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It is finished. Pop your Popcorn.

They gave russians polling data, russia created fake social media ads to help trump, russia offered fake dirt on Clinton to the campaign, trump (maybe jokingly) asking russia to find Hillary's emails, releasing the hacked dnc emails etc etc...... Now like i said that stuff may not be criminal, but it is not "nothing" and it shows at least some cooperation for the trump campaign. If people can't see that then the rose glasses are amazingly thick


A fantasy world is one that refuses to acknowledge that the Russia investigation began four months prior to the election.

ah yes, I was getting around to that, Crooked Hillary and Obama's corrupt regime is being dragged into the light!

The FBI, DOJ and DNC All Sought Dirt on Trump from Steele While He Was Being Paid By Russians

Former MI6 agent Christopher Steele was all over the news over the past few years for providing and promoting the fake Trump – Russia dossier to the Hillary campaign, the DNC, the FBI and the DOJ. With information now known, it becomes clear that Steele was paid by the Russians while he was pushing the fake Russia dossier to the Democrat and Deep State complex.

This is the Russia collusion story – the efforts by the corrupt Hillary campaign and the DNC and the US government’s DOJ and FBI to obtain dirt on Donald Trump, even if it was made up by Russians. These efforts were the real Russian collusion! As usual, liberals worked with Russians in this effort as also worked with the Russians in their criminal actions related to Uranium One and thereby committed the acts they blamed on President Trump – proving again that they are the greatest projectionists in US history.

We now know that former UK MI6 agent Steele first came on the scene in early 2016 and his actions were related to Russia, but not as portrayed by the media. Based on the DOJ’s Ohr’s emails and text messages released last week, Steele was communicating with the DOJ’s Ohr long before the 2016 election.



DOJ official warned Steele dossier was connected to Clinton, might be biased

The then-No. 4 Department of Justice (DOJ) official briefed both senior FBI and DOJ officials in summer 2016 about Christopher Steele’s Russia dossier, explicitly cautioning that the British intelligence operative’s work was opposition research connected to Hillary Clinton’s campaign and might be biased.

Ohr’s briefings, in July and August 2016, included the deputy director of the FBI, a top lawyer for then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch and a Justice official who later would become the top deputy to special counsel Robert Mueller.

At the time, Ohr was the associate attorney general. Yet his warnings about political bias were pointedly omitted weeks later from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant that the FBI obtained from a federal court, granting it permission to spy on whether the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia to hijack the 2016 presidential election.

Ohr’s activities, chronicled in handwritten notes and congressional testimony I gleaned from sources, provide the most damning evidence to date that FBI and DOJ officials may have misled federal judges in October 2016 in their zeal to obtain the warrant targeting Trump adviser Carter Page just weeks before Election Day.


Noam Chomsky Calls Dem Focus on Russia a ‘Huge Gift’...‘...May Have Handed Him the Next Election’

Noam Chomsky, the noted progressive scholar, believes Democrats have focused far too much on Russia. And he thinks it might earn them four more years of President Donald Trump. Chomsky stated his view that he always believed there was going to be little to no proof of collusion in the Mueller Report.

“[T]he Democrats are helping him,” Chomsky said. “They are. Take the focus on Russia-gate. What’s that all about? I mean, it was pretty obvious at the beginning that you’re not going to find anything very serious about Russian interference in elections.”

He added, “As far as Trump collusion with the Russians, that was never going to amount to anything more than minor corruption, maybe building a Trump hotel in Red Square or something like that, but nothing of any significance.”

Chomsky went on to say that he believes focusing too heavily on Russia may cost Democrats dearly next November.

“The Democrats invested everything in this issue,” Chomsky said. “Well, turned out there was nothing much there. They gave Trump a huge gift. In fact, they may have handed him the next election. … That’s a matter of being so unwilling to deal with fundamental issues, that they’re looking for something on the side that will somehow give political success.”

Replacing Obamacare with “something really terrific” is not substantive. “Who knew healthcare was so complicated?”

Injecting money into the economy with unsustainable deficit funded tax cuts is not substantive.

In the last 2 years, I received 2 raises and a promotion. Under Obama all we heard about was layoffs. To ME that is substantive.
My health insurance is almost back to where it was before Obama. To ME that is substantive.
This last Christmas was the best we have had in a VERY long time. To ME that is substantive.
If I didn't love my job (I do), I know that there are many more jobs out there. To ME that is substantive.
Under Obama, our retirement funds where almost unrecoverable. Now they are roaring back. To ME that is substantive.

If you want to ruin all of that for me, then **** You! You communist prick.
Former Clinton Adviser has it right.


The walls were not coming down. They were not closing in. There was, at the end of the day, no evidence whatsoever of any collusion - and there was nothing but a president frustrated at being wrongly accused and wrongly investigated over a very effective hoax.

Most people don't understand what it is to not only be personally investigated for something you didn't do but also have your friends, family members and associates placed in legal jeopardy over it. Special counsel Robert Mueller's team systematically targeted the people around the president, squeezing them like lemons, indicting them on mostly process crimes created by the investigation itself. They reviewed everyone's emails, text messages, phone calls, bank statements - and yet their conclusion on collusion was clear and definitive. It has to be believed.

I was there working with former President Clinton in 1998 when he pondered whether to send missiles against Osama bin Laden but was concerned it would be viewed as "wagging the dog." We missed bin Laden that day. It was symbolic of how everything in the White House was affected by the Monica Lewinsky investigation; it changed everything we did. And, yes, there was a good bit of cursing then, too.

The big difference between today and what happened in 1998 or during the Nixon era is that, at the end of the day, the Mueller investigators found no stained dress, no break-in, no hush money, no enemies list. There never was a crime, and what seemed far-fetched was simply that - this time, a duly elected president was investigated for a crime that never even existed. In fact, evidence is mounting that the investigation itself was launched on phony grounds.
And so, the screaming partisan antics of Democrats in the House are likely to set the Democratic Party back a decade if they do not get a grip on themselves. In partisan unison, with scripted talking points, they keep calling everyone else "partisan." It simply does not pass the laugh test at this point.

But the problem is that Reps. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) and Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) are congressmen from safe districts who are nobodies if they have no investigations to launch. It's in the interest of their egos to keep it all going so that they can have daily press availabilities. And they are whipping up their political bases. It will take some Democrats of courage to turn this off and stop the abuse of going after the president's financial records. These are the kinds of things Nixon was doing, and there is no justification for those in Congress to be doing exactly those things for which Nixon resigned from office - going after his political enemies.

As I predicted in earlier columns, the Mueller report was always going to try to paint a picture of obstruction of justice. It was a lot weaker than I thought it would be because the alleged acts of obstruction are nothing more than acts the president could have legally taken or ordered. While talking a tough game publicly and brooding in private, the president and his legal team gave unprecedented access to White House documents and personnel. In fact, the event that triggered the appointment of the special counsel - the firing of former FBI Director James Comey - didn't even merit much discussion in the report, raising again the question of why there ever was a Mueller investigation whose focus was Trump and his campaign.

Even if you believe Mueller should have been appointed given the swirl of questions kicked up about Russia, Volume 2 of the Mueller report should not exist at all, once investigators determined there was no collusion and they were not issuing any charges. Most likely, it was a compromise by Mueller with his aggressive prosecutors, including former Clinton counsel, to get agreement on the report and its strong language on the lack of collusion. It was a bone for the Democrats that was unfortunate, as it would have been much better for the country had they simply said that a bewildered president contemplated some strong actions but, in fact, did nothing to impede the investigation. If anything, he waived executive privileges over witnesses and documents that other presidents have routinely asserted.

It's time for Democrats and the country to move past the Russia collusion narrative and for the media to fess up. If we are not going to respect the outcome of the Mueller report, then what was the point of the whole exercise? They found no collusion, and they did not charge obstruction.

The cloud under which the president and his associates have lived for more than two years deserves to be lifted. The officials who launched this aborted investigation should be held accountable for their actions. And the country deserves a Congress focused not on investigations but on issues such as health care, infrastructure and immigration.

Mark Penn is a managing partner of the Stagwell Group, a private equity firm specializing in marketing services companies, as well as chairman of the Harris Poll and author of "Microtrends Squared." He also is CEO of MDC Partners, an advertising and marketing firm. He served as pollster and adviser to President Clinton from 1995 to 2000, including during Clinton's impeachment. You can follow him on Twitter @Mark_Penn.
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In the last 2 years, I received 2 raises and a promotion. Under Obama all we heard about was layoffs. To ME that is substantive.
My health insurance is almost back to where it was before Obama. To ME that is substantive.
This last Christmas was the best we have had in a VERY long time. To ME that is substantive.
If I didn't love my job (I do), I know that there are many more jobs out there. To ME that is substantive.
Under Obama, our retirement funds where almost unrecoverable. Now they are roaring back. To ME that is substantive.

If you want to ruin all of that for me, then **** You! You communist prick.

Agree with all of your points. I might add , I’m getting job offers left and right now in my job sector (Automotive Maintenance Tech Manufactoring -BMW) more jobs than people available. My 401K has never been better I made around 20,000 for every 100,000 I have.
And why Trog, why did it begin four months prior to the election? Yer boy Bath house barry is about to get baked for that. Film @11.


President Trump demanded that Congress and the Justice Department look into the deep-state back-channel operation in 2016 that resulted in the collusion charge. Many people think the worm is turning in the Russia probe. This morning, Hillary Clinton's dry cleaner made her pay in advance.

A fantasy world is one that refuses to acknowledge that the Russia investigation began four months prior to the election.

who was POTUS at that point? how was this "uncovered"?
•Posted byu/News_Release_Bot
14 hours ago
How do you impeach a Republican President for a crime that was committed by the Democrats? MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Replacing Obamacare with “something really terrific” is not substantive. “Who knew healthcare was so complicated?”

The Republicans did not have 60 votes to enact any helpful changes to medical insurance - portability, intrastate policies, affordable basic medical plans backed up by excess insurance for critical health issues, concierge medicine, etc. Just one example. Josh Umbehr, M.D. has created a very successful and affordable type of concierge medicine that takes out the third-party paying the costs. "The affordability comes from eliminating the red tape; standardizing revenue with a membership model; using wholesale cost for medications, lab tests, and supplies; and reducing the number of employees needed to run a practice. Once you do this, health care becomes incredibly affordable."


Strike one.

Troglodyte said:
Injecting money into the economy with unsustainable deficit funded tax cuts is not substantive.

Two points. One, Obama spent a trillion dollars on his boondoggle "stimulus package." How did that work out? Yeah, thought so.

Second, you have to be the only person on the earth who can criticize the United States economy since Trump was elected. He took over a declining economy, mired in 1.5% GDP growth, stagnant wages, declining workforce participation, 5.0% unemployment, declining home ownership, increasing energy costs, etc. and turned it into the most vibrant, booming and successful economy this nation has ever seen. Booming GDP growth, booming job growth, exploding stock market, booming 401k plans, declining unemployment, record low unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, women, increasing home ownership, increasing median wage, increasing take home pay, and on and on.

Strikes two and three. Hit the bench, sucker.
Two points. One, Obama spent a trillion dollars on his boondoggle "stimulus package." How did that work out? Yeah, thought so.

Don't forget "Cash For Clunkers" that besides spending government money, took hundreds of thousands of used cars off the market for poor people to buy.
Don't forget "Cash For Clunkers" that besides spending government money, took hundreds of thousands of used cars off the market for poor people to buy.

Cash for clunkers is the low key worse thing that happened to mid to low income people in ages... literally drove the price of used cars through the roof
Oh, and an update on the economic front, as Indy noted in a different post: GDP growth much better than expected and looks to be very, VERY good for 2019:


Moreover, we consider the 2019:Q1 advance estimate likely underestimates the current pace of economic growth in the United States for two reasons. First, as shown in the following table, in recent years estimates of real GDP growth in the first quarter of a calendar year have on average been below growth during the subsequent three quarters. Indeed, over the past 25 years, the Q1 estimate has, on average, been 0.9 percentage point lower than the average of Q2, Q3, and Q4 estimates. This suggests there may be some lingering seasonality in the official estimates of first-quarter real GDP growth.

Second, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) now estimates that the partial government shutdown in 2019:Q1 lowered the overall growth rate of real GDP by 0.3 percentage point at an annual rate. In their technical note, the BEA states that “the full effects of the partial federal government shutdown on the first quarter estimates cannot be quantified because they are embedded in the regular source data that underlie the estimates and cannot be separately identified.” In the absence of residual seasonality and the government shutdown, real GDP growth in the first quarter of this year might have been up to 1.2 percentage points higher, implying an annualized growth rates of 4.4 percent.


Huh, look at that - GDP growth of more than 3.0%, very likely more than 4.0% for 2019? With noticeably better median income, the incredibly low unemployment, higher job participation rates, low inflation, increasing home ownership, increasing 401k revenues.

All this winning, and I'm still not tired of it.
Ha ha ha!

•Posted byu/News_Release_Bot
3 hours ago
Bob Mueller was a great HERO to the Radical Left Democrats. Now that the Mueller Report is finished, with a finding of NO COLLUSION & NO OBSTRUCTION (based on a review of Report by our highly respected A.G.), the Dems are going around saying, “Bob who, sorry, don’t know the man.”
Cash for clunkers is the low key worse thing that happened to mid to low income people in ages... literally drove the price of used cars through the roof

Bommaconomist disagrees


A final source of evidence on size and timing of the 'pull forward' effect comes directly from the people who purchased a vehicle under the program. According to a survey conducted by the Department of Transportation as part of the program, the average timeframe over which new car purchasers said they would have otherwise sold, traded in, or disposed of their old vehicle was 2.87 years - far longer than the timeframe of a few months that the program's critics hypothesized. A plausible interpretation of the available data, in fact, is that many of the CARS sales were to the kinds of thrifty people who can afford to buy a new car but normally wait until the old one is thoroughly worn out. Stimulating spending by such people is very nearly the best possible countercylical fiscal policy in an economy suffering from temporarily low aggregate demand.
Replacing Obamacare with “something really terrific” is not substantive. “Who knew healthcare was so complicated?”

Injecting money into the economy with unsustainable deficit funded tax cuts is not substantive.
LOL. Another peek into the strange liberal thought process. Not taking is the same as injecting!