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Here We Go Again! SWAT called to active shooter inside Boulder, Colorado grocery store.

I really should just put Tibs on ignore. His stupidity is bottomless. Let me hit some of his low points:

  • "White people bad, mass murderers!"
  • Shooter Middle Eastern.
  • "Don't lump people together, you racists! Muslim had nothing to do with this!"
  • "White people are the ones we need to herd into cages and disarm!!"
  • Stats show blacks do 53.3% of murders in United States, or more than 4x their population.
  • "Show me mass murders only!!"
  • Posts articles showing more than 1 person killed, i.e., mass murder, in vast number of Chicago shootings.
  • "Those murders don't matter! Only killings where a white guy used an AR, like the Boulder market, Virginia tech ..."
  • Points out Tibs blew his racism load early, Boulder shooter Middle Eastern, it seems, based on name and TSF showed VT shooter not white.
  • "Damn it, never mind those shootings! Ten people were murdered in Boulder, including a police officer.
  • Posts article showing 12 people killed in Chicago, including police officer, in three weeks.
  • "Irrelevant! Those people are less dead cuz no AR and shooters black!"
  • "A well-regulated militia means gun control!"
  • 2nd Amendment, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
  • Regulation refers to the militia, not arms.
  • 2nd Amendment plainly states, in as direct a command as can be found in the Constitution, "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED."
  • "Ahhhh, AR-15 is the weapon of death, an assault weapon!!!"
  • Steeltime feels compelled to point out to blathering ignoramus that the designation "AR-15" refers to one caliber of the semi-automatic, the 5.56 mm, sometimes referred to as a .223.
  • Ignorant rant, like all stupid bloviating by dumb people based on pure pop psychology and reading a couple of Yahoo articles, is comedically wrong.
  • Screetching, whining imbecile apparently did not know that there are other calibers of semi-automatic rifles, such as the AR-10, which shoots 7.62, similar to the .308.
  • "Ahhhh, ban them all!!"
  • Why? What evidence is there that banning semi-automatic rifles will do a damn thing??
  • The purpose of the present study is to determine the effects of state-level assault weapons bans and concealed weapons laws on state-level murder rates. Using data for the period 1980 to 2009 and controlling for state and year fixed effects, the results of the present study suggest that states with restrictions on the carrying of concealed weapons had higher gun-related murder rates than other states. It was also found that assault weapons bans did not significantly affect murder rates at the state level. These results suggest that restrictive concealed weapons laws may cause an increase in gun-related murders at the state level. The results of this study are consistent with some prior research in this area, most notably Lott and Mustard (1997).
  • https://www.researchgate.net/public...ault_weapons_bans_on_state-level_murder_rates
  • Ranting ninny moron imbecile of course spews stats without a single reference for us to check. I guess we should just take his word on it.
  • Okay, then take my word on stats as well. I should not be the only one who links to supporting data.
  • And I know statistics scare Tibsy. "Math is hard." /s Tibsy.
  • So 84% of whatever Tibsy says is pure, unadulterated fiction from left-wing sites that are engaged in purely self-interested political disputes.
Back to you, Tibsy.
Since the shooter seems to be an Arab, that automatically makes this an act of terrorism, correct? As opposed to just another white dude having a 'bad day.' Did I get that right?
No Tibs. It makes him a deranged ********. No different than any other deranged ******** that does **** like this. Pretty ******* tired of race being the primary topic of any incident like this.

There’s ******** everywhere. Like they’d be any more or less dead based on the race of the shooter. It is beyond stupid.

Jesus Christ, do you have an iota of self-awareness? You, and ONLY you, were ranting about the race of the shooter. When it turns out you were laughably wrong, you accuse somebody else of stupid overreaction.

Try this. Find a shiny surface, such as sheet metal or glass. Polish it to a sheen. Once you have the surface reflective, look at it. Then say, "You are the problem here."
Mother Jones’s database of mass shootings, defined as shootings involving three or more fatalities, shows that between 2007 and 2017, there were 495 people murdered in such events. When breaking down those shootings by the weapons involved, it is revealed that around half of those victims (253) were murdered by a perpetrator with an assault weapon (AW), such as an AR-15.

Over the same timeframe, FBI annual crime reports show that there were 150,352 homicides in total, of which 103,901 involved firearms. This means that mass shootings involving AWs constitute 0.17 percent and 0.24 percent of all homicides and firearm homicides, respectively.

To further illuminate the relative infrequency of mass shootings with “assault weapons,” consider the fact that in 2017, some 1,590 people were murdered using knives or sharp instruments.

Damn Booted, you jumped to conclusions & ****** up. tsk tsk
Yeah I was trying to edit from my phone and ****** the whole post up. I do that more and more in my old age.

I just pray you, your friends, family and loved ones are never in a situation while attending school, going shopping or at a mall or concert somewhere in America, where you're staring down the barrel of an AR-15 with one of these frivolous, non-existent mass murderers wreaking havoc and mayhem.

My prayers go out to all the victims in Boulder yesterday, as well as those who lost their lives in Georgia last week. I also pray for all the victims of gun violence across America, regardless if they're caught up in a mass casualty event or fall victim of other crimes.
Yet another guy obviously 'having a bad day.'

Mock me all you want, but do so at your own peril. At the end of the day, as tough as it is to stomach, violent white men are the greatest terrorist threat to our country.

The facts bear that out.

Praying for all those affected by this heinous crime, their families, friends and loved ones.

The videos out there are too grizzly to share, bodies laying on the ground in the parking lot outside and inside the store itself.
that didnt age well at all, did it?
Btw I've changed my tune on gun control. I was overthinking things, letting the debate about high-powered, military-style weapons, semi-automatic vs. fully automatic, high-capacity magazines etc cloud my views.

It's time to ban all assault rifles, including the AR15. Just ban them across the board. And yes, with that ban would come a grace period & buy-back program. If criminals continue to own them, they'll be easy to identify and arrest, on the spot.

Rifles, shotguns and handguns for hunting and personal safety would continue to be perfectly legal to own, given proper background checks, licensing and no criminal record.

It's time to end the madness, given the use of assault rifles - specifically the AR15 - in mass casualty events over the past decades.

The 2nd amendment starts with 'a well-regulated militia...' Well, it's high time that regulation kicks in, and we return to a period of relative calm. This has to be stricter than the assault weapons ban btwn 1994-2004, closing the many loopholes that was in that legislation. Funny, how life - and personal freedoms - didn't come to a screeching halt back then, a decade in which assault weapons were banned.

Will this end mass shootings by crazed individuals? Sadly, no. But it would limit the casualties and perhaps make these types of events less frequent, thereby saving lives across the board.

And I'd be remiss not to mention Colorado is an open-carry State (& concealed carry w permit). Strange how yet again, the 'good guys with a gun' argument comes up woefully short, as a madman strolls through a Boulder grocery store and mows down ten innocent people (including an armed police officer) with zero resistance from a well-meaning, well-armed public. That's a thing of pure fantasy, that these types of mass shootings can be thwarted by armed citizens. Just doesn't happen or happens so infrequently the argument doesn't hold merit.

Now come at me, with your frothing-at-the-mouth, over-the-top anger and outrage. Or preferably, make a valid claim on why assault weapons should be readily available and in the hands of so many deranged, violent individuals.
your whole goddamned statement is filled with circular hypocrisy. the entire ******* thing.

ban all high-powered, military-style weapons, semi-automatic vs fully-automatic...

you then state "Rifles, shotguns and handguns for hunting and personal safety would continue to be perfectly legal to own, given proper background checks, licensing and no criminal record"

so which is it? ban them or not? do or do not. **** or get off the pot. you state all these rosy views, but they're so filled with **** that you don't know whether to flush or plant roses.

and yet you WANTED a shootout? are you ******* kidding?

very few people who carry are going to try to defuse a situation unless they are under attack. it's how a person gets shot - by the cops. Cops roll into a situation, and see two people shooting at each other? yeah, they're shooting both *******.

******* idiotic logic at best. but, coming from you on <insert topic> that's par for the course. good job, Tibor Weeds.
What a senseless loss of life...spanning generations.


Denny Strong, 20
Nevin Stanisic, 23
Rikki Olds 25,
Tralona Bartkowiak, 49
Suzanne Fountain, 59
Teri Leiker, 51
Officer Eric Talley, 51
Kevin Mahoney, 61
Lynn Murray, 62
Jody Waters, 65

And the cycle of death from violent crime in America continues unabated. Wash, rinse and repeat.
It's funny, you can just see the deflation of Tibs in this thread. He started out so excited and happy that the shooter appeared to be white. Now it comes out that it was lefty BLM supporting Muslim. Wah-waaaaah!
Thanks for your thoughtful response Sarge, you make several valid points.

I would support allowing assault weapons with a special permit, for individuals such as yourself and others like you. I don't think they should be readily available to the general public. We've seen what happens when we go down that road.
Sarge is a white heterosexual male.
so, people like him.

why do you hate minorities?
why do you hate women?
why do you hate minority women?
why do you hate gay people?
why do you hate the LGBTQ community?
why do you hate?
You want to own a gun? No problem, the Constitution affords you that right.

Just do it like they do in Japan, and we'd all be a zillion times safer.

This is what I think the Founders meant by 'well-regulated' and would certainly agree with such measures knowing what we know today.

aint a Constitution in Japan, champ.
There are 92,435 registered guns in Colorado, none of which prevented the massacre in Boulder.
92,434 registered guns didnt kill anyone.
what's that percentage?
I now have Tibs on ignore, so let me guess... he came on and claimed the shooter was white, far-right extremist and guns are bad without any evidence or proof.

Yeah.... pretty much sums it up why he's on mute in the first place. When stuff like this happens, he's the first person on the message board. It was probably 4AM in Hungary when he HAD to mention something about a mass shooting and rile up the board.

**** Tibs.
It's funny, you can just see the deflation of Tibs in this thread. He started out so excited and happy that the shooter appeared to be white. Now it comes out that it was lefty BLM supporting Muslim. Wah-waaaaah!

I'm sorry, confirmed from Joey in a tweet? While accusing Tibs of being gleeful the shooter was white, for some reason you are doing pretty much the same thing swinging from the other side.

People died. There shouldn't be a rush to point fingers at different "sides" on the shooter to make a point.................it's pointless.
What would hunting deer look like, without using semi-automatic rifles? More challenging, perhaps?
probably more painful and tragic for the deer or animals being hunted. not all animals are dead on first shot. thus, tracking. so now you want animals to suffer greatly to present more of a "challenge".

that's cold. very, very cold.
Reactions on the board to yet another deadly shooting spree with mass casualties:

- focus on the circumstances of the crime, show sympathy for the victims
- have a reasoned, adult conversation about pros and cons of strengthening gun legislation
- wildly attack liberals & the media and amplify conspiracy theories
- angrily lash out at an American Steelers fan living abroad, for his views concerning the above.

Choose wisely! (y)
I'm sorry, confirmed from Joey in a tweet? While accusing Tibs of being gleeful the shooter was white, for some reason you are doing pretty much the same thing swinging from the other side.

People died. There shouldn't be a rush to point fingers at different "sides" on the shooter to make a point.................it's pointless.
Joey knows everything.
Reactions on the board to yet another deadly shooting spree with mass casualties:

- focus on the circumstances of the crime, show sympathy for the victims
- have a reasoned, adult conversation about pros and cons of strengthening gun legislation
- wildly attack liberals & the media and amplify conspiracy theories
- angrily lash out at an American Steelers fan living abroad, for his views concerning the above.

Choose wisely! (y)
you forgot:
-Blame angry, deranged, white, Conservative male with assault gun.
Reactions on the board to yet another deadly shooting spree with mass casualties:

- focus on the circumstances of the crime, show sympathy for the victims
- have a reasoned, adult conversation about pros and cons of strengthening gun legislation
- wildly attack liberals & the media and amplify conspiracy theories
- angrily lash out at an American Steelers fan living abroad, for his views concerning the above.

Choose wisely! (y)
oh, you forgot:
