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get rich or die trying to get through the self-checkout at wal-mart


You may worship me
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Trampa, FL

Dems: Pay gun owners to hand over assault weapons

Gun owners would receive tax breaks for voluntarily turning in high-powered assault rifles under new legislation proposed Monday.

The Support Assault Firearm Elimination and Education of our (SAFER) Streets Act expected to be reintroduced next week by Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) would provide gun owners with an incentive to turn in their firearms to local police departments.

“Assault weapons are not about hunting, or even self-defense,” DeLauro said. “There is no reason on earth, other than to kill as many people as possible in as short a time as possible, that anyone needs a gun designed for a battlefield.”

Though DeLauro is in favor of stronger guns laws that would completely ban assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition, she emphasized this bill would not force gun owners to turn in their firearms.

The legislation would provide up to $2,000 in tax credits for gun owners who voluntarily hand over assault weapons to their local police departments.

The assault weapons legislation comes in response to the horrific mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., DeLauro’s home state, in December 2012.

DeLauro originally introduced the bill in January 2013, just one month after the Newtown shooting, but the legislation fell short in the Republican-controlled House. She plans to reintroduce it next week when Congress returns from recess.

She said the bill would help “get more assault weapons off the streets."

“Just days after the Newtown tragedy, President Obama asked, ‘Are we doing enough to protect our children?’ And he admitted the answer is, ‘no.’ That must change,” DeLauro said.

DeLauro is announcing the assault weapons legislation this week in conjunction with National Public Health Week.

The co-sponsors include Reps. Betty McCollum (D-Minn.), Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.), Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), and David Cicilline (D-R.I.).
Sounds like a cash cow. Buy some "assault weapons" at $800, get $2k tax credit! How scary does the weapon have to look for the credit?
These misguided Dems can surely find a better way to garner some attention.

In 1999 (during the Clinton assault rifle ban) there were 400 rifle murders, 411 in 2000, 386 in 2001 and 488 in 2002, 390 in 2003. The ban expired in 2004. In 2005 the numbers were 442 and continued on the 350 - 450 trend up to 2011. As you can see, the numbers of murders with rifles did not change whatsoever during the Clinton assault rifle ban. They have been fluctuating steadily between 350 and 450 for nearly the last 20 years. This is to say that banning assault rifles did not save 50 lives a year. It didn't save anyone or help anything. It was entirely ineffective and useless. In a best case scenario, it would only of had the potential of saving 50 to 100 people a year but didn't even live up to that expectation.

So why are we spending so much time and money and political effort on something that will have absolutely no affect in reducing crime? Because people actually agree with the president when he says that if it only saves one life it is worth it.

I call bullshit.

By using the "saves one life" logic, we would strip the country of its freedoms completely. If one life is more valuable then your liberty and freedom, I guess it should be OK to strip search all Muslims at the TSA gates. Since African Americans are responsible for a large portion of gun crimes in America (see the crime statistics), we can save lives by locking them up in jail before they commit a crime! Anything to save one life right? We can save a ton of lives by banning cigarettes. Hell, while we are at it, ban fast food, unprotected sex and skydiving. All of these things can save lives, but at what cost? We can save a million child lives per year by banning abortion. If we ignore the constitution and bill of rights, in the name of saving lives we lose that which makes us Americans, our liberty and freedom.

Obviously I don't believe we should do any of these things. I am merely trying to explain the insanity in this line of thinking.

I'll think about turning my rifle in to the police the day after ER4P turns his in, or not.
Oh, and use the $2k to buy an upgraded rifle.
This is the reason we need battlefield type weapons, to keep the government from being completely unafraid of us. The fact that they wan't to take them is the very reason we can never give them up. They are still scared of us and we have to keep it that way.
This is a feeler. Its designed to get the general population acclimated to the idea of you gun owners turning in your weaponry.
so I turn in my $200 SKS for a $2000 tax credit

is it really worth $2000 in cash?
what if i come in with 50 rifles? I like this idea. bring them garbage and then go purchase top of the line gear.
“Assault weapons are not about hunting, or even self-defense"

**** em

the 2nd amendment has nothing to do with hunting
Whatever guns the demtards collect will be sent to their friends in ISIS.
$2K tax credit = approx $200 savings on my tax return this year.
$2K tax credit = approx $200 savings on my tax return this year.

I may have confused the terms. One type of credit lowers your taxable income and the other is a direct credit (i.e. below the line) toward the taxes paid which is a one-to-one reduction in your taxes.
“Assault weapons are not about hunting, or even self-defense,” DeLauro said. “There is no reason on earth, other than to kill as many people as possible in as short a time as possible, that anyone needs a gun designed for a battlefield.”

Makes you wonder why our police forces and federal agencies have assault rifles. I'll keep mine, thanks.
“Assault weapons are not about hunting, or even self-defense,” DeLauro said. “There is no reason on earth, other than to kill as many people as possible in as short a time as possible, that anyone needs a gun designed for a battlefield.” When you have to defend yourself and family from a corrupt Govt, you need to be able to mow down as many of their soldiers as possible, as fast as you can.

Makes you wonder why our police forces and federal agencies have assault rifles. .So they can kill as many as possible when the revolt happens, to protect themselves

I'll keep mine, thanks.Me too, as well as adding to the collection
