I don't think I've seen you post here before.
Got bored of ******* your sister huh? I mean if we're going to stereotype....
Awaiting the ban hammer.
I don't think I've seen you post here before.
Got bored of ******* your sister huh? I mean if we're going to stereotype....
If you plug the actual data from 100 years ago into their models, you don't come up with today's climate. It's all bullshit.This, in a nutshell, has been my long-standing problem with the idea of global warming/climate change. It's the fact that a ridiculously tiny fragment of time is being examined and totally unwarranted and unsupportable extrapolations are being made from that data. We have no laboratory in which to conduct scientific testing. Sure, there are computerized global climate simulations, but those simulations are biased toward the beliefs of whoever is running the simulation, and in the end, simulations are not the same as physical experiments.
I recycle even though I am not required to. My rain barrel setup is working quite nicely although I do not mention it on Facebook because it is probably illegal. The govt SAYS they want you to conserve but when it costs them money you find they don't really mean it. I have detailed the episode of the state forcing my bud to shut down his mini hydroelectric generator here before.The other problem I have, and I'm honestly a very environmentally conscious person - I recycle, I try to conserve energy and water, I try to support sustainable foods and other materials - is that, even if it's all true and we're in the first stages of an environmental catastrophe, no one has proposed any realistic and actionable solutions we can implement today. Not a single one. Carbon taxes and carbon caps aren't going to solve the problem. Electric cars won't solve the problem. Wind and solar energy won't solve the problem. Actually, very little short of the disappearance of 95%+ of the world's population is going to have any meaningful impact.
Much like the missing dark matter in cosmology, it is ok to understand that there exist problems to which we do not, yet, have the knowledge to answer correctly. That is what scientific discovery is about.
In the case of this energy, it is completely possible that models could properly account for it by adding an unknown variable that simply admits that part of the math/science is simply unkown at this time. This would make the math/predictions more closely agree with what is observed because the unknown variability is what is clearly eluding climate researchers at this time. At some point in the future, probably when math and computing power are at higher levels, humanity may have a solution for this unknown variable (or more likely, a set of variables, probably with some sort of step function that makes discerning them more fundamentally difficult).
So there you go....energy is always conserved; we simply don't know how in this spectrum of science. That lack of understanding is proved by all the incorrect models and demands that scientists NOT CONCLUDE anything because they don't understand the complexity of nature in this regard.
Like all scientific inquiry, we should allocate resources to this understanding via fundamental research up to the point where we understand the relationships so that we can model properly and correctly match observations to predictions --- that would demonstrate an understanding of the complex system. But at this point in our collective evolution, we do not yet have that understanding. To pretend anyone does is complete hogwash; therefore any policy flowing from poor/bad/incorrect science is bound to be inefficient and wrongly directed. This follows logically.
Awaiting the ban hammer.
The sad part is no one will be held accountable for this nonsense. When the consensus switches to "whoops, no AGW" the response will be "but all this green energy we crammed down your throat to make our buddies hundreds of millions is a good thing". Who cares about the economy and the mountain of debt? We gots snazzy bird killin windmills.
Just wanted to make a copy before Polo by Elfie/Skeever does the edit.
There will be no "whoops" this is not George Bush and WMD's. The science is as certain as the fact that the earth is not flat.
There will be no "whoops" this is not George Bush and WMD's. The science is as certain as the fact that the earth is not flat.
then why do all of the scientists keep on making **** up? <--- serious question.
First, China and India — which together boast 36 percent of the world’s population — are rapidly building coal-fired power plants. Any Western reduction in CO2 will be dwarfed by these behemoths’ increases alone. Add to this other CO2-happy developing nations and Russia, and the fruitlessness of the uniquely Western climate-change obsession becomes apparent.
Didnt you see the thread that China says they will reduce emmissions?
What's this "we", Tonto? Speak for yourself, and I would be surprised if you got any point.That would be country music but we get the point.
There's a Vis tone about Polly's posts.
then why do all of the scientists keep on making **** up? <--- serious question.
It's easy to make the science certain when you get a free pass to massage the data. 97% of all climatologists know that.
There is nothing wrong with climate scientists doing that,It's a legit technique. Can it be twisted to be used in an negative way? Of course just visit www.wattsupwiththat.com and you'll see it in all it's full glory.
Again climate science depends on peer review, denial scientists depend on Heartland money.
So again your belief of dishonesty requires the schizophrenic framework of a world wide plot involving all the worlds scientific organizations, all the worlds scientists, and malfeasance at NASA, ESA, England's Met Office,etc.
It's so ridiculous if not for the knowledge that people like you are ignorant and just gobble up what Fox News feeds you, I would say institutionalization would be in order.
It doesn't pose constant questions though.
When all of your peers are sucking at the same government tit for funding it isn't in their interests to disagree, no? If 97% of climate scientists were to denounce global warming tomorrow, how many climate scientists would be unemployed by the weekend?
Give us an example.
I like that there's nothing wrong with lying about data. If the heartland folks lied about temperatures being cooler you'd be alright with that? Since its a legit technique and all.
Not all.
The dozens of sites you can find that bust the 97% myth, but Polly still buys into it.
Dr.. Judith Curry writes:
Look at the views in column 1, then look at the % in the rightmost column: 52% state the the warming since 1850 is mostly anthropogenic. One common categorization would categorize the other 48% as ‘deniers’.