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George Pickens says.....

That isn't what happened at all, but it's what everyone is running with. Pickens wasn't happy about how Warner slammed him to the ground and got in his face about it. He wasn't taunting, especially not anyone and everyone within 15 yards. It was all to Warner, who I'm sure had something to say back.

And Tomlin might not have spit in his face like Cowher, he didn't just smile and put him back in. He told him he can't do things like that, told him to let it go, and they needed him to get back in the game.

Look I get the Tomlin hate, but there's no need to make **** up, there's plenty of negative things to discuss.
Didn't make anything up. I saw the play and that's what I saw. He made a play and got a 1st down and got up and taunted whoever it was and then he kept mouthing off and the flag went up and rightfully so. Tomlin did talk to him on the sideline briefly and did smile and send him back in without sitting out a play. Not a single thing was made up. Pickens can't be given any slack on his "leash". He has already proven to be a diva and Tomlin needs to keep him in check or he will get too out of control. That was a knock on him coming out of college and he is living up to it so far.
I would love to get a game film view of the offense. Sometimes it is just so frustrating not being able to see the entire field and routes. I am not defending Canada but I do feel he has routes past 10+ and 20+ yards. I feel the biggest issue with him is preparation. It seems like just like Tomlin we come ill prepared and there's no adjustments made. I also feel that Pickett is currently not comfortable throwing deep. He looked great vs the backups in preseason but when that window is tight he just doesn't throw it deep. I hope that changes because if it doesn't I don't see us getting better even with a new OC.
I hear you. A lot of the guys out there who do watch the replays for a living have said Canaduh is hindering the O. We all know he definitely hindered Ben in his final season. Even now, the only thing that worked in the game was our hurry-up O at the end of the half. So, why in 3 years does Canaduh still refuse to use it? He doesn't have to use it on every drive but a few times a game to get into a rhythm and keep the other team guessing makes a heck of a lot of sense. KP seems to do well with it going back to the last several games of last year when he brought us from behind to win.
Didn't make anything up. I saw the play and that's what I saw. He made a play and got a 1st down and got up and taunted whoever it was and then he kept mouthing off and the flag went up and rightfully so. Tomlin did talk to him on the sideline briefly and did smile and send him back in without sitting out a play. Not a single thing was made up. Pickens can't be given any slack on his "leash". He has already proven to be a diva and Tomlin needs to keep him in check or he will get too out of control. That was a knock on him coming out of college and he is living up to it so far.
You are making things up, because he didn't taunt, he was pissed at how he was tackled.

You have already labeled him a diva, so anything he does is going to be a negative in your eyes. Here's a news flash, not every talented WR will turn out to be Antonio Brown. He's a character for sure, but he's hardly a diva. He's confident, and he should be.
This seems to be a very common theme for several years. And, once again, a Steelers player talking about what we see and later ***** about. Preparation is from the top.

Cincinnati and Buffalo would disagree on the past two openers...
Yes, they certainly would. I hope you know I'm not a Tomlin hater - far from it....I think he's far more intelligent than I am and I want him to succeed and I want nothing more than the Steelers to destroy KC, Cincy, the Stains, the Bills, whoever. But, you can't deny we have some problems - even players see it. And conservatively speaking, it's been in my estimation for about 7-8 years.
You are making things up, because he didn't taunt, he was pissed at how he was tackled.
I would be pissed too. But, if you're gonna cost the team an expensive penalty when you don't need it, keep your mouth shut when you should know a flag is coming. Like getting shoved and then throwing a fist to the helmet because you're pissed. This kinda **** costs the game....Take the higher road.
Cincinnati and Buffalo would disagree on the past two openers...
The Bengals lost in week 1 last year was all about an injury. Not preparation. A win is a win though.
You are making things up, because he didn't taunt, he was pissed at how he was tackled.

You have already labeled him a diva, so anything he does is going to be a negative in your eyes. Here's a news flash, not every talented WR will turn out to be Antonio Brown. He's a character for sure, but he's hardly a diva. He's confident, and he should be.
I can’t say one way or another what was going through his mind, but he is hardly a “diva”

I’d be much more apt to agree with your assessment of confidence and damn right he should be

For me this team likely will not be truly relevant or be contenders for anything meaningful until serious structural changes occur that the ownership is unwilling to make.

So all that is left is the occasional highlight reel play and we have 2-3 players that bring that…and he’s one of them

One of the few reasons/bright spots to tune into the weekly disappointment session

Just my jaded by close to a decade of mediocrity 2 cents
Tomlin confuses me. Players love to play for him and say how much football knowledge he has, but I sure dont see it. He rarely gives any type of real analysis and just speaks in catchy phrases. We have too much talent to be playing like we do
Players seem to fall in love with his word salads. But his actions as a coach do not add up.
I would be pissed too. But, if you're gonna cost the team an expensive penalty when you don't need it, keep your mouth shut when you should know a flag is coming. Like getting shoved and then throwing a fist to the helmet because you're pissed. This kinda **** costs the game....Take the higher road.
I'm not saying he was right to do it at all. I'm simply trying to get the story straight. He didn't pull a Claypool and celebrate like it was being insinuated, he was pissed.
Cincinnati and Buffalo would disagree on the past two openers...
We almost did what .001% of teams can do and tried to give away a game where we were +5 in TO battle (and still narrowly escaped with an OT victory)

The D was ready with 4 ints, 1 fr and 7 sacks-thank you Mr. Flores-we miss you already…it wasn’t that fake Tomlin “ready” he brought for Bosa and co.

Do you realize the level of offensive ineptitude necessary to pull off something like that?

Had Mr.Flores not got in the way (there he goes tryna win games again) Tomlin woulda pulled off what only 1 in thousands can do…lose a game +5 in TOs