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How do you fix the United States?


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Economy- I throw the old tax system out the door. I make it impossible to receive more back than paid in, which means that if you don't work you don't get money back! There are NO tax deductions. You get taxed on your gross and NO tax loop holes. Taxes start at $100,000 and is a progressive sloping scale. Meaning you are always better off making more money and there's no tax bracket. Meaning if someone makes $154,800 and someone makes $154,900 the two are taxed exactly the same on the $154,800 but the one who made $154,900 is taxed at a slightly higher rate on that last $100. Corporations are taxed 25% regardless. If you have grown to a size that you need to incorporate you will pay taxes. (LLC same rule applies) The highest paid employee in a company whether it's the owner, CEO, President ect CANNOT make more than 15 times the lowest. So if you are paying your lowest employee $7.25 an hour you cannot pay the highest more than $108.75 ($226,200 annual). So when these big corporations try to pay the CEO $50,000,000 they'd have to pay the lowest person $1602 an hour. So they won't. Profit sharing is not an option! 25% of the NET (after taxes) go to employees. Again the 15x rule applies.

That should motivate the people to who don't work to work. And should equalize some of the lopsided pay scale in Amerca. Also, paying everyone more WILL get the economy going. It also will get people off government assistance.


Active member
Apr 8, 2014
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Economy- I throw the old tax system out the door. I make it impossible to receive more back than paid in, which means that if you don't work you don't get money back! There are NO tax deductions. You get taxed on your gross and NO tax loop holes. Taxes start at $100,000 and is a progressive sloping scale. Meaning you are always better off making more money and there's no tax bracket. Meaning if someone makes $154,800 and someone makes $154,900 the two are taxed exactly the same on the $154,800 but the one who made $154,900 is taxed at a slightly higher rate on that last $100. Corporations are taxed 25% regardless. If you have grown to a size that you need to incorporate you will pay taxes. (LLC same rule applies) The highest paid employee in a company whether it's the owner, CEO, President ect CANNOT make more than 15 times the lowest. So if you are paying your lowest employee $7.25 an hour you cannot pay the highest more than $108.75 ($226,200 annual). So when these big corporations try to pay the CEO $50,000,000 they'd have to pay the lowest person $1602 an hour. So they won't. Profit sharing is not an option! 25% of the NET (after taxes) go to employees. Again the 15x rule applies.

That should motivate the people to who don't work to work. And should equalize some of the lopsided pay scale in Amerca. Also, paying everyone more WILL get the economy going. It also will get people off government assistance.

What do you do with people who can't work?

Ron Burgundy

Well-known member
Apr 7, 2014
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Rochester, PA
1) Replace the income tax and FICA with the Fair Tax or the Flat Tax. 2) Enact a balanced budget amendment. 3) Term limits for Congress. 4) No government agency can make a rule or regulation not approved by Congress. 5) Eliminate all Federal departments whose work is duplicated at the state level.

What do you do with people who can't work?

Simple, they won't pay any taxes. ;)

ark steel

Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Economy- I throw the old tax system out the door. I make it impossible to receive more back than paid in, which means that if you don't work you don't get money back! There are NO tax deductions. You get taxed on your gross and NO tax loop holes. Taxes start at $100,000 and is a progressive sloping scale. Meaning you are always better off making more money and there's no tax bracket. Meaning if someone makes $154,800 and someone makes $154,900 the two are taxed exactly the same on the $154,800 but the one who made $154,900 is taxed at a slightly higher rate on that last $100. Corporations are taxed 25% regardless. If you have grown to a size that you need to incorporate you will pay taxes. (LLC same rule applies) The highest paid employee in a company whether it's the owner, CEO, President ect CANNOT make more than 15 times the lowest. So if you are paying your lowest employee $7.25 an hour you cannot pay the highest more than $108.75 ($226,200 annual). So when these big corporations try to pay the CEO $50,000,000 they'd have to pay the lowest person $1602 an hour. So they won't. Profit sharing is not an option! 25% of the NET (after taxes) go to employees. Again the 15x rule applies.

That should motivate the people to who don't work to work. And should equalize some of the lopsided pay scale in Amerca. Also, paying everyone more WILL get the economy going. It also will get people off government assistance.

That tax system is little different than what we already have and what we already have is part of the problem. The tax code is not designed to generate revenue, it is designed to control the populace. Once you look at it that way, everything becomes a lot clearer.

Look at the lines and lines of tax code just to determine what "Compensation" means. The big genesis of the ER paid healthcare was to provide employees a benefit that was not counted as "compensation". Add to that the lines and lines of tax code defining different types of companies, LLC, sole-proprieter, S-Corp, C-Corp, etc. How much of the tax code could be eliminated if we got rid of the whole concept of taxing "compensation"?

Why on earth do you consider it the purpose of the government to determine what a private company can pay its CEO vs. its employees? Man, that is even more of the problem.

Scrap the tax code as it is. Done, gone. Don't try to "fix" it. If you try to "fix" it, lobbyist will determine what is "fixed". Change to a federal sales tax. Don't call it some bullshit like Value Added Tax. Taxing something doesn't add one damn bit to its value. The evil rich pay more because they spend more. EVERYONE pays something and may become more interested in how the government is wasting THEIR money rather than OPM.

You've eliminated most of the need for the IRS as you no longer have to file corporate or individual income tax. How much time and energy have you saved the average person or corporation? Those people who can afford the extra accountants and tax attorneys can spend more money building their business or buying yachts and paying higher taxes!


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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What do you do with people who can't work?

Same as we do now minus the money. They'll live in subsidized housing, food, healthcare, ect. There's no need for money when you have everything given to you so we will save social security money but pay roughly the same in subsidy to them.


Active member
Apr 8, 2014
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Same as we do now minus the money. They'll live in subsidized housing, food, healthcare, ect. There's no need for money when you have everything given to you so we will save social security money but pay roughly the same in subsidy to them.

Is that a cheaper way? How do you know? What if it splits up families to do it that way? Is that okay under your new Constitution?

Solutions are easy when you pull them out of your ***. I want to know how you know it will work and save money without a humanitarian crisis. Please refer to the studies.


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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1) Replace the income tax and FICA with the Fair Tax or the Flat Tax.
I was big into a flat tax or fair tax until you see the huge difference between some of these rich ***** and your average American.

2) Enact a balanced budget amendment. 3) Term limits for Congress. 4) No government agency can make a rule or regulation not approved by Congress. 5) Eliminate all Federal departments whose work is duplicated at the state level.

I agree with all of these.
Simple, they won't pay any taxes. ;)


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Is that a cheaper way? How do you know? What if it splits up families to do it that way? Is that okay under your new Constitution?

Solutions are easy when you pull them out of your ***. I want to know how you know it will work and save money without a humanitarian crisis. Please refer to the studies.

First I put new rules into disability. If you can walk, talk, and see YOU ARE NOT DISABLED. There's 95% of the "disabled" people. The rest can receive help ( subsidies ) and SSI. The rest will be able to live that's it. They already get the free food, housing, healthcare I just took the money part out of it. THAT IS HOW WE SAVE MONEY.


Active member
Apr 8, 2014
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Ok, so crazy people need to work. War vets with brain injuries in constant pain need to work.


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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That tax system is little different than what we already have and what we already have is part of the problem. The tax code is not designed to generate revenue, it is designed to control the populace. Once you look at it that way, everything becomes a lot clearer.

Look at the lines and lines of tax code just to determine what "Compensation" means. The big genesis of the ER paid healthcare was to provide employees a benefit that was not counted as "compensation". Add to that the lines and lines of tax code defining different types of companies, LLC, sole-proprieter, S-Corp, C-Corp, etc. How much of the tax code could be eliminated if we got rid of the whole concept of taxing "compensation"?

Why on earth do you consider it the purpose of the government to determine what a private company can pay its CEO vs. its employees? Man, that is even more of the problem.

Scrap the tax code as it is. Done, gone. Don't try to "fix" it. If you try to "fix" it, lobbyist will determine what is "fixed". Change to a federal sales tax. Don't call it some bullshit like Value Added Tax. Taxing something doesn't add one damn bit to its value. The evil rich pay more because they spend more. EVERYONE pays something and may become more interested in how the government is wasting THEIR money rather than OPM.

You've eliminated most of the need for the IRS as you no longer have to file corporate or individual income tax. How much time and energy have you saved the average person or corporation? Those people who can afford the extra accountants and tax attorneys can spend more money building their business or buying yachts and paying higher taxes!

There are no loopholes in my tax system and no need for most of the IRS. Stocks, bonus, profit sharing all are considered pay. Pay is taxed. There's no deductions so no way of not paying taxes on compensation. Taxes are on a sloping scale meaning you are always better off making more money but the more you make the more you are taxed. No flat tax brackets and the super rich pay a ton so the middle class doesn't have to.


Active member
Apr 8, 2014
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There are no loopholes in my tax system and no need for most of the IRS. Stocks, bonus, profit sharing all are considered pay. Pay is taxed. There's no deductions so no way of not paying taxes on compensation. Taxes are on a sloping scale meaning you are always better off making more money but the more you make the more you are taxed. No flat tax brackets and the super rich pay a ton so the middle class doesn't have to.

This is worth doing the studies. Are there hard numbers for this scheme somewhere?


Apr 8, 2014
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It's easy to say things like "taxes start at $100,000" without understanding whether or not the amount of taxes collected meets our budgetary needs. I get the general concept you're going for, but the idea that a bunch of armchair economists on an football message board have it all figured out is ridiculous.

I agree with Ark... scrap the entire tax code and start over, and make it simple.

Actually, I think that's a good approach for most of the government in general... scrap it all and start from scratch. I understand that the Constitution is generally still a strong basis for government, and that the Founders tried to make it an adaptable and forward-looking, "living" document. That's why I think it wouldn't be necessary to rewrite it from the ground up, just trash all the crap that's been tacked on over the years, and find ways to prevent the problems that have arisen from people finding ways to exploit the gaps over the last 200+ years.

Our government started out with men who had the best interests of the country and the People in mind, but it's obvious that most politicians today put their own interests first. Ways to prevent those problems could be added into the re-written version. Things like term limits, eliminating lobbying groups and imposing drastic campaign finance reforms. Politics today attracts people looking to improve their own standing, rather than people committed to improving the country for everyone.

The problem, of course, is that existing politicians aren't going to do any of this themselves. Only a revolution throwing down the current government and erecting a new one would work.


Active member
Apr 8, 2014
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It's easy to say things like "taxes start at $100,000" without understanding whether or not the amount of taxes collected meets our budgetary needs. I get the general concept you're going for, but the idea that a bunch of armchair economists on an football message board have it all figured out is ridiculous.

I agree with Ark... scrap the entire tax code and start over, and make it simple.

Actually, I think that's a good approach for most of the government in general... scrap it all and start from scratch. I understand that the Constitution is generally still a strong basis for government, and that the Founders tried to make it an adaptable and forward-looking, "living" document. That's why I think it wouldn't be necessary to rewrite it from the ground up, just trash all the crap that's been tacked on over the years, and find ways to prevent the problems that have arisen from people finding ways to exploit the gaps over the last 200+ years.

Our government started out with men who had the best interests of the country and the People in mind, but it's obvious that most politicians today put their own interests first. Ways to prevent those problems could be added into the re-written version. Things like term limits, eliminating lobbying groups and imposing drastic campaign finance reforms. Politics today attracts people looking to improve their own standing, rather than people committed to improving the country for everyone.

The problem, of course, is that existing politicians aren't going to do any of this themselves. Only a revolution throwing down the current government and erecting a new one would work.

I might agree with some of this but I never agree with scrapping what there is until the replacement is drafted and subjected to review and debate.


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Ok, so crazy people need to work. War vets with brain injuries in constant pain need to work.

War vets get their own VA benefits and insurance. I don't allow them to double dip into SSI though. The crazy people or lazy people can sit on their butt in their tiny subsidized apartment reading and taking walks. Go to the free library, free parks, whatever. Crazy people who are determined to be a safety risk will be medicated and if they don't take their medicine on their own they will be locked up or have the option to be euthanized. If they pose extreme safety concerns they WILL be euthanized.


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Any time someone wants to change tax laws to "get" people they don't like I'm against it. Why is it wrong of CEOs to make X% more than the "average" worker but it is perfectly ok for basketball players to make X% more than concession workers? Or Hollywood celebrities to make X% more than the stage hand? How about the baseball player who makes X% more than the janitor?

It is against everything the U.S. was built on and stands for, for the Government to set how much a private company pays it's CEO.

I have no problem changing the tax system. But not to give government more power.


I hate you all and I blame Ark for that.
Apr 12, 2014
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What do you do with people who can't work?

What about people that can work but decide to game the system?

Things can be worked out for a safety net for people that are truly unable to work and contribute. But it would be done at the state level since the Constitution grants no specific authority to a national government to provide that type of assistance.

1 ) Scrap the tax code. We won't need it.

2 ) Reinstitute a federal system. Limit the National Government to the 19 enumerated powers. Then we can pay for government through excise taxes, tariffs and duties on imports the way the founders intended.

3 ) Strike the general welfare clause from the Constitution, its a license for Pols to become tyrants.

4 ) Clarify the interstate commerce clause, see general welfare clause above.

5 ) Term limits for all elected positions at the national Level.

6 ) End the Federal Reserve.

7 ) Go back to money backed by gold and silver.

8 ) Restore sovereignty to the several states.

There is more to be done than that but that would be a good start.


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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It's easy to say things like "taxes start at $100,000" without understanding whether or not the amount of taxes collected meets our budgetary needs. I get the general concept you're going for, but the idea that a bunch of armchair economists on an football message board have it all figured out is ridiculous.

I agree with Ark... scrap the entire tax code and start over, and make it simple.

Actually, I think that's a good approach for most of the government in general... scrap it all and start from scratch. I understand that the Constitution is generally still a strong basis for government, and that the Founders tried to make it an adaptable and forward-looking, "living" document. That's why I think it wouldn't be necessary to rewrite it from the ground up, just trash all the crap that's been tacked on over the years, and find ways to prevent the problems that have arisen from people finding ways to exploit the gaps over the last 200+ years.

Our government started out with men who had the best interests of the country and the People in mind, but it's obvious that most politicians today put their own interests first. Ways to prevent those problems could be added into the re-written version. Things like term limits, eliminating lobbying groups and imposing drastic campaign finance reforms. Politics today attracts people looking to improve their own standing, rather than people committed to improving the country for everyone.

The problem, of course, is that existing politicians aren't going to do any of this themselves. Only a revolution throwing down the current government and erecting a new one would work.

Watch the video 100k I feel is a fair jumping off point. The sloping scale will probably be toned back once the spending gets under control with strict budgets and maybe even some whistle blowing money. If a gov 't dept is caught spending to fill their budget charges will be brought. If you don't use all your budget that is noted and even a slush find of types can be made so if you underspend and your budget scales back as a result but later you end up needing a big expenditure you can borrow against what you saved in the past so to speak.

Ron Burgundy

Well-known member
Apr 7, 2014
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Rochester, PA
Ok, so crazy people need to work. War vets with brain injuries in constant pain need to work.
You have to be crazy to work. Bomma gives you too much for free. All you have to do is vote Democrat. It's worked very well in Detroit. No one works.


Active member
Apr 8, 2014
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War vets get their own VA benefits and insurance. I don't allow them to double dip into SSI though. The crazy people or lazy people can sit on their butt in their tiny subsidized apartment reading and taking walks. Go to the free library, free parks, whatever. Crazy people who are determined to be a safety risk will be medicated and if they don't take their medicine on their own they will be locked up or have the option to be euthanized. If they pose extreme safety concerns they WILL be euthanized.

Your gov has the power to kill the mentally disabled. Nice Constitution. Pass.


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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It's easy to say things like "taxes start at $100,000" without understanding whether or not the amount of taxes collected meets our budgetary needs. I get the general concept you're going for, but the idea that a bunch of armchair economists on an football message board have it all figured out is ridiculous.

I agree with Ark... scrap the entire tax code and start over, and make it simple.

Actually, I think that's a good approach for most of the government in general... scrap it all and start from scratch. I understand that the Constitution is generally still a strong basis for government, and that the Founders tried to make it an adaptable and forward-looking, "living" document. That's why I think it wouldn't be necessary to rewrite it from the ground up, just trash all the crap that's been tacked on over the years, and find ways to prevent the problems that have arisen from people finding ways to exploit the gaps over the last 200+ years.

Our government started out with men who had the best interests of the country and the People in mind, but it's obvious that most politicians today put their own interests first. Ways to prevent those problems could be added into the re-written version. Things like term limits, eliminating lobbying groups and imposing drastic campaign finance reforms. Politics today attracts people looking to improve their own standing, rather than people committed to improving the country for everyone.

The problem, of course, is that existing politicians aren't going to do any of this themselves. Only a revolution throwing down the current government and erecting a new one would work.

Watch the video 100k I feel is a fair jumping off point. The sloping scale will probably be toned back once the spending gets under control with strict budgets and maybe even some whistle blowing money. If a gov 't dept is caught spending to fill their budget charges will be brought. If you don't use all your budget that is noted and even a slush find of types can be made so if you underspend and your budget scales back as a result but later you end up needing a big expenditure you can borrow against what you saved in the past so to speak.

Ron Burgundy

Well-known member
Apr 7, 2014
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Rochester, PA
Your gov has the power to kill the mentally disabled. Nice Constitution. Pass.
The current government gives us the power to kill babies whether they are crazy or not. I don't see a problem here.


Apr 8, 2014
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No flat tax brackets and the super rich pay a ton so the middle class doesn't have to.

Sounds like a communist-leaning democrat talking. Wealth redistribution from the people who do all the work to the people who do none. This would have a chilling effect on the economy - if there's no incentive to become "super rich" then the "super rich" won't invest in businesses and grow the economy. There will effectively be an income level at which there's no point in trying to earn any more, so people will accumulate wealth in savings for a time, then exit the marketplace and live off that wealth. Imagine if WalMart operated for 20 years, then the Walton family said, "We've made enough money and own enough stuff that our great-grandchildren won't have to work a day of their lives, so now that we're paying more in taxes than we're bringing in, we're just going to bulldoze all our stores. Have fun figuring out where you're going to buy your stuff from now on."


I hate you all and I blame Ark for that.
Apr 12, 2014
Reaction score
Watch the video 100k I feel is a fair jumping off point. The sloping scale will probably be toned back once the spending gets under control with strict budgets and maybe even some whistle blowing money. If a gov 't dept is caught spending to fill their budget charges will be brought. If you don't use all your budget that is noted and even a slush find of types can be made so if you underspend and your budget scales back as a result but later you end up needing a big expenditure you can borrow against what you saved in the past so to speak.


Stay with me on this now.....

We could just cut a bunch of government. We could keep things basic and let people live as they see fit. To include not telling people how much they can make or how much they have to pay the employees in their businesses. That's called freedom and the free market. What you are talking about is exchanging one set of tyrants for another.


Apr 8, 2014
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I might agree with some of this but I never agree with scrapping what there is until the replacement is drafted and subjected to review and debate.

Like I said, it would be hard to do in advance because it's counter to the agenda of the entrenched politicians, and doing outside of the existing political process is essentially federal treason, since you're plotting the overthrow of the sitting government. Let's be real - it's not like we'll just vote on a referendum to reboot the government.