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GOD Bless the Steelers

This has to be one of the funniest things I've ever seen on a message board.
Funny when he is here under whatever name I hate the guy but when he is gone kinda miss him
if you want him back just wait for Brady to pick a new team to unretire to
Tom Wilson has been playing a clean game. I’m not really annoyed by him. I’d like the Pens to sign him if he ever becomes a free agent. The guy can play and lives in most teams heads rent free. Many use to say Hines was a cheap player. Tom Wilson is no different. He’s just a hard nosed hockey player like Hines was a hard nosed football player.

Marchand is just a little *****
dont fool yourself… Marchand is a little *****, but wilson is a huge jackass tool… wilson is dirtier than the day is long… i can give you a long list of utterly dirty shots wilson never got penalized for… he isnt hard nosed… go look at the hit on Sheary years ago … he knee on kneed him coming off the ice… tgere is nothing tough about that… its one of the most dangerous and dirty plays a guy can make.. he perpetually hits high and acts like it’s because of his size… he aims high… his headgames come from a well deserved rep for cheap shots away from the play… he should have been thrown out of the league by now… nobody reached his fine and suspention levels at his age…

Anyone who defends that shitstick is severely mistaken about tough hockey vs cheapshot dickbags

If tge pens signed him it would be like cooke or downie… the league would crack down on him and he wouldn’t get away with as much as he has and he would get penalized out of the league…
if you want him back just wait for Brady to pick a new team to unretire to

dont fool yourself… Marchand is a little *****, but wilson is a huge jackass tool… wilson is dirtier than the day is long… i can give you a long list of utterly dirty shots wilson never got penalized for… he isnt hard nosed… go look at the hit on Sheary years ago … he knee on kneed him coming off the ice… tgere is nothing tough about that… its one of the most dangerous and dirty plays a guy can make.. he perpetually hits high and acts like it’s because of his size… he aims high… his headgames come from a well deserved rep for cheap shots away from the play… he should have been thrown out of the league by now… nobody reached his fine and suspention levels at his age…

Anyone who defends that shitstick is severely mistaken about tough hockey vs cheapshot dickbags

If tge pens signed him it would be like cooke or downie… the league would crack down on him and he wouldn’t get away with as much as he has and he would get penalized out of the league…
Lol. Wilson has cleaned up his game a lot. I don’t care what he did in the past, what’s done is done, crying over spilled milk, it’s no wonder people are dropping from heart attacks these days.

At least Wilson has shown he could play/skate. Cook or Downie weren’t worth a damn to begin with.

And yes it his because of his size. Half the nhl players weigh like 170lbs.
Lol. Wilson has cleaned up his game a lot. I don’t care what he did in the past, what’s done is done, crying over spilled milk, it’s no wonder people are dropping from heart attacks these days.

At least Wilson has shown he could play/skate. Cook or Downie weren’t worth a damn to begin with.

And yes it his because of his size. Half the nhl players weigh like 170lbs.
Incorrect… on the few times they used cooke as a scoring line winger he actually did very well… even as a third winger he could play… and he and Downie both tried to clean up their games for a while, but like Marchand and Wilson will, ultimately they couldn’t keep their penchant for jackassery under wraps…

its like with burfict… some people aren’t right in the head and just revert back over and over… hockey attracts them like flies to honey….
Incorrect… on the few times they used cooke as a scoring line winger he actually did very well… even as a third winger he could play… and he and Downie both tried to clean up their games for a while, but like Marchand and Wilson will, ultimately they couldn’t keep their penchant for jackassery under wraps…

its like with burfict… some people aren’t right in the head and just revert back over and over… hockey attracts them like flies to honey….
Downie sucked. Was never a fan. Cook sucked. The Pens had too much talent that allowed Cook times to shine. He had his moments of clean, hard hits.

I’m not comparing a hockey player to Burfict lol. Wilson has no off ice issues. Burfict had off field issues at the time. The only thing they have in common is a reputation amongst their career employment peers.

These past two seasons, Wilson has shown he can play hockey and within the rules.

This was not a dirty hit. Wilson has earned a reputation but again what’s done is done.
Downie sucked. Was never a fan. Cook sucked. The Pens had too much talent that allowed Cook times to shine. He had his moments of clean, hard hits.

I’m not comparing a hockey player to Burfict lol. Wilson has no off ice issues. Burfict had off field issues at the time. The only thing they have in common is a reputation amongst their career employment peers.

These past two seasons, Wilson has shown he can play hockey and within the rules.

So saying he has gone a half of one season playing within the rules is just pointless… he is a **** who intentionally hurts guys…

Again the most suspended player ever at his age and thats with literally dozens of other completely dirty hits he got away with early in his career because the nhl is loathe to start suspending guys until they have a ton of incidents against them.
So saying he has gone a half of one season playing within the rules is just pointless… he is a **** who intentionally hurts guys…

Again the most suspended player ever at his age and thats with literally dozens of other completely dirty hits he got away with early in his career because the nhl is loathe to start suspending guys until they have a ton of incidents against them.
And again. I don’t care what happened in the past. He’s deservingly earned his reputation but has shown the ability to clean up his act.
And again. I don’t care what happened in the past. He’s deservingly earned his reputation but has shown the ability to clean up his act.
He hasn’t even gone 1 year without a major suspension… I don’t understand your concept of “cleaned up his act”
He hasn’t even gone 1 year without a major suspension… I don’t understand your concept of “cleaned up his act”
Was he suspended this year?
And so what? I don’t know the guy personally to even judge lol. Did he steal your girl or lunch money or something

If he is such a nuisance that’s the nhl’s problem. Not mine. They keep bringing him back after said suspensions.

All I know is I think he’d look good on the Pens.
Was he suspended this year?
And so what? I don’t know the guy personally to even judge lol. Did he steal your girl or lunch money or something

If he is such a nuisance that’s the nhl’s problem. Not mine. They keep bringing him back after said suspensions.

All I know is I think he’d look good on the Pens.
He was suspended 7 games in march of 21 for headhunting… he had another incident in April or may or but i forget what it was …. They all start running together.. so basically we are 50 to 60 games or so without something so bad it burns in my memory ( I spend a lot of time on National hockey forums too, and he is hated by virtually every fanbase for obscene dirty plays against almost every team)

60 games isnt even a full season… talk to me when he goes four or five years without an incident… even the worse dirty offenders usually spaced their bullshit out a year or so between massive fuckups… so 60 isn’t **** towards wiping the slate clean
He was suspended 7 games in march of 21 for headhunting… he had another incident in April or may or but i forget what it was …. They all start running together.. so basically we are 50 to 60 games or so without something so bad it burns in my memory ( I spend a lot of time on National hockey forums too, and he is hated by virtually every fanbase for obscene dirty plays against almost every team)

60 games isnt even a full season… talk to me when he goes four or five years without an incident… even the worse dirty offenders usually spaced their bullshit out a year or so between massive fuckups… so 60 isn’t **** towards wiping the slate clean
The incident was in May. Panarin jumped on his back. What do you expect when a 170lb twig jumps on your back and tries to challenge you?Wilson rag dolled him.

Of course he’s going to be hated by other teams fans. He impacts the game. How many times do we hear about fans whining about Crosby? Flyers and caps fans especially but they also respect him cause he impacts the game.

Most of the recent suspensions are questionable cause much like the nfl. The league wants a safer game.

It’s hypocritical to call Wilson dirty when we had guys like Cook and Downie. It’s hypocritical to call Wilson dirty when on the football side of things fans used to say the same things about Ward and Harrison.

Now all of a sudden when it happens against your team you cry foul? Lol. Those are players you want cause you know it impacts the opposing team mentally.

Wilson and guys like Delauriers can skate and be physical. Even Reaves has shown the ability but many continue to limit his role to enforcer.
Wilson has hit people from behind maliciously. He plays outside of the rules and has done things on the ice that could get him criminally charged if the player decided to press charges. He's terrible for hockey and each year ends up losing his mind in the last month of the season or in the playoffs when his team gets behind on wins. **** Wilson. He's barely a hockey player in my opinion.

Also love the midget discussion except there are rules in place that you can't lift or throw players without getting a penalty.
Wilson has hit people from behind maliciously. He plays outside of the rules and has done things on the ice that could get him criminally charged if the player decided to press charges. He's terrible for hockey and each year ends up losing his mind in the last month of the season or in the playoffs when his team gets behind on wins. **** Wilson. He's barely a hockey player in my opinion.

Also love the midget discussion except there are rules in place that you can't lift or throw players without getting a penalty.
You and insomniac are entitled to your opinions. You ain’t changing mine. These guys sign a contract to make a living so I’m not sure the pressing charges part would hold weight if there is something in nhl contracts. It’s a physical sport.

What he’s done in the past gives him a deserved reputation. But if it was such an issue about player safety, the nhl would’ve booted him. We know it won’t happen with Parros as the head of player safety, and the nhl culturally is still a lunch pail league;

but I’m talking about him now and as of now he is a legit player.
You and I both play hockey MTC, when you start swinging your stick at someone behind, it's not hockey, it's attacking someone with a weapon.

I play in adult leagues, and if someone does it there, they are going to jail.
You and I both play hockey MTC, when you start swinging your stick at someone behind, it's not hockey, it's attacking someone with a weapon.

I play in adult leagues, and if someone does it there, they are going to jail.
And the nhl is a contract league. Pro sports have their in house disciplinary rules to enforce. It would be very hard to press charges at that level. If that were the case players would be pressing charges for every cheap shot imaginable.

You can press charges in adult leagues because that’s leisurely hockey. Cannot compare leisure leagues to a pro sports league in terms of discipline
Incorrect… on the few times they used cooke as a scoring line winger he actually did very well… even as a third winger he could play…
I agree. I thought that Cooke fit in very well as a third line winger during his time with the Penguins. He certainly did not "suck."
I'll second that.

Thanks, Booted!
SteelerFanSince1974 deserves the credit for the wording. As I read his post, the Vince McMahon meme just popped into my head. His midget idea just broke down into 4 parts perfectly. I was dying lol
Fedor is really not that big of a guy.
And the nhl is a contract league. Pro sports have their in house disciplinary rules to enforce. It would be very hard to press charges at that level. If that were the case players would be pressing charges for every cheap shot imaginable.

You can press charges in adult leagues because that’s leisurely hockey. Cannot compare leisure leagues to a pro sports league in terms of discipline
There has always been the threat of legal action for crossing the line. Bertuzzi wasnt just sued by Moore and settled, he also pled guilty in court to assault charges for a reduced penalty. That happened from an on ice incident.

Wilson is scum. a bunch of his hits he got reamed out for came from guys as big or bigger then him... he always goes high and aims for the head ... he charges all the time.... watch within the next 80 games he plays he will have another huge suspension... he just cant help himself... and this isnt stsuff that was legal and the league changed on him his piss poor hits go back to the start of his career and that was already way into the no high hits era... and late and boarding hits were always illegal... and he has more of them than anyone ive ever watched...

I mean If the guy had a bunch of bad hits then totally changed and didnt get them for years thats one thing.... this dipfuck got called by the DOPS at 19 not long after being called up for boarding the **** out of schenn.... he always says he didnt understand, he is changing, then he pulls the same **** over and over

he is an exceptionally young guy to have the record he does.... its why they let him slide so often on a ton of early hits... nobody wants to give a young guy a record because it leads to worse punishment down the road... but he is reaching that point where they just say **** it and give up on him at dpos
There has always been the threat of legal action for crossing the line. Bertuzzi wasnt just sued by Moore and settled, he also pled guilty in court to assault charges for a reduced penalty. That happened from an on ice incident.

Wilson is scum. a bunch of his hits he got reamed out for came from guys as big or bigger then him... he always goes high and aims for the head ... he charges all the time.... watch within the next 80 games he plays he will have another huge suspension... he just cant help himself... and this isnt stsuff that was legal and the league changed on him his piss poor hits go back to the start of his career and that was already way into the no high hits era... and late and boarding hits were always illegal... and he has more of them than anyone ive ever watched...

I mean If the guy had a bunch of bad hits then totally changed and didnt get them for years thats one thing.... this dipfuck got called by the DOPS at 19 not long after being called up for boarding the **** out of schenn.... he always says he didnt understand, he is changing, then he pulls the same **** over and over

he is an exceptionally young guy to have the record he does.... its why they let him slide so often on a ton of early hits... nobody wants to give a young guy a record because it leads to worse punishment down the road... but he is reaching that point where they just say **** it and give up on him at dpos
Todd Bertuzzi’s incident was deserved, but what is the agreement under the cba the players agreed upon in 2013? There hasn’t been pressed charges since?

And again, I don’t care what he’s done in the past. You keep arguing past offenses. What’s his present status? Right now he’s shown the ability to play and make an impact positively.

Will he resort to something cheap? Maybe. Repeated history says so. Otherwise we don’t know what he’ll do in the future. It can happen this week, next week, next month. Maybe he changed cause he knows he can be productive playing hockey. Always looking back over spilled milk. What’s done is done. What’s the status now?
I agree. I thought that Cooke fit in very well as a third line winger during his time with the Penguins. He certainly did not "suck."
He was good during the 2009 cup run. But after that I didn’t really care much for him.
Downie sucked. I’m surprised the Pens signed him after the fact he almost seriously injured Sid