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Global Heat: Britain longest heatwave in 42 years, deadly heat in Japan and Arctic

Snowed in my area the end of May. Central AZ. Late May. Snowed.

That's great. Apologies if I've asked you before & forgot, but whereabouts did you move to in AZ?
b b b ut global warming means no more snowstorms! sell all your chains and studded snowtires now!

beat the rush

Lake Tahoe snowfall records shattered

“We broke our February snowfall record on Feb. 15,” Jaclyn Ream, Diamond Peak’s marketing coordinator said. “Our previous record was during the ‘Snowmageddon’ 2016-17 season.”

Diamond Peak’s previous record of 134 inches has been destroyed this year with the resort recording 172 inches.

Sierra-at-Tahoe also has crushed its record of 154 inches, previously recorded in 1997-98 and 2016-17.

“We really blew it out of the water,” said Sarah Sherman, Sierra’s communications and PR manager, who researched snowfall totals back to when the resort was known as Sierra Ski Ranch.




‘Februburied’: Record snowfall stacks up in Sierra Nevada at Truckee Tahoe resorts

“We’re up to 313 inches of snowfall for the month, which is just over 26 feet.” — Alex Spychalsky, Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows PR coordinator

Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows had its snowiest month ever at Squaw’s upper mountain, breaking the record of 282 inches set January 2017 by nearly 3 feet.

Northstar California Resort’s snowfall record for February was smashed by nearly 100 inches of snow this past month. February also equaled the snowiest month on record at the resort, tying the January 2017 total of 286 inches.

With all the snow, Northstar announced it will continue spinning lifts through April 2019.

“We just broke 500 inches for the season,” said Northstar California Resort Communications Manager Stephanie Myers. “We’ve received so much snow this month alone, that we’re thrilled to be announcing that we’re extending the ski season.”

Sugar Bowl exceeded its February record of 263 inches of snow set in 1993 by more than a foot.


Middle of June and so far it hasn't been hot in Pittsburgh but maybe three or four days this year. Low 50's tonight and more rain.
Glenn K. Beaton: Aspen’s warnin’ warminites are chillin’
Remember those predictions that polar bears and snow would soon be extinct?

Well, here in Aspen and throughout the Colorado mountains, snowpack this spring is nearly 500% of normal. That’s not a typo. It’s almost five times normal.

The ski mountain at Aspen has reopened for skiing every weekend in June, including this weekend. Even the locals — a pretty discerning bunch — say we had a season beyond epic.

Enough already..
Shouldn't ski resorts be carbon neutral? Green new deal now! Close ski resorts!
Ski resorts are also racist.

Well duh, snow is white. Which is not the same thing as the cartoon Snow White, which is also racist.

In western PA we've had very few days over 90* in the last four years but a record amount of rain. Middle of June and only two days so far that I've had the A/C on in my house.
Endless Failure Of Climate Doomsday Tales

On June 29, 2017, the Dailymail in UK ran an article headlined “Four years to save the Earth: 2020 is the deadline to avert climate catastrophe, experts claim in chilling commentary.”

Two years later and halfway to deadline, the earth has not changed much. If anything, the El Niño of the 2016-17 season gave way for much cooler temperatures across the globe and the past two years have been colder than 2016.

This is just one of the many climate doomsday news articles that gets published in our mainstream news media every single day.

How seriously should we treat the climate doomsday claims?

In mid-2000s “Arctic sea ice melting” became the buzz word and the star of the climate apocalypse movement. Since then, the melting of Arctic sea ice became the central theme of climate doomsday theories.

In 2007, news media across the globe warned that the Arctic would soon be ice-free because of the excessive melting from global warming. It came on the heels of Al Gore’sAn Inconvenient Truth, a 2016 documentary on how global warming is melting Arctic ice and killing Polar bears.

“Arctic summers ice-free 'by 2013,” was a BBC headline. The article justified its claim by referring to the modelling forecasts of climate scientists. It read, “using supercomputers to crunch through possible future outcomes has become a standard part of climate science in recent years … modelling studies indicate northern polar waters could be ice-free in summers within just 5-6 years.”

But instead of disappearing, the Arctic sea ice grew. The 2013 minimal sea ice extent in the Arctic outgrew the 2012 levels. The ice-free predictions have been proven to be wrong and extremely inaccurate. The minimal sea ice extent today (2018) is much higher than that of 2012.

This was not the only case where the computer models failed in their predictions.

During the past 19 years, the computer climate models used to forecast global temperatures failed to predict the temperature levels accurately. Even worse, the models failed to capture the apparent slowdown in the warming of earth.

These are the very same models that are currently being used to justify climate policies like the Paris agreement. With a two-decade record of dismal failure in predicting temperatures, the model outputs can hardly be trusted as valid indicators of future climate.

Other climate gaffes include the claims about the worsening of extreme weather events due to climate change. Contrary to popular belief, there has been no observable increase in extreme weather events.

In the U.S., tornado activity was at its record low in 2018 and the severity of wildfire has actually declined. Studies also indicate that the global area burned by wildfire has declined during the past few decades.

And these are just the incompetency of doomsayer’s claims with the current state of climate. If we contextualize the present-day climate in comparison to the climate during the past 10,000 years, then most of the doomsday theories lose their sting.

Arctic sea ice, for example, is at one of its highest levels in the Holocene (last 10,000 years). The temperature levels have constantly swung in the past, including the well-studied two warm periods (Roman and Medieval) and one cold period (Little Ice Age) in the past 2000 years.

More surprisingly, throughout the history, the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration levels followed the temperature levels and not vice versa. In other words, atmospheric CO2 concentration were not the primary drivers of the rise in temperatures (whenever they occurred).

This was reflected in the temperature measurements between 2000 and 2018, when the exponential increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration failed to cause a rise in global temperature levels.



Bottom line, The world is going to end unless the USA becomes socialist!
Phoenix won't hit 100 degrees today, imagine if it were still covered in orange groves instead of concrete.

Downside is that more people will be pouring in from all 4 boarders.
Uh-Oh...This just surfaced. Some of yinz may know about this but many of us I'm sure will find it a surprise.

‘Storm Approaching’: Firms Fear For Deliveries In Shipping Shakeup

Costs will rise for ships towards the end of this year and there will be a knock on effect for trucks and other transporters that move goods around the world. Ship owners must cut sulphur emissions to 0.5% from 3.5%. They can do this by using low-sulphur fuel, installing exhaust gas cleaning systems or opting for other, more expensive, clean fuels such as liquefied natural gas or traveling more slowly.

Trucking companies will also suffer. The IMO rules do not apply to them but they will face new competition from ships for lower sulfur fuel. This is expected to push up the price of diesel fuel for trucks by as much as 100 percent. Richard Fattal, co-founder of digital freight forwarder and logistics provider Zencargo, said there could be as much as a 10 to 20% rise in overall operating costs next year.

The compromise plan, which will cut emissions by at least 50 percent by 2050 compared with 2008 levels, fell short of more ambitious targets.

The IMO said it would also be pursuing efforts toward phasing out CO2 emissions entirely.

Delegates said opposition from some countries - including the United States, Saudi Arabia and Panama - had limited what could be achieved at the IMO session this week in London.

Yeh, you know the IMO...

IMO.... the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the UN agency that leads international efforts to promote safer shipping on cleaner oceans.

IMO.... the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the UN agency that leads international efforts to promote safer shipping on cleaner oceans.

Unless the shipping is coming from China or India.
Let me just go on record for the 1,000th time to say I think the whole lot of you climate change deniers.are insane. The level of stubbornness and pure ignorance it takes to deny and ignore what is evidently happening to the planet is off the charts. And to what end? To own the libs? To make Al Gore jokes, to blame Soros? To post funny memes? At the end of the day it's like a scarlet letter, that's all it is. Makes you look foolish and ignorant. To make political theater out of an environmental crisis which affects every living person on the planet, now and in the future.

I feel bad for you, as it will be difficult to explain yourselves down the road to your children and grandchildren. And that was already a difficult proposition to begin with, given your collective support for Trump. I guess it's just more of the same, just one chapter in a long, sad book, page after page filled with angst, self-loathing and obfuscation.
Let me just go on record for the 1,000th time to say I think the whole lot of you global warmists.are insane. The level of stubbornness and pure ignorance it takes to deny and ignore what is evidently happening to the planet is off the charts. And to what end? To redistribute wealth? At the end of the day it's like a scarlet letter, that's all it is. Makes you look foolish and ignorant. To make political theater out of an manufactured environmental crisis which affects every living person on the planet, now and in the future is repugnant.

I feel bad for you, as it will be difficult to explain yourselves down the road to your children and grandchildren. And that was already a difficult proposition to begin with, given your collective support for socialism. I guess it's just more of the same, just one chapter in a long, sad book, page after page filled with angst, self-loathing and obfuscation.

Fixed it for you.
I could not have said it better.
Let the world burn, I get it. This too must be a part of the 'end of times' prophecy for the religious right, who support a bigoted serial rapist mob boss in the highest office. 'Let the world burn' -- that's what should be printed on those red MAGA hats.
I could not have said it better.

The operative word is "global". If one spot on the globe is warmer than average and another spot (like mine) has been cooler than average (it has), then the average hasn't changed. It's the end of June and I've only run the A/C in my house twice this year. It just hasn't been hot. It's been cool, cloudy, and rain almost every ******* day.
Let the world burn, I get it. This too must be a part of the 'end of times' prophecy for the religious right, who support a bigoted serial rapist mob boss in the highest office. 'Let the world burn' -- that's what should be printed on those red MAGA hats.

Bwahahahaha.....you tell um Tibsy..."Let the world burn"...'"end of times' prophecy"...... "bigoted serial rapist mob boss in the highest office"....

Oh, did I mention...'Let the world burn'"
, that one is so important for its visual effect.


I think you must have hit most of your Indoctrination Cruise talking points, having Vinny as a roommate must be helpful keeping you attentive.


History will not look kindly upon you and your ilk -- grasping at falsehoods, living in denial, your heads in the sand. Oh well, to each his own.

Here's the thing, people on both side of the issue speak in absolutes about what the future holds. Remarkable amount of arrogance on something that hasn't happened yet, and all the while blaming humans as the sole cause.
Climate change may be real, but to think it isn't a financial scheme for many, is naive. I think it merits discussion without the hysteria.
Here's the thing, people on both side of the issue speak in absolutes about what the future holds. Remarkable amount of arrogance on something that hasn't happened yet, and all the while blaming humans as the sole cause.
Climate change may be real, but to think it isn't a financial scheme for many, is naive. I think it merits discussion without the hysteria.

It really doesn't. It's bullshit.