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I'll post this here.....I didn't make it Political the NFL did..............

Like the Rats? Except for Coach Hairball whom I can respect in this case. He was obviously raised to respect the flag:


"A majority of Ravens players kneeled or sat on the bench as the national anthem played, including Lamar Jackson, who took a knee. Coach John Harbaugh stood. Gus Edwards, Willie Snead and Miles Boykin interlocked arms. During warm-ups, Ravens players wore black T-shirts. The front read: "Injustice against one of us is injustice against all of us." On the back, it had the words: "End Racism." When "Lift Every Voice" played, Ravens players, coaches and owner Steve Bisciotti stood in the end zone side by side. Marlon Humphrey and Matthew Judon took knees."

And I'm gonna start wearing a black shirt when I watch football.

Black oLives matter on my pizza. Gots to have them black olives.

Didn't know where to put this so I'll just put it here, 2020 in a nutshell:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This is what it's like watching academics try to cure racism. <a href="https://t.co/uLCXZJKaSO">pic.twitter.com/uLCXZJKaSO</a></p>— Mike Nayna (@MikeNayna) <a href="https://twitter.com/MikeNayna/status/1305104442350419969?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 13, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

We are all that young black kid.

Reminds me, go back and watch the 2012 Summer Olympic Opening Ceremony with Dancing Doctors, Nurses, rapid set up field hospitals, and other bizarre occultic histrionics and tell me we weren't watching Predictive Programming years in advance as if the Covid-1984 spirits were being conjured.

Like your vid, the kid props in the Ceremony be like WTF?
At least he wasn't as bad as Kirk Herbstreit breaking down in tears on ESPN and saying "we have to do better.."

Saw a clip of that and truly one of the most unmanly things I have seen in years.

The acting was cringeworthy.

This is why I decided to completely eliminate anything football related.

You might try to avoid it, and still watch it, but you cant.

Halftime shows will have it, post and pregame shows will have it, hell, even the tickers running across the bottom of the TV screen have it.

Like I said before unless you get duped into believing this sham, its unwatchable.
They've conflated this to Harriet Tubman and Jackie Robinson 1947 level. All racism all the time.
Support for BLM = Support for cop killers.

There really is no nuance to it.

No but there is a measure of stupidity.

The Hollywood Reporter published a public call-out by a screenwriter and Black Lives Matter co-chairwoman for the studios and agencies to join the NBA and cancel a day of work to support BLM protest. Hollywood and pro athletes are boycotting their own industry. How will I sleep tonight?

NFL officials admitted Wednesday the league may be forced to recruit a new fan base because the militant support of BLM by NFL players. Hollywood is clueless as always. In support of Black Lives Matter, Gwyneth Paltrow is coming out with a new brand of scented candles called Aunt Vagina.

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Isn't much thinking involved at this point.

This BS can go sideways in a hell of a hurry if they get far enough.

They already have. If I lived in a city, I would move tonight. Or jump off a skyscraper.
None of the Steelers knelt! They didn’t disrespectfully link arms either. Two idiots raised their fist. I’m still going to watch only them, on pirate feed.
I feel like I’m in AA right now.

I know what you mean. Felt weird not throwing on my old SN T-shirt on gameday. My old block numbered Bettis jersey still hangs in the closet. It's first game off in who knows how long. 23 or so years? F it. Sometimes you have to take a stand, no matter how inconsequential the result.
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I’d say there is a solid chance he does bc it’s pennies to him. Only bc his brand/name..**** him

Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva on Monday challenged NBA star LeBron James to match and double the reward money being offered for information on the gunman who ambushed and shot two deputies over the weekend.

Speaking with KABC Radio on the John Phillips Show, Villanueva said the reward money reached $175,000 -- a combination of donations of $100,000 from the county and $75,000 from two private individuals.

"This challenge is to Lebron James. I want you to match that and double that reward," Villanueva said. "I know you care about law enforcement. You expressed a very interesting statement about your perspective on race relations and on officer-involved shootings and the impact that it has on the African-American community.
Putting Your Money Where Your Knee Is
By: Bill O'ReillySeptember 12, 2020

The football announcer Chris Collingsworth was extremely annoying, virtue-signaling that he “stands” with the players in their social justice protests. Hey, Chris, spare us. We all know how noble you are. And I’m happy to discuss your opinion on my news analysis program any time. But using your entertainment platform to push a political view is exactly what the Academy Award pinheads do.

In truth, the bravest thing done at the game was play-by-play guy Al Michaels, a brilliant announcer, totally avoiding the culture stuff. By staying silent, Michaels knew he would be hammered by the “woke” mob, which is exactly what happened.

And one more message to the protesting players. Your salaries will start to decline as team revenue does. Your knee will significantly affect your wallet. Team owners are blowing smoke at you guys now, but money will ultimately prevail.

Always does.

While I agree with Indy in that I will still surreptitiously follow my team for now, while the NFL and my money will stay separated completely.

Here's some snippets from an article on the American Thinker about fantasy leagues in particular.

Roger Goodell and Wokeness Have Ensured the Decline of the NFL

"Hey guys. Just letting you know that I'm not gonna run the league this year. My heart's not in it plus at least two guys are done with the NFL in general. Maybe next year all of the BS will blow over but until then y'all take care."

This is how my NFL fantasy football league (established ca. 2005) came to its inglorious end last month. "Sounds good to me!" was one response to the league commissioner's text message. "Same here... I don't even care anymore" was another. There were no rebuttals or arguments in favor of continuing the league, which had long been a highlight of our lives in the fall season.

Back in 2014, Neal Gabler gave the world a firsthand look at how progressives see NFL fans, lamenting at Reuters that the NFL was the "last bastion of white, male conservatives," allowing them to "enjoy their world on Sunday — even if that world may be crumbling around them." He cited an Experian Simmons study that showed that 83 percent of NFL fans were white, "64 percent were male, 51 percent are 45 years or older, only 32 percent made less than $60K per year" — and, sin of sins, the fans were found to be "59 percent more likely to have played a round of golf in the last year."

That's a pretty close description of this group of friends in my fantasy league. It comprises mostly white guys, near or in their 40s, who love their wives and kids, are mostly conservative, and generally have pretty good jobs in various trades ranging from plumber to attack helicopter pilot. And, yeah, most of us play a round of golf here and there, and none of us thinks to ask forgiveness for that.

Goodell knows that recent choices will alienate the core fan base. "We're supporting our players," he says, continuing, "We look at this as an opportunity to grow our audience with different segments of the population to make sure we're reaching more people on more platforms."

Rush Limbaugh translates Goodell's comments to be an acknowledgement that the NFL is in trouble. Goodell knows, Rush says, that that the NFL has "angered a large segment of the traditional National Football League audience."

If the NFL can just be woke enough, Goodell seems to think, maybe the kids will be prompted to tune in for the political messaging, and maybe they'll even stick around for the game and take an interest in it. Goodell seems to be imagining a world in which the NFL's popularity grows by alienating its massive, traditional fan base while seeking to replace that fan base with a younger and more ethnically diverse fan base who didn't grow up having witnessed the NFL's marvelous ascension to having become "America's sport," and who also have a million other things vying for their attention that haven't captured mine, such as YouTube, Fortnite, and TikTok.

If the NFL issued stock, managerial decisions this stupid would prompt shareholders to sell at any price.

While I agree with Indy in that I will still surreptitiously follow my team for now, while the NFL and my money will stay separated completely.

My girlfriend is a Colts fan. After they locked arms and their idiot coach knelt for the Anthem, she sent them some hate mail and said she was done. She watched all the Steelers stand last night, some with hands on their hearts, and converted to the good side. She wants a Villanueva jersey. I might get one on Ebay from an independent seller, but I will not buy from any store. This will be the third year in a row that the NFL doesn't get a cent from me. I'm actually making money on them. I won $100 on Draft Kings last night, Steelers -6.5. That covered my SB bet. Same spread against the Donks this Sunday. Monday night late game team on the road, no Von Miller...sounds like easy money to me.