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I vote Democrat

Father's Day is Sunday.
but if he waits until Monday to buy the card, he can save 53 cents.

He'd probably complain that 53.cents was too much for just some paper with ink on it.
He'd probably complain that 53.cents was too much for just some paper with ink on it.

apparently he's capped out at $36000 and will probably not even bother to mutter "Happy Father's Day" to his old man.
apparently he's capped out at $36000 and will probably not even bother to mutter "Happy Father's Day" to his old man.

And probably paid for by his insurance company.
And probably paid for by his insurance company.

his insurance rep should be classy enough to put down the caviar and champagne and call Rollers' Pops to tell him Happy Father's Day.
his insurance rep should be classy enough to put down the caviar and champagne and call Rollers' Pops to tell him Happy Father's Day.
"I voted straight Democrat dammit, they're supposed to give me free stuff!'
And probably paid for by his insurance company.

It was paid for by his insurance company, which is why I said what I said in the first place you ******* moron. Maybe if hospitals and doctors didn't charge astronomical prices for their services, insurance companies wouldn't have to charge so much for insurance and a law like the Affordable Healthcare Act wouldn't get passed. Like driving nails in concrete with you ******* knuckle draggers....
It was paid for by his insurance company, which is why I said what I said in the first place you ******* moron. Maybe if hospitals and doctors didn't charge astronomical prices for their services, insurance companies wouldn't have to charge so much for insurance and a law like the Affordable Healthcare Act wouldn't get passed. Like driving nails in concrete with you ******* knuckle draggers....

When you subsidize a good or service, the price goes up. With the government shortchanging healthcare providers (in some ways for Medicare), the healthcare providers raise fees for non-medicaid participants. Now you have the insurance companies subsidizing that and, presto-chango, prices go up even more!!
When you subsidize a good or service, the price goes up. With the government shortchanging healthcare providers (in some ways for Medicare), the healthcare providers raise fees for non-medicaid participants. Now you have the insurance companies subsidizing that and, presto-chango, prices go up even more!!

But I saw a surgeon driving a Porsche. I don't drive a Porsche and a work hard at UPS. What's up wit dat?
Matthew 5:42 Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.

1 John 3:17 But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?

Deuteronomy 15:7-8 If among you one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that The Lord your God has given you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be.

James 2:14-17 What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food and one of you says to them, "Go in peace, be warmed and filled," without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

Sounds like Jesus would be in favor of single-payer. Seems to me that Bummer's moral compass is more in line with biblical standards than the Bible thumping republicans. As flawed as the ACA is, it was, at least, created by the party that actually gave a **** that there are millions of people that can't afford decent healthcare.

If you're not in favor of government taking people's money and controlling everything, you're not charitable. Same dumb old liberal argument. What if government involvement does more harm than good? What if the government sucks at running things like healthcare,does a terrible job, causes more people to suffer and more people to die, destroys medical innovation that saves millions of lives, creates more poverty rather than reducing it, and enriches those who make the laws and those who make their livings influencing lawmakers? Does Jesus still insist you hand everything over to the government? Stupid.
Wow. The inability to grasp simple economics is astonishing
If 51% of the population could grasp simple economics, Bomma would not have been elected. Twice.
When you subsidize a good or service, the price goes up. With the government shortchanging healthcare providers (in some ways for Medicare), the healthcare providers raise fees for non-medicaid participants. Now you have the insurance companies subsidizing that and, presto-chango, prices go up even more!!
yeah, but you don't know jack nor **** about healthcare prices nor about 401k plans.
you're just a knuckle
When you subsidize a good or service, the price goes up. With the government shortchanging healthcare providers (in some ways for Medicare), the healthcare providers raise fees for non-medicaid participants. Now you have the insurance companies subsidizing that and, presto-chango, prices go up even more!!
yeah, but you don't know jack nor **** about healthcare prices nor about 401k plans.
you're just a knuckle dragging
When you subsidize a good or service, the price goes up. With the government shortchanging healthcare providers (in some ways for Medicare), the healthcare providers raise fees for non-medicaid participants. Now you have the insurance companies subsidizing that and, presto-chango, prices go up even more!!
yeah, but you don't know jack nor **** about healthcare prices nor about 401k plans.
you're just a knuckle dragging *******.
I vote (D) every time because I know my **** doesn't stink, but those homeless guys that smell like a Vietnamese latrine need a handout.
If you're not in favor of government taking people's money and controlling everything, you're not charitable. Same dumb old liberal argument. What if government involvement does more harm than good? What if the government sucks at running things like healthcare,does a terrible job, causes more people to suffer and more people to die, destroys medical innovation that saves millions of lives, creates more poverty rather than reducing it, and enriches those who make the laws and those who make their livings influencing lawmakers? Does Jesus still insist you hand everything over to the government? Stupid.

How much do you think an 80/20 insurance policy for a 65 year old with a substantial medical history would cost? Would an insurance company even cover a 65+ year old person with a history of cancer, heart disease diabetes, etc? You see moron, this is the person Medicare was created for.... I don't think the priority when Medicare was being created was that all the doctors and hospital board members be able to summer in the Hamptons together. Only a dumbass republican would look at a program that has made it possible for millions and millions of seniors that would have never been able to afford it otherwise, receive the healthcare they desperately needed. The gov't has also given out millions in research grants to pharmaceutical companies and university hospitals, but I guess that's how they destroy medical innovation.... By spending millions to foster it. Same old dumb republican arguments... Bitching about things that have helped millions of people because some already wealthy people didn't get quite as wealthy as maybe they otherwise could have.
so you're for the gov't collecting your money and then handing it out as they see fit?

do you get an allowance from your paycheck or does your wife keep it all to herself?
so you're for the gov't collecting your money and then handing it out as they see fit?

do you get an allowance from your paycheck or does your wife keep it all to herself?
I votes for Bomma ten time so he gimme free ****. Keep Bomma in President, you know? I can'ts wait for Him to run a third time so I can votes ten time again.
now Ron, that was just wrong.
we're not 100% certain that rollers is that literate.
Insurance was designed to cover random events and, therefore, the premiums are based upon probabilities of those events occuring and the cost of the event. When you have a pre-existing condition, the events are no longer random and the premiums skyrocket to compensate.

So, when Obamacare mandated coverage, premiums absolutely MUST skyrocket. There is no alternative. Now, Obamacare also mandated that the pre-existing condition individual can't be rated that way. The insurance company MUST have an overall expected premium that is equal to expected claims/expenses. Therefore all policies MUST increase.

There are no alternatives. Well, you know, other than single-payer, to which this legislation was designed as a first-step.
Therefore all policies MUST increase.
Unless you're on the dole instead of working like the rest of you stupid *****.

There are no alternatives. Well, you know, other than single-payer, to which this legislation was designed as a first-step.
I votes for Bomma ten time. He gimme free stuff.
So in 1980 the per capita cost of annual healthcare in the United States was about 1 thousand dollars. In 2013 before Obamacare started, along with the
pre-existing condition coverage, the annual per capita cost of healthcare was $8,700. What caused the 870% increase in 33 years. That's like 26% inflation
per year.
ooh ooh

what about the increase in gas?
what about the increase in the price of milk?
what about the increase in the cost of clothing?
what about the increase in the price of housing?

******* BUSH!
What caused the 870% increase in 33 years. That's like 26% inflation
per year.

1. Expensive technology.
2. Expensive malpractice insurance for the healthcare providers.
3. Expensive standards to meet. I used to work in a hospital purchasing department. Electrical outlet for your house, $1.19. Spark-proof hospital-grade electrical outlet so a leaking oxygen tank doesn't blow the joint up, $45.00 and that was 20 years ago. I once unloaded our first pallet of heart stents when that was brand-new technology and a 4'x4' pallet stacked with boxes only knee high to me had a P.O. over $1 million. And that was 20 years ago. I used to spend $10,000 a month on batteries. Just plain ol' Duracells for battery backups and beepers. I'd buy 8 to 10 pallets of copy paper a week. The paper supplier would just send us our own truck. Had four different major electrolytes the dialysis department would use. Most hospitals buy it in 3 liter IV bags, we'd get it in 55 gallon drums at a few thou each and dialysis had a central pump room with lines running to all the chairs. The cost of what WE paid for stuff was astronomical.
4. People with no insurance can't pay for the expensive stuff so healthcare providers jack the rates they charge insurance companies to cover the costs for the people who can't pay.
5. Need to pay for Bomma's ever-increasing energy costs. You know what it costs to heat and cool a hospital? Bomma gonna get us a solar powered MRI though.....