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It is finished. Pop your Popcorn.

OMG the rats are going to chew every little bit of paper and poop all over the floor for months!

ha ha

bottom line

No Trump collusion, No Trump Obstruction, plenty of partisan sniping, lots of time and money wasted

Dems need to hear me now, just sit out the next election, no reason wasting your time voting for that revolution change that will never come.

ha ha

Bonus Quote of the Day

“Based on what we have seen to date, going forward on impeachment is not worthwhile at this point. Very frankly, there is an election in 18 months and the American people will make a judgement.”

— House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD), quoted by CNN, affirming the House leadership’s strategy to avoid impeachment proceedings.

Dems need to hear me now, just sit out the next election, no reason wasting your time voting for that revolution change that will never come.

ha ha

Bonus Quote of the Day

“Based on what we have seen to date, going forward on impeachment is not worthwhile at this point. Very frankly, there is an election in 18 months and the American people will make a judgement.”

— House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD), quoted by CNN, affirming the House leadership’s strategy to avoid impeachment proceedings.


The bonus quote of the day is definitely the bottom line, but to say there was no obstruction is a stretch. Luckily Trumps people refused to carry out some orders or things could have been much worse. Personally the report is pretty much what I expected. Some stuff there, but not quite enough to successfully prosecute.
The bonus quote of the day is definitely the bottom line, but to say there was no obstruction is a stretch. Luckily Trumps people refused to carry out some orders or things could have been much worse. Personally the report is pretty much what I expected. Some stuff there, but not quite enough to successfully prosecute.

There was no underlying crime... there was no obstruction to prevent discovery... there was a pissed off spoiled billionaire angry over a witch hunt making knee jerk demands that the surrounding aides recognized would be idiotic when the fact was there was NO underlying crime...

The most telling part is when he says that he is ****** then goes on to rant how a special prosecutor is going to slog down his agenda... he never gets mad about them finding a crime, just how it’s messing up his plans....

No obstruction.. and it’s legally irresponsible to not outright give a reccomedation based on the evidence you find... that was a political FU to the trump administration... Mueller should be fired for it...
Did anyone notice Rod Rosenstein today, standing behind AG Barr? What medication is he on? Something strong.


Russians supported Bernie Sanders


Lightly redacted too, they have nothing left, nothing

The bonus quote of the day is definitely the bottom line, but to say there was no obstruction is a stretch. Luckily Trumps people refused to carry out some orders or things could have been much worse. Personally the report is pretty much what I expected. Some stuff there, but not quite enough to successfully prosecute.

He wanted to do some things, his lawyers said no, HE DIDN’T DO THEM. Since when is thinking about doing something or wanting to do something but not doing it a crime?

The report is exactly as I expected. Trump is ignorant of how law and government works, he’s arrogant and stupid sometimes, he’s rash and a little bit crazy (none of which is great news in my opinion), but he is not some diabolical criminal.

And my feeling is the only reason Mueller didn’t clear him on obstruction was payback for the months of criticism he got from Trump (which again, was a stupid thing to do on Trump’s part.)
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Trump was right to dread the special counsel. Lucky for him he was brand new to elected office. You sick that Mueller mob, with that kind of latitude, on any career politician and their career is done, at a minimum.
And my feeling is the only reason Mueller didn’t clear him on obstruction was payback for the months of criticism he got from Trump (which again, was a stupid thing to do on Trump’s part.)

Wrong. This was a setup for impeachment right from the beginning, by design. Nothing Trump said had any bearing on that. And Mueller deserved the criticism,

Mueller's report looks bad for Obama

By Scott Jennings

(CNN)The partisan warfare over the Mueller report will rage, but one thing cannot be denied: Former President Barack Obama looks just plain bad. On his watch, the Russians meddled in our democracy while his administration did nothing about it.

The Mueller report flatly states that Russia began interfering in American democracy in 2014. Over the next couple of years, the effort blossomed into a robust attempt to interfere in our 2016 presidential election. The Obama administration knew this was going on and yet did nothing. In 2016, Obama's National Security Adviser Susan Rice told her staff to "stand down" and "knock it off" as they drew up plans to "strike back" against the Russians, according to an account from Michael Isikoff and David Corn in their book "Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin's War on America and the Election of Donald Trump".
Why did Obama go soft on Russia? My opinion is that it was because he was singularly focused on the nuclear deal with Iran. Obama wanted Putin in the deal, and to stand up to him on election interference would have, in Obama's estimation, upset that negotiation. This turned out to be a disastrous policy decision.

Obama's supporters claim he did stand up to Russia by deploying sanctions after the election to punish them for their actions. But, Obama, according to the Washington Post, "approved a modest package... with economic sanctions so narrowly targeted that even those who helped design them describe their impact as largely symbolic." In other words, a toothless response to a serious incursion.

But don't just take my word for it that Obama failed. Congressman Adam Schiff, who disgraced himself in this process by claiming collusion when Mueller found that none exists, once said that "the Obama administration should have done a lot more." The Washington Post reported that a senior Obama administration official said they "sort of choked" in failing to stop the Russian government's brazen activities. And Obama's ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul, said, "The punishment did not fit the crime" about the weak sanctions rolled out after the 2016 election.

A legitimate question Republicans are asking is whether the potential "collusion" narrative was invented to cover up the Obama administration's failures. Two years have been spent fomenting the idea that Russia only interfered because it had a willing, colluding partner: Trump. Now that Mueller has popped that balloon, we must ask why this collusion narrative was invented in the first place.

Given Obama's record on Russia, one operating theory is that his people needed a smokescreen to obscure just how wrong they were. They've blamed Trump. They've even blamed Mitch McConnell, in some twisted attempt to deflect blame to another branch of government. Joe Biden once claimed McConnell refused to sign a letter condemning the Russians during the 2016 election. But McConnell's office counters that the White House asked him to sign a letter urging state electors to accept federal help in securing local elections -- and he did. You can read it here.

I guess if I had failed to stop Russia from marching into Crimea, making a mess in Syria, and hacking our democracy I'd be looking to blame someone else, too.

But the Mueller report makes it clear that the Russian interference failure was Obama's alone. He was the commander-in-chief when all of this happened. In 2010, he and Eric Holder, his Attorney General, declined to prosecute Julian Assange, who then went on to help Russia hack the Democratic National Committee's emails in 2016. He arguably chose to prioritize his relationship with Putin vis-à-vis Iran over pushing back against Russian election interference that had been going on for at least two years.

If you consider Russian election interference a crisis for our democracy, then you cannot read the Mueller report, adding it to the available public evidence, and conclude anything other than Barack Obama spectacularly failed America. Subsequent investigations of this matter should explore how and why Obama's White House failed, and whether they invented the collusion narrative to cover up those failures.
I can’t believe the fake news editor of that horseshit outfit didn’t nix the article and fire the writer.
Obama is heard whispering to Medvedev, during his re-election campaign, that he will have more flexibility on missile defense once he's re-elected.

Trump is talking about putting a U.S. military base in Poland.

And somehow they whipped up an actionable narrative that Trump was colluding with Russia. Some serious Nazi level propaganda going on here in America.
Wrong. This was a setup for impeachment right from the beginning, by design. Nothing Trump said had any bearing on that. And Mueller deserved the criticism,

That may be true but Trump while knowingly innocent certainly did his damn well best to act guilty as hell.
What did he do to make himself look guilty?

Have you read the report? All the ranting and raving and insisting people defend him, publicly clear him, align their stories to his, "not flip" etc. etc. etc.

He knew he was innocent, so why not just act like a grownup and let the investigation play out? I get he was mad about being investigated but all the histrionics portrayed him as insecure and defensive.
Obama is heard whispering to Medvedev, during his re-election campaign, that he will have more flexibility on missile defense once he's re-elected.

Trump is talking about putting a U.S. military base in Poland.

And somehow they whipped up an actionable narrative that Trump was colluding with Russia. Some serious Nazi level propaganda going on here in America.

That's the #1 strategy Marxists typically employ: they accuse their political enemies of the exact same thing they are doing to take the limelight off and make their enemies appear to be grasping at straws and illegitimate if they then point out that actually the Marxists are guilty.
That may be true but Trump while knowingly innocent certainly did his damn well best to act guilty as hell.

For two years he regularly, countless times, called out the hoax witch hunt for the lie that it was and denied collusion / obstruction. And now it’s proven that was right, in an investigation filled with TDS lawyers. How can that possibly be considered acting guilty? I know you don’t like The President but ****, you’re supposed to be one of the more rational haters. Imagine being under investigation for the first two years of your term, knowing it’s a lie and constantly getting attacked by fake news and politicians, including his own party. The man is a saint. Putting up with all the bullshit, constantly getting attacked, and doing the job For Free.
Have you read the report? All the ranting and raving and insisting people defend him, publicly clear him, align their stories to his, "not flip" etc. etc. etc.

He knew he was innocent, so why not just act like a grownup and let the investigation play out? I get he was mad about being investigated but all the histrionics portrayed him as insecure and defensive.

He knew it was a lie and he was pissed. He wanted it over ASAP. It undermined his first two years. R’s had both houses and should’ve taken care of border security and healthcare. It’s amazing that he got the tax cut passed. Any sane innocent person would rage about the bullshit he had to endure.

And the amazing thing is he’s still been winning at an incredible pace compared the bums in office before him.
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Look, I know you guys don't think ANYTHING he ever does is negative. That's your prerogative. I take a more balanced perspective. I've read the report and look at many of his actions as being irrational, impulsive, ignorant and childish. To me he made things way worse for himself than he had to (and continues to, on an almost daily basis). That doesn't make him a criminal, and it doesn't mean the investigation wasn't baseless and politically motivated. But I'm sorry that to me he's just not the infallible godlike creature that he is to some of you.

This is a win for him for sure from a legal perspective, there's no way they'll try to impeach. But if you think there is nothing in this report that at all hurts him politically I think that's a little delusional.

Although I do think by the time the election rolls around a lot of it will be forgotten.

The nice thing is Ivanka and Jared came out smelling like roses. I would be more than happy to vote for her as our first female president. She's got more brains and class in her pinky finger than Dad has left in his head.
Look, I know you guys don't think ANYTHING he ever does is negative. That's your prerogative. I take a more balanced perspective. I've read the report and look at many of his actions as being irrational, impulsive, ignorant and childish. To me he made things way worse for himself than he had to (and continues to, on an almost daily basis). That doesn't make him a criminal, and it doesn't mean the investigation wasn't baseless and politically motivated. But I'm sorry that to me he's just not the infallible godlike creature that he is to some of you.

This is a win for him for sure from a legal perspective, there's no way they'll try to impeach. But if you think there is nothing in this report that at all hurts him politically I think that's a little delusional.

Although I do think by the time the election rolls around a lot of it will be forgotten.

The nice thing is Ivanka and Jared came out smelling like roses. I would be more than happy to vote for her as our first female president. She's got more brains and class in her pinky finger than Dad has left in his head.

Your "balanced" perspective has you judging this incredibly successful billionaire businessman and president as irrational, impulsive, ignorant, and childish (and stupid too, right?). I find that people coming off as smugly tolerant and "balanced" are generally trying to appear to be something that they are not. Also sounds like just so much mindless regurgitation of MSM tripe.
Look, I know you guys don't think ANYTHING he ever does is negative. That's your prerogative. I take a more balanced perspective. I've read the report and look at many of his actions as being irrational, impulsive, ignorant and childish. To me he made things way worse for himself than he had to (and continues to, on an almost daily basis). That doesn't make him a criminal, and it doesn't mean the investigation wasn't baseless and politically motivated. But I'm sorry that to me he's just not the infallible godlike creature that he is to some of you.

This is a win for him for sure from a legal perspective, there's no way they'll try to impeach. But if you think there is nothing in this report that at all hurts him politically I think that's a little delusional.

Although I do think by the time the election rolls around a lot of it will be forgotten.

The nice thing is Ivanka and Jared came out smelling like roses. I would be more than happy to vote for her as our first female president. She's got more brains and class in her pinky finger than Dad has left in his head.

For the record, I was very pissed, and was extremely critical of him signing that omnibus spending bill. The little **** he does doesn't bother me. I look at what he does. The treatment of this President is despicable, and the fact that he fights back is okay with me. He has never claimed executive privilege and was fully cooperative with the Mueller probe, even though he knew he was under attack. Now he goes on the offensive, and it will be beautiful.