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I knew it was a commin'


Wow that's a broad brush you are painting with. A SMALL portion of the political right is racist and anti-Semitic. I would remind you that only the political conservatives routinely support Israel and its right to exist while the Bolsheviks down at the DNC keep demanding that the Israelis offer their necks to the knives of the Palestinians.
Wow that's a broad brush you are painting with. A SMALL portion of the political right is racist and anti-Semitic.
Well then you - and Trump - should stop making excuses for them and denounce them in no uncertain terms. Presuming you - or Trump - don't agree with their views.
I don't know what to think. Everything has become so politically charged and social/media commentary just adds fuel to the fire.

I strongly believe in the right of assembly no matter how vile or against the message I am. So I can't sit here and argue "these people can't hold this rally". They can. I do worry about the growing trend of "counter-assemblies" because I think that escalates everything and gives opportunity to the more violent in each group to confront each other. I strongly feel that any assembly that begins to degrade into violence or looting or property destruction can and should be stopped by means of police force.

I'm not even sure I think everyone in this "march" or "assembly" agrees with the most radical ideologies that are also represented (just like not every person marching in Ferguson or Baltimore was a rioter/looter).

I also don't like the way social/news media seems to exploit these types of assemblies as some kind of "deterioration" of America. What they are showing on TV is the most vile of the bunch, the most radical of the group to incite extreme emotion and increase ratings. The media WANTS conflicts to erupt all in the hopes of capturing it on film and it going "viral".

White supremacists / Nazi appeasers have never represented modern America and never will. They don't represent us even with Trump and Bannon in the White House no matter what the media tells you (because I don't believe Trump or Bannon are white supremacists). Just because someone is not appeasing to the left-wing ideology of race reparations makes them immediately the far opposite of that position. As with any political ideology, we should talk in terms of GRAY, not black and white.

I am angry at those in this group that use the cover of our Constitutional right of assembly as a means to commit violence in anonymity. If caught and prosecuted they should be sentenced as great as the law allows because these types of violent actions coming out of assemblies threatens our very Constitutional protections. I felt the same way at the protesters in Ferguson and Baltimore that committed crimes as well.

I don't like that I feel the media coverage and anti-protesters have given credence and validity to a fringe political position that isn't as great as they like you to believe. Extreme white supremacy and nazi ideology are despised by everyone I know even the most right-wing. Yes, those people exist and yes, they vote. But that does not mean they represent conservative values or should influence conservative policy making. At least I hope that's not the case.

I hope there is no further violence today. I hope people avoid the situation and try to de-escalate the area rather than confront and escalate. Let the idiots assemble. Let them make their point and reject them on merit, logic and decency. That is what America is really about.
So what we have is two hate groups going after each other - no wonder the left wants a civil war - violence is all they have left


Female Reporter for The Hill Punched by ‘Antifa’ Protester in Charlottesville





Taylor Lorenz‏Verified account @TaylorLorenz

Turns out the guy who punched me in the face for recording after the incident already had a warrant out for his arrest. So he's being held.

Sending out prayers, Tibs? Good man. Your buddies might be by soon to ridicule you.

Terry McAuliffe is a self-serving piece of ****. He is not qualified to comment on what a patriot is or is not.
"We must all condemn it and call it X", "The POTUS must call it X" - go **** yourselves. Yes, it is awful, but this groupthink bullshit is just creepy. Express your opinion, don't try and tell everyone else how to think and what to say about it. With republicans like this, who need democrats?
I was watching the Today show this morning and doubled over laughing when Willie Geist asked an eye-witness if he thought the car incident was intentional. And he asked it with a straight face.
And yet he said nothing about AntiFa showing up and starting the violence. How strange, its almost like a left wing DNC Aparatchick supports Bolshevik Attack Squads.


Now first, since Lord Tibs seems to be demanding apologies as Chief Hypocrite and Mr. Double Standard of the Board, let me make it clear to him (assuming he's not extracted the message from my other posts) that I denounce the violence yesterday, the death. I am appalled at what happened. **** Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists up the *** with Lucille. As someone who will have an African American sleeping in my house again tonight, who will have 2 more joining my family watching Game of Thrones tonight, as someone who has African American blood relatives, I spit in the face of any White Supremacist. I can't make this any more clear. I've spent a large % of my time as an adult helping impoverished youths of all races. Remind me to tell stories again if you'd like, or if you still doubt my stance, feel free to reach the **** out to me in PM and I'll fill you damned inbox with pictures of my multi-colored life. White Supremacists turn my stomach.

Now to you Tibs. **** off.

I've lectured you previously on Selective Outrage that you are perpetually guilty of. DBS brings up the double standard. Terry M. didn't ask AntiFa to leave yesterday, a group that came armed and geared up in helmets looking for a fight and they started the fight. Your propaganda media has done nothing but attack the "White Supremacists." Not a single word about AntiFA or the Soros-armed violent Liberal Left.

Yet not a word from you about AntiFa, a violent organization you've been fine with since they came into existence.

For years now, we have seen AntiFa wreak violence across this country. You laughed when they threw egg in the face of the woman at the Trump rally. You never condemned their violence at most Trump rallies. In fact, you'd commonly rationalize their violence being a result of Trump. I've not heard you utter a peep when they torched and destroyed Universities in the name of destroying the right to Free Speech. I can't recall ONE instance where you've denounced this terrorist organization that is as vile as any we've seen.

Nor have we seen you denounce BLM and their violence. That they've not been labeled a terrorist organization yet is surprising.

Your never-ending double standard is in full-blown neon lights today. You CLEARLY have no issues with the actions of violence because you're silent when the violence is wrought by your side. You are only appalled and "seemingly" put off by violence when it comes from the enemy.

That is revolting. It's not human life to you, apparently. It's the political flavor of the life that matters.

Stop lecturing people here. You live in the flimsiest of glass houses.
These were two groups of attention ******. That's the biggest problem with society today. No one can just have their opinion and go about their business. The masses need constant attention. That really what any protest is about. Do you think anyone leaves a protest /counter protest having changed their point of view.
I doubt that there is much of a chance that any of the white supremecists are going to be converted any more than someone from the left will come over to the skinhead side.
I just flipped on MSNBC to look at their coverage, and they have this Dem Congressman from Arizona calling President Trump a racist and Sebastian Gorka a Nazi. That is the kind of rhetoric that we really need right now.......from a Government official. Un-*******-believable.

It almost makes you believe all the facts that point to Trump being a racist and Gorka being a Nazi.

Thank God(Jesus of course) we have alternative facts that we can use to create an alternative reality with here in the Trumptard universe ........
The problem I have is the double standard that applies. If white people say the same thing that some of the black "leaders" say, the white person would be labeled as racist and promoting hatred. Of course some racism still exits today and it is getting worse, but Trump is not to blame. I blame the government and black leaders. The government is constantly handing out more and more freebies to minorities but nothing for whites. I mean trying to collect for slavery that ended over 150 yrs ago is ridiculous. Black leaders should be preaching blacks to work hard and make something out of yourself. Instead they are teaching oppression and how whites hate them and relying on the government for stuff. They should be speaking out about black on black crimes, cleaning up the streets / drugs /gangs, but most of them seem to ignore those issues. All the attention / freebies that minorities get are feeding into the white power groups and then you get what happened in charlottesville. Groups like the KKK, Nazis, etc etc should be disbanned, but so should groups like BLM. All these groups do is promote division. Everything should be equal for all people. You shouldnt get a job or scholarship or whatever because your black, white, or hispanic. You should get it based on your merits.
These were two groups of attention ******. That's the biggest problem with society today. No one can just have their opinion and go about their business.

I still say it was all Soros rigged to provoke violence - just like the left wants.


Can't wait for the “No place for “Antifa, Black Lives Matter” reports
Ivanka Trump Condemns Neo-Nazis After Clashes At White Nationalist Rally

First daughter Ivanka Trump on Sunday condemned “racism, white supremacy and neo-nazis” a day after violent clashes at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, left three dead and dozens injured.

“There should be no place in society for racism, white supremacy and neo-nazis,” she tweeted. “We must all come together as Americans.”



Grooming for office

If anyone doubts the propaganda machine that is our current main stream media, please look at the amount of coverage Charlottesville received yesterday as compared to the coverage of Dallas on July 7, 2016.

On July 7, 2016 - 5 cops are assassinated by a BLM-inspired nut at a BLM march/rally. 9 more police officers are wounded. Five times the death. Yet that day in Dallas got half the coverage Charlottesville has received.

Carry on Komrades.
Like I said before, it's the LEFT that wants violence, it's the LEFT that wants civil war - because they CAN'T GET OVER IT!

Antifa Website Calls for Violence Against Trump Supporters

A poster published on the site shows a man in a Make America Great Again hat being cornered by a bayonet, with a silhouette of a Nazi in the background.

Since the media seems to only care about one side of the equation in Charlottesville, let's remember all of the violent demonstrators that were a part of yesterday's recipe for disaster.

BLM front and center:


BLM inspiring the troops in Charlottesville. "Fight today! If we not gonna fight today, we aint' gonna be livin' no more." Yep, BLM was there to peacefully protest. AntiFa front and present in the video, challenging the riot police. Watch this. 15 minutes of AntiFa and BLM taunting and ridiculing police, DARING them to come after them.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/lhjOlC46wB8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Must see Parking Garage battle. Hey look, all Whitey's fault again [sarcasm]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TWCEV5U09c



But remember, the esteemed Governor, who supposedly was looking out for the citizens of the Commonwealth told the White Supremacists to go home. AntiFa and Black Lives Matter, you may stay...and even have dinner, welcomed guests.
If a Capitalist says something, he's racist, sexist, (insert phobia here)
If a leftist says something, he's progressive, smart, and just expressing himself.

The left is gonna push America to a point, where if the middle ground does get involved.
Well those antifa dudes will be history for sure(my opinion).

I agree with Spike too, this has Soros written all over it
If a Capitalist says something, he's racist, sexist, (insert phobia here)
If a leftist says something, he's progressive, smart, and just expressing himself.

The left is gonna push America to a point, where if the middle ground does get involved.
Well those antifa dudes will be history for sure(my opinion).

I agree with Spike too, this has Soros written all over it

Bingo man. Personally, I'm tired of being lumped into these extremes.

My biggest beef in the world - in my personal life, here, work, sports - is treat all equally and eliminate double standars. Hell, you can shift the rules around, but make them apply to all equally. What I want in life is true equality.

If I put classified information on a server and get caught and get 10 years in the pokey, everyone should.
If I am involved in violent riots in Charlottesville, regardless my extreme party or skin color, the Governor of the state should tell us all to go home.
If I celebrate after a big play by shooting an imaginary bow & arrow and you ban this action because it appears to be a violent weapon, then the NE Patriots shouldn't be able to fire muskets at games.
If I'm white and knock out a black man in the Knock Out game and you file federal hate crime charges against me, then so too should every black man have them filed against him that played the game.
If one politician can strike deals with a foreign enemy nation and financially benefit from them, then all politicians should be able to.
If my wife gets upset at my son for leaving the seat up and punishes him, all who leave the seat up should be punished (including females).

Anything else is a double standard.

I'm old school I guess. I simply want everyone to be considered equal and treated by the exact same measures and rules.

We've been fighting that war since before the Crusades. We still aren't there. Not even close.
Like I said before, it's the LEFT that wants violence, it's the LEFT that wants civil war - because they CAN'T GET OVER IT!

Antifa Website Calls for Violence Against Trump Supporters

A poster published on the site shows a man in a Make America Great Again hat being cornered by a bayonet, with a silhouette of a Nazi in the background.


And we will hear no condemnation of these calls for violence from our resident Alt Left residents.
Bingo man. Personally, I'm tired of being lumped into these extremes.

My biggest beef in the world - in my personal life, here, work, sports - is treat all equally and eliminate double standars. Hell, you can shift the rules around, but make them apply to all equally. What I want in life is true equality.

If I put classified information on a server and get caught and get 10 years in the pokey, everyone should.
If I am involved in violent riots in Charlottesville, regardless my extreme party or skin color, the Governor of the state should tell us all to go home.
If I celebrate after a big play by shooting an imaginary bow & arrow and you ban this action because it appears to be a violent weapon, then the NE Patriots shouldn't be able to fire muskets at games.
If I'm white and knock out a black man in the Knock Out game and you file federal hate crime charges against me, then so too should every black man have them filed against him that played the game.
If one politician can strike deals with a foreign enemy nation and financially benefit from them, then all politicians should be able to.
If my wife gets upset at my son for leaving the seat up and punishes him, all who leave the seat up should be punished (including females).

Anything else is a double standard.

I'm old school I guess. I simply want everyone to be considered equal and treated by the exact same measures and rules.

We've been fighting that war since before the Crusades. We still aren't there. Not even close.
Remember when all these same public officials were calling for Obama to condemn the knockout game and call it domestic terrorism? Kidding. At least, after hundreds of these knockout game crimes, Holder finally federally prosecuted a case - a white guy.
Yep this whole thing was a canned setup... fortunately for the libs the white supremacist are dumber than rocks so they play right into this stuff... plus they are attention ****** so its easy to manipulate them
Well then you - and Trump - should stop making excuses for them and denounce them in no uncertain terms. Presuming you - or Trump - don't agree with their views.

I despise racism and racists. That's one of the reasons I dislike you so intensely, you have called me a racist and implied that I am racist to many times for me to count. Saying someone has the right to speak even if what they say is unpopular is not making excuses for their message. I think I have made it abundantly clear that I believe in the natural rights of all men on more than one occasion on this board.
It's good to see some Republicans standing up for what is right. Starting to regain some respect for the GOP, or at least a few of these politicians that are seeing things clearly and speaking up. And LOL at Ivanka Trump actually stepping in and bravely calling a spade a spade, something her lame *** father has been unable to.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fcnn%2Fvideos%2F10157174469301509%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
Yep this whole thing was a canned setup... fortunately for the libs the white supremacist are dumber than rocks so they play right into this stuff... plus they are attention ****** so its easy to manipulate them

There is some truth to this. There was a stand down order for the State Troopers and the City Police to allow the Bolshevik Brute Squad to approach and attack the white supremacists.