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How much racism will white Americans tolerate?

White nationalists and white supremacists have never had an ally like this in the WH. This is a historical time for them. Maybe, they think, the tide will turn back in their favor.

Btw, Trump is gonna love this cover, maybe frame it for the lobbies at his golf courses?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">German news magazine <a href="https://twitter.com/sternde">@sternde</a> features Trump. Text = "His fight" a play title of Hilter's book 'mein kampf'. V. strong stuff in Europe. <a href="https://t.co/swvg4UURou">pic.twitter.com/swvg4UURou</a></p>— Andrew Beatty (@AndrewBeatty) <a href="https://twitter.com/AndrewBeatty/status/900404802001268737">August 23, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Like you guys ***** about everyone then vote in Trump as the solution?

Bwahahahahahahahaha! The jokes write themselves when you deal with Trumptards...too easy!

oh, WhoaVicky, confused ******* cupcake who doesnt know where to pee or what gender, religion, race or sexual persuasion you are...

we complained about actual, and factual, instances. discrepancy in how Holder was enforcing the law. How Obama was undermining police authority (which, btw, put not only police but also civilians in riskier situations), how Obama would rather meet with mothers of slain thugs and a dipshit who bathed in milk and cereal instead of our allies leaders. How Obama used the IRS to go after those on the other side of the political aisle. How under the Obama administration, banks were encouraged to not do business with gun shops or any gun-related business. How our national debt skyrocketed. How we were forced to purchase a good or product we may not have wanted to purchase...

the list goes on.

all this butthurt you're seeing from AntiFA, BLM and the likes are the absolute result of Obama's appeasement for 8 years.
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White nationalists and white supremacists have never had an ally like this in the WH. This is a historical time for them. Maybe, they think, the tide will turn back in their favor.

Btw, Trump is gonna love this cover, maybe frame it for the lobbies at his golf courses?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">German news magazine <a href="https://twitter.com/sternde">@sternde</a> features Trump. Text = "His fight" a play title of Hilter's book 'mein kampf'. V. strong stuff in Europe. <a href="https://t.co/swvg4UURou">pic.twitter.com/swvg4UURou</a></p>— Andrew Beatty (@AndrewBeatty) <a href="https://twitter.com/AndrewBeatty/status/900404802001268737">August 23, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

I believe Ogre said it best ... "Anyone to the right of Lenin is a Nazi to the Left"
White people, here are 10 requests from a Black Lives Matter leader
Aug 16 2017

By Chanelle Helm

Huh...I wonder what happened to my white privilege. I inherited exactly nothing from my parents, in fact my siblings and I paid for my father's funeral out of our own pockets. I worked a series of crap jobs before I was promoted and got a bunch of raises. My husband got nothing from his parents either, put himself through college and grad school and didn't finish paying off his loans til his late 40s. I guess it's just our white privilege that made us work our whole lives, not get into trouble with drugs or alcohol, wait to have kids til we could afford them, and not spend every penny we got like drunken sailors. I guess it's our white privilege that we get to subsidize a lot of poor people's health insurance.

Can't wait for some more white privilege to kick in when we pay full freight next year for our kids' college at outrageously inflated rates so that people who didn't work and save like we did can go for free.

Ain't white privilege great.
Like you guys ***** about everyone then vote in Trump as the solution?

Bwahahahahahahahaha! The jokes write themselves when you deal with Trumptards...too easy!

Like there was a choice?

Let's see... the media pushed Trump's agenda for an entire year as he systematically tore through the Republican candidates. Then when there was no choice but to nominate him, Trump gets the nod as the Republican presidential candidate.

So tell me... would you expect active Republican voters to vote for Democratic Hillary, or one of the Independent party candidates?

Now that same press that put Trump on a pedestal is demonizing the man. Maybe they should stop reporting with an agenda and just start reporting the facts.
Reuters Calls Violent Antifa Rioters “Peace Activists"



I'm sorry to have to interrupt this thread for an important announcement.....This just in.


Now back to your regular scheduled whiteness.

Huh...I wonder what happened to my white privilege. I inherited exactly nothing from my parents, in fact my siblings and I paid for my father's funeral out of our own pockets. I worked a series of crap jobs before I was promoted and got a bunch of raises. My husband got nothing from his parents either, put himself through college and grad school and didn't finish paying off his loans til his late 40s. I guess it's just our white privilege that made us work our whole lives, not get into trouble with drugs or alcohol, wait to have kids til we could afford them, and not spend every penny we got like drunken sailors. I guess it's our white privilege that we get to subsidize a lot of poor people's health insurance.

Can't wait for some more white privilege to kick in when we pay full freight next year for our kids' college at outrageously inflated rates so that people who didn't work and save like we did can go for free.

Ain't white privilege great.

Like you, I flash my card wherever I go. The perks are endless.

Huh...I wonder what happened to my white privilege. I inherited exactly nothing from my parents, in fact my siblings and I paid for my father's funeral out of our own pockets..

Now, now, now. You inherited your white skin from them. As we know, that is all you need in life. Hell I walk down the street and snap my lily white fingers and people just come running to give me ****. By the time I get where I'm going I can barely carry it all. Then I simply yell out, "Hey, there's a white man over here!" and a limo immediately appears to take me home with all my white earned riches. You should see my house.....it's loaded with white privilege gifts I've gotten over the years. It's wonderful!

Reminds me of that skit on Chapelle Show where he is made up in white face and yells, "Be quiet, I'm talking! There's a white man talking!"
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Leftists against leftists? This should be fun

Violent Leftist Group Plans To ‘Shut Down’ Berkeley March Against Marxism

Violent leftist group By Any Means Necessary (BAMN) is rallying forces to “shut down” a planned march against Marxism in Berkeley, California. Berkeley has already been the site of repeated instances of political violence this year, predominantly by far-left actors.

BAMN is organizing to shut down what it claims is a “Neo-Nazi” rally in Berkeley on Saturday. The rally is titled “No to Marxism in America.” The rally organizer, a biological man who identified himself as a transgender woman to media outlets, claims the rally is not a “right-wing” rally, embraces diversity and is meant to oppose the spread of Marxism in Berkeley.

BAMN, which was founded by the openly-Marxist Revolutionary Workers League, has previously been involved in violent clashes in Berkeley and elsewhere. The group’s members are unapologetic about their use of violence as a political tactic.

Huh...I wonder what happened to my white privilege. I inherited exactly nothing from my parents, in fact my siblings and I paid for my father's funeral out of our own pockets. I worked a series of crap jobs before I was promoted and got a bunch of raises. My husband got nothing from his parents either, put himself through college and grad school and didn't finish paying off his loans til his late 40s. I guess it's just our white privilege that made us work our whole lives, not get into trouble with drugs or alcohol, wait to have kids til we could afford them, and not spend every penny we got like drunken sailors. I guess it's our white privilege that we get to subsidize a lot of poor people's health insurance.

Can't wait for some more white privilege to kick in when we pay full freight next year for our kids' college at outrageously inflated rates so that people who didn't work and save like we did can go for free.

Ain't white privilege great.

I spent ten sucky years working at Allegheny General Hospital doing relatively menial work even though I had a college degree, but hey, it was a job. After a while I figured out that the culture was one of hiring outside for upgraded positions and not promoting from within. About seven years in, a better job opened up in my own department. This was VERY rare. Final choice came down to a white woman and a black man, both from other departments. Someone counted noses and decided that too many of them belonged to white men. I'd had perfect attendance for a number of years and a stellar work record, plus a college degree that the other two didn't. I filed a grievance but the decision came back that the other two had seniority over me although both were less than one year. I replied that other departments weren't hiring me because I had seniority over THEIR people, so if we're going to use seniority then let's be be consistent. Grievance board mumbled. They ended up hiring the white woman who promptly got pregnant and went on maternity leave. Soon after my same job opened up at another AGH facility so I went there. Got my revenge when I left since they paid thousands of dollars for my MBA and they never got to use it.
Burgundy refuses to acknowledge that he was also given a business to own, one that he made heaps of dough at and became not only a member of the cultural elite, but also the social elite, hob knobbing with the likes of ark and DBS.
Burgundy refuses to acknowledge that he was also given a business to own, one that he made heaps of dough at and became not only a member of the cultural elite, but also the social elite, hob knobbing with the likes of ark and DBS.

Pffft, sold it at a loss just to unload it and will be lucky if I don't declare bankruptcy. Problem is my dad thinks that if a buddy of his has something or works for a certain company then it's automatically the greatest thing since sliced bread. He knows people all over the country but fails to recognize that the economy in rural western PA is not the same as it is in say, Washington, D.C. or San Jose, CA.
"So-and-so made $500,000 last year with a franchise for XYZ Company. You should do that." Well yeah, because his franchise is in ******* Silicon Valley.
so you're getting a winter home in Californiastan?
so you're getting a winter home in Californiastan?

Wife and I sold our house, as we are building a home on a 2-acre lot in Arizona. Hol-ee-****, houses in SoCal are expensive.

And I LIKE it. Because I am finding out that building a home is ... beyond expensive. HUGELY expensive.
White privilege.....

I am so tired of people telling me that I am privileged for not breaking laws and working 65 to 70 hours a week for middle-class wages. And it must not be that big a privilege. More than half of the people I work with are black or Hispanic. It's amazing how the specter of white privilege disappears when everyone in a peer group has morals and a work ethic.
One segment of society who suffer intolerance and racism are Muslims and those who 'look' like Muslims. I'm talking about people who have nothing to do with terrorism or fanatical extremists yet get grouped-in with terrorists because of how they look any time there's a terrorist attack somewhere in the world. This should help combat that. LOL

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FCAFE%2Fvideos%2F1914572835532267%2F&show_text=1&width=560" width="560" height="420" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>

ACLU Tweets a Photo of a White Baby - Gets Called Racist

The ACLU has apologized for perpetuating “white supremacy” after some on Twitter took offense to a tweet featuring a white baby.

In a tweet on Wednesday, the ACLU posted a photo of a child wearing a “free speech” onesie with the text, “This is the future that ACLU members want”:

Instead of noticing the shirt the baby was wearing, some people immediately took offense to the tweet including a white baby:


And people think removing statues is bad. It is going to get worse. Much, much worse.
The white privilege thing is not something to bring up around me. The things I was privileged to live with when I was growing up still shock the sensitivities of those who learn of them. I don't accept that I didn't pull my *** up out of the gutter that was my childhood and work my *** off to be where I am now. I will never accept being told otherwise. Of course I can let it go in mixed company. But one-on-one, heart-to-heart? Look the **** out.
The white privilege argument is just another in a long line of made up bullshit to keep groups of people angry at one another.

Look, it probably isn't going to be long until the bullets start flying. On how grand of a scale? Hard to say. But when you have people saying that a picture a white baby and the American flag are symbols of white supremacy, there is a huge ******* problem. The only way to correct that is to kill all white people and change the flag. When you look at it in that light, how does it not come to a civil war? How does this end well for America? Hope you have fire arms and ammo. Probably gonna need it.
All of my extended family in 4 states are very well armed and trained . I actually need to get my *** back to the range more.
I've explained on this forum several times how privilege has nothing to do with" Where's my privilege when I have to get up at 4 am to go to work...yada.....yada". Maybe in comic form it might sink in for some of you.







