I agree.. Obama care sucks... We should have single payer like the rest of the civilized world. We have a system where something as important as medical treatment... Life saving medical treatment is directly linked to an insurance provider whose entire business model is to take in as much money as they can from the customer... i.e. "the sick person", and pay out as little as they can... i.e. "the doctors and hospitals". Decisions concerning your father's heart surgery or your child's cancer treatment should not have to take into consideration somebody's profit margin. We spend hundreds of billions a year funding a military to protect our citizens from our enemies, but for some reason the idea of doing the same to protect ourselves from diseases is out of the question. The right is always saying that the gov't. is a miserable failure at everything they do. Is our military a failure? We have the most powerful, well equipped, well trained army that the planet has ever known. There's no doubt in my mind we could do the same with our healthcare system if we just had the will to do it. Doctors could still make a lot of money just like high ranking members of the armed forces can.... Maybe not as much as they can under the current system, but we have to ask ourselves as a country what is more important... Having a healthcare system where doctors salaries are the priority or one where the priority is that every American have access to the same quality of care regardless of their income? We might have to build a few less aircraft carriers and a few more hospitals, but to say it couldn't be done is simply false.