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ISIL publishes video that shows video of Jordanian pilot being burned alive

We should have executed every prisoner at Gitmo as a war criminal. We would have done it right after WW2. We would have executed all of our home grown terrorists for treason. But now we live in an age where we're afraid to hurt their feelings.

We better wake up to this threat, realize this is no different than 1941, and take the steps necessary to destroy the enemy. I'm not sure we have it in us.
Good for Jordan. This pilot was part of a US led coalition. For all intents and purpose he is one of us. When the hell are we going to do something?
The 26-year-old First Lieutenant was taken hostage in ISIL's stronghold of Raqqa after his F-16 jet crashed.

ISIL has a stronghold? Take it. I mean WTF...why can't we just destroy it?
Good for Jordan. This pilot was part of a US led coalition. For all intents and purpose he is one of us. When the hell are we going to do something?

I hear BHO is working on a plan at this very minute.

ISIL has a stronghold? Take it. I mean WTF...why can't we just destroy it?

Because you can't destroy everything from the air and nobody wants to have ground troops involved. BHO wants to fight a video game war.
So, Jordan is executing terrorists, while Obama is releasing his Muslim jihadists to fight against us again..

It would be nice to have a leader that gets pissed off enough to start taking serious action. At times, you need a level head, but I'd like for BO to show some balls and do something to get their attention.
I think they got rid of the Daisy Cutters and replaced them with the MOAB. Drop a couple of those on some areas that need to be cleared.
ISIL has a stronghold? Take it. I mean WTF...why can't we just destroy it?

There are many in Raqqa that,given the choice, would want ISIS gone. Problem is, indiscriminate bombing of any civilian populations is a losing proposition. Just ask Isreal.
BHO doesn't have the stomach to even call them radical Islamists.

The world is looking for leadership from the US., and Obama is a zero. Obama has singularly destroyed American exceptionalism.

Good job, Americans.
I'm for it however BHO doesn't have the stomach to even call them radical Islamists so the bomb is way off limits.

Time to tell y'all a little story.......Ya see, once upon a time there was a President named Barrack Obama and like happens to all people on earth eventually, his time had come to an end.

Two Coffees in Heaven!

Having arrived at the Gates of Heaven,
Barack Obama meets a man with a beard.
'Are you Mohammed?' he asks.
'No my son, I am St. Peter; Mohammed is higher up.'
Peter then points to a ladder that rises into the clouds.

Delighted that Mohammed should be higher than St. Peter,
Obama climbs the ladder in great strides,
climbs up through the clouds and comes into a room
where he meets another bearded man.

He asks again, 'Are you Mohammed?'
'Why no,' he answers, 'I am Moses;
Mohammed is higher still.'

Exhausted, but with a heart full of joy
he climbs the ladder yet again.

He discovers a larger room where he meets an
angelic looking man with a beard.
Full of hope, he asks again,
'Are you Mohammed?'

'No, I am Jesus, the Christ;
you will find Mohammed higher up.'

Mohammed higher than Jesus!
Man, oh man! Obama can hardly contain his
delight and climbs and climbs ever higher.

Once again, he reaches an even larger room
where he meets this truly magnificent looking man
with a silver white beard and once again repeats his question:

'Are you Mohammed?' he gasps as he is by now,
totally out of breath from all his climbing.
'No, my son, I am Almighty God, the Alpha and the Omega,
but you look exhausted.
Would you like a cup of coffee?'
Obama says, 'Yes please!'
As God looks behind him, he claps his hands
and yells out: "Yo, Mohammed, two coffees!"

Keep your trust in God;
your president is an idiot.
Isil 'broadcast video of pilot burning on giant public screen to young children'

Young boy shown in video saying "I wish to capture pilots and burn them", as leaders across the Middle East condemn the death by burning of a captive Jordanian pilot


Isil broadcast the horrific video of a Jordanian pilot being burned to death on giant public screens to crowds that included young children, it has emerged. Footage appeared on Wednesday purporting to show a crowd cheering and chanting as the murder was projected onto an outdoor screen at night in Raqqa, the de facto capital of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

The new five-minute film includes interviews with those in attendance at the screening, who appear to be giving their verdict on the murder.

While some appear serious in their response, others - including a young boy seemingly no older than eight - smile as they discuss the footage.

"If he was here, I'd burn him by my hand. I wish to capture pilots and burn them”, the child says.

SITE intelligence group, which monitors jihadist factions, confirmed the details of the latest video, entitled "Muslims' Joy at Burning of Jordanian Pilot".
It wrote: "The IS [Isil] held a viewing in Raqqah of the video of burning to death Kasasibah, and recorded the "joy" of men and a boy."

Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently, an underground anti-Isil activisit group based in Raqqa, also confirmed that "using large viewing screens and movie projectors across the city... Isil played the burning of the Jordanian pilot".

The killing of Lt. Muath Al-Kaseasbeh brought an outpouring of grief and rage elsewhere across the Middle East on Wednesday, its brutality horrifying a region long accustomed to violence.
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so... they're upset not that this guy was burned alive, but that it was filmed and distibuted on the internet?


ISIS beheads four Syrians who took to Facebook to condemn burning Jordanian pilot to death… and has two Muslim clerics who also criticised the murder shot by firing squad

ISIS militants have executed six people, including two Muslim clerics, for condemning the horrific execution of the Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh.

Al-Kasasbeh, a fighter pilot captured in Syria in December when his plane went down during a bombing mission, was burned alive and footage of his execution was released online.

Two Imams where shot and four civilians were beheaded in Mosul, Iraq, the largest city controlled by the so-called Islamic State in Syria, local media reports.

'ISIS executed the Imam of Nabi Yunis mosque, Sheikh Abdullah Fahad and the Imam of Kabir Mosque, Sheikh Ayub Abdul Wahab in Mosul,' a security source told Rudaw.

The two Imams were executed by firing squad and the civilians were beheaded in public, the website reported.

The crime they had committed were joining in the world-wide condemnation of the brutal immolation of the 26-year-old Jordanian on Tuesday.

Yesterday, the head of Sunni Islam's top university called for the crucifixion of Islamic State militants as punishment for the murder/

Ahmed al-Tayib, Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar university in Cairo, said those responsible must face 'killing, crucifixion and chopping of the limbs.'

His judgement came as a Twitter account linked to Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the Yemeni branch of the terror group, denounced the killing as 'conclusive proof of Isis' deviance'.

Muslim clerics widely condemned Kasasbeh's burning, saying such a form of killing was considered despicable by Islam, no matter the context

The 1,000-year-old Al-Azhar university, which is revered by Sunni Muslims around the world, issued a statement expressing 'deep anger over the lowly terrorist act' by what it called a 'Satanic' group.

Grand Sheikh Tayib said the act 'requires the punishment mentioned in the Koran for these corrupt oppressors who fight against God and his prophet: killing, crucifixion or chopping of the limbs.'

In Qatar, the International Association of Muslim Scholars, headed by prominent cleric Youssef al-Qaradawi and linked to the Muslim Brotherhood that has influence across the region, called the burning of Kasasbeh a criminal act.

'The Association asserts that this extremist organisation does not represent Islam in any way and its actions always harm Islam,' it said.

Saudi cleric Salman al-Odah wrote on his Twitter account: 'Burning is an abominable crime rejected by Islamic law regardless of its causes.'

'It is rejected whether it falls on an individual or a group or a people. Only God tortures by fire,' he added.

In reply, Islamic State posted its own religious edict on Twitter, which ruled that it is permissible in Islam to burn an infidel to death.

However, senior clerics across the Islamic world argued that inflicting death by fire was always banned under Islam.

'The Prophet, peace be upon him, advised against burning people with fire,' Sheikh Hussein bin Shu'ayb, head of the religious affairs department in southern Yemen, told Reuters in Aden.

And even Muslim leaders sympathetic to the jihadist cause said the act of burning a man alive and filming the killing would damage Islamic State, which controls swathes of Syria and Iraq.

Abu Sayaf, a Jordanian Salafist cleric who spent almost ten years in Jordanian prisons for militant activity, including a plot to attack U.S. troops, said: 'This weakens the popularity of Islamic State because we look at Islam as a religion of mercy and tolerance. Even in the heat of battle, a prisoner of war is given good treatment.'

'Even if the Islamic State says Moaz had bombed and burned and killed us, and we punished him in the way he did to us, we say, OK but why film the video in this shocking way?' Sayaf said

'This method has turned society against them.'

SITE, a U.S.-based monitoring service, quoted Abdullah bin Muhammad al-Muhaysini, whom it described as a Saudi jihadi, as saying on Twitter it would have been better if Kasasbeh's captors had swapped him for 'Muslim captives'. The killing would make ordinary people sympathetic to Kasasbeh, he said.

Of course, admirers of Islamic State cheered the killing. In a Twitter message, a user called Suhaib said: 'To any pilot participating in the crusader coalition against the holy warriors - know that your plane might fall in the next mission. Sleep well!'

Many ordinary people across the Middle East expressed disgust.

'This a criminal, barbaric act which has no place in Islam or humanity. Islam bears no responsibility for them and their claim to be an Islamic State is ridiculous,' said Nawaf al-Dweik, 43, an engineer from Ramallah in the West Bank.

'There should be a joint Arab force to go in and destroy these killers and be rid of them once and for all,' he added.

'I have never heard of any group that claims to be Muslim and commits such atrocities,' said Shadi Abdel-Wahhab, a 22-year-old university student in Sanaa, Yemen's capital.

The video circulated yesterday, titled 'Healing the Believers' Chests', shows Kasasbeh in an orange jumpsuit doused in fuel, before militants set light to a trail of petrol leading up to the cage where he is held.

Flames quickly engulf the helpless pilot - images that are far too distressing to publish. Extremists then pour debris, including broken masonry, over the cage, before it is flattened by a bulldozer.
All religions have extremists. The Crusades.
Karak, Jordan (CNN)Two days after news emerged that ISIS had burned a captive Jordanian pilot to death, the Middle Eastern nation hit back.

Fighter jets carried out airstrikes Thursday, then returned to fly over the home of the slain 27-year-old pilot, Lt. Moath al-Kasasbeh, in the village of Ay in Karak governorate.

"This is just the beginning and you shall know who the Jordanians are," the armed forces said in a statement on state TV.
Bomma just wants to know if he's using Titleists or Nikes today.