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It appears that the dog caught the car

If Hillary had won you wouldn't even be here chickenshit.

You really, REALLY are this stupid, aren't you?

I was here saying that I believed Clinton would win, in a close contest. You forget that?

I was here after Romney lost. You forget that?

Stick with your idiotic, lampooned, asinine "waaaaah, racist" mantra. It's dumber than dumb, but better than the moronic **** you come up with on your own.
I heard one of the asshats last night saying that even if Trump wins, the Republicans are going to have to figure out how to reach young college grads that read.....

As opposed to assclowns like elfiePoloFakeEbonics, i.e., a college grad who can't read?
Those white "uneducated" voters want more jobs at better pay rates. Trump is saying he'll work to get those jobs back. Can he do it? Who knows. But certainly 12 years of Democratic presidency hasn't made the uneducated white guys feel as though they are being heard

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? NO!

Sorry bro, couldn't resist :playful:

It does feel like 12 years, though.
I fixed it. I felt badly.
I wouldn't count on the demographics changing all that much after we stop paying for illegals to come have babies here Elfie. People of all races are waking up and realizing they were bamboozled into paying for children bred by other people who couldn't afford them.

CONservatives: Why Anger is Not an Agenda

Or better yet be carefull what you wish for.

This guy read my mind other than a few geopolitical
things he left out.

Why Donald Trump will never satisfy his angry voters


Oh my God what have we done?

As I write this as the first day of a new era dawns, financial markets are in shock over the election of Donald J. Trump as the most powerful man on Earth.

It will take some time for that to sink in, because we truly do not know what Trump will do as president. Aside from a few well-worn crowd-pleasers, his campaign was never about what he’d do, it was only about stroking his own ego and harnessing the understandable anger of millions of people who feel left behind.

Anger was triumphant as politics, but anger isn’t an agenda for action. It’s not a plan. Trump promised to make America great again, but he never said how he’d do it, or even what that vague phrase meant to him.

We do know a few things: He’ll surely push back against globalization as he promised, by building a wall, deporting many immigrants who lack the right papers, and ripping up any and all trade treaties

Beyond that, it’s still a bit of a fog.

Will Trump — who throughout the campaign seemed bored when the discussion came around to policies — set his own agenda and take day-to-day charge of the executive branch, charting his own unique course as he did from the day he began his campaign? Or will he allow Vice President Mike Pence, House Speaker Paul Ryan and other Republicans to determine the details of taxes, spending and the thousands of other bits and pieces of government policy?

On many issues, it hardly matters who’s in charge. We know the outcome.

It’s certain that Obamacare will be repealed, that taxes will be cut massively (especially for the ultra-wealthy), that the Environmental Protection Agency will be neutered, that abortion will be outlawed, and that the Supreme Court and federal courts will be packed with ultra-conservatives for the next generation.

Read: Why America has chosen Donald Trump

Here are the five biggest consequences of the election of Donald Trump:

The planet will heat up. Without the leadership and cooperation of the U.S., the global effort to keep the global temperature from rising more than 2 degrees Celsius will fail. Trump and his Republican allies in Congress will shut down the Environmental Protection Agency and turn away from a post-carbon energy policy.

If the scientists are right, the inaction by Trump will doom the planet to significant climate change as the short window for action closes for good. The rising temperatures, rising sea levels, and the extreme weather (droughts, floods, extreme temperatures, and massive storms) will disrupt the global economy, and spark political unrest and war as fragile economies struggle to survive.

Hello, global depression. We may be able to delay the inevitable warming because Trump’s economic policies will lead to a deep and lengthy global depression. We simply won’t be spewing as much carbon into the air after Trump sets off a global trade war. Trump has vowed to raise tariffs on goods produced by countries like Mexico and China that have cheaper labor.

If he does what he’s promised, Trump’s hyperprotectionism would knock the wobbly global economy off its feet, perhaps for years. In the U.S., unemployment would soar, many businesses would fail, and millions would lose their life savings.

With the Fed handcuffed by its inability to cut interest rates very much, it would be left to the Republican Congress to act. Lower taxes will help a little, but the Republicans are sure to cut government spending as well, muting any stimulus effect. The deregulation they promise for the financial system will ensure that the next crisis won’t be too long in coming.

Millions will lose their health care. Obamacare is history. Trump and the Republicans have no plausible plan to replace it for the millions who have gained coverage, or who have kept it despite getting sick. Access will shrink, costs will rise.

Civil rights will be rolled back. Trump has made open racism, sexism and xenophobia acceptable again. The advances made by women, African-Americans, Hispanics, Jews, Muslims, the disabled, and the LGBTQ community will be rolled back. The only question is how far? The 1970s? The 1950s? The 1880s? The 1840s?

America won’t be great. All those manufacturing jobs aren’t coming back to small-town America, because most of them were lost to technology, not to Mexico. The mill towns will never get their mills back, because the mills are inefficient. The coal miners will never go back into the pits, because natural gas is cheaper.

The vibrant economy of Main Street — with the local banker, local department store, local cafe and local newspaper — is far in the past. In their place, we’ve got J.P. Morgan Chase, Amazon, Starbucks and Fox News. How’s he going to change that?

The angry white working class of rural and small-town America who elected Donald Trump are mourning a life that’s gone for good. There’s nothing he or anyone else can do to bring it back. We need to build the new economy that gives opportunity to everyone, not pine for a way of life that we can never go back to.

The elites — the people with all the money and all the power, the people that Trump’s supporters despise the most — will prosper even if no one else does. They always do.

Donald Trump may have ridden the anger of the white working class into the White House, but he has no idea how to fix what’s broken, even if he did care.

What Trump does know — and he does it brilliantly — is how to stoke that anger and direct it toward some Other, a scapegoat who can be blamed, vilified and destroyed.

A long winter is beginning.
I wouldn't count on the demographics changing all that much after we stop paying for illegals to come have babies here Elfie. People of all races are waking up and realizing they were bamboozled into paying for children bred by other people who couldn't afford them.

we were told in 2008 and 2012 that the demographics were already such that the GOP would never sniff the White house again and it was only going to get worse.
I'm grilling up a couple steaks tonight. Have some peas and rolls going on in a sec. Might cut up some fruit on the side.
we were told in 2008 and 2012 that the demographics were already such that the GOP would never sniff the White house again and it was only going to get worse.
I do remember those posts. Being wrong is easy, I guess.
I had soup and grilled cheese. Quick and easy.
I had a salad with grilled chicken.
I get it la la la la fingers in ears.

Revel in it while you can.
See this is one of the things that's been annoying me Elfiero.

A huge segment of the American public IS white males who didn't go to college. The fact that those guys didn't go to college doesn't give them any less voice. It doesn't make them any less qualified to vote. It doesn't make their vote less valuable than the minority vote that many democrats hold sacred.

Those white "uneducated" voters want more jobs at better pay rates. Trump is saying he'll work to get those jobs back. Can he do it? Who knows. But certainly 8 years of Democratic presidency hasn't made the uneducated white guys feel as though they are being heard.

The simple truth is the economic divide in this country is growing rapidly. There are a LOT of "uneducated" white guys and their families. And there are a LOT of educated white guys who can't possibly figure out how to send their two daughters to college because it literally costs $20k + a year to go to many schools. And even if us "educated" white guys DO figure out how to mortgage our lives to send our kids to college, then we have to deal with the fact that better than 80% of college grads don't even work in the fields they graduate in IF they find a freakin' job in the first year or two.

So where's the "hope" for all of us? America is a messed up economic place. We have gotten so used to having anything we want, anytime we want it that we are up to our ******* eyeballs in debt. We can't even comprehend existence without credit cards. We're told we're supposed to use credit cards to build up good credit records. Our grandparents just paid for ****. With this goofy *** thing called "cash". That's how they built up a good credit history.

We are so far in ******* debt both individually and collectively that a major enema simply NEEDS to happen in this country. Is Trump the guy to do it? I don't know. But the American people have sure as **** spoken. They've said we just cannot afford this **** anymore. We can't do it.

Now, am I a Trump ***-kisser? No way. If he tries to give tax breaks to big companies without requiring that the breaks be tied to ACTUAL job creation and plant openings in the US, I'll be pretty ******* pissed. Cause if he just tells GM or Ford that he's going to give them a big ******* break, they'll open a plant in Mexico in order to save money and the extra credits they get will go to the CEO and the CFO and they'll lay off another 5500 people and give themselves some huge ******* Christmas bonuses. I've worked for those companies in the software industry. I know how it goes.

Trump MUST tie his tax incentives to actual action plans that force the hiring of people IN the US at On-Site facilities. It's that simple.

But anyway, I digress, as I do...

I can't quickly address everything you posted wig, but I never implied white guys without college education shouldn't have a voice.

The reason that group is put in a category is because lack of education usually results in lack of worldliness.

Not saying that makes anyone less intelligent ,less worthy ,or anything like that. That group is very large so.....

What it does do is help put a buffoon in a position he should never be in.
See this is one of the things that's been annoying me Elfiero.

A huge segment of the American public IS white males who didn't go to college. The fact that those guys didn't go to college doesn't give them any less voice. It doesn't make them any less qualified to vote. It doesn't make their vote less valuable than the minority vote that many democrats hold sacred.

Those white "uneducated" voters want more jobs at better pay rates. Trump is saying he'll work to get those jobs back. Can he do it? Who knows. But certainly 8 years of Democratic presidency hasn't made the uneducated white guys feel as though they are being heard.

The simple truth is the economic divide in this country is growing rapidly. There are a LOT of "uneducated" white guys and their families. And there are a LOT of educated white guys who can't possibly figure out how to send their two daughters to college because it literally costs $20k + a year to go to many schools. And even if us "educated" white guys DO figure out how to mortgage our lives to send our kids to college, then we have to deal with the fact that better than 80% of college grads don't even work in the fields they graduate in IF they find a freakin' job in the first year or two.

So where's the "hope" for all of us? America is a messed up economic place. We have gotten so used to having anything we want, anytime we want it that we are up to our ******* eyeballs in debt. We can't even comprehend existence without credit cards. We're told we're supposed to use credit cards to build up good credit records. Our grandparents just paid for ****. With this goofy *** thing called "cash". That's how they built up a good credit history.

We are so far in ******* debt both individually and collectively that a major enema simply NEEDS to happen in this country. Is Trump the guy to do it? I don't know. But the American people have sure as **** spoken. They've said we just cannot afford this **** anymore. We can't do it.

Now, am I a Trump ***-kisser? No way. If he tries to give tax breaks to big companies without requiring that the breaks be tied to ACTUAL job creation and plant openings in the US, I'll be pretty ******* pissed. Cause if he just tells GM or Ford that he's going to give them a big ******* break, they'll open a plant in Mexico in order to save money and the extra credits they get will go to the CEO and the CFO and they'll lay off another 5500 people and give themselves some huge ******* Christmas bonuses. I've worked for those companies in the software industry. I know how it goes.

Trump MUST tie his tax incentives to actual action plans that force the hiring of people IN the US at On-Site facilities. It's that simple.

But anyway, I digress, as I do...

I can't quickly address everything you posted wig, but I never implied white guys without college education shouldn't have a voice.

The reason that group is put in a category is because lack of education usually results in lack of worldliness.And it's such a large group.

Not saying that makes anyone less intelligent ,less worthy ,or anything like that. That group is very large so.....

What it does do is help put a buffoon in a position he should never be in.
No doubt what Elfie is eating....crow and sour grapes.
Not saying that makes anyone less intelligent ,less worthy ,or anything like that. That group is very large so.....

Wow, that is the least snobby, elitist thing you've ever said here. Man, Trump is uniting us already!
Well I guess everyone has the right to an opinion. Or did you want to take that away as well in your new day is coming?
DOW is up today. Investors might just like the idea of lower corporate tax rates, no capital gains increases that Hillary wanted and an end to Obamacare and other expensive needless regulation.

Nah, that's just crazy talk.

As one of those 22 million who is going to lose my Obamacare, please, hurry it up Congress and President Trump. Can't happen fast enough.
So what country are you running off to Elfiero?
Ahhh it's a great night to grill up a great big ole American ribeye steak
DOW is up today. Investors might just like the idea of lower corporate tax rates, no capital gains increases that Hillary wanted and an end to Obamacare and other expensive needless regulation.

Nah, that's just crazy talk.

As one of those 22 million who is going to lose my Obamacare, please, hurry it up Congress and President Trump. Can't happen fast enough.

I realize it's only one day, but the Dow was up 257 points. This after all the talking points said Wall Street was firmly behind Clinton, and if she didn't win the market would tank.

I work for one of the major health insurers in the country and their stock was up over 5% today. So much for the scare tactic from the left.
I realize it's only one day, but the Dow was up 257 points. This after all the talking points said Wall Street was firmly behind Clinton, and if she didn't win the market would tank.

I work for one of the major health insurers in the country and their stock was up over 5% today. So much for the scare tactic from the left.

I made a bunch of money on my weed stock today. Every little bit helps to keep me from going bankrupt (bills from my former company thanks to the Obama economy).
My little consolation if the Hildebeest had won was that at least my investments wont crash.lol
Dinner's simmering for me. Comfort food tonight (after a comforting election) - home made pot pie. Eating very late after getting the kiddo to and from 2 separate basketball practices.

Despite being exhausted, the peace combined with elation today (would that be euphoria?) has been an exquisite high.