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Iran's response ... missile attacks on U.S. bases in Iraq

Did he promise to be impeached? If so, you can add that to the list of deliverables.

Sorry Tibs, I agree with Crash here. You are better than taking snips with no content.
Did he promise to be impeached? If so, you can add that to the list of deliverables.

Stupid is as stupid does. He has not been impeached. Only uneducated Liberals say has been. Until the articles are delivered to the Senate, he has not been impeached.

Even when you try to be funny (which you never are), you're wrong.

Momma always said, you can't be good at everything, but be excellent at something. You are excellent at being consistently wrong.
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Trump is playing chess. Liberals are playing checkers.

Iran - real Iran - wants the Mullahs gone, they want a new government. Trump is playing to that.

President Trump's tweet in Farsi expressing support for Iranians protesting Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has already earned over 200,000 likes, making it the "most liked Persian tweet" in the social media giant's history, according to a leading think tank adviser.

On Saturday, protesters in the country called upon Khamenei to step down after Iran admitted to shooting down a commercial airliner on which dozens of Iranian citizens were traveling. That evening, the president sent out a tweet in Farsi, saying that he stands with their efforts.

“To the brave and suffering Iranian people: I have stood with you since the beginning of my presidency and my government will continue to stand with you. We are following your protests closely. Your courage is inspiring,” Trump wrote.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="fa" dir="rtl">به مردم شجاع و رنج کشیده ایران: من از ابتدای دوره ریاست جمهوریم با شما ایستاده*ام و دولت من همچنان با شما خواهد ایستاد. ما اعتراضات شما را از نزدیک دنبال می کنیم. شجاعت شما الهام بخش است.</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1216114167108849665?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 11, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

And then there is this....

Awesome! Most Iranian Students Refuse to Step on U.S. or Israeli Flags As Protests Continue; Trump Warns Mullahs Not to Kill Protestors

Mass protests have continued in Iran for a second day. Iranian journalist Heshmat Alavi has several videos he would like “certain DC politicians & MSM who glorify Soleimani & describe him as a “popular general,” a “divine” figure, and a “national war hero,” [to see]. Watch how people in #Iran tear apart a poster of his image along with the regime’s dictator @khamenei_ir.”

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">To certain DC politicians & MSM who glorify Soleimani & describe him as a "popular general," a "divine" figure & a "national war hero," watch how people in <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Iran?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Iran</a> tear apart a poster of his image along with the regime's dictator <a href="https://twitter.com/khamenei_ir?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@khamenei_ir</a>.<br><br>MIC DROP!<a href="https://t.co/ZYhLb8b6i2">pic.twitter.com/ZYhLb8b6i2</a></p>— Heshmat Alavi (@HeshmatAlavi) <a href="https://twitter.com/HeshmatAlavi/status/1216106866406760449?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 11, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Below, Alavi reports something extraordinarily heartening. At a crowded quad at Beheshti University located in Tehran, someone has spread out a large U.S. flag next to a large Israeli flag. Contrary to what Democrats would have us believe, most of the students go out of their way to avoid stepping on the flags.

Alavi, who has tweeted video of the scene below, asks Washington politicians and mainstream media, who have taken the side of the terrorists in the killing of Soleimani, why most of the students refuse to disrespect either flag.

In Alavi’s second video, several students are shown walking over the flags and those on the sidelines are booing and chanting “Shame on you.”

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Jan 12 - Tehran, <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Iran?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Iran</a><br>Beheshti University<br>Another view Iranians refusing to disrespect the U.S. & Israeli flags.<br><br>Those who do walk on the flags (most likely of the regime's IRGC Basij members) are booed & people begin chanting: "Shame on you!"<a href="https://t.co/TOz6YutDr1">pic.twitter.com/TOz6YutDr1</a></p>— Heshmat Alavi (@HeshmatAlavi) <a href="https://twitter.com/HeshmatAlavi/status/1216343324283539457?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 12, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
That’s all great news, Tim. So you’re telling us Trump is no longer threatening to bomb Iranian religious & cultural sites like he did a week ago? Glad someone was able to talk some sense into him, even momentarily.
**** is getting real. Iranian leadership is at its greatest risk in 40 years.

Iranian security forces purportedly fire live ammunition to disperse protesters despite Trump's warning

Videos emerged online Monday that purportedly show Iranian police and security forces firing live ammunition to disperse demonstrators protesting against the Islamic Republic after the country mistakenly downed a Ukrainian airline plane shortly after takeoff from Tehran.

There was no immediate report in Iranian state-run media on the incident near Azadi, or Freedom, Square in Tehran, but, if true, could be seen as an act of defiance against President Trump who warned the regime against the use of deadly force.

Trump late Sunday tweeted in Farsi that a combination of protests and sanctions have "choked off" Iran and said Tehran will be forced to the negotiation table.

Trump insisted that he "couldn’t care less" if the regime negotiates, but he appeared to lay down non-negotiable issues that included the development of nuclear weapons and the use of deadly force against protesters.

"Don't kill your protesters," he tweeted.

Videos were sent to the New York-based Center for Human Rights in Iran and later verified by The Associated Press. They show a crowd of demonstrators fleeing as a tear gas canister landed among them. People cough and sputter while trying to escape the fumes, with one woman calling out in Farsi: “They fired tear gas at people! Azadi Square. Death to the dictator!”

Another video shows a woman being carried away in the aftermath as a blood trail can be seen on the ground. Those around her cry out that she has been shot by live ammunition in the leg.

“Oh my God, she’s bleeding nonstop!” one person shouts. Another shouts: “Bandage it!”

Photos and video after the incident show pools of blood on the sidewalk.

The tweet in Farsi appears to be an attempt by Trump to speak directly to the Iranian people. Tehran has experienced upheaval after the missile strike on a Ukrainian airline flight out of the country's capital that the country called a mistake. Still, the mishap was seen as an international display of military ineptitude.

Many of the country’s protesters chanted "death to the Dictator," referring to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Another group near a university in Tehran chanted, “They are lying that our enemy is America, our enemy is right here," Reuters reported

Trump, hours earlier, again warned Tehran not to kill protesters, saying, “Thousands have already been killed or imprisoned by you, and the World is watching. More importantly, the USA is watching."
That’s all great news, Tim. So you’re telling us Trump is no longer threatening to bomb Iranian religious & cultural sites like he did a week ago? Glad someone was able to talk some sense into him, even momentarily.

So what you're telling us is you are disheartened that these Iranians didn't trample all over the US and Israeli flags, and like your whack-a-doodle, corrupt MSM you worship - you now love the Mullahs and Iran, a state that's sworn the death of all Americans?

Not that we are surprised...
The Left is a dark, dark place. I'll say it again and again until it changes. They'd rather see death and suffering in order to get their policies passed and in order to line their personal pockets than do what is right for humanity.

Dems silent on Iran protests as demonstrators blame regime, not Trump, for plane crash

Democratic congressional leaders and presidential candidates who were unsparing in their criticism of President Trump for the escalation with Iran over the past two weeks largely have gone silent now that the protests on the streets of Tehran and beyond have turned their rage toward the regime — and not the Trump White House.

Even as videos emerged online Monday that purportedly show Iranian police and security forces firing live ammunition to disperse protesters, so far among the 2020 Democratic candidates only former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., have spoken out in support of the people.

[Folks, consider that. Iranians are being fired upon with live ammunition. Pools of blood. Their protestors are shouting AGAINST their own government. And TWO...a mere two Dems have spoken out in support]

The protesters have railed against the government following the shoot-down of a passenger plane that the Iranian government initially denied involvement in — Tehran later admitted they downed the jet in a misfire during attacks against U.S. bases in Iraq, following Trump's takedown of top Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani.

Trump has issued statements supporting the demonstrations, but his political opponents have been almost entirely silent — after earlier criticizing the Soleimani strike and in some cases even faulting Trump for the fatal plane crash.

Journalist Yashar Ali, who is of Iranian descent and has friends and family there, called out the left for being silent when it comes to the protests, in a viral Twitter thread about the situation.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">9. I've gone through some of the most active and prominent liberal Twitter accounts and none of them mentioned the Iran protests today. These same people were actively tweeting about wanting to avoid war and attacking Trump for his decision. <br><br>What happened?</p>— Yashar Ali �� (@yashar) <a href="https://twitter.com/yashar/status/1216252085517406208?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 12, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Journalist Yashar Ali, who is of Iranian descent and has friends and family there, called out the left for being silent when it comes to the protests, in a viral Twitter thread about the situation.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">9. I've gone through some of the most active and prominent liberal Twitter accounts and none of them mentioned the Iran protests today. These same people were actively tweeting about wanting to avoid war and attacking Trump for his decision. <br><br>What happened?</p>— Yashar Ali �� (@yashar) <a href="https://twitter.com/yashar/status/1216252085517406208?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 12, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

That is a scathing indictment of both the Iranian regime and our complicit MSM. As you've said, Yashar Ali is Iranian and has many family/friends in Iran, and is far from a Trump supporter. Everyone with a brain knows who the real bad guy is here.

And it's incredible to me that after almost 1,500 people were already gun-downed by their own government (if you want to call it that) recently, that they are still taking to the streets in protest of that corrupt regime. Goes to show the incredible will of the common people there and just how dire it truly has become.
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Killing Bin Laden > killing Solewhateverthefuck 10X

Why? At the times of their respective deaths, one person (Soleimani) was an active, dangerous general, killing Americans, while the other was hiding out and unable to show his face in public. Soleimani was conducting ongoing military operations in at least four countries (Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Afghanistan), was behind the attack on the U.S. embassy in Baghdad, and was operating in the open, was arming militia groups that target Americans, was supplying explosives and hardware to proxy armies all over the Middle East, while bin Laden was hiding in a cave or hiding in residence in Pakistan and communicating only via handwritten notes.

Put your TDS aside, for once.
So the death of 600 servicemen on foreign soil is worse than the death of 3,000 citizens on U.S. soil?

1. Is it okay to kill both bin Laden and Soleimani? Asking for a friend who still has functioning brain cells.

2. Is it possible that bin Killed deserved his fate 1000% but was no longer an active threat to Americans since he was hiding, could not communicate, and his assets were frozen, while Soleimani was a general leading proxy armies in numerous ongoing conflicts, and free to fly around the Middle East despite the useless "sanctions" that should have prevented that, and where he was leading ONGOING efforts to kill Americans?? Is that possible? Once again, asking for a friend with functioning brain cells, something you seem to be lacking at the moment.

Let me give you an analogy. Who is more of an active threat - a mass murderer who killed 3,000 Americans but is in hiding, has no resources, is out of communication because he fears for his life, and is dead the moment he surfaces, or a general leading thousands of troops in ongoing battles against American troops, and who is supplying proxy armies with military hardware that is currently killing Americans, and who is free to communicate, appear in public, and travel, while spending a country's substantial resources??

Finally, your bizarre thinking seems to be that supporting killing Soleimani means that somehow, some what that same person must favor keeping bin Killed alive. Uhh, no, it doesn't. It really doesn't.
That is a scathing indictment of both the Iranian regime and our complicit MSM. As you've said, Yashar Ali is Iranian and has many family/friends in Iran, and is far from a Trump supporter. Everyone with the brain knows who the real bad guy is here.

And it's incredible to me that after almost 1,500 people were already gun-downed by their own government (if you want to call it that) recently, that they are still taking to the streets in protest of that corrupt regime. Goes to show the incredible will of the common people there and just how dire it truly has become.

Thanks for alerting me Steel. I wasn't aware, when I posted it, that Yashar works for HuffPo. Holy hell there is a chance that there are brain cells on the Left. I found this, which builds upon my prior post.


Huffington Post Contributor: 'Iranians Are Being Used By People on the Left as a Tool to Attack Trump' (yeah we know, there are people on this very board doing the same ::cough cough::)

It doesn't happy often -- sadly -- but every now and then, a leftist blogger or journalist wakes up to the fact that his or her fellow progressives are all too willing to suck up to dictatorial regimes if they believe doing so helps them politically. Case in point: Huffington Post contributor Yashar Ali, who tries to explain to his fellow liberals that what they're doing -- siding with the Mad Mullahs and against freedom-loving Iranians -- is wrong.

With regard to the massive protests that have broken out in Iran, Yashar explains that "all the family/friends I spoke to who live in different parts of Iran) are furious that they were lied to for three days about the case of the plane crash. The Iranian government lied left and right about where the plan was headed" and what "brought down the plane." In other words, "The Iranian government completely mishandled the plane crash, destroying evidence in the process. Iranians are in the street calling for death to the Supreme Leader (something that could get them executed). Iranians are in the street calling for prosecutions, saying Soleimani is a murderer. Telling leadership of the Iranian government to resign and saying Trump isn't the problem, that the Iranian government is."

"Nearly 2 months ago," Yashar explains, "Iran massacred hundreds (at least) and up to 1,500 of its citizens in the streets for protesting against gas prices." Yes, you read that right: the Mad Ayatollah's butchers slaughtered as many as 1,500 people because they had the audacity to complain about the rising costs of gas. "People in the streets are taking an enormous risk not only by protesting but by saying what they're saying like death to the Supreme Leader," the Huffington Post-contributor rightfully adds.

And that's when he takes a moment to criticize his fellow liberals. "The idea that [Trump is] to blame for a decision the IRGC made" to shoot down the passenger airliner, he writes, "is just absurd. And while Iranians aren't a monolith and there are 80 million people in Iran, you don't see Iranians blaming President Trump for the crash (in which Iranian citizens were killed). They're blaming the IRGC and the Supreme Leader for a series of horrific mistakes."

In other words, the Iranian protesters aren't NeverTrump. They're NeverKhamenei.

"I've gone through some of the most active and prominent liberal Twitter accounts and none of them mentioned the Iran protests today. These same people were actively tweeting about wanting to avoid war and attacking Trump for his decision. What happened?" Yashar wonders.

He can only conclude that "Iranians are being used by certain people on the left (I didn't say all) as a tool to attack President Trump. But these same people don't seem to care to support their right to protest?" And so, he continues, "It seems to me the protests were inconvenient for some of these folks today. They were placing the blame on the Iranian leadership who lied repeatedly about what happened. They weren't blaming President Trump... so it wasn't worth it to bring attention to or support them?"

It's incredibly sad but, yes, that's exactly what's happening.

This is a must read. Scathing. And the truth hurts. OUCH.

Democrats Always Choose America’s Enemies Over America

Here’s an idea that our Democrat politician friends might want to try if they want to stop being back-stabbing garbage people. It’s kind of a radical notion and a little outside the box, but here goes: How about, just once, you stop sucking-up to the foreign ******** who are attacking our country and take America’s side?

Maybe you should not back and excuse the gay-hanging, women-stoning, airline-downing, Obama check-cashing, Israel-threatening, American-murdering cultists ruling Iran. Just a thought.

It’s kind of crazy, but it just might work.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking what your man-bunned grad student TA taught you, that “Hey, America sucks and these foreigners have a good point about America’s history of imperialism and general badness.” Well, this is a stupid thing to think and you Democrats should stop thinking it. Instead, you should stand with your own country all the time, no matter what.

I know siding with America will infuriate a huge part of your base, since America-hating leftist pieces of Schiff are a key Democrat constituency, but you should try courageously standing up to the trash that forms the foundation of your reeking party instead of collaborating with those fifth columnist communists.

It’s called “character.” Get some.

Yes, I know it’s a proud Democrat tradition stemming back to when your party started, and then ensured the communists won, the Vietnam War. During the last decades of the Cold War, which the Republicans won, you sided with the Russians – for you younger Democrats, Russians only became bad to Democrats sometime in 2016. Still today, if there is a Third World USA-hating potentate or terrorist leader, that dirtbag can count on you. Say, does your vintage Che tee still fit?

But this act is getting old, like your leading presidential candidates.

Perhaps in your blue city/faculty lounge circles, concepts like “patriotism,” “loyalty” and “not allying yourself with communist and Islamist butchers” are character defects that, if you drones had the capacity to breed, you would attempt to breed out of the pack. But here in America, we like them. And we prefer Americans who side with America.

I know you don’t like Donald Trump. You have a right not to like Donald Trump. And if you feel it necessary, because you want to fix the skyrocketing stock market and rock-bottom unemployment problems he caused, you can campaign against Donald Trump and support his opponents, whether it be the senile pappy of the promiscuous crack connoisseur, or the fake Indian, or the crusty communist, or that insufferable little weasel who is mayor of the Indiana equivalent of Barstow. That is your right as an American. But you are total garbage if you choose to side with our enemies because you don’t like the guy who the American people elected over your objection.

Donald Trump is your president.

Let me say that again.

Donald Trump is your president.

He is the President of the United States of America. You don’t have to like that. You don’t have to like him. Feel free to run around the country shouting about how “He’s not my president!” But don’t ever side with our enemies because you are mad at him for crushing the Venezuela 2: The Quickening dreams of your idol Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit.

You spent the last three years babbling like idiots about “traitors” and “treachery.” Well, head docs call that “projection.” You are siding with the enemy in a war against the United States. And yeah, Iran has been at war with the United States for 40 years, ever since your peanut-farming, half-wit fellow Dem handed over the keys to the country to a bunch of Seventh Century Pennywises. The least you could do is show a little respect to the people trying to clean up your party’s mess.

Your party’s latest triumph is blaming Donald Trump because these drooling morons shot down a passenger airliner the night they launched missiles at our American soldiers. What the hell is wrong with you? Are you sick? Are you stupid? Are you huffing that funny powder you found in Hunter Biden’s medicine cabinet? What would ever have possessed you to start making excuses for people trying to kill Americans?

There’s a term in the military for people like you: “Blue Falcons.” It derives from the initials “BF.” The initial “B” is for “Buddy.” I’m not going to spell out what the “F’ is for. But you’re Blue Falcons if you sided with Iran’s mullahs against your own country because you got the sadz that mean old Trump is president and not Stumbles McMyturn.

You know, this Soleimani guy, before Donald Trump turned him into a wet bag of disarticulated chunks, murdered over 600 Americans and who knows how many more foreigners. It’s okay to say that he’s bad, and that smearing him across a Baghdad boulevard was pretty damn awesome. Hell, it’s mandatory. You should break out the champagne to celebrate his close encounter of the Hellfire kind. But you won’t. You can’t.

I understand this when it comes to that ridiculous AOC and her brother-curious grifter pal Illin’ Omar. I expect nothing from them except treachery. But a lot of Democrats have spent time in positions of power in Washington or otherwise have some credentials that might lead one to expect that they might resist the radical #resist nitwits. Some of them even served in uniform – Audie Buttigieg never shuts up about his adventures in the Squid Force. They should know better, and they should tell the morons in the Squad and the rest of their America-hating pals to shut their collaboration holes.

But that won’t happen. And it’s a disgrace.

Among the Democrat voters, there are patriots, including those who have served our country with honor and who continue serving today. Those Dem voters are disgusted with you and, if I was cynical, and I am totally cynical, I would issue them a heartfelt invitation to join the Republican Party, where people who love America are welcome. Walk away, Democrat patriots. Welcome to the GOP.

Regardless, you don’t take our disagreements outside of the country. You don’t fight in front of foreigners. And you don’t ever take the enemy’s side. These are just basic, threshold requirements to call yourself a “patriot.” Unless you don’t want to be a patriot. You Democrats who don’t, at least be honest and just come right out and admit that you hate America. And the rest of you should admit that you are just too weak to stand up for it.
The Left is temporarily in love with Iran.

This is what they are supporting. Two women protesters shot with shotguns in the legs because they dared protest.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">&#55357;&#57317; Shocking video footage sums up the brutality of the Islamic Regime in Iran.<br><br>It clearly shows at least 2 young women have been shot in the legs using shotguns with heavy bleeding.<br><br>My country is occupied from the inside by a bloodthirsty regime!<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/IranProtests?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#IranProtests</a><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/IranProtests2020?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#IranProtests2020</a> <a href="https://t.co/oyyLZLzoym">pic.twitter.com/oyyLZLzoym</a></p>— Mamadou Babaei &#55358;&#56705;&#55356;&#57118;&#55357;&#56401;&#55356;&#56819;&#55356;&#56817; (@mamadou_babaei) <a href="https://twitter.com/mamadou_babaei/status/1216484081267101702?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 12, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
"I've gone through some of the most active and prominent liberal Twitter accounts and none of them mentioned the Iran protests today. These same people were actively tweeting about wanting to avoid war and attacking Trump for his decision. What happened?" Yashar wonders.

He can only conclude that "Iranians are being used by certain people on the left (I didn't say all) as a tool to attack President Trump. But these same people don't seem to care to support their right to protest?" And so, he continues, "It seems to me the protests were inconvenient for some of these folks today. They were placing the blame on the Iranian leadership who lied repeatedly about what happened. They weren't blaming President Trump... so it wasn't worth it to bring attention to or support them?"

Sad state of affairs. Read all of that again real good, you propagandist pieces of **** who care more about political ideology and your blinding hatred of Trump over what's right.

And anyone who wants to argue why Trump isn't this supportive of the people of other oppressive regimes like North Korea, well, North Korea didn't just try to storm & destroy the United States Embassy in Iraq (among the other things they've done to antagonize the U.S.).
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Badcat, I'd like to respond to your post in earnest. It was a welcome breath of fresh air, amidst all the divisiveness.

I've had deep misgivings and suspicions of malfeasance concerning Donald J. Trump going back to the 80's, that grew relevant and came into focus when he announced his candidacy. My concerns regarding Trump were front and center back during the GOP primaries leading up to his nomination, and subsequent election.

My negative views of Trump are not recent in nature. Nor are they influenced by the constant anti-Trump sentiment in the MSM. No doubt the media hates him and has been contentious from day one. My views and opinion of Trump far preceeds that. I've read and seen enough to have an educated opinion going back at least two decades.

Instead of the increasing animosity and antagonism between Trump critics and Trump supporters, we should be having debates that are courteous and informative. We should be able to have a clash of ideas without insulting each other.

Problem is, Trump sets the standard for belittling, insulting behavior. It's become the norm. Tough to keep things civil when the man running the country exudes an antagonistic, shrill, rude, demeaning approach to politics. That's literally all we've seen, since he's taken office. It gets amplified by his tweets and his rallies. This board is a reflection of that, more than anything.

Instead of meaningful conversations, these threads degrade into cheap shots, one-upmanship and cafeteria food fights. I've had no small part in that. It's easy to be abrasive and clash over differing opinions. Much more difficult to be considerate, show a little respect to those you disagree with. This board is proof positive of that. I've fallen into that trap as much as anyone.

We had plenty of heated threads during the Bush & Obama years, but Trump has brought out the worst in all of us.

Perhaps the onus is on those who disagree with Trump to keep things civil and stay above the frey. His m.o. is getting people to clash and go after the jugular. It's all he's known & done the better part of his life.

Past few years I've found myself wanting to stick to the football side of this board. Thats why I've left for months at a time, on numerous occasions. Not cause I'm hiding under a rock, or not getting my weekly paycheck from George Soros.

I hope our interactions on this board don't reflect our true day-to-day interactions with those who don't share our political views. It would be a shame if this is where we're at as a country.

I appreciate the candor Tibs. Yes, Trump is abrasive and antagonistic and although he's been that way his whole life, I feel that the preexisting divisiveness from the Obama years, coupled with the media's hatred of Trump once he was confirmed the Republican nomination, only added gasoline to the fire. I really believe the divisiveness started in the Clinton years but not necessarily because of the Clinton family. Political correctness started being a "thing" and identity politics began to happen. I was in the military then and I got into at least three fist fights over political discussions. Then came GW and the media just gutted him. It was unlike anything we had ever seen. Post 9/11 we were all one Nation again for about a month and then the politics kicked in and it was full on war between Dems and Reps. Obama stepped in and drove a wedge ever further between us all except he added further divisiveness between classes, races, and religions. Liberals and especially Minority Liberals felt empowered and took to the streets with their views on full display, beating on anyone who stood in their way and attacked police officers. So when this powder keg named Trump stepped in conservatives are the ones who feel like FINALLY, after 8 years, this madness can stop. So, we have two emotionally driven sides, sick and tired of the other side's bullshit, tuned into television and radio shows that enforce their ideals and provide false narratives so that we can come to a message board and continue to spew their talking points.

Hell, I just saw an argument in this very thread over someone not quoting Shakespeare correctly.

I believe that most of us say 90% of what we say while hiding behind anonymity and keyboards is because we can't do so in person like we should be able to do. If you insult the State from which I come from and it's educational standing as an insult to my intelligence and I jack your jaw, I'm more than likely going to jail and sued for good measure. So, we all just stay in our bubbles with lips sealed until we login to a message board, identified as a pseudo name, and we unleash shock and awe upon one another. Like I said, sad.
I appreciate the candor Tibs. Yes, Trump is abrasive and antagonistic and although he's been that way his whole life, I feel that the preexisting divisiveness from the Obama years, coupled with the media's hatred of Trump once he was confirmed the Republican nomination, only added gasoline to the fire. I really believe the divisiveness started in the Clinton years but not necessarily because of the Clinton family.

I presume you may be a bit younger than I, Badcat, but I definitely, absolutely, and irrevocably remember the hatred directed at Ronald Reagan. (D)ims hope we don't remember, and pretend that they treated Reagan with respect, but that is an absolute lie. Reagan - one of the nicest people ever to hold elected office - was called a bigot, a racist, someone who did not care about the poor, someone who actually wanted to kill the poor, and kill minorities, and kill the elderly, called senile, called a warmonger, a war criminal.

Oh, I remember that ****.

So (D)ims, don't pretend that you are freaking out only because Donald Trump; you have been on the "destroy America first" tirade and have directed your blistering vitriol at every Republican candidate and office holder since I was in high school.
I presume you may be a bit younger than I, Badcat, but I definitely, absolutely, and irrevocably remember the hatred directed at Ronald Reagan. (D)ims hope we don't remember, and pretend that they treated Reagan with respect, but that is an absolute lie. Reagan - one of the nicest people ever to hold elected office - was called a bigot, a racist, someone who did not care about the poor, someone who actually wanted to kill the poor, and kill minorities, and kill the elderly, called senile, called a warmonger, a war criminal.

Oh, I remember that ****.

So (D)ims, don't pretend that you are freaking out only because Donald Trump; you have been on the "destroy America first" tirade and have directed your blistering vitriol at every Republican candidate and office holder since I was in high school.

Truth. Too many suffer from "recency" and forget history.
Did he promise to be impeached? If so, you can add that to the list of deliverables.
Actually, Trump has not yet been impeached. The House merely wrote articles, but they have not submitted them.