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Hiden Biden, the Basement Man, apparently will be forced to debate Trump


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
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The nearest Steelers bar.
As of three weeks ago, I believed that there was zero percent chance Biden would debate Trump for the simple reason that Biden is mentally incompetent, cannot put together three sentences, cannot read a freaking teleprompter for God's sake. Put that together with his then-substantial lead in the polls, particularly in key battleground states like Florida, North Carolina, Arizona, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, and I thought that Biden's babysitters, ehh, "handlers" would beg off the debates and try to coast home.

Now? Not so much:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">ICYMI: For Wednesday, September 16, 2020<br><br>National Likely Voter (LV) Job Approval of <a href="https://twitter.com/POTUS?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@POTUS</a> - 52%<br><br>GOP LV App - 83%<br><br>Dem LV App - 21%<br><br>Ind LV App - 56%<br><br>Men LV App - 56%<br><br>Women LV App - 49%<br><br>White LV App - 51%<br><br>Black Total LV App - 38%<br><br>Other Non-White Total LV App - 65% ! <a href="https://t.co/BaQDIqu3nB">https://t.co/BaQDIqu3nB</a> <a href="https://t.co/KOGKXrcP6q">pic.twitter.com/KOGKXrcP6q</a></p>— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) <a href="https://twitter.com/Rasmussen_Poll/status/1306341831836401667?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 16, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Trump pulling (polling) even and then ahead in the polls pulls Hiden Biden out of the basement and into the debates, where this is guaranteed to happen to the Biden campaign:

As of three weeks ago, I believed that there was zero percent chance Biden would debate Trump for the simple reason that Biden is mentally incompetent, cannot put together three sentences, cannot read a freaking teleprompter for God's sake. Put that together with his then-substantial lead in the polls, particularly in key battleground states like Florida, North Carolina, Arizona, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, and I thought that Biden's babysitters, ehh, "handlers" would beg off the debates and try to coast home.

Now? Not so much:

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Trump pulling (polling) even and then ahead in the polls pulls Hiden Biden out of the basement and into the debates, where this is guaranteed to happen to the Biden campaign:


I think they're seriously considering switching their ticket. Not that it really matters, Harris is less favorable by her own party than Hiden is. The only way they win is by hook or crook.

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I'm not sure if you guys like Jeff Dunham or not, but I found this amusing and thought I would share it.

I think they're seriously considering switching their ticket. Not that it really matters, Harris is less favorable by her own party than Hiden is. The only way they win is by hook or crook.

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Can they switch the ticket? Just like that?? Make a swap? If so, what the **** are the primaries about? And if they do, why shouldn't Dems and Americans revolt?
Can they switch the ticket? Just like that?? Make a swap? If so, what the **** are the primaries about? And if they do, why shouldn't Dems and Americans revolt?

Honestly man I don't know, but it sure feels like they are angling for that. I could just be paranoid, but with all that has happened already, would you put it passed them? And yes Americans should revolt if that happens.
The funny part is...these are thee two best people they could come up with.

Remember, there is no "they". Democratic voters in this country are so infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome and riled up to unseen anxiety levels by the media, they can't decide on any position or platform. You think they have any coherent thoughts among them? They literally change positions on every issue depending on how they "feel" that day. And that whole "emotional" roller coaster led them to the clusterfuck that was their primary process. It even led to FORCING a woman of color onto the ticket in July for an issue whose wind was blowing one way in summer and a completely different way come Novermber. The whole process of BLM and picking Harris while the "news was hot" is the PERFECT example of how ****** up the democratic party is. Believe me, they are way more ****** up than when McCain (who is just like ******* Biden in almost every way except the letter after his name) went with the "winds of Tea Party nonsense" in 2008 by picking a completely unqualified and downright idiot running mate.

I can only hope it backfires on Biden like it backfired on McCain. Of course, the true colors of McCain became evident. Never liked the guy which is why he's the only (R) I haven't voted for in 32 years. Turns out I was 100% right about the guy. Petty and vindictive and all Washington elitism. Was more worried about his little pieces of the pie than any conservative issue or conviction at all.

Biden is a very weak candidate from a very weak party right now that is completely discombobulated. I am hopeful it will take a lot more charismatic candidate that Joe Biden to unite them. As long as they stay fractured and have bad candidates, I trust conservatives can compete and win.
Can they switch the ticket? Just like that?? Make a swap? If so, what the **** are the primaries about? And if they do, why shouldn't Dems and Americans revolt?

Because if you are voting Biden then you are already knowingly voting for a guy with Dementia, meaning you are voting to be governed by unelected, behind the scenes elitists. In short, you already don;t give a **** about rules so long as your side wins.
I will believe the debates when i see it. The Dems will push for some sort of virtual debate where Biden will get the questions in advance and be on prompter in his basement. If they are on a stage with no prompter and no earpiece, then Biden is toast in a 90 minute debate.

I think the Dems will find some excuse to back out of debates. They will manufacture some negative Trump story and then declare that they won't even dignify him with a debate.
Sorry, but this is not a "Biden campaign"

as the flubs have come more prevalent, this is a "Harris campaign". Biden may have a debate with Trump, but after that he'll be "forced" to step aside. Thus pushing Heels Up into the driver's seat where she will ask Hildebeast to be the "experienced, calming presence" that the country needs.

and every single one of you who do not vote for them will be racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamaphobic, xenophobic bigots twice over. you ******* disgust me.

Trump 2020
Sorry, but this is not a "Biden campaign"

as the flubs have come more prevalent, this is a "Harris campaign". Biden may have a debate with Trump, but after that he'll be "forced" to step aside. Thus pushing Heels Up into the driver's seat where she will ask Hildebeast to be the "experienced, calming presence" that the country needs.

and every single one of you who do not vote for them will be racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamaphobic, xenophobic bigots twice over. you ******* disgust me.

The (D)ims simply must find a replacement for Dementjoe, but I cannot believe it will be Hillary. She is very likely the only candidate the (D)ims could drum up who engenders more unfettered hatred than Trump.
I want to see how Trump prepares for this debate. If he's thinking this is going to be a breeze with a demented old man he risks coming out flat and the MSM will be screaming a Biden win. He has to understand that Biden will be given the questions and the answers rehearsed ad nauseum. I want to see savage trump. I want to see Trump get under his skin and piss him off to get him off script like he did with Hillary "you'd be in jail"...the whole ******* place erupted. It was epic.

Savage Trump!!
I've said it since the start of this: Biden is the nominee and he will debate Trump. All those silly little polls over the summer are now starting to turn like the leaves. Biden has never been far ahead in reality. There is probably a ~2%-3% under polled Trump group. This counts dems and indys. Everybody that is really voting for Biden will say so. But Trump has a group that won't talk politics and won't admit to voting for him.

Biden also has no choice but to debate Trump. Also if you think a tele-prompter in the basement is going to save deranged Joe you're out of your mind. That's his problem now is that he can't even keep up with it nor read it without flubbing it up. He'll be on stage with Trump for his beat down. Remember this is the guy that wants to take Trump out back and give him a good beating (maybe with Corn Pop?). Biden is already out of his basement because he knows it's almost over. This is a last ditch effort to win the election out right. He and the dems know it's a slight chance but one he has to take. If he doesn't show up for the debate after being seen campaigning he'll look more idiotic than he already does.
I've said it since the start of this: Biden is the nominee and he will debate Trump. All those silly little polls over the summer are now starting to turn like the leaves. Biden has never been far ahead in reality. There is probably a ~2%-3% under polled Trump group. This counts dems and indys. Everybody that is really voting for Biden will say so. But Trump has a group that won't talk politics and won't admit to voting for him.

As a small bit of anecdotal evidence relative to conservatives and polls, I have received 2-3 phone calls total at home and at work where the person on the other end said, "Hi, I work for [x] polling company and want to ask you some questions about the upcoming elections." I interrupt, say I am on the no-call list and not to bother me any more.

I suspect my response is pretty damn common among conservatives. We have **** to do and are not going to waste time answering polling questions.
I've said it since the start of this: Biden is the nominee and he will debate Trump. All those silly little polls over the summer are now starting to turn like the leaves. Biden has never been far ahead in reality. There is probably a ~2%-3% under polled Trump group. This counts dems and indys. Everybody that is really voting for Biden will say so. But Trump has a group that won't talk politics and won't admit to voting for him.

Speaking of polls, noticed how Nancy came out today condoning the violence? I'd give anything to see just one journalist (just one, take one for the team) ask her if she just came out of a drunken stupor.
Speaking of polls, noticed how Nancy came out today condoning the violence? I'd give anything to see just one journalist (just one, take one for the team) ask her if she just came out of a drunken stupor.

Nah, I didn't see that. You got a link?
Nah, I didn't see that. You got a link?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Speaker Pelosi noticed the polls:<br><br>“We support peaceful demonstrations. We participate in them. They are part of the essence of our democracy. That does not include looting, starting fires, or rioting. They should be prosecuted. That is lawlessness."<a href="https://t.co/eytKY3ie9m">pic.twitter.com/eytKY3ie9m</a></p>— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) <a href="https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1306653060916293637?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 17, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
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She is insane. She actually accused the Reps of revisionist history!?

Edit: And after that she does exactly what she accuses them of about China. She actually used some of Trumps language on China and credited herself with it. Infuckingsane

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She is insane. She actually accused the Reps of revisionist history!?

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I didn't even watch the video as I'd rather listen to nails on a chalkboard on loop, but nothing out of her vile mouth would surprise me at this point.
I didn't even watch the video as I'd rather listen to nails on a chalkboard on loop, but nothing out of her vile mouth would surprise me at this point.

haha, you should give it a look. Have a few laughs, lol.
She is insane. She actually accused the Reps of revisionist history!?

Edit: And after that she does exactly what she accuses them of about China. She actually used some of Trumps language on China and credited herself with it. Infuckingsane

<iframe scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets/widget_iframe.2d7d9a6d04538bf11c7b23641e75738c.html?origin=https%3A%2F%2Fsteelernationforums.com" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;"></iframe><iframe scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets/widget_iframe.2d7d9a6d04538bf11c7b23641e75738c.html?origin=https%3A%2F%2Fsteelernationforums.com" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;"></iframe>

A complete and total lunatic. That seems to be the job requirements for the demoncrats. They don't have any redeeming qualities whatsoever.
I still think there's an excellent chance that Biden tries to dodge the debates by being exposed to the 'Rona. He's out and about, easy to see how he might be exposed and as such, he must be quarantined for YOUR safety.

As for "shuffling the ticket" as I understand it, they can't do that after the democratic convention. However AT the convention, they can actually put forward anyone they want regardless of any of the polling ect. that has gone before. A group of the muckity mucks can get together and say, "That's our candidate." and that's it.

Afterward, they would have a hard time swapping somebody out without a very very good reason. (Like Arkancide.)
I still think there's an excellent chance that Biden tries to dodge the debates by being exposed to the 'Rona. He's out and about, easy to see how he might be exposed and as such, he must be quarantined for YOUR safety.

As for "shuffling the ticket" as I understand it, they can't do that after the democratic convention. However AT the convention, they can actually put forward anyone they want regardless of any of the polling ect. that has gone before. A group of the muckity mucks can get together and say, "That's our candidate." and that's it.

Afterward, they would have a hard time swapping somebody out without a very very good reason. (Like Arkancide.)

The problem is that Biden is the only dem with poll numbers anywhere close to Trump. Which is why he was selected to start with. Taking him out and putting someone else in will give Trump a landslide victory. It isn't going to happen. Biden will debate and Biden will be the nominee. You also have early voting in some states and the ballots have already been printed. The train has left the station and there is no stopping it.