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Global Heat: Britain longest heatwave in 42 years, deadly heat in Japan and Arctic

Here's my problem with the whole climate thingy. If these people are so worried about the climate then why don't they say anything to China or India whose carbon emissions and dumping of garbage is more than the rest of the world combined. Sounds to me like they're just not happy unless they have something to ***** about

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It really doesn't. It's bullshit.

I tend to agree, but want to know if climate change would exist if humans didn't?

And I think there's lots of things we can all do to protect the planet, short of sending a check to someone, because that seems to be the bottom line.
Let the world burn, I get it. This too must be a part of the 'end of times' prophecy for the religious right, who support a bigoted serial rapist mob boss in the highest office. 'Let the world burn' -- that's what should be printed on those red MAGA hats.

I'm not an expert on alleged climate change, but if I were to take what those who are say at face value, China and India create 85% of the world's man-made emissions alone. If that is the case, what in the hell are you so up in arms about re: the United States?

And do you realize Asia makes for 60% of the world's population while the U.S. makes for less than 5%. So basically, you're barking up the wrong tree.
Let the world burn, I get it. This too must be a part of the 'end of times' prophecy for the religious right, who support a bigoted serial rapist mob boss in the highest office. 'Let the world burn' -- that's what should be printed on those red MAGA hats.

You're good with serial rapists in there before (Clinton) why ***** about it now? Also you're good with serial rapists streaming into the country from the border right? Hell sanctuary cities are flowing with them. They know they are rapists and still won't deport them. They just turn them lose to rape again. That's your party. Maybe you should print that on a hat? Feel the "BURN"... right?

Also unless you deal with China and India you can't do anything about carbon emissions. Also every single "end time" prediction from climate models have been proven false. The climate models only reflect the warped data that is put into them. Which is why the church of climate change is always giving ignorant end time prophecies that turn out to be wrong. You should stop worshiping the climate god since he can't get anything right.
I'm not an expert on alleged climate change, but if I were to take what those who are say at face value, China and India create 85% of the world's man-made emissions alone. If that is the case, what in the hell are you so up in arms about re: the United States?

And do you realize Asia makes for 60% of the world's population while the U.S. makes for less than 5%. So basically, you're barking up the wrong tree.

Experts on climate change are like experts on Klingons.
Nothing to see here folks, nothing at all.

Anchorage sets record with first 90 degree day

Anchorage, Alaska saw its highest temperature on record Thursday with residents celebrating July 4 subject to 90-degree temperatures, according to the National Weather Service.

"Several locations through southern Alaska saw their single hottest day on record yesterday, and daily record high temperatures are expected there again today," the weather service tweeted Friday, along with a map showing a 90 degree temperature recorded at the city's airport.

June was hottest ever recorded on Earth, European satellite agency announces

Last month was the hottest June ever recorded, the EU‘s satellite agency has announced.

Data provided by the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), implemented by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts on behalf of the EU, showed that the global average temperature for June 2019 was the highest on record for the month.

The data showed European average ​temperatures were more than 2C above normal and temperatures were 6-10C above normal over most of France, Germany and northern Spain during the final days of the month, according to C3S.

The global average temperature was about 0.1C higher than during the previous warmest June in 2016.

Experts have said climate change made last week’s record-breaking European heatwave at least five times as likely to happen, according to recent analysis.

Rapid assessment of average temperatures in France between 26-28 June showed a “substantial” increase in the likelihood of the heatwave happening as a result of human-caused global warming, experts at the World Weather Attribution group said.
Tibs, are you saying that extreme weather proves/disproves global warming?
We have been tracking weather for what 150 years out of 6 billion? Kinda hard to say hottest year ever

How racist of you to question the Liberal Church of Climate Change. I mean despite telling us the Ice Age was coming in the 1970s, then switching to Global Warming and having been wrong about every prediction and having been caught endless times falsifying weather data, including federal agencies, why are you such a non-believer?
All over the world kids.....Waco Tx. hit 114 today setting a new record, L.A., San Diego, and on and on.......but hey keep burying your science denying heads in the sand.

With the upcoming methane burps in the arctic combined with strong El Ninos every knee will bow and every CONservative lying tongue will admit they were wrong as they are awed by what unfolds around the planet......Oh wait!...no they won't they'll just say they knew it all along and wait for the Jesus comeback tour. I forgot how these people operate historically.

According to a continuous study conducted by the NASA's Goddard institute, the Earth's average global temperature has risen by 0.8 degrees Celsius or 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880. There's your
science. And the weather has a lot to do with Sunspot activity, the Magnetic Shield, and geo-thermal activity.

How's that for science, Elfiero?

Still with me? Good, because cities with cement and stuff generate more heat.

The United States' CO2 emissions from all sources combined - transportation, energy, industry, construction, etc. - has declined for many years running.


The biggest emitter of CO2, by far, is China.


The projected biggest emitters of CO2 in the next 20 years are China, India and the African continent.

So how exactly are the United States and Europe going to stop climate change??
The United States' CO2 emissions from all sources combined - transportation, energy, industry, construction, etc. - has declined for many years running.


The biggest emitter of CO2, by far, is China.


The projected biggest emitters of CO2 in the next 20 years are China, India and the African continent.

So how exactly are the United States and Europe going to stop climate change??

According to Obama and Paris by giving them billions, if not trillions, of dollars to "stop doing it". Like giving money to dictators ever actually works for what you intended it to do....

But don't let reality get in the way of good intentions.

Again, I have been one of the few conservatives here that strongly believes in climate change and global warming. I actually consider myself a conservationist. I despise big game hunting. I think our national park service is one of the greatest things any President ever did (thanks Teddy!). I think we have a pretty good balance, as a country, of environmental regulations and free markets (it waxes and wanes, but overall it's pretty good). I'm glad we have clean air and clean water. There are certainly parts I dont' like. I think some environmentalists go way overboard. We have a tendancy to spend 90% of the money to save the environment chasing the last 10% of problems that probably aren't needed.

But the answers are not stopping energy or making energy more expensive or making energy a product that gets tax revenue to artificially keep the price down.

Every scientist agrees U.S. policy will not impact CO2 emmissions in the big picture. We produce 15% now. In 10 years we will produce 10%. No amount of change inside the bordersof the U.S. are going to impact global CO2 that much.

We should be the EXAMPLE of how a country can produce $20 trillion in GNP and produce only 15% of CO2 (and going down per capita and down per GNP dollar). Instead, the left has decide we are some boogey man and bashes the U.S. and it's policies relentlessly. I can't stand that.

Southeast and South Asia are going to destroy this planet. Not the U.S.A. 50% of the world population lives within 2000 or 2500 miles of Hong Kong. The produce 50% of CO2 emmisions. They produce 75% of the world's polution. 80% of the plastic in the ocean comes from there. The population densities and lack of sanitation are breeding grounds for new bacteria and viruses that will likely kill millions of people (and possibly the human race). Asia provides 95% of the financial market for poaching and killing of endangered species. Asia is where 75% of all extintions are occuring.

Again, how is all this the U.S.'s fault? Asia has always had a cultural problem with it's environment. There is no concience in Asian civilation to conserve. They use and use and use. They populate and populate and populate.

We talk on here all the time about "cutural differences". Blacks and Whites. Asians and Westerns. Muslims and Christians. But whenever a white, western, Christian says "I think our way is the best" or "try to emulate us because we are succeeding", we are labeled a racist with lack of repect. Every criticism of Black culture with respect to the family unit, every criticism of Muslim culture with respect to Sharia and human rights, any criticism of Asian culture with respect to overpopulation and environmental concerns gets met with some sort of leftist propaganda of "racism" and "cutural insenitivity".

Is white, Western culture perfect? Of course not. And we certainly have room for improvement. Laying criticism is not the same as declaring one is perfect. We seem to have forgotten that.

There will be no enivonmental revolution or world change until Asia changes. Nothing we do in America or Europe will matter.

That's why the answer is adaptation and preparation. People will die due to weather (it has always happened). Hurricanes will happen. Flooding will happen. Always has, always will. We will rebuild and every time we rebuild it will be stronger and better and more resilient. Hopefully, species adapt and ecologies change. Those that don't will die off. Those that do will be successful. Will we lose beautiful and wonderful species and environments? Yes. But others may evolve that are just as beautiful. I hope cultures around the world embrace conservation and national park ideals like America. I hope we can protect some environments. I hope we keep DNA and look for ways to keep species alive when feasible and smart.

In many ways, the U.S. is the world leader in this ideology but yet we are made to feel guilty and that we don't do enough. I just get so tired of the U.S. as the bad guys over and over and over again from the left. It's mentally tiring to have to defend myself to them. And I refuse to do it anymore. I'm proud of America. I love our history, warts and all. I love what we have done and accomplished and protected. I love that we are moving forward. The world may burn according to Tibs, but I don't think America will. That's not what I see at all.
Regardless what we think about emissions restrictions, the Paris accord et al, the one thing that seems to make a lot of sense to me is the movement to plant as many trees around the world as possible, namely active re-forestation. Hard to see how anyone would be opposed to this.


The one thing I will say on climate change, is that Mother Nature knows no national borders. When it comes to the environment, borders cease to exist. To think America is and will be somehow immune to it is nothing but misplaced and unfounded optimism and naivety.
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Stop blaming the U.S for everything and make the ******* Brazilians stop cutting down the rainforests


Regardless what we think about emissions restrictions, the Paris accord et al, the one thing that seems to make a lot of sense to me is the movement to plant as many trees around the world as possible, namely active re-forestation. Hard to see how anyone would be opposed to this.

While that sounds great and I'd be on board 100%, good luck getting Asia to do that.

Talk about misplaced optimism and naivete.
Regardless what we think about emissions restrictions, the Paris accord et al, the one thing that seems to make a lot of sense to me is the movement to plant as many trees around the world as possible, namely active re-forestation. Hard to see how anyone would be opposed to this.


The one thing I will say on climate change, is that Mother Nature knows no national borders. When it comes to the environment, borders cease to exist. To think America is and will be somehow immune to it is nothing but misplaced and unfounded optimism and naivety.

Yes, we believe that America is immune to imaginary global warming.
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Also unless you deal with China and India you can't do anything about carbon emissions.
Because China and India will tell them to **** off. However, it's easy to guilt-trip American Liberals.

France will introduce an “eco-tax” of up to 18 euros on tickets for all flights leaving France, the government has said.

“We have decided to put in place an eco-tax on all flights from France,” transport minister Elisabeth Borne said during a news conference on Tuesday.

She added the tax, which is expected to raise around 180 million euros annually from 2020, would finance daily transport in France.

The new tax will range from €1.50 for short-haul flights and up to €18 for long-haul journeys in business class.

The move comes amid an escalating planetary climate emergency which is disproportionally being caused by the tiny percentage of people who use planes for transport.

It's a wealth redistribution tool. That last sentence is classic. The imaginary emergency X is being disproportionately caused by Y. This crap allows elected officials to state complete crap as fact to justify almost anything, since the premise of this crap is that this crisis will end mankind.
Regardless what we think about emissions restrictions, the Paris accord et al, the one thing that seems to make a lot of sense to me is the movement to plant as many trees around the world as possible, namely active re-forestation. Hard to see how anyone would be opposed to this.


The one thing I will say on climate change, is that Mother Nature knows no national borders. When it comes to the environment, borders cease to exist. To think America is and will be somehow immune to it is nothing but misplaced and unfounded optimism and naivety.

See, that's just not scientifically true Tibs. Climate change is not a cliff. It will not hit all parts of the world equally. There is not some "event" that will happen that will effect South Asia as much as the American coasts.

America is very well situated to absorb climate change. Our population densities are manageable. We have the resources and wealth to migrate. We have infrastructure and services in place to rapidly rebuild and continue life as normal.

Now you can connect all these dots economically. If South Asia is greatly effected by climate change (and India will be for sure), that will have economic impact on the U.S. But I'm not this doom guy about all economies are equally tied together and equally rise/fall together. They don't. America's growth rate is high right now, China's is lowering, Europe is stable, Russia's has flat-lined.

All signs point that climate change will greatly help Canada's economy. The amount of land in Russia that could open up to agricultural production could be insane if they manage it correctly (I doubt they will but it could).

The areas of the world that will be effected most are those already stressed by overpopulation and resource scarcity. And those areas are in South Asia, Southeast Asia and parts of Africa/South America.

Those ecosystems are already in dire straights. Those cultures have raped and pillaged the resources to the point of extinction.

Again, tell me how you would stop that from happening? By cutting our CO2 emissions from 15% of the world to 10%? To 5%? That's not going to do **** and you and I both know it.

You really want to save the planet in some Utopian vision of ecowarriors? Pray for a virus to evolve that wipes out 25% of population in South Asia, Southeast Asia and 10% of the remaining world's population.

That will save the ecosystems that are going to be destroyed during climate change. Maybe.
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Did you guys see how Brazil and China's women's soccer team refused to stand for their national anthem in order to protest the non-environmentally sound practices of their countries.

Powerful stuff...
Regardless what we think about emissions restrictions, the Paris accord et al, the one thing that seems to make a lot of sense to me is the movement to plant as many trees around the world as possible, namely active re-forestation. Hard to see how anyone would be opposed to this.


The one thing I will say on climate change, is that Mother Nature knows no national borders. When it comes to the environment, borders cease to exist. To think America is and will be somehow immune to it is nothing but misplaced and unfounded optimism and naivety.

You really are missing the point here. First, as to forestation, of course nobody in the United States favors deforestation. How do we know that to be the case? Because the United States currently has more forested areas than it did in the 19th century.

In the United States, which contains 8 percent of the world's forests, there are more trees than there were 100 years ago. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), "Forest growth nationally has exceeded harvest since the 1940s. By 1997, forest growth exceeded harvest by 42 percent and the volume of forest growth was 380 percent greater than it had been in 1920." The greatest gains have been seen on the East Coast (with average volumes of wood per acre almost doubling since the '50s) which was the area most heavily logged by European settlers beginning in the 1600s, soon after their arrival.


Second, as to nature knowing no borders ... okay. Sure.

So are you suggesting that the United States attack and invade China and make them stop emitting CO2?? Seriously, what power do you suggest the United States exert to force the rest of the world to change its ways?

Force is likely the only option, since China, India have specifically told the United States and Western Europe to go **** themselves regarding CO2 emissions. Those nations are still 2nd world at best, with vast poverty, and have told us that the Western nations became rich via fossil fuels, and they are not going to stay in poverty due to some concerns over CO2 emissions.

So are you willing to go to war over this issue??
Ecowarriors are all kidding themselves when they want to both save the world and save mankind.

The two are not compatible in much of the world. There are too many places already so overcrowded and populated that only killing people will actually save the environment as they believe it should be. They just don't have the balls to face the truth.

Rapid use of fossil fuels in China and India will SAVE millions and millions of lives in the short term. Expanding energy use quickly will help clean water and provide much needed sanitation (and nothing kills more people in third world countries than sewage carrying diseases). There is no denying this. There is no debate. Non-fossil fuels and "clean" energy can not get the 750 million of people in India clean water and sanitary upgrades like burning coal can. Does getting clean water and sewers that quick have a long-term cost? OF COURSE!!! First will be pollution. The traditional kind (not imaginary CO2 - which is not pollution). 90% of the most polluted cities in the world are in China/India/Southeast Asia. Unlike disease, which kills immediately, pollution kills 10, 20, 30 years from now. But who the **** cares, we are saving lives NOW! And they can reproduce before they die! Yippee.

Liberals just have no idea what they want. They want to save people and save the planet, when NOTHING about that sentence makes sense historically. Nothing.

Decide what you want and advocate for it. Don't sell me a fairy tale that you are fine with 5 billion people living in South/Southeast Asia but still care about the environment.
I bet it was hotter in Waco when the Clinton administration OK'd the troops to fire on Waco.

Ya, at the end of all that, I bet it got REALLY hot in Waco.
Rapid use of fossil fuels in China and India will SAVE millions and millions of lives in the short term. Expanding energy use quickly will help clean water and provide much needed sanitation (and nothing kills more people in third world countries than sewage carrying diseases). There is no denying this. There is no debate. Non-fossil fuels and "clean" energy can not get the 750 million of people in India clean water and sanitary upgrades like burning coal can.

The same is true regarding use of pesticides and fertilizers in food production. Some naturalists want farmers to grow without pesticides or fertilizers, which unquestionably have adverse environmental consequences. However, if the US and Canadian farmers stopped using pesticides and fertilizers, their crop yields would decline by about 70% and millions upon millions - very possibly a billion - people would starve.
The same is true regarding use of pesticides and fertilizers in food production. Some naturalists want farmers to grow without pesticides or fertilizers, which unquestionably have adverse environmental consequences. However, if the US and Canadian farmers stopped using pesticides and fertilizers, their crop yields would decline by about 70% and millions upon millions - very possibly a billion - people would starve.

GMO foods are in the same boat. Genetically altering food to be resistant to pathogens and insects have GREATLY increase food production, fed millions of people and kept prices down for much of the world.

Now, they are the boogeyman.

It's just ludicrous. No one wants to talk big picture. No one wants to talk in shades of gray. To everyone on the left the environment, overpopulation, food production are just black/white issues that they can easily pick the most moral selection in their brain and then lecture the world on how "advanced" they are.