hard-on, then you are blind or not looking far enough through your blinders. Seriously, you know how I know Trump have said or done something, I have friends on fb that I have hidden most of their profiles. When I'm really bored, I check out their pages to see what they are up to because we were once really good friends, but their pages are FULL of every step that the govt and Trump makes. I mean, scary that their pages are ALL TRUMP, ALL THE TIME. It's like a sickness they have over their hatred for him. It re-confirms why I have hidden them. I don't think I could hang out with them anymore knowing what I know and see on their pages. If there is a Trump Hit List, I would put most of these people on the Watch List.

Yup, Trump Derangement Syndrome is a very real disease. It's marked by obsession, depression, irrationality and hatred. Elftard, Tibs, and Blitzburgh are fully afflicted with it. Flog, 21 and 83 show some strong symptoms of it combined with slight mental retardation.
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Two guys I grew up with have become totally unhinged. Last couple days they've backed down a little, possibly because Maxine has given us some ammunition (so to speak) and taken to saying they hate all politicians, but I've been around long enough to know that's the last refuge of a disaffected Democrat who can't defend their party any more.


unhinged is a good word. I honestly think if Trump said " the grass is green, the sky is blue", they would argue and find 12 articles to disprove him. Not even kidding.
Yup, Trump Derangement Syndrome is a very real disease. It's marked by obsession, depression, irrationality and hatred. Elftard, Tibs, and Blitzburgh are fully afflicted with it. Flog, 21 and 83 show some strong symptoms of it combined with slight mental retardation.

Nope my dear, sweet, kind stranger friend, just have different opinions than you.