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Idiot Basement Boy: Rules for thee, but not for me.


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
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The nearest Steelers bar.
Joe Biden didn’t pay his “fair share.” Upon leaving the vice presidency in early 2017, he and his wife Jill exploited a tax loophole of questionable legality to dodge hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes—and used the savings to fund lavish real estate holdings.

Biden’s personal conduct raises two obvious questions: How can someone who avoided more than $500,000 in taxes to fund his luxury lifestyle demand that others “pay their fair share”? And how can someone proposing the biggest expansion of government since Franklin Delano Roosevelt claim he supports more federal spending, when he wouldn’t pay for that spending himself?

‘Aggressive’ Tax Dodging

I previously reported on the details of the Bidens’ tax avoidance in the years following Joe Biden’s service as vice president. From 2017 through 2019, Joe and Jill Biden classified a total of $13.5 million in book and speech income as profits from their two corporations, rather than as cash wages.

Classifying most of their earnings as corporate profits rather than wages allowed the Bidens to avoid paying $513,540 in payroll taxes on their $13.5 million in declared corporate profits. Tax experts interviewed by the Wall Street Journal in 2019 called the Bidens’ maneuvers “pretty aggressive,” and stated that they existed solely to circumvent paying payroll taxes.

Moreover, the $513,540 in payroll taxes the Bidens avoided were imposed by Medicare and Obamacare, and help fund both of those laws. During his campaign, Joe Biden ran ads claiming that “Obamacare is personal to me”—except, it appears, when it comes to paying the bill.

Luxury Real Estate

At the same time the Bidens were dodging payroll taxes, they spent significant sums expanding their real estate holdings. In 2017, the same year Joe Biden received a reported $8 million book advance, the Bidens paid more than $2.7 million for a beach house at the Delaware shore. At the time, Biden told a local paper the move fulfilled a lifelong dream to own a beach house. But in achieving that dream, Biden dodged paying Obamacare and Medicare taxes on the vast majority of his book advance.

Also in 2017, the Bidens rented a house in suburban Washington from a donor and friend, Mark Ein. While the family did not disclose how much they paid their friend, other than to call it “substantial monthly rent,” the Zillow website estimates the property would rent for about $20,000 per month. To put that sum in perspective, the estimated rent for that property for one month exceeds the average American’s rent for an entire year.

What did that “substantial” rent bring to the Bidens? A rental house with nearly 12,000 square feet of space—almost a third more than the vice-presidential residence the Bidens vacated in 2017. A home that features a grand piano in the living room, contains both a sauna and home gym, and advertises parking for 20-plus cars. The property contains so much “bling” that a local real estate brokerage created a video advertising all its luxury features.

Dumb, greedy, dementia-ridden idiot and his fake-doctor wife - millionaires need to pay more. Except them, of course.

And of course MSNBCCBSPBCNBCABCDEFGHI are all over this story.

Right after they finish their obsession on how Trump became a billionaire as a private citizen. I mean, becoming a multi-millionaire as a lifelong politician and dodging taxes to boot? That's just good business.
More on the same topic: Vile lying shill (D)imbos ignoring the rules they impose on the lesser beings, i.e., the taxpayers.

When Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was outed last month for a secretive trip to Florida in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic [at the same time she had issued a very clear stay-at-home and quarantine order for the rest of the population], her office claimed Michigan taxpayers did not foot the bill. What they did not tell us, however, is that Whitmer asked a group of wealthy Detroit businessmen to provide a private plane they share. Those businessmen have major dealings in and with the state of Michigan.

“We wondered why she reached out to us instead of booking a private charter,” said one of the plane's owners, who exchanged his candor for confidentiality. “You can't tell a governor no. Who needs that kind of trouble?”

Had Whitmer booked a round trip flight from Lansing to West Palm Beach through a private charter company, it would likely have cost $10,000 to $20,000, or a whopping $40,000 for the actual jet she took, according to private jet websites. The latter is more than 25 percent of the governor's salary -- before taxes.

It is unclear whether Whitmer reimbursed the company – Air Eagle – which manages the aircraft owned by the businessmen. And, if so, at what price and from which bank account?

Update: Whitmer was asked about this column during a Thursday morning event in Clare. "I've said everything I'm going to say about my trip to check on my father," she told WWTV reporter Eric Lloyd, he tweets. "I've got nothing to add.

"We don't discuss my travel. I have received an incredible number of death threats over the last year and a half. There are a lot of reasons we don't discuss how I travel and when I travel."

“She said she was going to see her sick daddy, but that's not a legitimate political expenditure,” said Adolph Mongo of Detroit, a political consultant. “What it is, is a political favor. She asked. She got on their plane. Now she owes them one.”

Whitmer's office did not respond to those questions. The governor spent four full days in Florida – not two as her handlers insist. And she was not vaccinated.

Every last goddamn one of the power-hungry, greedy ***** who imposed lockdowns should be forced to turn over every taxpayer dime they stole while murdering their own citizens and their own economies.
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Yes, but when you're illegitimate monarchy, you are above the peasants and serfs. When I hear that ****** spewing that fair horseshit on tv ,I hope for a meteorite to come in blazing at 60,000 miles an hour.
So, who has hope for this nation? Not me
So, who has hope for this nation? Not me

Unfortunately, not me either at this point. When private citizens have to take it upon themselves to investigate corruption our own government will not, we're doomed IMO.