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Global Heat: Britain longest heatwave in 42 years, deadly heat in Japan and Arctic


Censoring evidence, “fiddling” with data and silencing skeptics were part of life at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, according to a former NOAA scientist who no longer believes carbon dioxide is causing catastrophic climate change.

Rex Fleming admitted that while he worked for NOAA, he attributed global warming to carbon dioxide despite “having doubts.”

“Eventually I just read enough to realize it’s a totally wrong direction,” he said in a podcast interview July 25 with British journalist James Delingpole.

“And so, in the past 10 years, I’d say, I’ve been on the other side.”

His conversion, however, has shut him out of academic journals, despite his Ph.D. in atmospheric science.

The author of “The Rise and Fall of the Carbon Dioxide Theory of Climate Change,” he told Delingpole he had to travel to Europe to have his 2018 paper on climate change peer-reviewed and published.

“The ‘deniers’ have so much evidence,” he said, while the global-warming believers “bring nothing to the table of scientific proof.”

“All they have is hearsay. All they have is media coverage. All they have is government people saying it’s true,” said Fleming.

He said more scientists would abandon the theory, but they are in “this groove of getting funds for huge, bigger computer systems to run these massive climate models.”

“And they want their salaries to increase. They don’t want to change,” he said, describing it as “a wonderful gravy train.”
I ordered that book, The Rise and Fall of the Carbon Dioxide Theory of Climate Change. Out of stock at Amazon. I wonder if they will ever re-stock. May have to get the Kindle version..


Let me emphasize this fact: Temperature readings from 2005 (far left) to the present (far right) show absolutely no warming.
Climate activists frequently visit or mention particular regions, states, or places in the United States and claim warming impacts are evident, accelerating, and unmistakable. Yet how can that be when there has been no warming in the United States since at least 2005?

Unfortunately, when politicians and climate activists claim they can see the impacts of climate change in a particular place, the media rarely question them on it and tend to accept the claims at face value. But the objective temperature data show no recent warming has occurred.

There is also good reason to believe U.S. temperatures have not warmed at all since the 1930s. Raw temperature readings at the preexisting stations indicate temperatures are the same now as 80 years ago. All of the asserted U.S. warming since 1930 is the product of the controversial adjustments made to the raw data. Skeptics point out that as the American population has grown, so has the artificial warming signal generated by growing cities, more asphalt, more automobiles, and more machinery.
Repent, convert, pray, give up fossil fuels, Pope says

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — “Now is the time to abandon our dependence on fossil fuels and move, quickly and decisively, toward forms of clean energy,” Pope Francis said as he marked the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.

“We have caused a climate emergency that gravely threatens nature and life itself, including our own,” the pope said in his message



The Pope will be touring on a bicycle soon?
Repent, convert, pray, give up fossil fuels, Pope says

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — “Now is the time to abandon our dependence on fossil fuels and move, quickly and decisively, toward forms of clean energy,” Pope Francis said as he marked the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.

“We have caused a climate emergency that gravely threatens nature and life itself, including our own,” the pope said in his message



The Pope will be touring on a bicycle soon?

Fossil fuels for me not for thee...
Repent, convert, pray, give up fossil fuels, Pope says

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — “Now is the time to abandon our dependence on fossil fuels and move, quickly and decisively, toward forms of clean energy,” Pope Francis said as he marked the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.

“We have caused a climate emergency that gravely threatens nature and life itself, including our own,” the pope said in his message



The Pope will be touring on a bicycle soon?
Who doesnt want to be first among equals?

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Meh I totally believe in climate change, i just don’t see the link behind minimal co2 concentration changes and temperature changes... even where they actually have rising temps its almost always direct heating...
I know large scale climate change is a joke because if is were true AlGore wouldn't be buying million dollar mansions on the beach. I also know that not one single investment prospectus has a global warming footnote. Not one. So that means loan institutions don't worry about rising seas. They know it's bogus. If global warming were true you couldn't get a loan in the entire southern part of the country. Not just that but you couldn't get one in England either. The fact is that financial institutions and banks know it's a fraud. If they believed it there would be no loans in half the country. So people that have money and that invest money know better.
I know large scale climate change is a joke because if is were true AlGore wouldn't be buying million dollar mansions on the beach. I also know that not one single investment prospectus has a global warming footnote. Not one. So that means loan institutions don't worry about rising seas. They know it's bogus. If global warming were true you couldn't get a loan in the entire southern part of the country. Not just that but you couldn't get one in England either. The fact is that financial institutions and banks know it's a fraud. If they believed it there would be no loans in half the country. So people that have money and that invest money know better.

You are ******' up the narrative
Surge in young Republicans worried about the environment: survey

This is so typically deceptive.

The new report by Glocalities, which canvassed views worldwide, showed the number of U.S. Republicans who said they “agreed” or “strongly agreed” with the statement “I worry about the damage humans cause the planet” rose by 11 percentage points to 58% between 2014 and 2019.

The number of Republican voters aged 18-34 who are worried about the issue rose by 18 percentage points to 67%, said the poll, which also showed a 10 percentage point increase among all U.S. Republicans who said they tried “to live eco-consciously”.

Of course. We all want a clean environment and less pollution. But here is the conclusion the MSM is drawing -

“If Donald Trump keeps on denying climate change and refrains from standing up for the environment he won’t be able to increase support among the young and be heavily reliant on older generations of Republican voters for winning again,” Lampert said.

This has nothing to do with global warming. Now, if they had asked, "Do you believe in man-made global warming?", then that would be an interesting data point, but they either did not ask it, or are not reporting on the results. The only way they can get traction on that stupid thing is by lying, changing data, conflating with real issues, etc.
Joe Biden's bloody eye was the perfect metaphor for his disastrous CNN climate town hall

Joe Biden had a terrible performance at CNN's town hall on the climate crisis, and he has the battle scars to prove it.

The former vice president joined other 2020 candidates Wednesday night to discuss their promised answers to climate change and, naturally, some questions left a few contenders stuck. But Andrew Yang's non-answer to quantifying carbon reduction was nothing compared to the whammy Biden suffered when asked about an upcoming fundraiser hosted by a founder of a fossil fuel company.

Early in Biden's time onstage, he was hit with what The New York Times called "probably the toughest question of the night:" How can Biden take on the fossil fuel industry when he's holding a Thursday fundraiser hosted by Andrew Goldman, a co-founder of liquefied natural gas production company? Biden first insisted Goldman is "not a fossil fuel executive," then seemed not so sure, and then recentered the blame on his staff.

Twitter had one question: “What the hell just happened?”

“Joe Biden’s eye just started bleeding? This isn’t a joke what in the hell just happened”



That article is good when it speaks to facts -
A study by meteorologist Anthony Watts found that almost 90 percent of the 1221 weather stations in the U.S. did not meet the National Weather Service’s setting standards, which requires that they be at least 100 feet from any artificial heat source or radiating surface. You can see some of the most egregious violators here. To deal with this defective information, climate scientists, have “adjusted” the data to solve this problem. Invariably, these adjustments have made earlier data show lower temperatures, and recent data show higher ones.

To develop reliable data, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) placed 114 state-of-the-art weather stations relatively evenly spaced about the lower 48 states. They were carefully sited to be away from urban areas, which are heat islands, airports, which can be affected by jet exhaust, etc.

The system became operative in 2005. Now, realclearenergy.com is reporting that there has been no increase in average temperatures in the continental United States over the last 14 years, as measured by these new stations. If anything, overall temperatures are slightly cooler than they were.

But it falls on it's face when it draws conclusions based on the current stupid warmist premise that CO2 causes warming -
One big reason for this lack of warming is surely the explosion in U.S. natural gas production, thanks to fracking. The U.S. is now, by far, the number-one producer of natural gas, producing 90 billion cubic feet a day, 25 percent more than second-place Russia. This has brought the price of natural gas to its lowest point in 20 years, which has resulted in a big shift from producing power by burning coal to burning natural gas, which produces 50 percent less carbon dioxide. (The shale gas revolution has vast geopolitical implications, of course, as well as climatic ones.)

As a result, the U.S. CO2 emissions are down to where they were in 1985–a third of a century ago, when the GDP was half what it is now in inflation-adjusted terms, and the population was smaller by a quarter. No other industrialized country has come anywhere close to reducing their emissions by so much.

Such a stupid conclusion, particularly when they explicitly state that no other country "has come anywhere close to reducing their emissions by so much". So the rest of the world has been doing the same thing, but the US shifted some production to natural gas so the climate stopped warming. Yeah. Right. WTF?

Plus, they say that CO2 emissions in the US are down to 1985 levels. Pretty sure the warmist charts have global warming going on in 1985, yet there is none going on now, with apparently the same CO2 emissions. These idiots can't keep their **** straight. It should be comical.
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Such a stupid conclusion, particularly when they explicitly state that no other country "has come anywhere close to reducing their emissions by so much". So the rest of the world has been doing the same thing, but the US shifted some production to natural gas so the climate stopped warming. Yeah. Right. WTF?

Plus, they say that CO2 emissions in the US are down to 1985 levels. Pretty sure the warmist charts have global warming going on in 1985, yet there is none going on now, with apparently the same CO2 emissions. These idiots can't keep their **** straight. It should be comical.

Because the U.S. is racist and therefore everything we do is wrong.
Bernie wants to abort brown babies

Proper gaia climate stewardship requires sacrifices, they want to depopulate the earth to around 500 million total, so, its a start

Quicker to just get India in a nuke war with Pakistan, that should knock off a billion for starters

Of course a good world war with China and their billions is the real prize.

Ayep, now that's real population control, too many breeders now, humans need war to thin the herd, ayep
Boy this is sooooo strange..... Last night on CNN's website there were no less than 3 stories on their front page about how TRUMP LIED when he said Alabama was at risk of getting hit with Hurricane Dorian. He HEINOUSLY altered weather projections and LIED to confuse and scare people because he's soooo STOOPID! There were news stories and opinion pieces shouting from the rooftops about what an awful thing he dared to do!

Fast forward to today, the NOAA came out and defended Trump stating that his statements were accurate based on the weather model that had been thought of as the most accurate at the time and that he did not alter them. Not only that but they publicly rebuked the news outlets who were calling out Trump for lying and saying he was actually accurate and the news outlets were in the wrong.

Just for fun I went back to CNN this morning. Guess what? All 3 stories stating Trump doctored weather models and calling him a liar are......wait for it.......gone from existence. Who would have thunk that?
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