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The Biden Crime Family - Exposed

how will the two sides know who is on which side and where?
More than that, how do you coordinate the logistics to conduct such a war? Food? Water? Ammo? Battlefield coordination? Communication? It’s not as simple as two teams showing up in blue or red and shooting at each other. Never mind if the US military gets involved. This civil war fantasy is a pipe dream, and a ridiculous one at that. People are too worried about their boats, cars, trucks and houses to even protest, much less conduct a full scale civil war.
More than that, how do you coordinate the logistics to conduct such a war? Food? Water? Ammo? Battlefield coordination? Communication? It’s not as simple as two teams showing up in blue or red and shooting at each other. Never mind if the US military gets involved. This civil war fantasy is a pipe dream, and a ridiculous one at that. People are too worried about their boats, cars, trucks and houses to even protest, much less conduct a full scale civil war.
We are rocketing towards hyper inflation right now. When hyper inflation hits we get currency collapse with currency collapse the bread and circuses are over and people will reach **** it. When people reach **** it revolutions happen. It’s not going to be a blue and gray situation. It’s going to be like the Argentinian dirty Civil War times Northern Ireland times Rawanda. Don’t think that it can’t happen here because I ******* assure you it can.
We are rocketing towards hyper inflation right now. When hyper inflation hits we get currency collapse with currency collapse the bread and circuses are over and people will reach **** it. When people reach **** it revolutions happen. It’s not going to be a blue and gray situation. It’s going to be like the Argentinian dirty Civil War times Northern Ireland times Rawanda. Don’t think that it can’t happen here because I ******* assure you it can.
Which one of those internal conflicts benefited the people and how -- looking back -- would an observer recognize the net good for those societies?
We are rocketing towards hyper inflation right now. When hyper inflation hits we get currency collapse with currency collapse the bread and circuses are over and people will reach **** it. When people reach **** it revolutions happen. It’s not going to be a blue and gray situation. It’s going to be like the Argentinian dirty Civil War times Northern Ireland times Rawanda. Don’t think that it can’t happen here because I ******* assure you it can.
Sorry DBS, this is laughable. When the currency collapses it will be globally and there will be riots in the streets but not against the government, but against the haves and have nots. The Governments will issue in a new currency (Digital) and act like saviors. desperate lemmings will reach out to their saviors and get what they get and they'll be happy about it.

There will never be a civil war in this country ever again. Those people and those ideals are long gone for 95% of the population.
Which one of those internal conflicts benefited the people and how -- looking back -- would an observer recognize the net good for those societies?
I’m not saying any good will come of it. I’m simply reading the map and saying what road we are on. I hope I am wrong.
Sorry DBS, this is laughable. When the currency collapses it will be globally and there will be riots in the streets but not against the government, but against the haves and have nots. The Governments will issue in a new currency (Digital) and act like saviors. desperate lemmings will reach out to their saviors and get what they get and they'll be happy about it.

There will never be a civil war in this country ever again. Those people and those ideals are long gone for 95% of the population.
Economic collapse means there will be no government. Cops are only cops as long as you pay them. Same with the military. There will be anarchy and bloodshed and nobody knows what it will look like when it all shakes out.
Economic collapse means there will be no government. Cops are only cops as long as you pay them. Same with the military. There will be anarchy and bloodshed and nobody knows what it will look like when it all shakes out.
You're right in that no one fully knows, but I do have a good idea serving in Bosnia/Herzegovina during the ethnic cleansings and seeing the human condition in times of grave distresses and desperation. We got a small glimpse during the race riots here at home but those were short lived events and didn't even scratch the surface of what happens during longevity events. The closest we came to that is during hurricane Katrina and what unfolded in the weeks afterwards in New Orleans with the property take overs, murders, raping, etc.

In terms of the government, they'll never dissolve and will maintain power at all costs. If anything, It will be a three letter agency that will resume power under marital law and do what it wants. You have to understand that in the 90's there was a period where the government was at a financial standstill and the Military was told that there may be no pay the next few months. We were told it would be accounted for and back pay would be given but it never came to that. I'm sure the same would be told and soldiering would go on.

I'm afraid that we may see it in our lifetimes, almost guaranteed.
We are rocketing towards hyper inflation right now. When hyper inflation hits we get currency collapse with currency collapse the bread and circuses are over and people will reach **** it. When people reach **** it revolutions happen. It’s not going to be a blue and gray situation. It’s going to be like the Argentinian dirty Civil War times Northern Ireland times Rawanda. Don’t think that it can’t happen here because I ******* assure you it can.
So you are telling me that small groups of conservatives are going to band together and go around killing people like the death squads in the Dirty War?
Economic collapse means there will be no government. Cops are only cops as long as you pay them. Same with the military. There will be anarchy and bloodshed and nobody knows what it will look like when it all shakes out.
Global anarchy all at once? Or just in the US? Who would control DC, Colorado Springs, other global command posts? The western world will prop up the US government because they have to.

Domestically, who supplies the medicines for those in need? What about food? Who/how do those supply chains work? Whomever controls that runs the sheep farm.
So you are telling me that small groups of conservatives are going to band together and go around killing people like the death squads in the Dirty War?

Because the communists will be attacking them. It’s happened before it will happen again.

Just out of curiosity what do you think kept conservatives from shooting rioters in the face during the George Floyd Sumer of Love? The government having police and prosecutorial power, that’s all. When that no longer exists there will be quite a few angry conservatives looking to put things right and settle scores.
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Global anarchy all at once? Or just in the US? Who would control DC, Colorado Springs, other global command posts? The western world will prop up the US government because they have to.

Domestically, who supplies the medicines for those in need? What about food? Who/how do those supply chains work? Whomever controls that runs the sheep farm.
See that’s the thing the western world is propped up by the USA not the other way around. If it happens we are all F*U*C*K*E*D, and not in the good way where you get dinner and a movie and a make out session first.
See that’s the thing the western world is propped up by the USA not the other way around. If it happens we are all F*U*C*K*E*D, and not in the good way where you get dinner and a movie and a make out session first.
...but a reach around though, right?
See that’s the thing the western world is propped up by the USA not the other way around. If it happens we are all F*U*C*K*E*D, and not in the good way where you get dinner and a movie and a make out session first.
Glad that you know the only path forward, lol.
When does this happen and what us the tipping point grand vizier?
Glad that you know the only path forward, lol.
When does this happen and what us the tipping point grand vizier?

I already said it’s not a certainty and I already said what the likely cause is too. I have laid out before the most likely scenario of how it begins before as well. I can go through that again too if you’d like.
Global anarchy all at once? Or just in the US? Who would control DC, Colorado Springs, other global command posts? The western world will prop up the US government because they have to.

Domestically, who supplies the medicines for those in need? What about food? Who/how do those supply chains work? Whomever controls that runs the sheep farm.
I am sure there are many countries that would help the American people against our government. If it comes to that.
Glad that you know the only path forward, lol.
When does this happen and what us the tipping point grand vizier?

Well let me break it down for you Barney style you smug, condescending, sanctimonious bag of Candian vaginal discharge:

We keep spending on proxy wars, welfare, foreign aid to nations that hate us, and "green energy" projects by printing money. BRICS now exists and is more stable than the USD because it doesn't do all that, has a fair market exchange for commodities and it can't be weaponized because it is not controlled by a single nation. It starts a currency, and it replaces the USD as the world reserve currency for the previously stated reasons. TA DAAH, the USD is now worthless. People can't by any of the necessities of life for a reason able price now. Farmers refuse to take worthless paper for their products and demand gold or silver specie or equivalent value trade goods. The government needing to maintain it's power base of welfare leeches in the big cities sends out the call for National Guard troops and local law enforcement to go out and seize crops and livestock from the farmers. But there's the rub the NG and LEOs are the sons and neighbors of the farmers and they don't show up. So the government puts together a force of Federal Marshals, FBI Agents and Postal Service Police and sends them out to raid a co-op in rural Virginia. It works and they take a bunch of food back into DC. They order the same actions in the several states. Only this time the Farmers know it's going to happen, and they have scouts watching for it. When a column of FedGov INC Daleks rolls out of NYC, LA or Chicago to seize the produce of the farms, the farmers and their neighbors ambush the column and shoot the aforementioned FedGov INC Daleks into little gobs of meat. Thats how it will start. I can't nail down exactly when, but we are moving that way. If you can't see that you are stuck on stupid and beyond help.
Proven gangsters, over and over and over again.

Wonder if Pedo Pete will pardon him?


Because the communists will be attacking them. It’s happened before it will happen again.

Just out of curiosity what do you think kept conservatives from shooting rioters in the face during the George Floyd Sumer of Love? The government having police and prosecutorial power, that’s all. When that no longer exists there will be quite a few angry conservatives looking to put things right and settle scores.
I think the small number of hot heads on both sides wil try and flex, and get beaten down badly. The vast majority of conservatives will just hunker down and wait to see how it shakes out. The vast majority of those on the Democrat spectrum will not know what to do, and their inaction will be what makes them easy victims.
I am sure there are many countries that would help the American people against our government. If it comes to that.
I have been to many countries on this big blue marble, they are not helping with shyte. The minute the US starts to come apart, and the sugar teat dries up, they will have their own problems to worry about. Without the US’s foreign aide propping up the vast majority of economies, those countries will collapse quickly.