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It is finished. Pop your Popcorn.

Your "balanced" perspective has you judging this incredibly successful billionaire businessman and president as irrational, impulsive, ignorant, and childish (and stupid too, right?). I find that people coming off as smugly tolerant and "balanced" are generally trying to appear to be something that they are not. Also sounds like just so much mindless regurgitation of MSM tripe.

I'm not regurgitating anything, I'm basing my judgments on the sworn testimony of Trump's own associates. And on the way he himself acts PUBLICLY, almost every single day.

But I realize for his worshipful fans no critical thinking is allowed, ever.

Trust me, I'm not acting like anything I'm not. I certainly am happy with much of what has happened during his tenure. The sad thing is despite how much I do not like or respect him personally I'll probably end up voting for him because the alternative will be even worse. But I certainly wish we had a president whose policies I agreed with as well as whose character and intellect I could respect and admire
It's all good

Trump rakes in $1M after Mueller report

A text message blast to supporters from the Trump campaign on Friday afternoon said the campaign had hit its goal.

“Sorry Trump haters. The biggest waste of money witch hunt in history is finally over,” the text said. “The attacks and lies will keep coming heading into 2020. That’s why we need to fight back bigger and stronger than ever before.”

The campaign has been successful in the hunt for funds as it gears up for the 2020 presidential election, alongside its ambitious attempts to secure key seats in the House and protect the Republican Senate majority.

According to the latest Federal Election Commission filings, the Trump campaign raised more than $30 million in the first quarter of the year with $40 million cash on hand.

I'm not regurgitating anything, I'm basing my judgments on the sworn testimony of Trump's own associates. And on the way he himself acts PUBLICLY, almost every single day.

But I realize for his worshipful fans no critical thinking is allowed, ever.

Trust me, I'm not acting like anything I'm not. I certainly am happy with much of what has happened during his tenure. The sad thing is despite how much I do not like or respect him personally I'll probably end up voting for him because the alternative will be even worse. But I certainly wish we had a president whose policies I agreed with as well as whose character and intellect I could respect and admire

The sad thing? That makes no sense whatsoever.
The alternative will be even worse in what way???

Trump has done more good for this country than any president in my lifetime, but sadly I hate the way he combs his hair and I'll probably end up voting for him because the alternative will be even worse.
The sad thing? That makes no sense whatsoever.
The alternative will be even worse in what way???

Trump has done more good for this country than any president in my lifetime, but sadly I hate the way he combs his hair and I'll probably end up voting for him because the alternative will be even worse.

When did we lose our capacity for nuance?

When did we decide you either fully support something or you're a hater?

When did we decide that you have to take one side and defend it to the death and furiously beat down anything that isn't 100% in support of "our team"?

Why isn't it ok to say "I like this this and this about this guy but I don't like this this and this about him"?

When did in-depth, intelligent, balanced discourse die?
Look, I know you guys don't think ANYTHING he ever does is negative. That's your prerogative. I take a more balanced perspective. I've read the report and look at many of his actions as being irrational, impulsive, ignorant and childish. To me he made things way worse for himself than he had to (and continues to, on an almost daily basis). That doesn't make him a criminal, and it doesn't mean the investigation wasn't baseless and politically motivated. But I'm sorry that to me he's just not the infallible godlike creature that he is to some of you.

This is a win for him for sure from a legal perspective, there's no way they'll try to impeach. But if you think there is nothing in this report that at all hurts him politically I think that's a little delusional.

Although I do think by the time the election rolls around a lot of it will be forgotten.

The nice thing is Ivanka and Jared came out smelling like roses. I would be more than happy to vote for her as our first female president. She's got more brains and class in her pinky finger than Dad has left in his head.

No, what we believe is that whatever may be negative about Trump is IRRELEVANT. Yes, he is inarticulate, may sound childish and say stupid things, but him not meeting your personal standards after you concur that he indeed has been a great president is childish on your part don't you think???

Simply put, your dislike of Trump is driven by a bunch of pet peeves. Sit back and think about that for a moment. It's irrational. Perhaps ludicrous is a better word.
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No, what we believe is that whatever may be negative about Trump is IRRELEVANT. Yes, he is inarticulate, may sound childish and say stupid things, but him not meeting your personal standards after you concur that he indeed has been a great president is childish on your part don't you think???

Simply put, your dislike of Trump is driven by a bunch of pet peeves. Sit back and think about that for a moment. It's irrational.

No, my dislike of Trump is not pet peeves. My dislike of Trump is that I do not necessarily trust his judgement, so far people around him have protected him from his worst impulses, however I do not have faith that he can always be reigned in when absolutely necessary. Do I consider that a "pet peeve"? No I certainly do not.

That said given my general distrust of most people in government will I vote to hand over control of healthcare, higher education, corporations, banking, the environment, etc. etc. etc. to the federal government? Of course not.
No, my dislike of Trump is not pet peeves. My dislike of Trump is that I do not necessarily trust his judgement, so far people around him have protected him from his worst impulses, however I do not have faith that he can always be reigned in when absolutely necessary. Do I consider that a "pet peeve"? No I certainly do not.

That said given my general distrust of most people in government will I vote to hand over control of healthcare, higher education, corporations, banking, the environment, etc. etc. etc. to the federal government? Of course not.

Jeezus... a former non politician two years into a job and has had to rely on advice from aids...unacceptable!

Hang in there...I'm sure that if he completes his second term having made America great again you'll be able to express a sigh of relief.
he is not relying on aides he is telling them what to do and they refuse. If he was truly relying / listening to people he doesn't have 90% of his problems. If Trump was a dem i guarantee people on here would be screaming for impeachment.
I think Trump or at least people in the know coordinated with Russia to help Trump win, but in my opinion if that's as far as it went it just makes the trump team shady and not criminal. Now if trump or his team paid russia or whoever to hack or offered favors in exchange for info then that is a different story, by luckily that doesn't seem to be the case. To sit here and say trump or his campaign had nothing to do with Russia is extremely naive.
Trump can be a great leader and an *******. Or a good leader with character flaws.
The spectrum of all personalities and talents of all people, including Presidents, is not binary.
To criticize others because they have a different read on Trumps demeanor than yours is arbitrary.

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I find myself rooting for Trump more and more as the despicable way he's been treated by just about everyone (in power) rears its ugly head. Actually, it's been in plain view since his candidacy. There are a lot of things I wish he didn't do/say but whatever, he's gotten a lot accomplished even with this Albatross over his head. When it's mattered most, Trump has come through. At least in my opinion.

This defensive and insecure behavior that people want to talk about is of absolutely no concern to me. Demeanor and intent can look different to different people, and that's okay, I don't really think Trump minds at all. I don't mind. I want to see security, prosperity & results.
Have you read the report? All the ranting and raving and insisting people defend him, publicly clear him, align their stories to his, "not flip" etc. etc. etc.

He knew he was innocent, so why not just act like a grownup and let the investigation play out? I get he was mad about being investigated but all the histrionics portrayed him as insecure and defensive.

He did let the investigation play out. Why do people just gloss over that fact? Isn't that really the only thing that matters? No, let's focus on things he tweets and not his actions.

Trump had the authority to simply end this investigation at any time. That's not even a debatable point. But the media would have you believe that un-elected bureaucrats in the FBI are a 4th branch of government that the President must obey.

Talk about scary, it's this notion that un-elected officials have ultimate power.
he is not relying on aides he is telling them what to do and they refuse. If he was truly relying / listening to people he doesn't have 90% of his problems. If Trump was a dem i guarantee people on here would be screaming for impeachment.
I think Trump or at least people in the know coordinated with Russia to help Trump win, but in my opinion if that's as far as it went it just makes the trump team shady and not criminal. Now if trump or his team paid russia or whoever to hack or offered favors in exchange for info then that is a different story, by luckily that doesn't seem to be the case. To sit here and say trump or his campaign had nothing to do with Russia is extremely naive.

Based on what?

Obama himself stated emphatically that no votes were tampered with by Russia. That's one of the biggest lies the media pushes by using the intentionally misleading phrase that the "Russians Hacked the Election"

That clearly implies that votes were changed and they were not.

All that's been proven Russians did was maintain a few fake new sites and some stuff on social media. But this was all very low level stuff. Most people probably never even saw this stuff and it's doubtful it had any effect on voters.
he is not relying on aides he is telling them what to do and they refuse. If he was truly relying / listening to people he doesn't have 90% of his problems. If Trump was a dem i guarantee people on here would be screaming for impeachment.
I think Trump or at least people in the know coordinated with Russia to help Trump win, but in my opinion if that's as far as it went it just makes the trump team shady and not criminal. Now if trump or his team paid russia or whoever to hack or offered favors in exchange for info then that is a different story, by luckily that doesn't seem to be the case. To sit here and say trump or his campaign had nothing to do with Russia is extremely naive.

they spent 2 years looking for a connection between President Trump and the Russians and could not find any proof they colluded. Yet you "think" something happened...

I don't like President Trump. I did not vote for him in the primaries, I only voted for him in the general election because Clinton would be worse than FORMER President Obama.

President Trump though has done a good job. I don't care about his tweets and how he is not exactly "Presidential" **** all that. He has gotten **** done .

The real issue in this meddling is what exactly did the Obama administration know about it and why did they not do anything? Reports are FORMER President Obama ordered the cyber security to stand own and not do anything about the russians. Why?

CNN has a story that FORMER President Obama wanted Putins support on the Iran deal and that is why he let the **** go. If so, that is terrible state craft and he did a great disservice to this country.
No, my dislike of Trump is not pet peeves. My dislike of Trump is that I do not necessarily trust his judgement, so far people around him have protected him from his worst impulses, however I do not have faith that he can always be reigned in when absolutely necessary. Do I consider that a "pet peeve"? No I certainly do not.

That said given my general distrust of most people in government will I vote to hand over control of healthcare, higher education, corporations, banking, the environment, etc. etc. etc. to the federal government? Of course not.

Trump is a flawed vessel. Who isn't?

We're accustomed to plastic politicians who regurgitate memorized sound bites or operate from a teleprompter. Everything they say and do is scripted by their handlers. When they go off script, they become babbling idiots. All that is to say that they are a lie. All of them. They are about one thing and one thing only - bringing in the money. Their existence depends on it. 535 people control over $4 TRILLION per year. Think about that. Its institutional.

Along comes this self made billionaire businessman who has made a career of manipulating these thieves, knows a lot of their 'stories', where bodies are buried, etc, etc, and calls bull@#$% on the whole program. He defies their 'convention' at every turn. He comes from way out in right field, finances his campaign, manipulates the media, ridicules his opponents, strips them of their arrogance, then takes on the most potent and ruthless political machine of the last century, finances a lot of his campaign, manipulates the media, ridicules her, strips her of their arrogance, and hammers her. This behavior shouldn't surprise anybody - the man is a self made billionaire businessman.

He's only 2 years into this thing. He's been harassed and harangued 7/24 by both parties and the media. They threaten him with ruin. They threaten his family with all manner of evil. Somehow he manages pick himself up every morning after his nap (he sleeps 3-4 hours every night), put on his 'the Donald' face and be the badass we need him to be every day. Undaunted. He's actually learning the job as he goes. And in the process he's bringing this Republic back from the abyss.

Consider what might have been had this man NOT stepped out of his life of luxury and put everything he is and has on the line in service to this Republic. (disclaimer ; I didn't compile this list but its a pretty accurate assessment of what might have happened)...

1) Syria handed over to Jihadis
2) Pizzagate Investigators liquidated by MS13
3) Child Trafficking Ignored
4) 100,000+ Illegals pouring into US every month
5) Nuclear Missiles from NK threatening 50+ countries
6) No travel ban from terrorists nations
7) Economy strangling regulations
8) Passage of TPP and NAFTA jobs drain
9) High Gas Prices ( +$5 gallon in Blue States )
10) Bill Clinton Rape Fest resumed
11.) Putin bending over America with his leverage on Clinton
12.) American economy in shambles as trade balance with China now in epic proportions and millions are unemployed at home.
13.) American middle class having to steal from illegal immigrants who have been given everything by the government and now have a much higher standard of living to secure their votes in future elections.
14) China continues aggressive military expansion of manmade islands; closes off South China Sea to shipping as HRC begins full-scale gun confiscation without Due Process. Military Leaders who disagree are executed, sparking Civil War within Military ranks. HRC-worshipping forces win as Obama purges cleared out most Patriots already; US military then takes aim at its own people.
15) War with China over Chinese expansion; US loses due to building military with weak Chinese steel and due to spy chips (already discovered) on chinese-made computer motherboards; they had been tracking and listening in on nearly all US communications. F-35s explode in the sky. US Military, under-funded and already suffering years of neglect under Obama, is no match for Chinese forces as well as a Civil War waging at home. China "cracks" our military codes as HRC sells them the cipher for 99 cents.
16) U.S. becomes 3rd-world nation due to over-influx of illegals with Jihadists entering unfettered. Civil War breaks out before 2020 elections to take place. Deep-State Democrats and Muslims side with Government; People split between Freedom and being programmed by the Deep State for HRC worship.
17) HRC calls for Martial Law, orders execution of any rebels as Enemies of the State because she's not someone who "Projects," right?
18) America down for the count with pockets of "Free America" under control of rebels in rural areas. News stations stop any mere attempt at being honest.
19) Rebels turn to suicide bombers aimed at high-value government targets and are somewhat successful in damaging/destroying critical war infrastructure. Patriots siding with Deep State in order to do damage from within. Rebels use HRC tactics against her.
20) US Military has Purges of any remaining Patriots from ranks; cannot control National Guard and at 20% readiness is in a REAL FIGHT with NGUs.
21) High-value Rebel targets identified start exploding -- the thought is Kinetic weapons from space had been deployed, but few remain after war with China.
22) US becomes Chinese vassal state
23) The Deep State higher-ups escape to live in New Zealand and/or China. Word spreads among US populace that they were sold out by HRC; proof follows.
24) Civil War ends, Americans (somewhat) unite, fight back against COF (Chinese Occupying Force) a la "Red Dawn" style hit-and-run tactics, lacking strength of numbers by now.
25) Average people nearly worthless as they're fully programmed by Mockingbird Media and Propaganda Press to believe HRC can do no wrong, much like Obama was treated but even better. Families kill each other over politics as opposites each see the other side as traitorous.
26) Russia enters the conflict on the "side" of America, ostensibly. However, their intention is to defeat a somewhat weakened China, as their war with the US wasn't won without a price.
27) Russian/Chinese truce signed. Russia gets Alaska back for her natural resources.
28) France officially becomes a Muslim state by end of HRC's first term and Muslim "Rape Gangs" proliferate globally.
29) Rumors of children vanishing from big cities finally reaches general populace who is horrified but realizes too late they took up with the wrong side. Mass Suicides.​

I hate 'lesser of evils' choices as much as you do. But I can't think of a starker contrast of choices at any time in my lifetime. I can't think of another person that could step into this arena and even survive, much more achieve the successes he has to date.

His administration has been plagued by traitors and leakers. They seem to be gone. He's had very bad bills put on his desk by very had House and Senate leadership. The entire gubmint works against him. Yet he manages to get some important thinks done, not the least of which is the wholesale dismantling of the previous 8 years. He's come through on a lot of his promises. In all this I can't fault him for the shortcomings. Frankly, I'm surprised he's still breathing.

Again, flawed vessel. But again, I didn't vote for him to be my Sunday school teacher. I believe him when he says that he intends to make America great again.
LOL! We hold these truths to be self-evident.

of course you just focus on that comment instead of the meaning behind it. I believe his point was most don't care if President Trump comes across to the world as "presidential" as long as he gets stuff done. A lot of stuff FORMER President Obama has said could never occur has been done in the last two years...
People forget that in the last election Trump was actually the most substantive candidate. They focus on the catch phrases like "crooked Hillary" or "Lock her up" at his rallies but they forget the the other half of that rally was Trump laying out his plans for the economy. Explaining exactly how he was going to create jobs and help the economy, then he would give examples of how those ideas worked in the real world.

That's why Trump immediately blew away establishment stuffed shirts like Jeb Bush who were just giving the same tired speeches we heard for years from Republicans

The country was tired of words. They wanted somebody who would actually do something. It's the same on the left. That's why Bernie was beating HIllary until they rigged the primaries. Hillary had nothing to say. Bernie and Trump are actually pretty similar. The only difference is that Trump understands how the real world works and Bernie is a bum who never had a real job and believes in the fairly tale of socialism.

Paul Ryan is as much a reason Trump won as any. How many times has the country voted Republican based on their promises to fight against the Dems and their move to the extreme left. What do we get? Reps rolling over and playing dead. Dems still somehow getting their way while being in the minority.

Paul Ryan and his droopy deputy dog face can go open a petting zoo where he will no doubt overpay for kibble when the pet store guy figures out he can charge Ryan double and he'll be too scared to say anything.
Time for Democrats to accept reality

Democrats have been living in a fantasy world since the clock struck midnight after November 8, 2016. Rather than accept reality and the results of historic victory of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton in the last presidential election, Democrats have clutched to conspiracy theories.

The first fantasy was that the 2016 election was tainted by “fake news.” When that backfired, because after all it was the mainstream media that had to apologize for its biased coverage of the race, the narrative had to change. Democrats then settled on another conspiracy theory, hand woven by the Clinton campaign and deeply entrenched within the Obama administration Justice Department that was led by collusion truthers.

It could not be that their unlikeable, untrustworthy, and inauthentic candidate, dogged by decades of scandals, who never bothered to campaign in Wisconsin had fairly and resoundingly lost to a man who connected with the forgotten men and women of this country with a clear and strong agenda. Democrats had to find a new scapegoat. They claimed that Vladimir Putin plotted to “subvert an election and that Russia helped “swing it for” Trump.

We have been living in their fantasy world where every single thing revolves around Russia ever since 2016.

Democrats and the wing pundits concocted a conspiracy in which Trump was a “Russian asset” compromised by Putin. The reality is that Trump is tougher on Russia than Barack Obama, who had “more flexibility” in his relationship with the Kremlin. After an exhaustive review spanning two years, the special counsel found no collusion. The investigation “did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”

Democrats have been living in a fantasy world where words can lose all meaning



You can add the anti-Trumpers in there too
Hope this is true. Will have to see it to believe it.

Sara Carter: Deep State DOJ and FBI Operatives are Panicked, Ratting Out Each Other (VIDEO)

Sara Carter: There will be indictments. It will be an avalanche and according to the sources I was speaking with just today people are already turning on each other. So we are going to see people, senior officials within the FBI, people within the DOJ, that are going to try to throw their colleagues under the bus just to save themselves. And I think they need to be very concerned about what they did.

Trump needs to go all Black Jack Foley. Scorched Earth.
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People forget that in the last election Trump was actually the most substantive candidate. They focus on the catch phrases like "crooked Hillary" or "Lock her up" at his rallies but they forget the the other half of that rally was Trump laying out his plans for the economy. Explaining exactly how he was going to create jobs and help the economy, then he would give examples of how those ideas worked in the real world.

Replacing Obamacare with “something really terrific” is not substantive. “Who knew healthcare was so complicated?”

Injecting money into the economy with unsustainable deficit funded tax cuts is not substantive.
Time for Democrats to accept reality

Democrats have been living in a fantasy world since the clock struck midnight after November 8, 2016. Rather than accept reality and the results of historic victory of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton in the last presidential election, Democrats have clutched to conspiracy theories.

The first fantasy was that the 2016 election was tainted by “fake news.” When that backfired, because after all it was the mainstream media that had to apologize for its biased coverage of the race, the narrative had to change. Democrats then settled on another conspiracy theory, hand woven by the Clinton campaign and deeply entrenched within the Obama administration Justice Department that was led by collusion truthers.

We have been living in their fantasy world where every single thing revolves around Russia ever since 2016.

A fantasy world is one that refuses to acknowledge that the Russia investigation began four months prior to the election.
Based on what?

Obama himself stated emphatically that no votes were tampered with by Russia. That's one of the biggest lies the media pushes by using the intentionally misleading phrase that the "Russians Hacked the Election"

That clearly implies that votes were changed and they were not.

All that's been proven Russians did was maintain a few fake new sites and some stuff on social media. But this was all very low level stuff. Most people probably never even saw this stuff and it's doubtful it had any effect on voters.

They gave russians polling data, russia created fake social media ads to help trump, russia offered fake dirt on Clinton to the campaign, trump (maybe jokingly) asking russia to find Hillary's emails, releasing the hacked dnc emails etc etc...... Now like i said that stuff may not be criminal, but it is not "nothing" and it shows at least some cooperation for the trump campaign. If people can't see that then the rose glasses are amazingly thick