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I knew it was a commin'

It's a fine line between leaving historical artifacts in place and honoring people and movements which caused immense suffering and pain. Flying a Confederate flag is certainly not necessary in any way shape or form to learn about history. Can you imagine the current German government flying Nazi flags over some of its buildings? I think some sensitivity to people who were enslaved tortured and murdered is necessary and good.

Removing historic monuments is where it gets grayer, I'll concede that.

I think it's a gray area with flags as well. But that's another debate.

My concern is the slippery slope. I brought up Alger Hiss for a reason. Few know about him. Schools do not teach about him. Liberal run education has essentially white washed him from history. When people think of treason, they think of Nixon, a Republican. They should also think of Alger Hiss, the Democratic Communist spy. They don't. It's not taught. History has been re-written.

We need to be wary of these actions disguised under the label of appeasing some with the result being a white washing of history.

Read up on Whitaker Chambers and Alger Hiss if you're not familiar.
Meh, terrible but how it happened and especially where it happened and how it was conveniently caught on tape sure does make it fishy... the Clinton globalist are always pushing the same sucker narratives to their voters, and this sure does fit it despite being done by a guy who doesn't fit the trump voter narrative...
Congratulations to Americas Political Left Wing. Your identity politics have worked we are now Balkanizing. Three pieces of advice to those of you that don't want to be murdered by Bolsheviks and BLM activists. BLOAT, Canned goods, and Intel.
I've never been able to figure out why people waste their time with protests. What has it ever accomplished. That being said, first amendment rights are the same for all Americans regardless of their personal or political views. If these white supremacists want to march, let them do it and ignore them. Don't give them the attention they want. Same with BLM, or any other group dying for attention. When these protests / marches happen, both sides are looking for a fight...literally.
I just saw where not only the expected Liberal media, but also the GOP called on Trump to denounce the White Supremacists and for their violence. The media is strong with pushing trump to condemn the violence. I get it, he should, and he has. They are now going ape **** because he blamed the violence on "many sides." Which is wholly accurate.

But it's the perceived bias, once again, that hurts the Left. There weren't similar calls for Obama to condemn the violence at Ferguson. At Baltimore. At BLM rallies. Instead we were asked to be sympathetic. Obama stoked the flames by jumping to conclusions before the facts came out. His rhetoric, in many ways, began the war on cops by painting African Americans as victims.

Now look at today's news. The group is being called White Supremacists. Instantly the label has stuck.

Yet look at the news:

Right-wing blogger Jason Kessler had planned what he called a "pro-white" rally to protest Charlottesville's decision to remove a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee from a city park.

OK. Pro-white. Pro-black, pro-hispanic rallies are fine. Not pro-white. Where is the "supremacist" in there?

The problem? Other groups took to the call. Bad groups.

multiple white power groups had gathered in Charlottesville, including members of neo-Nazi organizations, racist skinhead groups and Ku Klux Klan factions.

But go back to Kessler, who basically organized the event. Look at his words:

Kessler said this week that the rally is partly about the removal of Confederate symbols but also about free speech and "advocating for white people."

"This is about an anti-white climate within the Western world and the need for white people to have advocacy like other groups do," he said in an interview.

Now I ask, honestly, what is wrong with Kessler's intent? Fine, you can debate whether or not the removal of Confederate symbols should be done. I've already weighed in on that in prior posts and feel it's incredibly wrong. But whatever. But what is wrong with advocating for white people? We can advocate for african americans and hispanics. Hell I do in my personal life. But his words are right. There is no debate that there is an anti-white climate. So why is every other group on earth entitled to advocacy and advocacy groups, but a white person can't have this support?

There was nothing wrong with this man's intent and he had his right to free speech and to protest.

Yet, the mayor of Charlottesville:

Charlottesville Mayor Mike Signer said he was disappointed that the white nationalists had come to his town and blamed Trump for inflaming racial prejudices during his campaign last year.

Did the mayors of Baltimore or Ferguson blame Obama for fanning the flames of racial prejudices? Nope. But in fact he did.

So here's where I stand. When I see this type of blatant bias, these types of quick judgments to label and to use events like this to shame, it only solidifies my feelings that things aren't better. That we need shake up. And as much as I detest the KKK and white supremacists - because I was raised to believe and do believe no human is any better than another - incidents like these make me feel more divided, make me feel far more mistrust for Liberals and the media.

We forgive black violence and protests. We condemn the white man when he does the same.

Treat all the same.
So still nothing on the driver?

We knew Oswald’s name quicker than this guy

Call Wig
The Ohio tag came back to James Alex Fields Jr registered Republican but a Bernie supporter is what his Facebook page said till it was taken down

Both sides were brought in from out of state?

This has Soros written all over it
Don't want to get run over stay the **** out of the road. For the record I believe everything sarge said. BLM protesters riot, destroy property, beat people and kill cops, yet I have yet to hear anyone call them domestic terrorist. I personally am sick of the white guilt bullshit and I aint even white. You know I don't give two ***** what color you are, if you want to act like a animal you should be treated like one. Oh wait animals are actually supposed to be treated better than whites now too.
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The Ohio tag came back to James Alex Fields Jr registered Republican but a Bernie supporter is what his Facebook page said till it was taken down

Both sides were brought in from out of state?

This has Soros written all over it

Why would a Republican run over the people at this rally?
I'm sick of all the protesters. Generally a bunch of easily manipulated stupid ***** - whether its these clowns or BLM or whatever. Just so sick of dumbfucks driving the news, hearing about them, hearing how these idiot news programs make them seem important, hearing how some fucknut demands that some other fucknut denounces them. Just sick of this really, really, really stupid ****.
I'm sick of all the protesters. Generally a bunch of easily manipulated stupid ***** - whether its these clowns or BLM or whatever. Just so sick of dumbfucks driving the news, hearing about them, hearing how these idiot news programs make them seem important, hearing how some fucknut demands that some other fucknut denounces them. Just sick of this really, really, really stupid ****.

Agreed. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Jeezus. Now Cruz is playing the game.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) called on the Department of Justice to investigate a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va. that turned violent and left three dead and dozens injured.

"The Nazis, the KKK, and white supremacists are repulsive and evil, and all of us have a moral obligation to speak out against the lies, bigotry, ant-semitism, and hatred that they propagate," Cruz said in a statement.

Having watched the horrifying video of the car deliberately crashing into a crowd of protesters, I urge the Department of Justice to immediately investigate and prosecute this grotesque act of domestic terrorism," he continued.


He had tough talk for BLM when cops started getting killed, but never hinted at calls for a justice department inquiry. Such *******.
**** BLM and anyone like them, **** the KKK and anyone like them, And God help either side if they cause harm to one of my kids, or wife. As far as I am concerned you can round up all the raciest race baiting ******* in this country no matter the color, put them all on a island somewhere and let them kill each other off. We would have way much more room in this country and the ones left here would be way happier.

One last thought, If we are to get rid of all things southern that tells the history of racial injustice shouldn't we burn all the ******* cotton fields, I mean that's where a **** ton of blacks were put to work. **** I had to quit wearing underware, just the thought of a black man a couple hundred years ago being forced to pick cotton so's the white man could have drawers makes my balls break out in a rash...
**** BLM and anyone like them, **** the KKK and anyone like them, And God help either side if they cause harm to one of my kids, or wife. As far as I am concerned you can round up all the raciest race baiting ******* in this country no matter the color, put them all on a island somewhere and let them kill each other off. We would have way much more room in this country and the ones left here would be way happier.

One last thought, If we are to get rid of all things southern that tells the history of racial injustice shouldn't we burn all the ******* cotton fields, I mean that's where a **** ton of blacks were put to work. **** I had to quit wearing underware, just the thought of a black man a couple hundred years ago being forced to pick cotton so's the white man could have drawers makes my balls break out in a rash...
I think you might be carrying too much baggage that isn't yours. Nobody wants a thin layer of gaberdine separating us from your boys.
There is nothing quite like the Far Right apologists on this board. What a pitiful, sorry bunch. It's not a whole lot of you, that I've come to realize. There are actually plenty of conservative, reasonable, right-leaning posters here that are normal and have kept their footing in reality.

But the hardcore Trumpsters and far right extremists here are really embarrassing. Those in this thread that refuse - like Trump - to call a spade a spade and condemn the extremist, white hate groups in Charlottesville.

Spike posted early on that it was a liberal lefty that rammed into the crowd. Total bullshit fabrication, not a peep from him or others since to apologize. We all now know it was yet another case of cold-blooded murder by a white extremist domestic terrorist. Others want you to believe that oh, this is cause-and-effect by the left and blm etc. Nothing like scapegoating and pointing the finger.

But who are we kidding? Why would anyone expect the Far Right members of this board to admit to or condemn acts by the Far Right in the country? Of course they will embellish, obfuscate, point fingers and make excuses.

The level of hypocrisy is through the roof here.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">All patriotic Americans want to know: Why didn't James Alex Fields' Christian family and pastor inform authorities of his radicalization? <a href="https://t.co/EdN0zAAj5u">pic.twitter.com/EdN0zAAj5u</a></p>— Mrs. Betty Bowers (@BettyBowers) <a href="https://twitter.com/BettyBowers/status/896555103913730048">August 13, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

This is on the leading white supremacist website in America. These bigots LOVED what Trump said today. Loved it!

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He's on to us. We think this guy is great and have said so.
I think you might be carrying too much baggage that isn't yours. Nobody wants a thin layer of gaberdine separating us from your boys.
He's out there, Charles, and he's lovin' every minute of it!
Thank you Orin Hatch for words of wisdom from conservatives. We need much, much more of this.

Hatch: My brother didn't die fighting Hitler for Nazis to go unchallenged today


Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) condemned violent clashes in Charlottesville, Va. on Saturday, saying that World War II veterans, including his brother, didn't fight so Nazi ideas could persist in the United States today.

"We should call evil by its name. My brother didn't give his life fighting Hitler for Nazi ideas to go unchallenged here at home. -OGH," Hatch tweeted, signing the tweet to signal he, not staff, shared it on social media.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">We should call evil by its name. My brother didn't give his life fighting Hitler for Nazi ideas to go unchallenged here at home. -OGH</p>— Senator Hatch Office (@senorrinhatch) <a href="https://twitter.com/senorrinhatch/status/896486793083842560">August 12, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Urgent wake up call.

A Christian Pastor Just Called Out Every White American In Epic Response To Virginia Rally

Reverend John Pavlovitz has been preaching the gospel for two decades, but unlike his Trump-supporting counterparts, he actually practices what he preaches.

In the below piece, posted to his website today, Pavlovitz shows the courage to say what many will not about the terrifying scene that unfolded today. Every white American needs to take urgent action to confront the scourge of racist hate.

Pavlovitz’s powerful words are below and should be read by every white American.


Yes, This is Racism

As a writer and pastor, my job is to weave together words so that those words will hopefully reach people in their deepest places; to frame the experience of this life in a way that is somehow compelling or creative or interesting, causing them to engage with the world differently than before.

But there are times when to do this would be actually be a disservice to reality, when any clever wordplay would only soften the jagged, sickening truth; when clever turns of phrase might succeed in obscuring the horrid ugliness in front of us.

Sometimes we just need to say it without adornment or finessing.

What we’re watching unfold in Charlottesville, with hundreds of white people bearing torches and chanting about the value of white lives and shouting slurs, is not a “far Right” protest. When you move that far right, past humanity, past decency, past goodness—you’re something else.

You’re not a supremacist, you’re not a nationalist, and you’re not alt-Right.

This is racism.
This is domestic terrorism.
This is religious extremism.
This is bigotry.
It is blind hatred of the most vile kind.
It doesn’t represent America.
It doesn’t represent Jesus.
It doesn’t speak for the majority of white Americans.
It’s a cancerous, terrible, putrid sickness that represents the absolute worst of who we are.

No, naming it won’t change it, but naming it is necessary nonetheless. It’s necessary for us to say it—especially when the media won’t, when our elected leaders won’t, when our President won’t. It’s necessary to condemn it so that we do not become complicit in it.

This is our national History being forged in real-time, and to use words lacking clarity now would be to risk allowing the ugliness off the hook or to create ambiguity that excuses it. And yes, there are all sorts of other ways that racism and privilege live and thrive; ways that are far less obvious or brazen than tiki-torch wielding marches. There are systemic illnesses and structural defects and national blind spots that we need to speak to and keeping pushing back against, and we will. But in moments that are this clear, when the malignancy is so fully on display—we’d better have the guts to say it.

White people especially need to name racism in this hour, because somewhere in that crowd of sweaty, dead-eyed, raw throated white men—are our brothers and cousins and husbands and fathers and children; those we go to church with and see at Little League and in our neighborhoods. They need to be made accountable by those they deem their “own kind.” They need to know that this is not who we are, that we don’t bless or support or respect this. They need white faces speaking directly into their white faces, loudly on behalf of love.

Though all of us can eventually trace our lineage back to oneness, all carrying a varied blood in our veins—the surface level differences matter to these torch-bearers. They value white lives and white voices above anything else, and so we whose pigmentation matches theirs need to speak with unflinching clarity about this or we simply amen it.

So I’m saying it.

We are not with you, torch-bearers, in Charlottesville or anywhere.
We do no consent to this.
In fact we stand against you, alongside the very beautiful diversity that you fear.
We stand with people of every color and of all faiths, people of every orientation, nationality, and native tongue.

We are not going to have this. This is not the country we’ve built together and it will not become what you intend it to become.

So you can kiss our diverse, unified, multi-colored behinds because your racism and your terrorism will not win the day.

Believe it.
The "all whites are guilty" tactic is never going to work. Ever. It's just going to make more people disconnect from the message anyone is trying to send. I never even made it past the title of the article before I said bullshit and moved on. White guilt is not an effective deterrent for anything.