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Government colleges working hard to be even more of a joke


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
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Portland Community College has designated April "Whiteness History Month" (WHM), an "educational project" exploring how the "construct of whiteness" creates racial inequality.

"'Whiteness History Month: Context, Consequences, and Change' is a multidisciplinary, district-wide, educational project examining race and racism through an exploration of the construction of whiteness, its origins, and heritage," PCC states on its website. "Scheduled for the month of April 2016, the project seeks to inspire innovative and practical solutions to community issues and social problems that stem from racism."

Whiteness "does not simply refer to skin color[,] but [to] an ideology based on beliefs, values, behaviors, habits, and attitudes, which result in the unequal distribution of power and privilege based on skin color." Tweet This

The WHM site makes clear that the project is not a "celebratory endeavor" like heritage months, but is rather "an effort to change our campus climate" by "[challenging] the master narrative of race and racism through an exploration of the social construction of whiteness." ("Challenging the master narrative," PCC explains, "is a strategy within higher education that promotes multicultural education and equity.")

Yep. State taxes at work in Oregon. Community College arming their charges with more excuses to fail and avoid personal responsibility. Higher education used to bolster our future as a country. Now it seems to actively work against it. Here are the goals of this crap -

While details about the specific programming are not yet available, PCC does outline the objectives that it seeks to accomplish through the project, as well as the concepts it would like students to explore over the course of the month.

In the "Context" category, for instance, the school challenges students to explore the meaning and history of whiteness, specifically how it "[emerged] from a legacy of imperialism, conquest, colonialism, and the American enterprise."

Following from that, PCC wants students to explore the "legal, cultural, economic, social, environmental, educational, and/or intrapersonal consequences of whiteness," especially in terms of the winners and losers that result from it.

Finally, the school asks them to consider "alternatives to a culture of white supremacy ... approaches and strategies to dismantling whiteness ... [and] the roles and responsibilities of white people and people of color in dismantling whiteness."

Through the event, PCC says it hopes to improve its campus climate and bolster student retention and success, while also helping students to graduate "with local, national, and global sensibilities regarding the learning tasks of Critical Race Theory."

I know that college would be a big fail if my kids didn't get out of there with some global sensibilities regarding the learning tasks of Critical Race Theory. Seriously, I can definitely picture the dolts who came up with this crap. I got a good preview of this caliber of educator in the public grade schools.

How about a program on inner city blackness and the roles and responsibilities of black people in dismantling that culture.
If you work and pay your taxes, obey the law and don't go to jail you are privileged. If you pay your bills on time, save a little money and have good credit because of it, its because you are a white oppressor. Nothing but race hatred directed at Caucasians.
I think the idea here is to have the kids understand that much of the dysfunction within black families can be attributed to the widespread discrimination black folks had to deal with generations ago. The single biggest factor in predicting how financially sound a person will eventually become is the socio-economic background of the family into which that person was born. Of course there are exceptions to this, but acrossed the board it is by far the most prevalent factor. In general financial stabile parents can offer their children more opportunities than a poor family. Poverty and despair breeds poverty and despair... which leads to dysfunction within the family which leads to social dysfunction.
I think the idea here is to have the kids understand that much of the dysfunction within black families can be attributed to the widespread discrimination black folks had to deal with generations ago. The single biggest factor in predicting how financially sound a person will eventually become is the socio-economic background of the family into which that person was born. Of course there are exceptions to this, but acrossed the board it is by far the most prevalent factor. In general financial stabile parents can offer their children more opportunities than a poor family. Poverty and despair breeds poverty and despair... which leads to dysfunction within the family which leads to social dysfunction.

That is the biggest load of **** from you yet.

Nobody owes you anything in life. Go out and get what you want, work for it, enjoy it. Most poor people are poor because they want to be.Live in the ghetto and think you can not move ahead in life, THEN MOVE. Most minorities have a greater chance of going to college than anyone, hell they even get the education for free and most times financial aid to survive on. If you have kids just to collect the welfare money, then I guess you really don't have their best interests at heart, And YOU are the problem.
That is the biggest load of **** from you yet.

Nobody owes you anything in life. Go out and get what you want, work for it, enjoy it. Most poor people are poor because they want to be.Live in the ghetto and think you can not move ahead in life, THEN MOVE. Most minorities have a greater chance of going to college than anyone, hell they even get the education for free and most times financial aid to survive on. If you have kids just to collect the welfare money, then I guess you really don't have their best interests at heart, And YOU are the problem.
Where did I say the world owes anyone anything? All I said was that there are consequences to the **** that happened in the past. Poor people are poor because they want to be? That just shows what an out of touch piece of self riteous **** you really are. Yep those poor black folks really have it made. My favorite was the "if you don't like living in the ghetto then move" ... And go where? Kind of hard to move when you don't have any ******* money. N
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Blacks have more financial aid available to them than any other race. It has been that way for 60 years. They still do not succeed. Experiment over. End affirmative action now!
I think the idea here is to have the kids understand that much of the dysfunction within black families can be attributed to the widespread discrimination black folks had to deal with generations ago.

Horseshit. The disintegration of the black family began with LBJ's Great Society, and has continued, and expanded, with all of the later entitlement programs. It has created a dependency on public assistance which has become multi-generational and more severe. We are at least four generations since then. We are now seeing the results of the misguided liberal policies, played out on the local news......every night. And we are seeing it with immigrants, that come here looking for the free ****.........and their disregard for our laws is being rewarded by our immoral politicians.

We are seeing poor people ending up as success stories. Look at Ben Carson. It can be done, with a helping hand...but not with a lifetime handout. That **** has got to stop.

Keep an eye on Sweden. You are soon going to see another welfare state disaster within the next decade.
Entitlements only get abused. Then politicians use them to buy votes. And here we are. It's 2016 and the vote buying continues as does the black dependence on "entitelments".

They aren't entitled to ****. They had 60 years Worth of affirmative action handouts and help. They will never get on thier own two feet because they simply don't want to. End affirmative action.
Keep an eye on Sweden. You are soon going to see another welfare state disaster within the next decade.

Could be anywhere Hamy. Once out of control, white guilt will allow almost anything.

Fred says;

Blacks, intensely tribal, seem uninterested in questions of guilt or innocence. To them, everything is race.
Logic, truth, circumstances lack importance.

What with the internet, whites know all of this. As blacks become angrier and angrier because of what they are told is heartless, causeless discrimination, whites get angrier over the endless Knockout Game, hidden by the MSM but not by Drudge. This makes things worse.

Consider Jeff Gutenbezos, daddy of the Kindle and honcho of Amazon. In a display of his essential goodness, he recently pulled from Amazon all items containing the Confederate flag (while continuing to sell Meinkampf and ISIS flags). Net effect? To infuriate a lot of white people, largely against blacks, without doing anything to benefit blacks.

Will denizens of the ghetto do better in school with no Confederate flags on sale at Amazon? Will they stop shooting each other? Get married before giving birth?

No. But Jeff will feel good about himself. The talking heads will love him.

Making things worse.

A country deserves what it tolerates. And gets more of it.

All racial policy now is symbolic and without substance—and makes things worse. E.g., I read that black graduate students of education at UCLA have protested because a professor corrected their grammar and spelling. Yes, graduate students who cannot write correct English. I was required to do it in the eighth grade. The professor of course whimpered and groveled like a puppy who has wet the rug, and apologized.

This story raced around the internet to a mixture of laughter, contempt, and horror. Laughter because it is funny, contempt because it is contemptible, and horror because the education students will be teaching our children. Which latter arouses anger.

Making things worse.

I assert, in hopes of being successfully contradicted, that given current approaches racial relations can only get worse. If this is not true, tell me why it is not.

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How self insulting is it to blacks that they continue to invariably support the politicians who promise them the most? That is the worst racism of all to tell an entire race that they will never be successful without government assistance. How much unrecognized self loathing must exist in a community to acknowledge such blatantly racist garbage?
I think the idea here is to have the kids understand that much of the dysfunction within black families can be attributed to the widespread discrimination black folks had to deal with generations ago. The single biggest factor in predicting how financially sound a person will eventually become is the socio-economic background of the family into which that person was born. Of course there are exceptions to this, but acrossed the board it is by far the most prevalent factor. In general financial stabile parents can offer their children more opportunities than a poor family. Poverty and despair breeds poverty and despair... which leads to dysfunction within the family which leads to social dysfunction.

the dysfunction in black families is because the government discourages marriage. Two parent homes are more stable in every way. A single parent gets more government money than a married couple. Also, many of the so called black leaders make their living by convincing black people that they can't make it on their own without help from the government.

Put those two factors together and you have a recipe for failure. No doubt their are white people in the same trap but without the race hustlers telling poor white people that they are doomed to fail without government help, the hold is not as strong.

You have white people who tend to view welfare as a safety net that catches you if you fall and then you get back up. The fear that is spread by race hustlers and liberals who treat black people like children tends to make black people view welfare as a necessary shield that they can never put down.

This notion of whiteness is a crock of ****. There are only 3 kinds of people who believe it. 1. People who want to use it as a Trojan Horse to help some other agenda (and they don;t actually believe it, they just say they do). 2. People with white guilt. 3. ******* idiots. Those last 2 are probably redundant.

What did whiteness buy the Irish immigrant who got off the boat and was immediately signed up for the army to fight in the civil war? What plush accommodations did whiteness buy the Polish immigrant making pennies a day working 6 days a week in a sweatshop?

The only way nonsense like this could ever take hold is if people have no understanding at all of history. Thanks to years of liberals running education, we're pretty much there now.
.This notion of whiteness is a crock of ****. There are only 3 kinds of people who believe it. 1. People who want to use it as a Trojan Horse to help some other agenda (and they don;t actually believe it, they just say they do). 2. People with white guilt. 3. ******* idiots. Those last 2 are probably redundant.

The only way nonsense like this could ever take hold is if people have no understanding at all of history. Thanks to years of liberals running education, we're pretty much there now.

"This in the United States? The exceptional nation, shining city on a hill, guiding light of mankind? On and on it goes: the national toleration of the stupid, the inferior, the lazy, and the uncultivated. More specifically, toleration of substandard teachers, substandard races, substandard approaches to schooling, and intellectually shiftless people bitching about everything being somebody else’s fault."

" End racially discriminatory polices like affirmative action on the principle that if you are good enough, you don’t need it, and if you need it, you aren’t good enough, and thus a parasite. If being required to be able to read to graduate from college disproportionately affects some people, then they can damned well disproportionately learn to read."
I think the idea here is to have the kids understand that much of the dysfunction within black families can be attributed to the widespread discrimination black folks had to deal with generations ago. The single biggest factor in predicting how financially sound a person will eventually become is the socio-economic background of the family into which that person was born. Of course there are exceptions to this, but acrossed the board it is by far the most prevalent factor. In general financial stabile parents can offer their children more opportunities than a poor family. Poverty and despair breeds poverty and despair... which leads to dysfunction within the family which leads to social dysfunction.

Where does one start?

News flashes for you.

(there ya go Roll) ended about 140 years ago.

Welfare has destroyed the black family and the black community.

From the time racism ended until LBJ signed the welfare act, the plight of the African American community continued to rise. The number of mother and father-led families in the black community was at an all time high. Since the signing of the welfare act, 70-some percent of African Americans are born into single mother families.

You want to explore the degradation of that culture, study the impact of welfare. That is where the dysfunction comes from. It's not even an argument.

EDIT: sorry, didn't realize welfare had already been touched on.
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Racism ended 140 years ago. Wow.... just wow......
Racism ended 140 years ago. Wow.... just wow......

Oooh, I made a typo, and meant to say "slavery". But let's not address the errors in your post, right? Blacks today suffer because they were once slaves, that's your premise. Do proceed.