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Immigration Crisis at the border


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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I know this has been discussed in several threads, but I felt like it needed it's own thread.

This **** has to stop. I am sick to death of Democrats refusing to address the core of this issue. If you are truly concerned about the security of the United States, Republicans and Democrats need to stand together and tell these Central American Nations to stop this invasion. And it is an invasion.

I do not care for the fact that kids and adults are being separated at the border. At the same time, this is not an open border, and if that is truly one of your concerns, do not try to cross the border illegally. Democrats can be outraged about these separations, but when you are doing nothing to stop this crisis other than go on TV, point fingers and cry foul it rings hollow. It is disingenuous. It is petty. It is outrageous.

This **** is so ******* stupid. Both parties in America are willing to sell the country down the river in an effort to score cheap political points. Get together and come up with a real solution. Democrats put forth a solution that was not suitable for Republicans. Republicans put forth a solution that is not suitable to Democrats. Big surprise. And around and around we go. Just like every other serious issue facing this country.

The ******* need skull dragged through the streets while having their ******* hearts kicked out. All they do is bicker and squabble over everything, and nothing changes. I am tired of seeing these bleeding hearts on TV crying around about a bunch of ******* law breakers. I am tired of watching a president that is trying to enforce the ******* laws of this nation be tarred and feathered for it. I am tired of watching a group of people, supposedly sent to Washington so serve the people, behave as a do nothing, holier-than-thou ruling class that is above the laws we subjects have to abide by. Even worse, about half of those do nothings are putting representation of non-citizens above the citizens they were elected to represent. I am tired of the ******* media being a state sponsored mouth piece for whatever party they agree with.

America is ******, and really, short of a full on, bloody revolution, nothing is going to change. It is reality. Oh yeah, go vote. That's working out pretty well. We are rotting from within.

I have tried so hard to be an optimist, to view things from all angles, but I can't anymore. **** congress. **** Republicans. **** Democrats. **** the media. I will no longer support any of them. It is time for a viable third party in this country. This country needs an enema. Short of a full on civil war, 3rd party is about the only way to go.

Rant complete. I am going to go outside and scream at the sky now.
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Our process of Gov't and making law is intentionally difficult. It should be hard to create new laws. The issue is when the screaming starts when existing law is enforced. If it is that major a crisis, the Dems would be crawling over themselves to get this fixed....instead this is just grandstanding.

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Our process of Gov't and making law is intentionally difficult. It should be hard to create new laws. The issue is when the screaming starts when existing law is enforced. If it is that major a crisis, the Dems would be crawling over themselves to get this fixed....instead this is just grandstanding.

Passing a law requires negotiation and compromise, which Chucky Schumer doesn't want to do because he'd have to give up something like letting President Trump build his wall. Chucky wants President Trump to go Full Obama and write an executive order so that 1) Trump goes back on his word and 2) the Dems don't have to give up anything. I really don't think President Trump is going to fall for it though.
this is not an open border, and if that is truly one of your concerns, do not try to cross the border illegally.

Exactly! It's really that simple. This is 100% preventable, you will not be separated from your children if you don't break the law. Not sure why so many people keep ignoring that simple fact.
Exactly! It's really that simple. This is 100% preventable, you will not be separated from your children if you don't break the law. Not sure why so many people keep ignoring that simple fact.

Because it needs to be pointed out that Trump is a racist because he won't let anyone and everyone into the country.
The old "policy" was instead of arresting them, we would just send them back to Mexico on a bus with their children so they could try to cross the border AGAIN without getting caught. That was how past Presidents got around a very bad immigration law that provides no real incentive (or a P.R. nightmare incentive) at preventing illegal attempts to cross into our country.

I ask all my liberal friends (those that still even want to debate me on things), WHY should we go back to that system when that is not our law other than just for "moral" reasons? Shouldn't the law be fixed and how should we fix it (not one liberal wants to answer me when I ask what the law should be).

All these "families" that are seeking asylum from Central America can avoid any type of separation just by going to a legal border crossing location and saying they are here for asylum. While that process can be incredibly long and complex at least DURING that process you will still be with your children. But if you try to sneak in across the Rio Grande at night, or get sold "sitting in the back of a truck quiet" is a better way to do it AND you get caught doing this, you are now a criminal alien. And criminals that are charged with a crime normally get their kids put into a foster-care type system until the legal process resolves itself.

I ask my friends all the time, what do you think would happen to me if I get caught trying to cross into Canada with no passport, no identification, nothing and the minute I get caught I THEN say "I'm here for asylum"? I would get charged with a crime and I would likely be held in a Canadian holding cell of some type. And what would happen if I had my son with me? I doubt Canada would keep us together because I would be under intense suspicion of WHY I was without identification and WHY I wanted to come into Canada in the first place. And this applies to England, Germany, Russia or any other country I would try to "sneak" into without good, solid identification.

Yet because these are "women" or because they are "brown" or because they are coming from **** hole countries that let gangs and criminals run rampant, the rules are supposes to be different?

There is a PROPER AND LEGAL WAY to enter the United States. And that is the ONLY WAY. If you don't do it that way we have anarchy and confusion and that doesn't help anyone.
The old "policy" was instead of arresting them, we would just send them back to Mexico on a bus with their children so they could try to cross the border AGAIN without getting caught. That was how past Presidents got around a very bad immigration law that provides no real incentive (or a P.R. nightmare incentive) at preventing illegal attempts to cross into our country.

I ask all my liberal friends (those that still even want to debate me on things), WHY should we go back to that system when that is not our law other than just for "moral" reasons? Shouldn't the law be fixed and how should we fix it (not one liberal wants to answer me when I ask what the law should be).

All these "families" that are seeking asylum from Central America can avoid any type of separation just by going to a legal border crossing location and saying they are here for asylum. While that process can be incredibly long and complex at least DURING that process you will still be with your children. But if you try to sneak in across the Rio Grande at night, or get sold "sitting in the back of a truck quiet" is a better way to do it AND you get caught doing this, you are now a criminal alien. And criminals that are charged with a crime normally get their kids put into a foster-care type system until the legal process resolves itself.

I ask my friends all the time, what do you think would happen to me if I get caught trying to cross into Canada with no passport, no identification, nothing and the minute I get caught I THEN say "I'm here for asylum"? I would get charged with a crime and I would likely be held in a Canadian holding cell of some type. And what would happen if I had my son with me? I doubt Canada would keep us together because I would be under intense suspicion of WHY I was without identification and WHY I wanted to come into Canada in the first place. And this applies to England, Germany, Russia or any other country I would try to "sneak" into without good, solid identification.

Yet because these are "women" or because they are "brown" or because they are coming from **** hole countries that let gangs and criminals run rampant, the rules are supposes to be different?

There is a PROPER AND LEGAL WAY to enter the United States. And that is the ONLY WAY. If you don't do it that way we have anarchy and confusion and that doesn't help anyone.

JFC Del, would you please stop making sense.

In 2013 the Senate passed the above immigration bill in a bi-partisan fashion and Boehner refused to bring it up for a vote in the House
because it had a good chance of passing.

The current issue at the border is not about people crossing illegally. It's about people coming to the border and seeking asylum, refugee status. There are laws that
cover this. The law requires due process. The issue is whether children should be separated from their parents during the process, which we haven't done in the
past. I guess since we are now an anti-Christian nation under Trump, anything goes. He probably consulted his buddies Putin and Kim Jung Un and they advised
him this is what they would do.

In 2013 the Senate passed the above immigration bill in a bi-partisan fashion and Boehner refused to bring it up for a vote in the House
because it had a good chance of passing.

The current issue at the border is not about people crossing illegally. It's about people coming to the border and seeking asylum, refugee status. There are laws that
cover this. The law requires due process. The issue is whether children should be separated from their parents during the process, which we haven't done in the
past. I guess since we are now an anti-Christian nation under Trump, anything goes. He probably consulted his buddies Putin and Kim Jung Un and they advised
him this is what they would do.

but, but, but Obama could have done what he wanted with a pen.
'member that?
but, but, but Obama could have done what he wanted with a pen.
'member that?

A lot of this is on Obama too.
The left wants someone to blame for a mess they are just as responsible.

**** is ****** right now.

In 2013 the Senate passed the above immigration bill in a bi-partisan fashion and Boehner refused to bring it up for a vote in the House
because it had a good chance of passing.

The current issue at the border is not about people crossing illegally. It's about people coming to the border and seeking asylum, refugee status. There are laws that
cover this. The law requires due process. The issue is whether children should be separated from their parents during the process, which we haven't done in the
past. I guess since we are now an anti-Christian nation under Trump, anything goes. He probably consulted his buddies Putin and Kim Jung Un and they advised
him this is what they would do.

LOL, How dense are you?? Every illegal alien has been coached up to state that they seeking asylum. You think they are going say that they are here for free health care?? LOL
I guess since we are now an anti-Christian nation under Trump, anything goes. He probably consulted his buddies Putin and Kim Jung Un and they advised
him this is what they would do.

What planet are you on? An Anti-Christian nation now under Trump?

In 2013 the Senate passed the above immigration bill in a bi-partisan fashion and Boehner refused to bring it up for a vote in the House
because it had a good chance of passing.

The current issue at the border is not about people crossing illegally. It's about people coming to the border and seeking asylum, refugee status. There are laws that
cover this. The law requires due process. The issue is whether children should be separated from their parents during the process, which we haven't done in the
past. I guess since we are now an anti-Christian nation under Trump, anything goes. He probably consulted his buddies Putin and Kim Jung Un and they advised
him this is what they would do.

This is wrong.

Any one or any family that shows up to a legal border crossing station and says they are here for Asylum WILL NOT GET SEPARATED. I repeat, 21, THEY WILL NOT GET SEPARATED FROM THEIR CHILDREN. Period.

This is about so-called asylum seekers coming into the country illegally and getting caught. Often they get sold the idea this is okay by illegal traffickers that are mixing them on trucks and trains or caravans crossing the Rio Grande with just your normal everyday illegals. But the bottom line is they are NOT following the rules (laws) for how you seek asylum in this country. You can't claim "asylum" AFTER you get caught trying to just get into the country illegally. You can't.

You are so wrong on this that the fact you DON'T know this fact is exactly why I'm so stubborn in my support of Trump on so many issues. You are just a fool following the propaganda machine that is our media. And this is the PERFECT example of that. How can I take you seriously on anything else if you can't get this one simple fact right about a subject that has been in the news for TWO WEEKS?

You show up at a legal border crossing station with your family, you claim asylum and fill out the paperwork, you WILL NOT get your children taken from you. Case closed.
LOL, How dense are you?? Every illegal alien has been coached up to state that they seeking asylum. You think they are going say that they are here for free health care?? LOL

That's why the number of people seeking asylum to the U.S. has risen from 43,000 in 2012 to 142,000 in 2017.

These are not legitimate cases. Things in this hemisphere have not changed THAT much since 2012 to justify this rise in applications. Every illegal now is being told to "claim asylum" and that has created a huge backlog of asylum cases (and really harms those that have legitimate asylum reasons to be here). The backlog on asylum applications is almost 300,000 now. They can only process about 100,000 per year. Anything over that just makes the list grow longer and longer.

The minute ICE started rounding up illegals, they all came out of the woodwork to claim asylum knowing they can stay at their current address (even if illegal) while the process takes place which they also know that process will take 2+ years.

This needs fixed too. We either need to CHANGE the way we accept asylum applications (i.e. there is a step to eliminate the false applications quickly), change the rules at who is ALLOWED to apply, or greatly increase funding and resources to process the applicants. Each of these answer requires CONGRESS. Not the President.
A lot of this is on Obama too.
The left wants someone to blame for a mess they are just as responsible.

**** is ****** right now.

**** has been ****** for a while.

This is on every President and every member of Congress from Reagan's amnesty on. And that includes Reagan. Reagan granted amnesty in 1986. So we are going on 32 ******* years of not fixing the border. It isn't like the problem of illegal immigration started with Obama or Trump.

And here are members of both parties of congress, squabbling and pointing fingers and not offering any real solution, afraid to alienate their respective bases. Ya know, if you ******** in congress actually came together and WORKED for a solution that is fair to all, your base would be right behind you.

But just like gun control, neither side wants a solution. Just keep it in the headlines to rile up your base and shore up votes for the next election cycle. And like dutiful subjects, we will keep voting them in. Then go back to your life and wonder how nothing has changed.
America is ******, and really, short of a full on, bloody revolution, nothing is going to change. It is reality. Oh yeah, go vote. That's working out pretty well. We are rotting from within.

I have tried so hard to be an optimist, to view things from all angles, but I can't anymore. **** congress. **** Republicans. **** Democrats. **** the media. I will no longer support any of them. It is time for a viable third party in this country. This country needs an enema. Short of a full on civil war, 3rd party is about the only way to go.

I feel you Sarge. You're where I was at 2 years ago. Been avoiding politics lately to try to stay sane. If you want a rounded look at things, try listening to anything but fox, rush, hannity, etc. They're part of America's problem too. Michael Savage on tune in radio is a conservative that looks both ways. And brings you food for thought outside of politics. Highly recommend. Tucker makes me laugh too, and has different stuff to ponder.

I've personally not voted for any R nominees (except Trump) since W. Bush. More and more looks like that was an ill conceived vote as well. But McCain's refusal to stand up for his VP pick, and chastise anyone who slandered FBP, and Mitt for his waffling were not worth my vote. So Dr. Paul got mine. I knew he couldn't win, but c'est la vie. I finally left the R party during the first 4 years of 0. Won't go back. I only donate to real MAGA candidates, not any 1 party. I do more background research on them, and believe it or not, targeted donations are working pretty well.

Maybe step away for a while to clear your head. Works for me. Hang in there.
Passing a law requires negotiation and compromise, which Chucky Schumer doesn't want to do because he'd have to give up something like letting President Trump build his wall. Chucky wants President Trump to go Full Obama and write an executive order

Get rid of the "Executive Order" bullshit and then they would have to actually have to come together to write a law. I don't think our Founding Fathers mentioned Executive Orders when they were framing up our government. Seems very much like something a king would do.

View attachment 4003
Trump suckered them all in again!



Trump plans executive action to prevent family separations at border

President Trump is planning to sign an executive order to allow children to stay with parents caught crossing the border illegally -- a step that could avoid the family separations that have triggered a national outcry and political crisis for Republicans.

The action under consideration would allow children to stay in detention with parents for an extended period of time, Fox News has learned. This comes as congressional Republicans scramble to draft legislation to address the same issue, but face challenges mustering the votes.

Trump previewed the new measure, while holding out hope for legislation, during remarks to reporters during a meeting Wednesday with lawmakers.

"I’ll be signing something in a little while [to keep families together]," he said, calling the move "somewhat preemptive" and stressing it would "be matched by legislation." He also said he's canceling the upcoming congressional picnic, adding: "It didn't feel exactly right to me."

Let’s shut down these shelters where the families are separated and have people host a family on their own dime while the backlog gets processed for three to six months. Welcome these strangers into your household so they can stay together.
Let’s see how many libs put their money where their mouth is to volunteer for this.

Trump signs order! Families stay together; zero tolerance stays!



He just yanked the issue completely out from under the democrats!

4 more years!

4 more years!

4 more years!

He just yanked the issue completely out from under the democrats!

Sen. Chucky should be careful what he wishes for.
I have no doubt they wanted him to sign an EO and already have another contingency plan to make him look bad for trying to de-fuse the situation.

Just bring in the A-10s and send them scattering to wherever they came from. Keep it simple..