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If you live in PA, you're probably gay

i don't really care if there's gay marriage or not but it scares me that a single judge can just throw out a law that the public voted for.
Checks and balances. Not every law that the public votes for may be Constitutional. /devil's advocate

Maybe you are loving it today because it fits your own beliefs but what happens when it goes the other way?

Is that what we're doing now? Just ignoring the laws and doing whatever twitter demands?
When someone can give me one single solitary example of how gay people getting married affects my life in any way, I might give a **** about this.

I agree with this. I do not care what gay people do or dont do. I live in greensburg and see / know a surprisingly number or gay people. At my work we have around 120 employees and at one time at least 10 were gay or lesbian. Currently there are around 5 - 6. If they want to get married so be it. It will not effect me or my life in any way.
I don't give a **** what gay people do in their homes but why the **** do they have to shove it in the face of our children?
I don't give a **** what gay people do in their homes but why the **** do they have to shove it in the face of our children?

For better or for worse, children today do not view homosexuality the same way it was viewed 50, or even 20 years ago. While I am ambivalent on the question of whether it's "normal", my children have grown up in a culture where it is considered as normal as a difference in skin color, eye color, or height. My middle schoolers know kids who have come out as gay. Why bother trying to counteract that message by teaching them revulsion towards other people? What good does it do them? I have no desire to attempt to change their minds about this, but even if I did I feel like it would be futile. The times they are a changing...
For better or for worse, children today do not view homosexuality the same way it was viewed 50, or even 20 years ago. While I am ambivalent on the question of whether it's "normal", my children have grown up in a culture where it is considered as normal as a difference in skin color, eye color, or height. My middle schoolers know kids who have come out as gay. Why bother trying to counteract that message by teaching them revulsion towards other people? What good does it do them? I have no desire to attempt to change their minds about this, but even if I did I feel like it would be futile. The times they are a changing...

While I "generally" agree with you, I think TAS' point and my position is the difference between tolerance and promotion. I'm all for tolerance. I'm 100% against promotion - things the schools do that would promote this as a desirable lifestyle to impressionable young children. It's happening frequently. There's a fine line between educating to be tolerant and promoting this as a lifestyle.

One of many examples you can find daily going on in our schools (not to mention the LGBT influence on Common Core):

While I "generally" agree with you, I think TAS' point and my position is the difference between tolerance and promotion. I'm all for tolerance. I'm 100% against promotion - things the schools do that would promote this as a desirable lifestyle to impressionable young children. It's happening frequently. There's a fine line between educating to be tolerant and promoting this as a lifestyle.

One of many examples you can find daily going on in our schools (not to mention the LGBT influence on Common Core):


You only have to worry about promotion if you think it can turn kids gay. I happen to think that whether it's a natural genetic variation or some kind of complex mix of genetics and experiences, it's not something kids can "catch" by having it promoted to them.
For better or for worse, children today do not view homosexuality the same way it was viewed 50, or even 20 years ago. While I am ambivalent on the question of whether it's "normal", my children have grown up in a culture where it is considered as normal as a difference in skin color, eye color, or height. My middle schoolers know kids who have come out as gay. Why bother trying to counteract that message by teaching them revulsion towards other people? What good does it do them? I have no desire to attempt to change their minds about this, but even if I did I feel like it would be futile. The times they are a changing...

But homosexuality is most definitely not "normal." In the strictest utilitarian sense sex is for procreation. While certainly pleasurable that is not its reason for being. In fact I think its enjoyability is a means to the end of creating progeny. So while I couldn't care less what the 'mos and beans do with their own or others' genitalia and waste evacuation orifices (or is it orify ?) I don't thik we should be shutting our eyes or those of our kids to the fact that such behavior is aberrant and indeed abnormal.
But homosexuality is most definitely not "normal." In the strictest utilitarian sense sex is for procreation. While certainly pleasurable that is not its reason for being. In fact I think its enjoyability is a means to the end of creating progeny. So while I couldn't care less what the 'mos and beans do with their own or others' genitalia and waste evacuation orifices (or is it orify ?) I don't thik we should be shutting our eyes or those of our kids to the fact that such behavior is aberrant and indeed abnormal.

Do you teach your kids that all sexual acts not specifically intended for procreation are aberrant? That encompasses a whole lot of acts beyond homosexual sex...
Do you teach your kids that all sexual acts not specifically intended for procreation are aberrant? That encompasses a whole lot of acts beyond homosexual sex...

Where did I say or even imply that? That's a pretty long reach from what I said. And I think you know by now that I'm pretty damn far from prudish so I think your question is sort of a rhetorical defense of your "ambivalence" on normality....not sure why you would want to argue the meaning of normal and abnormal. I don't.

But anyhow... my kids are adults now but when I had the "talk" with my son I covered the basics of how and why. Didn't go into detail about positions and techniques....I didn't (and don't) see that as mpart of the job. Like you said sex is everywhere and very little seems to be off the table of discussion these days so I figured there were plenty of options available to him regarding more advanced "instruction.'
You only have to worry about promotion if you think it can turn kids gay. I happen to think that whether it's a natural genetic variation or some kind of complex mix of genetics and experiences, it's not something kids can "catch" by having it promoted to them.

Then why do they promote it? Doesn't mean they should be able to.

I don't "only" worry about promotion because I think it turns kids gay. I think there are a million other things they should be using that time for in "education."
Where did I say or even imply that? That's a pretty long reach from what I said. And I think you know by now that I'm pretty damn far from prudish so I think your question is sort of a rhetorical defense of your "ambivalence" on normality....not sure why you would want to argue the meaning of normal and abnormal. I don't.

I'm a little confused on how it's a reach. You seemed to be making the argument that homosexual sex is aberrant because sex is naturally about procreation. Correct me if I'm wrong on that. I will agree with you that non-procreative sex is probably not "natural", but have to disagree in calling it "aberrant". I guess it's all what your definition of normal is. If the only normal sex is procreative sex, well, a whole hell of a lot of us are abnormal. I certainly am, I can't get pregnant. I guess I'm supposed to be celibate?
Then why do they promote it? Doesn't mean they should be able to.

I don't "only" worry about promotion because I think it turns kids gay. I think there are a million other things they should be using that time for in "education."

I will agree with you there, at least as far as school is concerned. There is way too much proselytizing about all sorts of issues in public school, and it's very one sided. I regularly have discussions with my kids about the other side of things they've learned in school.
I will agree with you there, at least as far as school is concerned. There is way too much proselytizing about all sorts of issues in public school, and it's very one sided. I regularly have discussions with my kids about the other side of things they've learned in school.

Agreed. The USA continues to lag behind other nations in education. We should be teaching the fundamentals...to make our children ready to lead careers. This is a "sidetrack" that takes away from teaching the things they need to learn to be able to hold competitive jobs.
Agreed. The USA continues to lag behind other nations in education. We should be teaching the fundamentals...to make our children ready to lead careers. This is a "sidetrack" that takes away from teaching the things they need to learn to be able to hold competitive jobs.

Yep. We are in what is considered an excellent school district, there are a lot of really smart kids here, and it is pretty shocking to me how much time is spent on ridiculous, frivolous stuff. My kids spend a huge chunk of time each week learning about bullying, drugs, "green" topics etc. I'm not saying these are things that shouldn't be touched on but they are very repetitive and there is an enormous amount of time wasted.
Yep. We are in what is considered an excellent school district, there are a lot of really smart kids here, and it is pretty shocking to me how much time is spent on ridiculous, frivolous stuff. My kids spend a huge chunk of time each week learning about bullying, drugs, "green" topics etc. I'm not saying these are things that shouldn't be touched on but they are very repetitive and there is an enormous amount of time wasted.

I'll say it.. these aren't things that should be touched on. Kids can't even read but they can tell you about recycling and how to use a condom. I read with my son and he just finished 3rd grade. He is reading on a 5th grade level. And will probably be much more advanced as I work with him during the summer. What's happened is that the schools have become mom and dad to the kids. The parents are being taken off the hook. Some schools have breakfast, lunch and dinner. They teach sex ed, politics and all the other things parents are suppose to teach. Instead of having their parents values they have the schools values. And we all know what those values are right?

My son is very blessed because he goes to a small school and the community is very conservative. And the school is very conservative so we don't have the issues that other schools have.
I'll say it.. these aren't things that should be touched on. Kids can't even read but they can tell you about recycling and how to use a condom. I read with my son and he just finished 3rd grade. He is reading on a 5th grade level. And will probably be much more advanced as I work with him during the summer. What's happened is that the schools have become mom and dad to the kids. The parents are being taken off the hook. Some schools have breakfast, lunch and dinner. They teach sex ed, politics and all the other things parents are suppose to teach. Instead of having their parents values they have the schools values. And we all know what those values are right?

My son is very blessed because he goes to a small school and the community is very conservative. And the school is very conservative so we don't have the issues that other schools have.

OFTB and I don't have that luxury. We live in political Mary-land and must combat the "values" being shoved down our children's throats.
I'm a little confused on how it's a reach. You seemed to be making the argument that homosexual sex is aberrant because sex is naturally about procreation. Correct me if I'm wrong on that. I will agree with you that non-procreative sex is probably not "natural", but have to disagree in calling it "aberrant". I guess it's all what your definition of normal is. If the only normal sex is procreative sex, well, a whole hell of a lot of us are abnormal. I certainly am, I can't get pregnant. I guess I'm supposed to be celibate?

No, I'm making the point that homosexual sex is aberrant because it's aberrant. I'm not using the term perjoratively nor does it necessarily carry a perjorative connotation, maybe that's where our disconnect lies.

1ab·er·rant. adjective \a-ˈber-ənt, ə-, -ˈbe-rənt; ˈa-bə-rənt, -ˌber-ənt, -ˌbe-rənt\
. : different from the usual or natural type : unusual or abnormal

I'm a huge fan of recreational sex.....my point isn't that sex for any reason other than procreation is aberrant or abnormal but that sex between people of the same gender is. I know you're smart enough to realize that so maybe I was unclear in how I stated it.
Homosexual sex is aberrant to a heterosexual and vice a versa. The problem seems to be that some heterosexuals don't understand that homosexuality isn't
a choice. Fortunately most kids today are learning that it is a choice because they are meeting homosexuals and learning to understand thru communication.

Younger people overwhelmingly favor same sex marriage due to this understanding, which means as the older folks die off, same sex marriage will be the new norm.

The furute is already decided, it just will take awhile to get here as the close-minded die off.
Homosexual sex is aberrant to a heterosexual and vice a versa. The problem seems to be that some heterosexuals don't understand that homosexuality isn't
a choice. Fortunately most kids today are learning that it is a choice because they are meeting homosexuals and learning to understand thru communication.

Younger people overwhelmingly favor same sex marriage due to this understanding, which means as the older folks die off, same sex marriage will be the new norm.

The future is already decided, it just will take awhile to get here as the close-minded die off.
Fortunately most kids today are learning that it is a choice because they are meeting homosexuals and learning to understand thru communication.
Well, I'm certainly glad to hear that. "Mr. Sandusky, STEELERS21 on line two...."

Homosexual sex is aberrant to a heterosexual and vice a versa. The problem seems to be that some heterosexuals don't understand that homosexuality isn't
a choice. Fortunately most kids today are learning that it is a choice
because they are meeting homosexuals and learning to understand thru communication.

Younger people overwhelmingly favor same sex marriage due to this understanding, which means as the older folks die off, same sex marriage will be the new norm.

The future is already decided, it just will take awhile to get here as the close-minded die off.

Okay, so you say it isn't a choice, but then in the next sentence you say it is. Which is it?

Secondly, there are things that I believed in my younger days that I was flat out wrong about. Age, and expereince, makes one wiser. Your youth is betraying you.
I wrote the second part wrong, kids are finding out it isn't a choice.

Sandusky is a predator like many of the priests were. They exist in the heterosexual variety as well. Like the guy in Cleveland that had the woman locked up in his house.
I wrote the second part wrong, kids are finding out it isn't a choice.

Sandusky is a predator like many of the priests were. They exist in the heterosexual variety as well. Like the guy in Cleveland that had the woman locked up in his house.
I wrote the second part wrong, kids are finding out it isn't a choice.

Sandusky is a predator like many of the priests were. They exist in the heterosexual variety as well. Like the guy in Cleveland that had the woman locked up in his house.

Times are changing and fortunately most kids today are learning that it isn't a choice because they are meeting pedophiles and learning to understand thru communication.
Yeah, "progress" is so great huh? I mean, look how enlightened we are! Since homosexuality is now newly promoted, it must be better than it was before right? I mean, places like ancient Rome and Sodom are flourishing today after promoting homosexuality. And remember those old horrible days when people lived by Biblical values, and the kids would go shoot each other, get pregnant and STDs left and right, lazy social leeches stole all our money? Thank God (oops, sorry, I can't say that, I mean thank Barack) that now that we're becoming more enlightened, those things are in the past!!