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Iran's response ... missile attacks on U.S. bases in Iraq


Massive protests against Mullahs in Iran over the Ukraine airliner shootdown

Iranians are outraged. The public backlash at the regime, at officials' lies for the past 72 hours, at their incompetence is fierce even among supporters

Protestors screaming for Khamenei to resign.Chants, "All these years of crimes, Death to the Supreme Leader."

The public's anger has a clear target: Khamenei. Crowds chant "Khaemnei is a murderer, his regime is obsolete."

Thousands gather outside Amir Kabir University screaming "Death to the Dictator."

Public mourning gatherings turn into protests in #Iran. Angry crowds chanting, "Death to the liars.



For **** sake, Tim!

I understand that West Virginia doesn’t provide the best academic environment and likely never required you to read Shakespeare, but are you really not familiar with the idiomatic expression “to die a thousand deaths”?


Correct response would be, sorry Tim, SMH
Whataboutism will ultimately be the downfall of the Trump base. That is the singular response to any and all criticism.

Fair enough, so who is your guy/gal to lead the USA into the future? I realize it's easier to criticize than support, and should be posted in the everything Democrat thread.
Regardless, Trump's Presidency is reflective of a country circling the drain.

Maybe the Democrats are worse, but so what? Is that really supposed to make one feel better in the grand scheme of things?

I believe that Trump's policies are improving the condition of our country, despite the Dem's and MSM's attempts to derail his presidency. One just has to look at California to see the Democratic model at work. Once a beautiful magnet that attracted millions, now people are leaving in droves, and the middle class is disappearing. Trump is doing the opposite, AND exposing the corrupt Dems and media at the same time.

I have seen enough of the Dem tactics over the past three years to know I will never vote for another Democrat for the rest of my life.
I believe that Trump's policies are improving the condition of our country, despite the Dem's and MSM's attempts to derail his presidency. One just has to look at California to see the Democratic model at work. Once a beautiful magnet that attracted millions, now people are leaving in droves, and the middle class is disappearing. Trump is doing the opposite, AND exposing the corrupt Dems and media at the same time.

I have seen enough of the Dem tactics over the past three years to know I will never vote for another Democrat for the rest of my life.

Justifying Trump by comparing him to the Democrats is a losing game in the end

A lot of Obama's support derived from him being "better than the Republicans".

It just seems to be a race to the bottom.
Those Iranians really like to protest. 1 million for the death of a terrorist of death general and 1 million now to topple the government.

There must be a lot of out of work Iranians sitting around doing nothing in order to find time for these types of protests.
Whataboutism will ultimately be the downfall of the Trump base. That is the singular response to any and all criticism.

Nope. I completely disagree. It matters. See, precedents have been set. We either end them or they will continue.

If Hillary can broker a deal with Russia that lines her pockets while sending our Uranium to Russia, she and her supporters can't ***** about Trump having once built a hotel in Russia, as an example.

If a certain General goes to prison for violating classified information, should not the Secretary of State also head to prison for more deeply violating the same rule?

You and your ilk attempt to divert these valid and important points away by waving your hands and saying it's whataboutism. It's a feeble diversionary tactic.

If one political party is allowed to operate by a certain set of behaviors that are unethical and illegal, WHY should the opposite party be criticized for the same?
Justifying Trump by comparing him to the Democrats is a losing game in the end

A lot of Obama's support derived from him being "better than the Republicans".

It just seems to be a race to the bottom.

I don't know what you mean about justifying Trump. I am saying that the results of his policies are far more to my liking, and that Dems policies are unmitigated disasters. And the results can be empirically measured.
Justifying Trump by comparing him to the Democrats is a losing game in the end

A lot of Obama's support derived from him being "better than the Republicans".

It just seems to be a race to the bottom.

So, based on that, should we think that the democrats have bad ideas and bad candidates, but vote for them anyway so that we are not playing a losing game?
From JC - "“A coward dies a thousand times before his death, but the valiant taste of death but once. It seems to me most strange that men should fear, seeing that death, a necessary end, will come when it will come.”

From Flogged: "Die another one of your 1,000 deaths."

One, never quote Shakespeare again. You insulted the man.
Two, DIE is a verb, above.
Three, as written, it's a directive.
Four, it's not funny.

Your attempts to use wit often fail, and this veiled threat did.

I wasn’t quoting Shakespeare, its the origin of the expression I used.

I wasn’t being funny. I know that you post things here that you would never dare share publicly. You know it too. Pointing out how cowardly that is has led to your sulking self-pity and victimization. It’s telling that you haven’t challenged that.

What is funny is that you either couldn’t make the connection or think Shakespeare was wishing death upon cowards.
I wasn’t quoting Shakespeare, its the origin of the expression I used.

No? No?? This is getting hard to watch. "I understand that West Virginia doesn’t provide the best academic environment and likely never required you to read Shakespeare, but are you really not familiar with the idiomatic expression “to die a thousand deaths”?”?"

But you weren't....quoting....Shakespeare...yet...

Nevermind, LMAO. Holy **** batman.

What is funny is that you either couldn’t make the connection or think Shakespeare was wishing death upon cowards.

No. You were wishing it upon me. Others called you out for it as well.

Like EVERYTHING you post here, you have to walk it back. You can't walk this one back.
Last edited:

To quote Shakespeare:

" You have been bitchslapped, again, ********".

or something like that....

Sent from my SM-N950W using Steeler Nation mobile app

That made me LOL.

Speaking of, the rumor is that Trog has just about pulled together enough $$ to contribute here for the first time ever. Guy has always said he's too poor to do so. Cough cough, bullshit - he drives a big *** 8 cylinder gas guzzler. Which also makes him a piss-poor Liberal and somewhere Greta Thorntwerp is PISSED off, but back to the point. Yep...Trog's supposedly got some cash to donate real soon after sucking the air out of this joint for years and years and years.

Just you wait.
John Kerry weighs in on Iran with more of his simple-minded brilliance...

John Kerry Claims the Obama Administration Just Gave Iran ‘a Little Bit of Money’

After the missile attacks on U.S. forces in Iraq by Iran, both President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo pointed out that the Obama administration cut Iran a lot of money as part of the Iran Deal.

As we reported previously, the Obama administration not only gave Iran “pallets of cash,” with over a billion being sent, but they also got sanctions relief which meant a release of Iran of $150 billion as part of the Iran deal. Reportedly, they specifically released sanctions on IRGC terrorist leader Qasem Soleimani and some of his IRGC leaders which means they knew money would be flowing into their pockets. At the time, Kerry even admitted that money would be going to terrorists but he basically downplayed it as “oh well, stuff happens.”

We reported that Mike Doran says there are letters between the Obama administration and Soleimani that he thinks maybe people should be taking a look at now.

CNN apparently decided to give Kerry the opportunity to respond to Trump and Pompeo during an interview this weekend. But Kerry probably would have been better served if he just stayed home. Because once again, he showed that quality he has – open mouth, insert foot.

According to Kerry, who is married to a fortune from wife, Theresa Heinz, all those billions were just “a little bit of money.”

From Townhall:

“We gave them a little bit of money that was released in that period of time, not as part of the nuclear arrangement,” Kerry said during an interview on CNN. “But the fact is the [Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps] had all the money it wanted. The IRGC wasn’t starving at that point in time, and in fact, Iran owed billions upon billions of dollars. Most of that money went to pay off their debts and to facilitate their economic initiatives.”

The Iranian people who are in the streets tonight protesting against the government would beg to differ, Mr. Kerry.

He even seems to suggest giving Iran the money was actually saving American taxpayers money. Oh please, talk about ridiculous spin.

As we previously reported, Kerry himself acknowledged money would go to terrorists.

When asked about whether some the $150 billion in sanctions relief to Iran would go to terrorist groups, Kerry reiterated that, after settling debts, Iran would receive closer to $55 billion. He conceded some of that could go to groups considered terrorists, saying there was nothing the U.S. could do to prevent that.

“I think that some of it will end up in the hands of the IRGC or other entities, some of which are labeled terrorists,” he said in the interview in Davos, referring to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps. “You know, to some degree, I’m not going to sit here and tell you that every component of that can be prevented.”

But he added that “right now, we are not seeing the early delivery of funds going to that kind of endeavor at this point in time.”

The money in cash that was delivered in at least two payments included a $400 million then another payment of $1.3 billon. Some folks on the left have argued that that money was owed to them because of a legal finding. But there are a few problems with that argument. Yes, it’s true. But what’s also true is that it was owed to the prior government, not the mullahs, from before 1979. But we also managed to avoid giving it to them for 40 years, because, d’uh, terrorists. Somehow that calculation was lost on the Obama administration. But perhaps the critical point that always gets lost in the discussion of the cash is that American victims of Iranian terrorism had about $53 billion in legal claims against the government of Iran. So there was every argument as to why you should hold that money and never give it to Iran, if for no other reason than not to cheat the American victims who had already suffered so much. But they got tossed under the bus completely.

“A little money.” A lot of damage, all around.
Iran protests against Mullahs not letting up

Students protesting at Tehran’s Beheshti university: “Our enemy is right here. They lie when they say America is our enemy.”

Security forces are using #Ambulances to bring their militias.
Massive use of #TearGas
No casualties yet

Student protesters at Tehran’s Beheshti University take pains to avoid trampling on US and Israeli flags painted on entrance walkway


People chant "Death to the dictator"


I don't know what you mean about justifying Trump. I am saying that the results of his policies are far more to my liking, and that Dems policies are unmitigated disasters. And the results can be empirically measured.

Maybe "justify" is not the right word, but it just seems to me that support for Trump is more a product of his opposition to the Democrats and liberals than anything he is actually doing or accomplishing.
Maybe "justify" is not the right word, but it just seems to me that support for Trump is more a product of his opposition to the Democrats and liberals than anything he is actually doing or accomplishing.

You would be wrong then.

"It's the economy, stupid"

If you don't see what the man has DONE, you are either literally blind or willfully being so.
Maybe "justify" is not the right word, but it just seems to me that support for Trump is more a product of his opposition to the Democrats and liberals than anything he is actually doing or accomplishing.

Do you have a job right now ? Do you know anyone not working right now ? How is your 401K doing if you have one ? Any other investments you have ?
Maybe "justify" is not the right word, but it just seems to me that support for Trump is more a product of his opposition to the Democrats and liberals than anything he is actually doing or accomplishing.

Other than attempting to remove him from office, I don't see anything the Dems are doing that one can oppose, over the last three years. His economic policies, including, deregulation, are what is fueling the best economy in recorded history. He is fundamentally transforming the Judiciary, including the Supreme Court. I remember when that liberal pea brain, Paul Krugman, said that the Stock Market would crash if Trump elected. Tell me you agree with him lol. He is re-writing all of the terrible trade deals that previous idiots got us into. Some things, like the border wall are beyond his control, but he is trying. All while being under assault by corrupt investigations. So I disagree with your assessment.
The very people who scream and cry about abuse of power, rich powerful interests influencing our politicians, fear of some kind of dictatorship or monarchy fantasies that they think Trump his aiming for....

Those very same people want to take virtually every sector of our economy and put it under the complete control of the federal government. From preschool to healthcare to higher education to banking to retirement.

This in a nutshell is the only reason I will probably have no choice but to vote for Trump. For no other reason than to block a federal government takeover of everything.
Maybe "justify" is not the right word, but it just seems to me that support for Trump is more a product of his opposition to the Democrats and liberals than anything he is actually doing or accomplishing.

You're living in an alternate reality. Nobody in my memory has ever been elected president on the basis of what he specifically said he would do more than Trump. That includes Reagan.
Maybe "justify" is not the right word, but it just seems to me that support for Trump is more a product of his opposition to the Democrats and liberals than anything he is actually doing or accomplishing.

But Trump does have plenty of accomplishments.
Nomination of many sane Judges
Lowering Taxes
Securing the border
Finally confronting China
Ripping out Obamacare

The bottom line is the man has done what he promised and the areas where he has come up short, like building the wall, is because he has faced tremendous opposition even in his own party. But he has actually tried to get it done, unlike most who just talk a big game and then do nothing.

At this point though, the Dem platform is so toxic that simply opposing them really is enough.
You're living in an alternate reality. Nobody in my memory has ever been elected president on the basis of what he specifically said he would do more than Trump. That includes Reagan.

This is something that is ignored. The media just focused on Trump's one liners, but they ignored that he was actually the most real life issue oriented candidate on either side.

Trump actually gave a list of real things he planned to do and not just vague platitudes. That's why union people voted for him. Trump has delivered on many promises.