You do realize 2014 will the hottest year on record?
Oh, you mean like the record lows in England this winter and through January?
Or that "The 2013-14 winter season is one of the coldest winters in 20 years"?
And not according to the HADCRUT Northern Hemisphere mean (these are the actual ******* readings):
And not according to the HADCRUT Southern Hemisphere readings (once again, the actual ******* readings):
And not according to CruTEMP Northern Hemisphere land temperature mean:
And not according to CruTEMP Southern Hemisphere land temperature mean:
Just because some article claims that this is "the hottest year ever," don't believe it. Check out the actual temperature data. You will be shocked at how boldly the warming panic sect lies about "hottest ever."
By the way, how the **** do they know it's the "hottest year on record" when the goddam year is not done? Jesus, there are 41 days left in the year, or 11.2% of the year.