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Immigration Crisis at the border

Yeah, you're right Zona that will never be answered as my country's migration situation is the one happening on the southern US border. If JMM cares so much about migration issues in Europe - be it in Hungary, Germany, Serbia, Greece, Italy or elsewhere - he should read up on it or start a new thread about it.

And I live on that southern boarder and see it first hand everyday, so with all due respect, go lecture someone else.

I for one am glad it's being addressed.
I've decided I'm going to go sneak into a giant Hollywood liberals mansion with my kid. It's our right as I'm a dreamer and I can stay. I claim sanctuary house status. The commiefornia government must protect me. I'd also like to be provided with a Hennessey Venom GT super car.
Quite a sight to see, Trump playing his base like a fiddle. Oh well, good for the kids and families that were being torn apart. I hope for their sake they can track down the parents of thousands of kids that were separated since Trump/Sessions enacted this policy. .

Obama put them in cages and wrapped them in foil. Dumbass.


And this was a fake news media hysterical diversion to take the witch hunt farce out of the headlines, since it is being proven to be a biased lie. It must suck to be constantly wrong, about everything. You really blow at life.
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Yeah, you're right Zona that will never be answered as my country's migration situation is the one happening on the southern US border. If JMM cares so much about migration issues in Europe - be it in Hungary, Germany, Serbia, Greece, Italy or elsewhere - he should read up on it or start a new thread about it.

Yeah figured as much. Go on lecturing us and ignore what's happening in your country. I don't know how you can live under such an oppressive regime. Perhaps it's due to generating a product or skill to help make a living to feed your family, you know, capitalism.

If it wasn't for the hypocrisy, we might all get along better.
This is gonna leave a mark. Yet another stain on Trump's presidency. We probably haven't reached the bottom yet, still a ways to go...

This is gonna leave a mark. Yet another stain on Trump's presidency. We probably haven't reached the bottom yet, still a ways to go...


"Hi there, little illegal immigrant. I'm going to send you back home to the shithole you came from along with your mommy and daddy."

I'm fine with it.
Quite a sight to see, Trump playing his base like a fiddle. Oh well, good for the kids and families that were being torn apart. I hope for their sake they can track down the parents of thousands of kids that were separated since Trump/Sessions enacted this policy. Jesus would not approve, no wonder Sessions is getting kicked out of the Methodist church. Now Trump will have to find a new distraction from the Muller probe that's keeping him up in cold sweat each night. The three ring circus continues.


he played the left "like a fiddle"
he just showed the nation that Congress doesn't want to do their jobs. Cheer, applaud and piss yourself over him signing this E.O. You should know that E.O.s are easily overturned. As for this one...


President Trump's executive order is expected to be a violation of the 1997 Flores Settlement, which prevents the government from detaining families together.

The only current way to prevent family separation without violating the consent decree is it stop arresting people who commit crimes at the border.

President Trump has called on Congress to change the law, and put an end to family separation.
Trump did for 2 months what Obama did for 8 years.

Tibs, you should be APPLAUDING Trump for bringing to your attention such an unjust law, because obviously you weren't paying attention enough to know about this the last 8 years. Or else you surely would have started a thread on these message boards and expressed your outrage, right? Right?

I guess I missed that.....
This is gonna leave a mark. Yet another stain on Trump's presidency. We probably haven't reached the bottom yet, still a ways to go...

Who is it gonna leave a mark on? Not me. About time SOMEONE tries to fix the southern border.

I don't know why it is so damn hard to understand that we have laws. Follow them, or pay the price. It's actually pretty simple. I know you libs are accustomed to the lawlessness of the Obama years, but **** has changed. Our nation doesn't have infinite resources to just let every Tom, Dick and Harry into the nation, no questions asked. The fact that the left is using kids as political pawns says more about you than it does about Trump.

As far as reaching the bottom, I am sure there are no depths to which the Democrat party will drag this nation. We don't have as far to go as you might think.
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Who is it gonna leave a mark on? Not me. About time SOMEONE tries to fix the southern border.

I don't know why it is so damn hard to understand that we have laws. Follow them, or pay the price. It's actually pretty simple. I know you libs are accustomed to the lawlessness of the Obama years, but **** has changed. Our nation doesn't have infinite resources to just let every Tom, Dick and Harry into the nation, no questions asked. The fact that the left is using kids as political pawns says more about you than it does about Trump.

You mean every Jose, Maria and Juan into the nation....
Tibs, you should be APPLAUDING Trump

Oh, I'm applauding Trump. So glad he was caught red-handed pushing through Stephen Miller's draconian immigration policy - separating kids from their parents for misdemeanors. Then, after days of lies and denials he succumbed to the pressure and outrage from decent Americans all over the country. He backed down once he saw he couldn't get away with it, even Ivanka and Melania were pissed off. So yes, great job President Trump on reversing course. Shame on him and his cabinet for lying for days on end to the American people about this. This EO solves nothing, families are still separated and the clusterfuck at the border continues unabated. Sure, immigration laws have needed to be fixed for a heck of a long time now....all Trump's done is made things worse and even more chaotic.

This is gonna leave a mark. Yet another stain on Trump's presidency. We probably haven't reached the bottom yet, still a ways to go...


They should have shown her flying through the air after Trump kicked her back across the border.
Oh, I'm applauding Trump. So glad he was caught red-handed pushing through Stephen Miller's draconian immigration policy - separating kids from their parents for misdemeanors. Then, after days of lies and denials he succumbed to the pressure and outrage from decent Americans all over the country. He backed down once he saw he couldn't get away with it, even Ivanka and Melania were pissed off. So yes, great job President Trump on reversing course. Shame on him and his cabinet for lying for days on end to the American people about this. This EO solves nothing, families are still separated and the clusterfuck at the border continues unabated. Sure, immigration laws have needed to be fixed for a heck of a long time now....all Trump's done is made things worse and even more chaotic.

Dem leader Sen. Schumer said yesterday that the Senate will refuse to consider new legislation in order to keep the focus on President Trump. In other words he doesn't want to fix the problem.
Don't like a law, pass a better one. That's your job. If you leave it up to President Trump, then what you get is what he does.
Oh, I'm applauding Trump. So glad he was caught red-handed pushing through Stephen Miller's draconian immigration policy - separating kids from their parents for misdemeanors. Then, after days of lies and denials he succumbed to the pressure and outrage from decent Americans all over the country. He backed down once he saw he couldn't get away with it, even Ivanka and Melania were pissed off. So yes, great job President Trump on reversing course. Shame on him and his cabinet for lying for days on end to the American people about this. This EO solves nothing, families are still separated and the clusterfuck at the border continues unabated. Sure, immigration laws have needed to be fixed for a heck of a long time now....all Trump's done is made things worse and even more chaotic.


you sure type a lot for someone who says nothing, and means what they say.
LOL just when you thought you have seen it all from the ignorant left,....they go and top it again. LOL
Oh, I'm applauding Trump. So glad he was caught red-handed pushing through Stephen Miller's draconian immigration policy - separating kids from their parents for misdemeanors. Then, after days of lies and denials he succumbed to the pressure and outrage from decent Americans all over the country. He backed down once he saw he couldn't get away with it, even Ivanka and Melania were pissed off. So yes, great job President Trump on reversing course. Shame on him and his cabinet for lying for days on end to the American people about this. This EO solves nothing, families are still separated and the clusterfuck at the border continues unabated. Sure, immigration laws have needed to be fixed for a heck of a long time now....all Trump's done is made things worse and even more chaotic.


You do realize while Trump ramped up enforcement and might have separated more families in a 2-month period than Obama ever did, during Obama's Presidency, this effected MANY more total children and families, right? You do know that?

I also thought one of the few things we often agree on is the Executive Branch over-stepping their authority, bypassing Congress and using Executive Orders when new laws should be used instead. That's not the case here I guess?

What exactly IS your solution to curbing illegal crossing attempts into our (my) country exactly? Or should we just welcome them all with open arms? Is that what you are advocating? Because I'm damned confused at what you exactly want. Selective enforcement of the law (and who by chance makes that decision, you?)? Substantially more money spent to try and speed up the backlog of convictions/fines and make sure these aren't multiple offenders?

You don't want more walls. You don't want more money. You don't want enforcement of the current law. What the hell DO you want?
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keep in mind, the tolerant left fully support their fringe lunatics like Peter Fonda:


"We should rip Barron Trump from his mother's arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if mother will will stand up against the giant a--hole she is married to. 90 million people in the streets on the same weekend in the country. F---," Fonda wrote in a tweet, which has since been deleted.


this is the side who bleeds compassion, while holding mock severed heads of the POTUS, the same side who loves tweets about raping Melania.


such loving souls
And I live on that southern boarder and see it first hand everyday, so with all due respect, go lecture someone else.

I for one am glad it's being addressed.

But, but, but Tibs told you Zone...he told you to go read up on Hungary. How DARE you have first hand experience at the Southern border? Your first hand experience is NOTHING - I say NOTHING - compared to what Tibs knows and has learnt himself since he reads HuffPo from behind his wall petting his cats. That man knows more about your situation than you could ever ever ever think to know about. Hell, think about this...Tibs SAW an illegal immigrant on the news the other day - a bona fide, brown skin, illegal alien was right on his TV screen while he watched PMSNBC.

Who are you to question such knowledge?
But, but, but Tibs told you Zone...he told you to go read up on Hungary. How DARE you have first hand experience at the Southern border? Your first hand experience is NOTHING - I say NOTHING - compared to what Tibs knows and has learnt himself since he reads HuffPo from behind his wall petting his cats. That man knows more about your situation than you could ever ever ever think to know about. Hell, think about this...Tibs SAW an illegal immigrant on the news the other day - a bona fide, brown skin, illegal alien was right on his TV screen while he watched PMSNBC.

Who are you to question such knowledge?

Zona is an idiot. A true black hole of intelligence. a know-nothing nobody.

tibs is special.
Trump did for 2 months what Obama did for 8 years.

Tibs, you should be APPLAUDING Trump for bringing to your attention such an unjust law, because obviously you weren't paying attention enough to know about this the last 8 years. Or else you surely would have started a thread on these message boards and expressed your outrage, right? Right?

I guess I missed that.....

There is no greater leader of Selective Outrage than Tiberius. None.

For 8 years of Obama rule, decorated with caged children and foil-wrapped illegal aliens, there was nary a peep from the Hungarian Humanitarian. These lives meant nothing to him from 2008-2016 - except the value each of these lives means as a potential Democratic vote.

NOW these lives are the most precious, most important thing in the world to the Hungarian Humanitarian.

Funny, that, eh?

Selective Outrage: Selective outrage is when the media or a group of people becomes completely hysterical over what one person or group of people says or does, but ignores and/or censors when others say or do similar or worse things.
Our nation doesn't have infinite resources to just let every Tom, Dick and Harry into the nation, no questions asked.

No, just a bunch of ****** jobs nobody else wants to do, or is able to pass a drug test to be hired into.
No, just a bunch of ****** jobs nobody else wants to do, or is able to pass a drug test to be hired into.

as long as your quinoa is cheap, that's all that matters.
Selective Outrage

I'm not outraged, you dimwit. The whole country is outraged, with the exception of the small minority of ruthless, hateful, vengeful Anti-Christian Trump supporters. It may be time to look outside your bubble to see what's happening around you.