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Hungary is going after Soros!

Another Trump Effect?

Hungary plans to crack down on non-governmental organizations linked to billionaire George Soros now that Donald Trump will occupy the White House....

will use “all the tools at its disposal” to “sweep out” NGOs funded by the Hungarian-born financier, which “serve global capitalists and back political correctness over national governments

Indict him in Hungary - let us deport him...or we can arrest Hillary and Soros and send them both to Hungary!
...Indict him in Hungary - let us deport him...or we can arrest Hillary and Soros and send them both to Hungary!
Gotta get past their wall first.
Hungary will be a great ally while Trump is in office.

Trump Invites Hungarian PM Orbán to Washington D.C.

U.S. President-Elect Donald Trump has invited Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to visit him in Washington D.C.

The Prime Minister said that Mr. Trump then praised the Hungarian government and called the people of Hungary “brave freedom fighters” during a telephone conversation

Mr. Orbán also noted that Trump congratulated Hungary for its economic success in recent years saying that he has called the nation’s achievements over the past six years “outstanding”.

After being invited to Washington D.C., Orbán said: “I told him that I hadn’t been there for a long time as I had been treated as a ‘black sheep’, to which he replied, laughing, ‘Me too’.”


Gotta get past their wall first.


Didn't Soros rip off jews in Budapest when he was part of the Hitler youth movement?
Damn that's one big *** pig.

Speaking of pigs, here is the truth about Viktor Orban and Hungary, if any of you care. And you don't. You jump on the anti-migrant, anti-Soros headlines and gloss over the realities on the ground. It's the lack of critical thinking that keeps Orbán in power in Hungary and what just got Trump elected in the US.


Field of Dreams: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Felcsut in 2012

A Whiff of Corruption in Orbán's Hungary

In order to consolidate his power, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is creating a corrupt oligarchy in Hungary. He's also letting his family and friends in on the lucrative action.

Felcsút, located 34 kilometers (21 miles) west of Budapest, has a kindergarten, a retirement home, 1,812 inhabitants -- and a new football stadium with 3,800 seats. The Pancho Arena towers above the village's gray, single-story homes.

The stadium's architecture is modest and typically Hungarian, with its rounded shapes, abundance of wood and slate shingle roof. It's not the kind of steel and glass structure one typically sees these days. The country home of Viktor Orbán, football fan and prime minister, is located just across the street from the stadium, less than 50 meters from the entrance. The Hungarian flag flies next to the door.

From the stadium, it's only a one-kilometer walk to the local station for the Viz Valley narrow-gauge railway. The tracks were financed with the help of European Union funds. Hundreds of people would have to use the train, with its historic cars, every day for the investment to pay off. But the station is usually empty.

Mayor Lörinc Mészarós, one of the 20 richest men in Hungary, is the master of this tranquil, idyllic place. Only six years ago, he was barely making a living as a heating contractor, when an old school friend, Viktor Orbán, became the prime minister in Budapest. Mészarós's company built the stadium in Felcsút, the narrow-gauge railway and the football academy for young players.

'The Good Lord' and Viktor Orbán

Today he runs a hotel chain and owns holdings in various companies. Mészarós openly admits that he owes his tremendous success to "the good Lord" and Viktor Orbán.

Orbán appears to be turning childhood dreams into reality in Felcsút: his own football stadium, where he can watch the home team's games from the VIP stand; a house with a view of the stadium where his heroes play; and, finally, a very large model railway.

But Felcsút is also a vivid, miniature version of how Orbán runs the country. Since winning parliamentary elections almost seven years ago, he has rigorously gained control over the country's machinery of power. He had a widely criticized press law passed, deprived the constitutional court of power and imposed a new constitution on Hungary. In late December, he took steps that enable him and the government to circumvent the country's nuclear regulatory agency.

Most importantly, Orbán is installing his supporters in key positions in the administration, the security apparatus, the government media, corporations and the courts -- and he has often had their terms in office extended to secure the control of his Fidesz party. Checks and balances, those control mechanisms intended to hinder despotism, are incompatible with Orbán's ego. Even the economy cannot escape his grasp.

Deciding Who Gets Rich in Hungary

Dependencies are important, and to create them Orbán surrounds himself with oligarchs who are not only enriching themselves, but also reinforce his own power. The prime minister systematically parcels out government loans and public contracts to his fellow party members. He decides who gets rich in Hungary. An entire group of loyal multinationals are now prepared to secure Orbán's rule with their millions.

New corruption scandals emerge almost weekly, thanks in part to András Decsö, the star among Hungary's handful of investigative journalists. He achieved his latest coup two months ago. Decsö had been sent videos depicting a meeting between a controversial attorney and Antal Rogán, who is Prime Minister Orbán's chief of staff. The politician had denied the meeting had ever taken place. Another video depicts businesspeople arguing over how to use the government-owned Eximbank to secure commissions for a nuclear power plant deal.

There is a pattern to potentially corrupt ties under Orbán. Even the most senior members of the government (Rogán is considered the third most powerful person in the country) are very closely linked to large companies. It appears that public tenders for major projects are often conducted purely for show. The independent Corruption Research Center Budapest reports that it is becoming more and more common for only one bidder to participate in the process, and that the companies that win bids are usually owned by people with good relationships with Orbán.

As a young politician, says journalist Decsö, the prime minister learned how important good connections in business are. At the time, communist old-boy networks were often behind opaque company structures, financed parties that were well-disposed to them and dominated the media. "It was traumatic for Orbán," says Decsö. "He wants to be in charge when deals are made."

Policies Benefit Orbán's Family

It is a declared goal of Orbán's Fidesz party to form a "domestic entrepreneurial class," so that Hungary will become "strong in agriculture and industry." The government's promotional policies sometimes benefit Orbán's family, including his son-in-law István Tiborcz, who has been married to Orbán's daughter Rahel since 2015. After studying law, Tiborcz founded an electronics company that earned a profit of only 10,000 euros in the first year. But since his father-in-law became prime minister in 2010, things have been looking up. In 2014 and 2015, the company was awarded contracts for about 65 million euros to produce LED streetlights for cities and towns run by Fidesz mayors throughout the country. Because the projects also received EU funding, the European anti-fraud office OLAF launched an investigation.

Orbán's son-in-law has since sold his shares in the company and has invested in land and real estate. He made headlines when he visited Bahrain with his wife in July. The Gulf nation's energy minister met with the couple and they discussed oil deals, although whatever they agreed to remains a secret.

In 2015, the Hungarian magazine Forbes estimated the assets of the Orbán clan at about 6.9 billion forints (more than 22 million euros). The family has little to fear when it comes to unpleasant probes into its finances. Orbán's party has filled positions in control bodies, such as the audit office and most courts, with its own people. The attorney general is often seen with the prime minister in the VIP box at Felcsút.

'Freedom Is in Jeopardy'

The party defused laws that got in its way long ago, including one that excludes businesspeople with financial ties to the governing party from bidding processes. The fourth estate has been brought almost entirely into line. In October, Orbán loyalists shut down Népszabadság (People's Freedom), a critical newspaper. Deputy Editor-in-Chief Márton Gergely no longer has an office, but he does have business cards, on which he has crossed out half of the name of his newspaper, leaving only the word "People."

"Freedom is in jeopardy in Hungary," says Gergely. Népszabadság was the country's largest political daily newspaper, but it was critical of Fidesz. The paper was owned by the Mediaworks Group, which also runs regional newspapers. At first, the management still claimed it planned a restructuring of the editorial staff, but then negotiations over annulment contracts for employees began.

Gergely has since been relieved of his position. Together with his colleagues, he is trying to clarify what happened. The Mediaworks Group belongs to an Austrian businessman who buys companies in Hungary and the Balkans. According to Gergely and his colleagues, the man also had a loan with a state-owned bank. "That made him susceptible to blackmail," says Gergely, "and he was apparently instructed to get rid of us." Mediaworks, for its part, claims that the decision to shut down Népszabadság was made out of economic necessity.

A few weeks later, the Austrian businessman sold the Mediaworks Group to a company that is believed to belong to former plumber and Orbàn friend Lörinc Mészarós, who denies having anything to do with the purchase.

With the move, the Orbán government has not only rid itself of a troublesome newspaper, but it has also gained control over various regional papers. A number of editors in chief at those publications have already been replaced. On Christmas Day, all of the newspapers in the group ran the same story on the cover: an uncritical interview with Orbán.

Surveys show that 67 percent of Hungarians believe their government is corrupt, and yet it still enjoys high approval ratings.

But there are also setbacks that even Orbán is unable to prevent. His home team, Felcsút Akademia FC, was relegated to the second division last season.
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Damn Tibs, with all the money Uncle George lost this last year it's a wonder you still have a job. Now with Orban tightening the screws, could your little NGO troll company be on it's way out? Does that mean you find work from other leftists or do you just swing your attentions to the highest bidder ?

Budapest (AFP) - Hungarian NGOs have long felt the heat under strongman Prime Minister Viktor Orban -- but they now fear that, emboldened by Donald Trump's victory, the right-wing premier will turn the screws even tighter.

First in line may be groups backed by Hungarian-born billionaire financier George Soros, whose foundation once funded the Oxford studies of a young Orban more than 25 years ago.

Last week the deputy head of Orban's ruling party Fidesz, in power since 2010, said that non-governmental organisations should be "cleaned out of here".

Szilard Nemeth said that criticism of government policies by "fake" civil organisations set up to "influence politics" by Soros and others was "impermissible".

The remarks triggered alarm among beleaguered NGOs, many of which -- in the absence of a credible political opposition -- have long attacked Orban's sweeping revamp of state institutions and hardline anti-immigration stance.+

With all the vitriol needed over there it's a wonder you have any time for us over here.
Damn Tibs, with all the money Uncle George lost this last year it's a wonder you still have a job. Now with Orban tightening the screws, could your little NGO troll company be on it's way out? Does that mean you find work from other leftists or do you just swing your attentions to the highest bidder? With all the vitriol needed over there it's a wonder you have any time for us over here.
Nice try, lol. Probably high time you get used to the fact there are people - like me - that don't agree lockstep with you & Trump's brainless rhetoric. I know it's difficult to argue on merit and not resort to personal attacks. You should try it sometime.
To say politics in Hungary is corrupt and an oligarchy is like saying water is wet. All that stuff you listed isn't a right wing or left wing issue. It's a Hungarian issue. All your presidents have done stuff like this the end of the USSR. You just have your panties all in a bunch over it because he's right-wing and anti-immigration (which about 75% of your country is by the way).

Hungary seems to be doing just fine under conservatism for a while. Orban is no angel. Never said he was. All those old cold-war, eastern block nations are kind of ****** with their attitudes towards democracy and oligarchies (Russia too). But he's 100% correct on the migrant issue. And he's trying some fundamentally different ideas (as opposed to most of Europe) like a flat tax and restricting social/welfare spending.

You're kind of stuck with him. Don't know what kind of term limits Hungary has (if any) but looking at your last elections only about 25% of the country votes "liberal/socialist". The rest are Orban's Nationalists or Christian Conservatives (Jobbik).

For a snowflake Tibs, you sure are in the wrong country.....
To say politics in Hungary is corrupt and an oligarchy is like saying water is wet. All that stuff you listed isn't a right wing or left wing issue. It's a Hungarian issue. All your presidents have done stuff like this the end of the USSR. You just have your panties all in a bunch over it because he's right-wing and anti-immigration (which about 75% of your country is by the way).

Hungary seems to be doing just fine under conservatism for a while. Orban is no angel. Never said he was. All those old cold-war, eastern block nations are kind of ****** with their attitudes towards democracy and oligarchies (Russia too). But he's 100% correct on the migrant issue. And he's trying some fundamentally different ideas (as opposed to most of Europe) like a flat tax and restricting social/welfare spending.

You're kind of stuck with him. Don't know what kind of term limits Hungary has (if any) but looking at your last elections only about 25% of the country votes "liberal/socialist". The rest are Orban's Nationalists or Christian Conservatives (Jobbik).

For a snowflake Tibs, you sure are in the wrong country.....

Man I enjoy your posts for your knowledge and level-headedness. I'd bet you know more about Hungarian policy and their govt more than this Tibs snowflake.
Man I enjoy your posts for your knowledge and level-headedness. I'd bet you know more about Hungarian policy and their govt more than this Tibs snowflake.

There's no doubt about that.

"...more than this Tibs snowflake." Nice.
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To say politics in Hungary is corrupt and an oligarchy is like saying water is wet. All that stuff you listed isn't a right wing or left wing issue. It's a Hungarian issue. All your presidents have done stuff like this the end of the USSR.
Prime ministers - not presidents - run the country in Hungary.

And your statement overall is blatantly untrue. No post-communist government has come close - by a long shot - to the level of corruption, nepotism, cronyism and letting oligarchs run amuck than what Fidesz has done these past two terms. Yet another example of your superficial, 'cliff notes' reading of politics in this region. I'm not criticizing you for that, as you clearly are interested and read up on stuff, which puts you in the 1% percentile of Americans regarding this part of the world.

But you're not doing yourself a favor by cherry-picking certain aspects of the Orban government that you find agreeable and sugarcoating all the negative stuff. That creates a false, twisted picture, maybe not something you truly want to get behind.
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Patronage is only a problem to leftists when the opposition party engages in it since they apparently can't see it when it happens on their side of the aisle.
Nice try, lol. Probably high time you get used to the fact there are people - like me - that don't agree lockstep with you & Trump's brainless rhetoric. I know it's difficult to argue on merit and not resort to personal attacks. You should try it sometime.

Whoa there Tibsy, I had no intention of insulting you personally.

I understand people got to make a living and that you just take it to a higher level than most, better to retain clients and such...right ?


SteelChip, keep living in your delusional fantasy world. There is nothing I can do to help you at this stage. Hope it all works out for you.
SteelChip, keep living in your delusional fantasy world. There is nothing I can do to help you at this stage. Hope it all works out for you.

You're nothing but a shell of what you used to be. I used to think of you as formidable when you'd stand your ground. Now, as posts like these show, you're just weak.

Take some time to find the old you, please.
You're nothing but a shell of what you used to be. I used to think of you as formidable when you'd stand your ground. Now, as posts like these show, you're just weak. Take some time to find the old you, please.
**** off Tim. Let's see how you'd react if someone repeatedely called you a paid, online troll. That's it, never a response of merit, or discussion, or dialogue, the only response is stating as fact that I'm paid to post here. I'd love to see how you'd react to that, how formidable you'd be. It's posters like SteelChip and IndySteel that make me leave this board, time and time again.
From the stadium, it's only a one-kilometer walk to the local station for the Viz Valley narrow-gauge railway. The tracks were financed with the help of European Union funds. Hundreds of people would have to use the train, with its historic cars, every day for the investment to pay off. But the station is usually empty.

In other words, like every other "government program" in history.

Oh, and Santa Ana, California recently passed a "safe zone law," but its city council was criticized for "not ending the contract between prisons and ICE." This is how ****** up liberals have become in California.

They think it a bad idea to deport illegals caught committing crimes and doing time in jail.
**** off Tim. Let's see how you'd react if someone repeatedely called you a paid, online troll. That's it, never a response of merit, or discussion, or dialogue, the only response is stating as fact that I'm paid to post here. I'd love to see how you'd react to that, how formidable you'd be. It's posters like SteelChip and IndySteel that make me leave this board, time and time again.

You mean like calling every poster you disagree with a Nazi/racist?

You **** off Tibs.
**** off Tim. Let's see how you'd react if someone repeatedely called you a paid, online troll. That's it, never a response of merit, or discussion, or dialogue, the only response is stating as fact that I'm paid to post here. I'd love to see how you'd react to that, how formidable you'd be. It's posters like SteelChip and IndySteel that make me leave this board, time and time again.

LOL, you're that easily rattled? Like I said, go find the old you - the one that brought substance. Not this whiny, pansy *** stuff you've been posting since the election. You actually sound now like Obama. Weak, which is how most of the world views the man.

And for what it's worth, your never ending double standards are utterly comedy gold. Rich, that you, Chief Name Caller, Chief User of such phrases as Alt Right, Racists, Nazis - are upset over being called a troll. I had to clear the coffee off my shirt after reading of your sensitivities being offended being called a troll when you yourself of guilty, frequently, of much worse.

Stereotypical Libtard - "It's OK for me to call you names, to label you."............................"HOW DARE YOU CALL ME NAMES??????????"
Not this whiny, pansy *** stuff you've been posting since the election.

Yes, the whiny, pansy *** stuff like raising legitimate concerns about Trump's ties to Russia? Response from the SN peanut gallery? Fake news! Snowflake! Paid internet troll! Sore loser!

I think the bottom line is it makes no sense to post on this board, anything other than Trump steamrolling memes and 'Obama is a monkey' & 'Hillary is Satan' posts. I know, I should get in line and just keep my head down and plod along with the rest of you. Believe me, I'm considering it. I'll jump on the Trump train just so I can get along with you intelligent, esteemed gentlemen with such good manners and depth of knowledge. Who wouldn't want friends like that?
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Damn, I should gotten into the Hungarian Stock Market.

From January 2015 to January 2017 is has DOUBLED in value. It was 16,000 then and 32,000 now.

Tibs, you're 401K must be through the roof! Be happy my friend!
The Trump ties to Russia is all WAY overblown. It's really a non-story. Has been forever. Every action by Trump can just be explained by the way he does business. You don't piss off the other big dogs in the room until you get the lay of the land and see who is really worth negotiating with.

Trump is going to play Russia vs. the EU for awhile. First, to get EU in line with their defense spending and second, because we can't go toe-to-toe with Russia right now anyway. Obama has made us such *******, I don't think either the U.S. or the E.U. is in a position to tell Russia it can't have half of Ukraine if it invaded tomorrow. And Ukraine hasn't helped all that much by poking the bear (literally) with all their E.U. ****-sucking and tying their currency to the Euro. Typical E.U. foreign relations... threatening stuff they can't back up.

As far as Russia's involvement with the Middle East.... they are looking for a different path to the Gulf. The Afghanistan to Iran path was a failure. Now they are trying Turkey to Syria to Iraq. We can't and shouldn't let that happen and we really need to fix our issues with Turkey but Erdoran is just a jackass and if there is any truth to Obama (or anyone in the E.U.) helping or pushing the coup in Turkey we could be up ****'s creek.

What is of concern is Russia becoming the arbitrator between Turkey and Iran as they divvy up the resources in the Middle East along new borders and areas of control between Shia vs. Sunni while the United States and the West sit on the sidelines. This will all be presented as a "peaceful" solution, but the new countries and governments will likely be puppetheads that are controlled by Istanbul and Tehran.

Russia's weakness is their economy. They are not nearly as big as they act. Their GDP is the same size as Australia and only 10% of either the U.S. or the E.U. Just like the 1980's we must out spend them. We must outspend them in fiscal aide to the Middle East, outspend them with boots on the ground/defense spending and outspend them at every possible foreign relations opportunity. They can not afford to keep up with us and the E.U. has to get in line with that type of financial support.

We must be the ones dictating the new lines of countries in the Middle East (which is inevitable). We must get our foot in the door during the creation of new governments and heads of states.

It's not if, but when.