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ISIL publishes video that shows video of Jordanian pilot being burned alive


It's official, ISIS is Obama's War

White House sends ISIS war authorization to Congress

WASHINGTON -- President Obama is asking Congress to formally authorize war against Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militants and says the group could threaten the U.S. homeland if left unchecked.

The White House isn't saying it favors a role for U.S. ground forces in combating Islamic State terrorists, a move that a few outspoken lawmakers, including Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, have said will be necessary. But it isn't saying it opposes one, either.

Instead, the White House is merely declining to seek an "enduring offensive combat role" in authorizing the use of military force

"I don't know what the word `enduring' means. I am very apprehensive about a vague, foggy word," said Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md.

War monger!!! No blood for oil!!! Halliburton!!!
Where's all the anti-war protestors?
She was a jew-hating Palestinian/Hamas sympathizer that worked on their side against Israel and thought she was "one" of them. Oh well.

What is your source of these claims?
Dumbshit Obama caused this ******* mess and all over politics!The moron pulls out before that country can stand on it's own and isis rolls right in easy like sunday morning. He golfs while people get their ******* heads cut off,raped,crucified and burned alive.
What is your source of these claims?

American ISIS Hostage Kayla Mueller Was Leftist Moonbat Connected To Radical Group ISM, Lived In Palestinian Village To Fight Israeli “Occupation”…

Abdullah Abu Rahma, coordinator of the popular committee in the village of Bil’in where Kayla joined the protests, told ISM: “Kayla came to Palestine to stand in solidarity with us. She marched with us and faced the military that occupies our land side by side with us. For this, Kayla will always live in our hearts. We send all our support to her family and will continue, like Kayla, to work against injustice wherever it is.”

Kayla accompanied Palestinian children to school in the neighborhood of Tel Ruimeda in Al-Khalil (Hebron) where the children face frequent attacks by the Israeli settlers and military. She stayed with villagers in Izbat Al Tabib in a protest tent to try to prevent the demolition of homes in the village. She joined weekly Friday protests in Palestinian villages against the confiscation of their lands due to Israel’s illegal annexation wall and settlements.

I saw that yesterday. I was feeling bad for her up until that point. No empathy for her now.
I saw that yesterday. I was feeling bad for her up until that point. No empathy for her now.

I'm sorry, but I rank her right up there with bulldozer girl that got run over by the Jews

She was just a naive product of her libtard college professors. She was ill equipped to navigate through the netherworld that is today's Middle East. She paid dearly.
I just received this little article, that clears some of the muddle up over there in the sand pit, at least it did for me.

Amidst Obama retreat from Mideast, three regional leaders are forming a quiet but fiercely determined alliance against Iran & ISIS. Who are they and what do they want?

Something curious is happening in the Middle East.

Amidst President Obama's repeated moves to withdraw American military power and influence from the Middle East and "pivot" to Asia, three regional leaders in the epicenter are forming a quiet, unexpected but fiercely determined alliance.

Why? To protect their people against two existential threats, one posed by the Shia Radical Islamists of Iran, the other posed by the Sunni Radical Islamists of ISIS.

Who are they?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu;
Jordan's King Abdullah II; and
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.

They are meeting secretly. They are talking regularly by phone, as well as with other leaders in the region from Saudi Arabia to the Gulf. Their senior advisors are also in regular contact, coordinating moves to counter their most serious enemies. They are not waiting for Washington. Indeed, they often see the White House and State Department as less than helpful, and sometimes opposed to -- or not truly understanding -- their national and shared interests.
Story on CNN that the ******** just beheaded 12 coptic Christians on a Libyan beach. And we continue to sit on our hands and do nothing.
goddammit, Sarge.

These golf balls will not go in the drink by themselves. get your priorities straight.
I just received this little article, that clears some of the muddle up over there in the sand pit, at least it did for me.

Amidst Obama retreat from Mideast, three regional leaders are forming a quiet but fiercely determined alliance against Iran & ISIS. Who are they and what do they want?

Something curious is happening in the Middle East.

Amidst President Obama's repeated moves to withdraw American military power and influence from the Middle East and "pivot" to Asia, three regional leaders in the epicenter are forming a quiet, unexpected but fiercely determined alliance.

Why? To protect their people against two existential threats, one posed by the Shia Radical Islamists of Iran, the other posed by the Sunni Radical Islamists of ISIS.

Who are they?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu;
Jordan's King Abdullah II; and
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.

They are meeting secretly. They are talking regularly by phone, as well as with other leaders in the region from Saudi Arabia to the Gulf. Their senior advisors are also in regular contact, coordinating moves to counter their most serious enemies. They are not waiting for Washington. Indeed, they often see the White House and State Department as less than helpful, and sometimes opposed to -- or not truly understanding -- their national and shared interests.

Good. Maybe somethjng can get done over there now.
I just received this little article, that clears some of the muddle up over there in the sand pit, at least it did for me.

Amidst Obama retreat from Mideast, three regional leaders are forming a quiet but fiercely determined alliance against Iran & ISIS. Who are they and what do they want?

Something curious is happening in the Middle East.

Amidst President Obama's repeated moves to withdraw American military power and influence from the Middle East and "pivot" to Asia, three regional leaders in the epicenter are forming a quiet, unexpected but fiercely determined alliance.

Why? To protect their people against two existential threats, one posed by the Shia Radical Islamists of Iran, the other posed by the Sunni Radical Islamists of ISIS.

Who are they?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu;
Jordan's King Abdullah II; and
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.

They are meeting secretly. They are talking regularly by phone, as well as with other leaders in the region from Saudi Arabia to the Gulf. Their senior advisors are also in regular contact, coordinating moves to counter their most serious enemies. They are not waiting for Washington. Indeed, they often see the White House and State Department as less than helpful, and sometimes opposed to -- or not truly understanding -- their national and shared interests.

They just don't get it. AGW is the true threat.
more shocking news

Danish Official: Gunman Who Killed Two People Was Inspired by Radical Islam

After a massive manhunt involving “all the country’s police forces,” Danish officials say they shot dead the man who killed two civilians and wounded five police offices in separate attacks on a freedom of speech event and a synagogue.

Both killings have been characterized as terror attacks and Jens Madsen, the head of the Danish intelligence agency, says investigators believe the gunman was inspired by Islamic radicalism, reports the Associated Press.

Good. Maybe somethjng can get done over there now.

While we here in the States have to deal with this dipshit.

President Obama is being quietly applauded by United Nations officials for his agreeing to secretly allow 70,000 Muslim refugees to “legally” enter the U.S. as part of the an international resettlement program, according to the political action committee Combat Veterans for Congress

The big 3 in the Sand Box are still forging ahead...

President Obama spent eight hours golfing on Sunday.

The latest: an Islamic State affiliate has beheaded 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians who were working in Libya, according to a new ISIS video released on Sunday.

But Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi vowed to "avenge" the "criminal killings." He immediately ordered the Egyptian air force to bomb ISIS sites in Libya, and he announced that more attacks against the jihadists were coming. He also called for a seven-day period of mourning for the murdered Christians.

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Our loving President is all over this, not to worry.

Wait...even Liberals in the media are questioning him?


VIDEO: Even Liberals Cannot Believe Obama’s Reaction to ISIS’ Executions (video in the link)

Time and time again, President Obama has shown himself to be wholly unconcerned with leading in times of crises. After Benghazi, the President was far more concerned about fundraising than swiftly dealing with the terrorist act. Years later, we are still waiting for something to be done about it. After James Foley was murdered, Obama went golfing. Now, we’re seeing that nothing has changed.

After 21 Christians were beheaded by ISIS savages, after an American hostage, Kayla Muellar, was confirmed executed, President Obama ducked from condemning the brand of radical Islam that spurs this gruesome terrorism, took a few selfies for Buzzfeed and then flew out to California to golf with buddies and attend a fundraiser.

This shocking lack of regard for leading our nation appears to penetrate even into the liberal mainstream media as even CBS’ Bob Schieffer couldn’t believe Obama’s lack of action.

“Here is the part that bothers me,” Schieffer said. “After that Jordanian pilot was killed in that horrible way, here you saw the king put on his fatigues, he executes two prisoners that they were holding in Jordan and launched bombing raids.”

“We have another American hostage killed and congress and the president and the president goes off to California to do a fundraiser and some other stuff and the congress goes on vacation and they say, yeah, we will debate what to do about all of this, but we are going to do it as long as it fits into the schedule. There is no reason to do anything out of the ordinary,” Schieffer stated.

If the president were half as interested in defeating terrorism as he was in fundraising and golfing, ISIS would be a thing of the past.
I used to think the notion that he was muslim was bunk, but anymore I am not so sure. Sure seems to sympathize with the bad guys quite a bit.

I don't know. Maybe he is just a *****.
JV Team is at it again.


Islamic State militants 'burn to death 45 in Iraq'

Jihadist militants from Islamic State (IS) have burned to death 45 people in the western Iraqi town of al-Baghdadi, the local police chief says.

Exactly who these people were and why they were killed is not clear, but Col Qasim al-Obeidi said he believed some were members of the security forces.

IS fighters captured much of the town, near Ain al-Asad air base, last week.

Col Obeidi said a compound that houses the families of security personnel and local officials was now under attack.

He pleaded for help from the government and the international community.

The fighting and poor communications in the area make it difficult to confirm such reports.

Earlier this month, IS published a video showing militants burning alive a Jordanian air force pilot, whose plane crashed in Syria in December.

Al-Baghdadi had been besieged for months by Islamic State fighters before its fall on Thursday.

It had been one of the few towns to still be controlled by the Iraqi government in Anbar province, where IS and allied Sunni Arab tribesmen launched an offensive in January 2014.

Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm John Kirby told reporters on Friday that al-Baghdadi's capture needed to be put in perspective.

He said it was the first time in the last couple of months that the jihadist group had taken new ground.

However, Ain al-Asad air base, where about 320 US Marines are training members of the Iraqi army's 7th Division, is only 8km (5 miles) away.

The base was itself attacked by IS militants, among them several suicide bombers, on Friday. The militants were eventually repelled by Iraqi troops backed by US-led coalition aircraft.

In a separate development on Tuesday, the influential Shia cleric Moqtada Sadr announced he was withdrawing his forces from an umbrella group of Shia militia fighting IS alongside the Iraqi army.

He cited what he called the bad behaviour of other militia within the Popular Mobilisation Forces, whom he accused of "wreaking havoc through murdering, kidnapping and violating sanctuaries".

Shia militia have been accused of kidnapping and killing scores of Sunni civilians since Islamic State launched an offensive in northern Iraq last June that saw it seize large swathes of the country.
my early tin foil take?

it's a plot to unite the moderate muslim world into something coherent that we can do business with a lil bit more easily.

there's a lotta stuff under the ground between Tunis and Peshawar that we'd like to have....and all this jihadi **** ain't making it easy.

how did that go? we mock and ridicule that which we do not understand?


State Dept. spokesperson incites right-wing ragegasm by stating what neocons once said
Posted on 17 February 2015 by Andrew

Marie Harf, yesterday:

We’re killing a lot of them [ISIS militants] and we’re going to keep killing more of them. So are the Egyptians, so are the Jordanians. They’re in this fight with us. But we cannot win this war by killing them. We cannot kill our way out of this war. We need in the medium to longer term to go after the root causes that leads people to join these groups, whether it’s lack of opportunity for jobs […] We can work with countries around the world to help improve their governance. We can help them build their economies so they can have job opportunities for these people.

The right-wing blogosphere has, predictably, gone ballistic over this. But the fact of the matter is that many neocons once promoted the Iraq War by asserting similar arguments–namely, that a democratic and prosperous Iraq would neutralize the anti-American sentiment and Islamic extremism that plagues the Middle East. In fact, an argument similar to Harf’s was used by none other than Mitt Romney during the third presidential debate in 2012:

This is obviously an area of great concern to the entire world and to America in particular, which is to see a — a complete change in the — the — the structure and the — the environment in the Middle East. With the Arab Spring came a great deal of hope that there would be a change towards more moderation and opportunity for greater participation on the part of women and — and public life and in economic life in the Middle East.

But instead we’ve seen in nation after nation a number of disturbing events. Of course, we see in Syria 30,000 civilians having been killed by the military there. We see in — in — in Libya an attack apparently by — well, I think we know now by terrorists of some kind against — against our people there, four people dead. Our hearts and minds go to them. Mali has been taken over, the northern part of Mali, by al-Qaida-type individuals. We have in — in Egypt a Muslim Brotherhood president.

And so what we’re seeing is a — a — a pretty dramatic reversal in the kind of hopes we had for that region. Of course, the greatest threat of all is Iran, four years closer to a nuclear weapon. And — and we’re going to have to recognize that we have to do as the president has done. I congratulate him on — on taking out Osama bin Laden and going after the leadership in al-Qaida. But we can’t kill our way out of this mess.

We’re — we’re going to have to put in place a very comprehensive and robust strategy to help the — the world of Islam and — and other parts of the world reject this radical violent extremism which is — it’s really not on the run. It’s certainly not hiding. This is a group that is now involved in 10 or 12 countries, and it presents an enormous threat to our friends, to the world, to America long term, and we must have a comprehensive strategy to help reject this kind of extremism.

Later, Romney expanded on his strategy:

Well, my strategy’s pretty straightforward, which is to go after the bad guys, to make sure we do our very best to interrupt them, to — to kill them, to take them out of the picture. But my strategy is broader than — than that. That’s — that’s important, of course, but the key that we’re going to have to pursue is a — is a pathway to — to get the Muslim world to be able to reject extremism on its own. We don’t want another Iraq. We don’t want another Afghanistan. That’s not the right course for us. The right course for us is to make sure that we go after the — the people who are leaders of these various anti-American groups and these — these jihadists, but also help the Muslim world.

And how we do that? A group of Arab scholars came together, organized by the U.N., to look at how we can help the — the world reject these — these terrorists. And the answer they came up was this.

One, more economic development. We should key our foreign aid, our direct foreign investment and that of our friends — we should coordinate it to make sure that we — we push back and give them more economic development.

Number two, better education.

Number three, gender equality.

Number four, the rule of law. We have to help these nations create civil societies.

I suppose today’s wingnuts would just denounce Romney as a RINO anyhow, but many of those same wingnuts were making the same exact argument during the Bush years.

Just look at what current-day genocidal nutcase Pat Dollard once said in 2006 (mirrored here):

There were much more important reasons to topple Saddam–terrorism being one of them. The root causes of terrorism are the lack of capitalism, the lack of democracy, and the lack of modern education. What has stood in the way of those things has primarily been the regimes of Iraq, Iran, and Syria. We just got one of them out of the way. […] Getting at the root of terror is clear: topple these regimes and then bring democracy, capitalism, and education to the Islamic world. Let them have the hot wife, the Bimmer, and kids to live for. America has to lift them up, not because we are a country of great guys, but to keep them from growing into lost killer boys with the U.S. in their sights.

“Lost killer boys” sounds practically sympathetic to the plight of Islamic extremists. Sounds like the same bleeding heart stuff we hear from Harf, in fact.