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Girls sue to block participation of transgender athletes

Transgender woman will become the first ever to compete at US Olympic marathon trials for a spot in Tokyo

Megan Youngren will become the first openly transgender female athlete to compete at the United States Olympic marathon trials.

The 29-year-old will make history on February 29 in Atlanta, where she will compete against 63 women for a spot on the Olympic team to compete at the Summer Games in Tokyo later this year.

Youngren began her transition from a male to a female when she was a college student in 2011, according to Sports Illustrated. She also started taking hormone medication that year, and in 2012, she came out publicly as transgender.

She officially finalized her transition last year, submitting the necessary paperwork.



Just give him the gold medal now and be done with it.

Simple solution

Boys competitions
Girls competitions
Boys Transgender competitions
Girls Transgender competitions

No person can compete in dual competitive events at any time.
Fun real-world scenario for you...

Young boy joins his rural high-school basketball team as a freshman and shines. He spends 4 years as the team leader in points, rebounds and shots blocked.
Boy, although very good for his small rural town, does not get any significant scholarship options.
Boy graduates.

The following year a non-traditional trans student registers as s freshman at the school. This student brings along 2 lawyers and a paralegal to head off the inevitable complaints. First the lawyers point out that the state has defined school educator and administrator behavior in the case of "trans students". The school and it's personel are to acknowledge that the student is an entirely new person. The student is not to be referred to as either the gender or name of their former identity. In every way, the student shall be considered an entirely different person.

The lawyers then point out that at neither the local, nor state level are any of the following parameters mentioned, much less enforced.

1) There is no rule or requirement "forcing" a former student to leave the school. Should any student wish to repeat one or more grades voluntarily, there is no law or rule restricting that.
2) There is no rule determining that a student cannot attend school simply because he or she is too old. Indeed, special ed students are allowed to attend school well beyond the normal graduation age of 17 or 18.
3) While there are rules regarding years of eligibility for a player in a given sports program (A student who fails one or more grades cannot remain on the football team for more than 4 years total.) These rules only apply to a gender based program. There are no rules, for example stopping a student from playing on a BOYS soccer team for 4 years and then on the GIRLS soccer team for four more years as the student has not expended eligibility in the other-gender program.
4) Given the fact that the state has dictated that a trans student represents an entirely new identity, any attempt to apply previous academic or athletic restrictions or limits is patently illegal.

Thus, the new trans student must be allowed to register as a freshman girl and she must be allowed to a fair and impartial try-out for the girls team.

I believe most States also have an age out rule as well.
Example Ohio OHSAA:
Bylaw 4-2-1 (High School Age Limitation)
Once a student attains the age of 20, the student will no longer be eligible for interscholastic athletic competition notwithstanding where that 20th birthday falls in relation to the sports season.
I will say this one time, and one time only. If these freaks invade women's pole vaulting and ruin that sport ... I just will not stand for it.

The current state of women's pole vaulting:




Those transgender freaks **** with this sport ... they are done. Finished.
It is one of life's great mysteries why female pole vaulters are so freaking hot on average.
Transgender woman will become the first ever to compete at US Olympic marathon trials for a spot in Tokyo

Megan Youngren will become the first openly transgender female athlete to compete at the United States Olympic marathon trials.

The 29-year-old will make history on February 29 in Atlanta, where she will compete against 63 women for a spot on the Olympic team to compete at the Summer Games in Tokyo later this year.

Youngren began her transition from a male to a female when she was a college student in 2011, according to Sports Illustrated. She also started taking hormone medication that year, and in 2012, she came out publicly as transgender.

She officially finalized her transition last year, submitting the necessary paperwork.



Just give him the gold medal now and be done with it.


So how exactly is this different from the East German women juicing up? Same for any other sport. Makes zero sense.
It is hard to believe, I know, but I have come to realize that Donald J. Trump knocked the last remaining tiny - miniscule, microscopic - bit of common sense that (D)ims had remaining clean out of their mushy, ill-formed brains.

Because of this, (D)ims are longer simply slow-witted, ill-informed, dumb and lazy. Instead, they have gone full retard. In the process, they follow the recommendations of a fake Indian and a fake Mexican, but fail to follow the advice of a fake black guy ...


Still haven’t watched that movie.
Good article (again) from the American Thinker on this subject

February 15, 2020
The transgender road to Hell

A transgender person is someone who mistakenly thinks he is a she, or vice versa. Mistakenly? Those who advocate the radical policies attached to transgenders object. There is no mistake about it, they insist. These boys who think they are girls are not misguided. They are girls, trapped in the bodies of boys. They must be accommodated, including in medical procedures, in civil rights laws, and in the general culture. (The complement is held to be true for girls who think they are boys.)

Wherever societal Hell is, it is at the end of this road. Any society that cannot distinguish between males and females abandons the vital concepts of manhood and womanhood.

Those on the left claim the high road, because they regard themselves as compassionate, caring, and even scientific. Anyone who disagrees with them (sigh) must be evil. In leftist ideology, if you are evil, you are not merely mistaken. You do not have an honest difference of opinion. You are a hate-monger. Not only that, but you are then defined by a long list of additional pejoratives, including racist, sexist, homophobic (fear of same?), Islamophobic (fear of not just radical Islamic terrorism, but of hijabs and turbans), a climate denier, and too many more to mention here.

For the moment, the problem is not the confused adolescent boys who, with the support of political vampires, have been led to honestly believe they are girls. The problem is with the abandonment of traditional moral absolutes, without which no society can long survive.

The danger may not yet be clear and present, but it is no less dangerous.

So what can happen now is a male can grow to 7'-2", be a dominant mens basketball player throughout college BUT if they start taking hormones at age 22 and declare themselves a woman, they will be able to play woman's basketball at the Olympics by they time they are what, 25? 26?

I'm surprised a communist country like Russia or China hasn't figure out how to game the system like this yet. It's just a matter of time.
It's bizarre when you think about it, that in the interest of accepting this idea that there is such a thing as a boy brain trapped in girls' body, which is debatable. we've allowed medical science to decide the solution is to hack off perfectly healthy body parts, cut open and surgically form artificial body cavities out of other body parts etc. I mean these procedures are truly gruesome and I just can't fathom that that's just the way God or nature or whatever you want to call it intended for us to solve this problem.

As much as I am all for accepting how people choose to live, hey if you have a penis and want to wear a dress and call yourself Suzy have at it. But that is the part I just can't get past.
As much as I am all for accepting how people choose to live, hey if you have a penis and want to wear a dress and call yourself Suzy have at it. But that is the part I just can't get past.

The liberal credo: "Don't make me live to your religious and societal requirements! Also, you must live to my avidly-held, non-fact based beliefs and societal requirements!!"

If it weren't for double standards, liberals would have no standards at all. But hey, if you think this is a woman ...


Have at it. None of my concern.

But do NOT make me accept him as a woman, or force me to pay for mutilation surgery, or force me to accept him in female sports competition.

Not a difficult concept, and I am frankly mystified as to why libs don't get it. You want to call him "her," of **** "her," or do whatever - none of my business.

But force me to accept that as a woman, pay for anything associated with that guy's mental issues? Yeah, **** off.
It's bizarre when you think about it, that in the interest of accepting this idea that there is such a thing as a boy brain trapped in girls' body, which is debatable. we've allowed medical science to decide the solution is to hack off perfectly healthy body parts, cut open and surgically form artificial body cavities out of other body parts etc. I mean these procedures are truly gruesome and I just can't fathom that that's just the way God or nature or whatever you want to call it intended for us to solve this problem.

As much as I am all for accepting how people choose to live, hey if you have a penis and want to wear a dress and call yourself Suzy have at it. But that is the part I just can't get past.

how does one determine they are of the incorrect gender, if being one gender is all they've ever known? maybe a male is more effiminate than his peers, but does that qualify him for "being a girl"? or maybe a girl is more tomboyish than her peers. Does that qualify her to be "a boy"?
how does one determine they are of the incorrect gender, if being one gender is all they've ever known? maybe a male is more effiminate than his peers, but does that qualify him for "being a girl"? or maybe a girl is more tomboyish than her peers. Does that qualify her to be "a boy"?

Jesus you're DUMB Supe.

In Liberal Disney World, where anything's possible - where college is free, where there is no difference between legal and illegal immigrants, where ******** in streets is glorified - ANYTHING YOUR HEART DESIRES WILL COME TO YOU.

You don't have to qualify to be a boy or a girl, you just need wish it, like wishing for a Bomma phone or for your 9 month pregnancy to just VANISH, bippity boppity boo.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/HKh6XxYbbIc" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Jesus you're DUMB Supe.

In Liberal Disney World, where anything's possible - where college is free, where there is no difference between legal and illegal immigrants, where ******** in streets is glorified - ANYTHING YOUR HEART DESIRES WILL COME TO YOU.

You don't have to qualify to be a boy or a girl, you just need wish it, like wishing for a Bomma phone or for your 9 month pregnancy to just VANISH, bippity boppity boo.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/HKh6XxYbbIc" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

what if you're a 9-month pregnant boy and wish to **** in the street of a Republican controlled city while shooting at illegal immigrants using a semi-automatic 30-30 ghost gun?
I'm really trying to wrap my head around gender fluidity and trying to understand why people believe this to be a "thing". I stumbled across this article that gives some really good insight as to the "science" that believers are endorsing. I'll give you a quick snippet that sets the stage.

"Nearly everyone in middle school biology learned that if you’ve got XX chromosomes, you’re a female; if you’ve got XY, you’re a male. This tired simplification is great for teaching the importance of chromosomes but betrays the true nature of biological sex. The popular belief that your sex arises only from your chromosomal makeup is wrong. The truth is, your biological sex isn’t carved in stone, but a living system with the potential for change.

Why? Because biological sex is far more complicated than XX or XY (or XXY, or just X). XX individuals could present with male gonads. XY individuals can have ovaries. How? Through a set of complex genetic signals that, in the course of a human’s development, begins with a small group of cells called the bipotential primordium and a gene called SRY."
I'm really trying to wrap my head around gender fluidity and trying to understand why people believe this to be a "thing". I stumbled across this article that gives some really good insight as to the "science" that believers are endorsing. I'll give you a quick snippet that sets the stage.

"Nearly everyone in middle school biology learned that if you’ve got XX chromosomes, you’re a female; if you’ve got XY, you’re a male. This tired simplification is great for teaching the importance of chromosomes but betrays the true nature of biological sex. The popular belief that your sex arises only from your chromosomal makeup is wrong. The truth is, your biological sex isn’t carved in stone, but a living system with the potential for change.

Why? Because biological sex is far more complicated than XX or XY (or XXY, or just X). XX individuals could present with male gonads. XY individuals can have ovaries. How? Through a set of complex genetic signals that, in the course of a human’s development, begins with a small group of cells called the bipotential primordium and a gene called SRY."

As someone that teaches biology I understand this but this isn't the issue with trans people. They aren't getting DNA tested to see if they have SRY or anything else. These are rare and don't make up the majority or even minority of cases of trans people.
As someone that teaches biology I understand this but this isn't the issue with trans people. They aren't getting DNA tested to see if they have SRY or anything else. These are rare and don't make up the majority or even minority of cases of trans people.

You have to read the article as it dives into biology of the brain and sociology as determiners of one's gender. As you mention, most (I would hope) know about SRY and the impact it has, but they go deeper into it. Worth the read to understand their mindset.
So how exactly is this different from the East German women juicing up? Same for any other sport. Makes zero sense.

Sense has nothing to do with liberal thought - nothing. It's all about feelings.

Lib: "Oh, I love the environment and want to ban the internal combustion engine!"
Person with Brain (PWB): "Modern farming requires the internal combustion engine so your approach would kill millions through starvation."
Lib: "But the environment!!"
PWB: "We live in the greatest time ever for humans, due to capitalism and modern technology, most notably, the internal combustion engine."
Lib: "Global warming climate change too much rain drought!!"
PWB: "China and India are going to be by far the biggest CO2 contributors and specifically told the Western world to **** off as to CO2 restrictions."
Lib: "The environment!! We need socialism!"
PWB: "The dirtiest countries in history - the Soviet Union, China now - are socialist, the cleanest - the US, France, Germany, etc. - are capitalist."
Lib: "But, but, but, but ... climate pollution change environment dirty clean. More government!!"
PWB: "Once again, the dirtiest countries in history - Soviet Union, China - have massive government and the cleanest have more limited government."
Lib: "Aaaaaaagh, capitalism sucks, down with the internal combustion engine, up with donkeys pulling plows!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh ..."
PWB: "So I guess you are also in favor of women remaining at home to tend to things the farmer in the field with the donkey can't handle?"
Lib: "But, see, uhhhm, then, however, and ... feel the Bern! Yes to starvation, and more iPhones powered by unicorn farts, down with engines!"
PWB: "How'd you get here today?"
Lib: "Racist! Sexist!! Denier!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh ..."
You have to read the article as it dives into biology of the brain and sociology as determiners of one's gender. As you mention, most (I would hope) know about SRY and the impact it has, but they go deeper into it. Worth the read to understand their mindset.

I've read similar articles and they basically say the same thing. If you read the article it states "Though it's not fully understood". Then it proceeds to talk as if they fully understand it. They don't. Parts of the article are just non-sense. They assume that trans brains are different because they tested them. But they don't know if the change happened because of environmental factors or if it were that way at birth. Depression can be seen on certain brain scans but everyone isn't born depressed. Brain scans are useless at times. This is one of those times. There is much more but I don't have time to get into it.
I've read similar articles and they basically say the same thing. If you read the article it states "Though it's not fully understood". Then it proceeds to talk as if they fully understand it. They don't. Parts of the article are just non-sense. They assume that trans brains are different because they tested them. But they don't know if the change happened because of environmental factors or if it were that way at birth. Depression can be seen on certain brain scans but everyone isn't born depressed. Brain scans are useless at times. This is one of those times. There is much more but I don't have time to get into it.

I agree with you 100%. I love when News and Bloggers use "studies" to make it seem as though something has been proven. This blogger is doing the same thing and it amazes me that people will read this and simply buy into it.
I agree with you 100%. I love when News and Bloggers use "studies" to make it seem as though something has been proven. This blogger is doing the same thing and it amazes me that people will read this and simply buy into it.

This is the problem with science today. It's political. Just like Global warm.... Climate change. It has nothing to do with the climate and everything to do with control and power. I've read climate studies that contradict every single thing that the summary includes. It's so bias and contrived it makes my head hurt.