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Here We Go Again! SWAT called to active shooter inside Boulder, Colorado grocery store.

This came just last week... the madness has to stop.

Do we know anything about this shooter yet?

Isn't it weird that a lot of these mass shootings happen in Colorado?
NRA is this your “well regulated militia?” Disturbed solo white male mass shooters?

We need background checks and an immediate ban on assault weapons. Surely we can all agree on these two basic, common sense regulations.

It's time to make America great again by protecting the lives of its citizens and disarming these deranged, violent domestic terrorists.

My wife rolls her eyes when I carry on a quick trip to the grocery store. Sorry. This **** proves you’d be wise to be strapped.
Several years ago we were going out, I'm strapping my ankle holster on, and Mrs. Burgundy says, "Are you taking THAT?"
I replied, "There's crazy people out there."
She says, "There's crazy people in here too."
Great exchanges in Burgundy family history.

I will note that in the years since, Mrs. Burgundy has taken up shooting, got a special concealed carry purse, and is a better shot than I am.
It's not that complicated, really isn't. Stop mucking it up and making it so.

Btw I've changed my tune on gun control. I was overthinking things, letting the debate about high-powered, military-style weapons, semi-automatic vs. fully automatic, high-capacity magazines etc cloud my views.

It's time to ban all assault rifles, including the AR15. Just ban them across the board. And yes, with that ban would come a grace period & buy-back program. If criminals continue to own them, they'll be easy to identify and arrest, on the spot.

Rifles, shotguns and handguns for hunting and personal safety would continue to be perfectly legal to own, given proper background checks, licensing and no criminal record.

It's time to end the madness, given the use of assault rifles - specifically the AR15 - in mass casualty events over the past decades.

The 2nd amendment starts with 'a well-regulated militia...' Well, it's high time that regulation kicks in, and we return to a period of relative calm. This has to be stricter than the assault weapons ban btwn 1994-2004, closing the many loopholes that was in that legislation. Funny, how life - and personal freedoms - didn't come to a screeching halt back then, a decade in which assault weapons were banned.

Will this end mass shootings by crazed individuals? Sadly, no. But it would limit the casualties and perhaps make these types of events less frequent, thereby saving lives across the board.

And I'd be remiss not to mention Colorado is an open-carry State (& concealed carry w permit). Strange how yet again, the 'good guys with a gun' argument comes up woefully short, as a madman strolls through a Boulder grocery store and mows down ten innocent people (including an armed police officer) with zero resistance from a well-meaning, well-armed public. That's a thing of pure fantasy, that these types of mass shootings can be thwarted by armed citizens. Just doesn't happen or happens so infrequently the argument doesn't hold merit.

Now come at me, with your frothing-at-the-mouth, over-the-top anger and outrage. Or preferably, make a valid claim on why assault weapons should be readily available and in the hands of so many deranged, violent individuals.
I hate getting
NRA is this your “well regulated militia?” Disturbed solo white male mass shooters?

We need background checks and an immediate ban on assault weapons. Surely we can all agree on these two basic, common sense regulations.

It's time to make America great again by protecting the lives of its citizens and disarming these deranged, violent domestic terrorists.

View attachment 4861
No, we can’t agree. Tibs, there are already background checks. To get my CCW, I went through a background check, mental health screening etc. On top of that, I have had my AR15 for 9 years, and crazy talk, that weapon has never taken a human life.

Personally, I see this as a mental health issue more than anything else. What pisses me off is that someone knows these shooters and knows they have issues of one sort or another, yet no one says or does anything. After the fact when bodies are being stacked, people invariably come out of the woodwork that the guy was doing or saying this or that, but they never thought he was serious. It’s old. It’s past time to address the mental health issues in this country in some manner that isn’t just throwing pills at the problem that often makes the problem worse. Maybe it’s time to demand congress start addressing issues with this nation rather throwing trillions of dollars at wasteful programs that support corrupt foreign governments.

I can’t get behind banning things. More often than not, the wrong people are punished. Like me for example. I’ve never so much as threatened someone with a weapon, yet according to you, I shouldn’t be allowed to have an AR15 “just in case.” No, that’s not American. At least it wasn’t, anyway. And using money the government took from me to “buy back” my gun is about as un-American a thing as I can think of, especially since I didn’t buy it from the government in the first place.


Sick people with death in their heart will find a way to kill. They will find away to kill en mass. They’ll just change the instrument of death.
Thanks for your thoughtful response Sarge, you make several valid points.

I can’t get behind banning things. More often than not, the wrong people are punished. Like me for example. I’ve never so much as threatened someone with a weapon, yet according to you, I shouldn’t be allowed to have an AR15 “just in case.”

I would support allowing assault weapons with a special permit, for individuals such as yourself and others like you. I don't think they should be readily available to the general public. We've seen what happens when we go down that road.
You want to own a gun? No problem, the Constitution affords you that right.

Just do it like they do in Japan, and we'd all be a zillion times safer.

This is what I think the Founders meant by 'well-regulated' and would certainly agree with such measures knowing what we know today.

Thanks for your thoughtful response Sarge, you make several valid points.

I would support allowing assault weapons with a special permit, for individuals such as yourself and others like you. I don't think they should be readily available to the general public. We've seen what happens when we go down that road.
Using your own words, perhaps you will understand why I can’t support restricting or banning guns of any kind. We’ve seen what happens when we go down that road. History should be a map as to why it’s a bad idea. But we’re in the process of disregarding history so who knows where this ends up.

The government is not here to allow us or not allow us to do or have anything. If we are truly a free society, and in my opinion we are not, the government allowing or not allowing is not up for debate. That so many believe that is government’s role is frightening and tells me people don’t really know what freedom is.

Banning guns doesn’t solve anything. It’s an easy way for government to say they did something without actually addressing the problem. And our government is good at meaningless ****. Look at public education, for example. Failing at every level by every meaningful metric. The answer? Spend more money on common core stupidity. Doesn’t fix anything, but hey, they did something.

Need to address the underlying issue, and stop with window dressing solutions. It will be hard, and require more than just throwing money at it. It’s why our government will continue to take the easy wrong over the hard right.
Thanks for your thoughtful response Sarge, you make several valid points.

I would support allowing assault weapons with a special permit, for individuals such as yourself and others like you. I don't think they should be readily available to the general public. We've seen what happens when we go down that road.
"Assault Weapons" .........they are semi-auto rifles that just look scary to people because of the accessories that can be added to them. While these mass shootings are horrible, they represent a very small percentage of the gun deaths that happen in this country. Most gun owners are law abiding citizens that don't go around shooting people up like it's the wild wild west. If you really take a deep dive into the gun deaths that occur, most are suicide and accidental discharges - which one could argue that people who can't keep their guns secured and out of the hands of others should possibly look at charges for being a ******* moron.

Me and my husband own 3 ARs, 2 AR-15s and 1 AR-10. We also have quite a few handguns as well as shotguns including a Benelli. We both have CCPs. In NC you have to go through a firearms course, show that you can handle and fire your gun properly, extensive background check, fingerprinting and have absolutely no criminal record that involves DV, Assault or any other violent crimes. After that I don't feel like I need to get any other sort of special permit for any gun I want to own, buyback programs can kiss my ***. What exactly are they buying back? They didn't sell that **** to me, and they certainly aren't going to give me market value for the gun. "Here, have a couple hundred bucks" for a gun I paid way more than that for.

Sarge is right.........there is a mental health issue in this country that keeps getting pushed aside by the "guns are bad" rhetoric. That needs to be addressed, but I would prefer the "State" stay the **** out of that as well because anything the govt. touches turns to ****.
So we're blaming the President for gun-slinging wacko's running around mowing down innocent people at a grocery store? Dare say, you guys are certifiably nuts.
Not necessarily him. He doesn't even know he's President. But the Left, yes. This is straight out of the Oterrorist playbook, Obama 101. Evidence of the **** show at the border is coming to light. They're flooding our country with killers and rapists. Gungrabbing is one of their top priorities, so send in a patsy for this diversion. Odd how no info about the shooter is coming out.

Also, you dumb commie fucktwat, the weapon is not the problem. You libtards use these incidents to hype up the abolishment of the 2nd amendment. It's a people problem, not a gun problem. Might as well ban knives, pressure cookers, cars, bricks...

Isn't it weird that a lot of these mass shootings happen in Colorado?

There are 92,435 registered guns in Colorado, none of which prevented the massacre in Boulder.
the weapon is not the problem.

Boulder: AR-15
Orlando: AR-15
Parkland: AR-15
Las Vegas: AR-15
Aurora, CO: AR-15
Sandy Hook: AR-15
Waffle House: AR-15
San Bernardino: AR-15
Midland/Odessa: AR-15
Poway synagogue: AR-15
Sutherland Springs: AR-15
Tree of Life Synagogue: AR-15
There are 92,435 registered guns in Colorado, none of which prevented the massacre in Boulder.
92,435 guns in Colorado and only 1 of them were wielded by a madman. Funny how you don't want to discuss the 92,434 that sat peaceably in a home without doing any harm to others.
92,435 guns in Colorado and only 1 of them were wielded by a madman. Funny how you don't want to discuss the 92,434 that sat peaceably in a home without doing any harm to others.

You mean of course besides the nearly 900 Coloradans who died by gun violence last year, an average of two people every day.

Or the Aurora, Colorado shooting in 2012, the Colorado Springs shootings in October and November of 2015, the Thornton shooting in 2017, or the STEM School Highlands Ranch shooting in 2019.
Boulder: AR-15
Orlando: AR-15
Parkland: AR-15
Las Vegas: AR-15
Aurora, CO: AR-15
Sandy Hook: AR-15
Waffle House: AR-15
San Bernardino: AR-15
Midland/Odessa: AR-15
Poway synagogue: AR-15
Sutherland Springs: AR-15
Tree of Life Synagogue: AR-15
Common denominator isn’t the weapon it is “GUN FREE ZONES” providing mad men with large pools of helpless unarmed innocent victims. Remember kids when the government starts trying to ban and confiscate your guns it’s time for you to use your guns against the government. Anyone that advocates for gun bans is a communist.
Me and my husband own 3 ARs, 2 AR-15s and 1 AR-10. We also have quite a few handguns as well as shotguns including a Benelli. We both have CCPs. In NC you have to go through a firearms course, show that you can handle and fire your gun properly, extensive background check, fingerprinting and have absolutely no criminal record that involves DV, Assault or any other violent crimes.

Thanks for the response NC. Just out of curiosity, what type of guns would you guys own if they banned the AR's? You mentioned handguns and shotguns, anything else? And if so, how would things be different for you, in real terms, if you couldn't own the AR's but kept the others?
Missed this one. Both can be used for hunting deer. Here is a nice article on Semi-Automatic rifles - The most versatile ones, and includes ARs for .....................hunting game.

What would hunting deer look like, without using semi-automatic rifles? More challenging, perhaps?
Common denominator isn’t the weapon

Fyi... Clinton banned assault weapons in 1994 and mass shootings dropped 43%. Republican Congress let the ban expire and mass shootings shot up 239%.
NRA is this your “well regulated militia?” Disturbed solo white male mass shooters?

We need background checks and an immediate ban on assault weapons. Surely we can all agree on these two basic, common sense regulations.

It's time to make America great again by protecting the lives of its citizens and disarming these deranged, violent domestic terrorists.

View attachment 4861

That's all well and good, Tibs, but what is your solution for the shootings and murders every weekend in Chicago? Where is the research of the weapons they are using? Is there data? Are they considered deranged, have mental health issues, etc?
Fyi... Clinton banned assault weapons in 1994 and mass shootings dropped 43%. Republican Congress let the ban expire and mass shootings shot up 239%.
Violent crime, which includes shootings, has been declining drastically since 1991 - before the "assault weapons" ban and continued declining after they let it expire. An uptick in shootings started happening around 2014 and started declining again after 2016. 2020 was pretty quiet on that front mostly due to more people staying home due to the pandemic.

There's a lot of factors involved in any statistics posted, but most people don't want to do the deep dives to see why. This statement goes for both sides - left and right.
Thanks for the response NC. Just out of curiosity, what type of guns would you guys own if they banned the AR's? You mentioned handguns and shotguns, anything else? And if so, how would things be different for you, in real terms, if you couldn't own the AR's but kept the others?

We own several rifles, a few that are not semi-automatic.

How about we want to own what we want to own as far as guns are concerned, as a law abiding citizen. I'm pretty sure the "point" you are trying to make is that day to day life wouldn't be any different if we couldn't own ARs. I could probably then use that to think of a lot of things that could be banned that wouldn't affect my day to day life, still doesn't make it correct.

Are you for making people criminals just for owning ARs if they ban them? Why should I, or anyone else that owns an AR that isn't a criminal have to give them up? What do you think will happen with a ban on ARs - everyone lives in harmony and no one goes into a killing spree ever? YAY!!!

Here's a thought. Perhaps the rhetoric via media from both sides needs to shut the **** up and report actual news and stop pushing talking points and propaganda to fit a narrative. Nah, that will never happen.