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It is Good to Experience a Peaceful Protest

I don't have an answer for that.

But I do know that George Floyd did not deserve to die that way, when he was cuffed, and 4 officers were on site. No resisting getting inside a police vehicle is not an excuse. 4 men could easily get him inside of a patrol car instead of killing him.

Let's have a discussion, not "I don't have an answer for that."

Everyone wants to have a discussion....but only when the topic fits their agenda.

Let's discuss why culturally blacks celebrate the least among them and no other society does. Why is that?
Let's discuss why the black society isn't raising their average and celebrating the top end of their society?
Let's discuss why young black men commit 80% of violent crimes?
Let's discuss probabilities. The more you commit crimes, the more you encounter police, the more violent the crime, the more likely a weapon is drawn...what if you just didn't commit crimes?

Let's discuss how the lie became the lie....
If there are 100,000 violent crimes committed, 80% will involve black men.....

Liberals like to say, "but as a %, blacks are killed more often." Yeah meaning...as a % of the POPULATION. How about "as a %" of violent crimes? Young black men (3-4% of the US population) commit 80% of violent crimes. Yet TWICE as many white people die at the hands of police than blacks...despite only being involved in 20% of altercations.

Let's have a discussion about that. STATISTICALLY a white man is unarguably more likely to die at the hands of a police revolver than a black man is. It is fact.

Why have we hoodwinked America into believing blacks are victims of police brutality - when the truth is - they are safer in a "gun drawn" encounter with police than a white man?

I'd like to discuss a whole lot.


I went fishing this weekend. On a pier going into the lake, someone had spray painted Black Lives Matter. I wish I had some paint of my own. I'd have written "Some" above it.
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Law and Order is an interesting term, used as a way to reframe the perspective from open racism toward blacks to enacting laws that greatly affect them. This is a point referenced in the video I shared.

Difference between what I was speaking of and laws like stop and frisk. My point was they seem fine with letting their community burn and be looted while removing those that protect that from happening. Do you think it will improve with their removal? I for one am happy when I see police patrol my area. I for one am grateful when their presence deters criminal acts from happening. I for one am happy when/if I need help, they are there to help. Why am I not afraid? Because I’m a good human.
Case in point Cocaine convictions in the 80s were relatively small and loosely enforced in white communities. Crack which is a cheaper form of the same drug, was strongly litigated against, and possession meant jail time. This targeted poorer mostly black communities.

80's coke fiends were a pretty mild bunch. They just liked to party. Your modern era crackheads are violent and commit crimes to support their habit.

And that is 100% accurate, in every single instance. Except for Tony Montana, who doesn't like ******* Colombians.
Law and Order is an interesting term, used as a way to reframe the perspective from open racism toward blacks to enacting laws that greatly affect them. This is a point referenced in the video I shared.

We're moving into an SNL skit on wokeness here with that line.
Diversity is the cornerstone of humanity.

What a load of crap. So an African country that is 100% black isn't human? Or an Asian country that is 100% Asian isn't human? It's just a cheap, trite, ignorant statement devoid of any substance.
What a load of crap. So an African country that is 100% black isn't human? Or an Asian country that is 100% Asian isn't human? It's just a cheap, trite, ignorant statement devoid of any substance.

Last I checked, Humanity was composed of all races.
See for me I have to agree that that cop could have gotten assistance and didn't. So that cop deserved to be fired and charged. Which both happened. Statistically all that has went on as a result was uncalled for and an over reaction to the myth that black people are getting the short end of the stick. When you protest something the cause should be accurate. It isn't it is agenda driven by multiple groups. Which shows with the black lives matter movement painted everywhere.More black people kill cops and white people by a large margin. Should cops have better education? Sure. So should the school system. Stop dumbing down curriculum and teach. That especially goes for parents. To do that these fathers need to be there for the children. How will that get fixed? How will they fix the race from glorifying crime? I feel nothing will be really fixed because they are walking down the wrong path. **** I hate even lumping people into a race. It has been done I can't fix that. It should be Americans and God fearing people. Instead you have a lot of inaccurate finger pointing statistically supported. And point it out on social media you will either get crickets or labeled racist or uncle Tom whichever can color you are. We all know in life you can never truly fix anything finger pointing. You have to fix yourself first. You also have to educate yourself in the process.Which as a large group the black n white riot mob isn't.

Sent from my moto g(7) power using Steeler Nation mobile app

I'm sorry, but I don't see it as a myth. Neither do the affluent minorities that I share my time with and interview.
No. It shows a few bad eggs. Every profession has bad operators. You are making a general statement that the entire police force of every city employs "police brutality". This is on the Mayor. This cop had a history infractions, and no one did anything to correct it. One bad Mayor doesn't make them all bad either. (just the Liberal ones) :)

Now you are creating an argument I never stated. The fact is the police forces have been slowly gaining army surplus supplies since the first gulf war. This is visible and measurable. There are bad eggs everywhere, but the police force is one profession where you can't have bad eggs.

Ron Showed Chris Rock earlier, who repeats that sentiment. You can't have bad eggs in the airline pilot industry. You can't even have one guy "who just doesn't feel like landing a plane"
Let's have a discussion, not "I don't have an answer for that."

Everyone wants to have a discussion....but only when the topic fits their agenda.

Let's discuss why culturally blacks celebrate the least among them and no other society does. Why is that?
Let's discuss why the black society isn't raising their average and celebrating the top end of their society?
Let's discuss why young black men commit 80% of violent crimes?
Let's discuss probabilities. The more you commit crimes, the more you encounter police, the more violent the crime, the more likely a weapon is drawn...what if you just didn't commit crimes?

Let's discuss how the lie became the lie....
If there are 100,000 violent crimes committed, 80% will involve black men.....

Liberals like to say, "but as a %, blacks are killed more often." Yeah meaning...as a % of the POPULATION. How about "as a %" of violent crimes? Young black men (3-4% of the US population) commit 80% of violent crimes. Yet TWICE as many white people die at the hands of police than blacks...despite only being involved in 20% of altercations.

Let's have a discussion about that. STATISTICALLY a white man is unarguably more likely to die at the hands of a police revolver than a black man is. It is fact.

Why have we hoodwinked America into believing blacks are victims of police brutality - when the truth is - they are safer in a "gun drawn" encounter with police than a white man?

I'd like to discuss a whole lot.


I went fishing this weekend. On a pier going into the lake, someone had spray painted Black Lives Matter. I wish I had some paint of my own. I'd have written "Some" above it.

I'm always open for discussion. An innate reason for the points you've discussed, can be caused by the psychological underpinning of the black race since Slavery, through the black order, through Jim Crow, through passing more laws to benefit the privatization of penitentiaries.

It is very interesting to me, that when psychological studies are done with children (who are from loving families of all races), when given a choice of which doll is the bad doll, or which skin color is ugly, the dark skinned examples are chosen, regardless of race. Possibly media driven examples, but the playing field is not level. The rest of your examples are a continuation of that innate bias driven into children through mass media.

Statistics pull the argument away from what is the issue. Our black friends, neighbors, and players we root for, do not feel safe.
Now you are creating an argument I never stated. The fact is the police forces have been slowly gaining army surplus supplies since the first gulf war. This is visible and measurable. There are bad eggs everywhere, but the police force is one profession where you can't have bad eggs.

Ron Showed Chris Rock earlier, who repeats that sentiment. You can't have bad eggs in the airline pilot industry. You can't even have one guy "who just doesn't feel like landing a plane"


A letter to the American public: Why you must decide what you want from cops

Jan 1, 2020
This article is reprinted with permission from The Rural Badge blog.

It's time for the American public to decide what we want from law enforcement. Warriors? Counselors? Guardians? Priests? Social workers? Magicians?

Do we want the cheapest cops possible? Or, do we want well-trained and well-screened cops who are equipped with every tool needed for every possible eventuality?

As long as cops get recruited from the human race, they're going to be exactly human, with everything that means.
Or do we want the beat cop from granddaddy's hometown, with nothing but a smile, a wheel gun and one set of cuffs?

Really, we want it all. Admit it, we do – and we want it all without paying for any of it.

Every officer needs to be an empathetic, well-spoken, SEAL-trained ninja, with double majors in psychology and social work, who considers the job a calling, and has no bills to pay, no nerves to fray, and enforces the law completely objectively while also using discretion at all times, unless it's going to result in arresting – or not arresting – the wrong person at the wrong time, for the wrong thing, in the opinion of every member of the public.

If that person existed, he wouldn't work for you. So we've got to deal with what exists, and what exists are humans.

Humans are fallible, and their bodies are frail. Their brains play tricks on them when they're under stress, and then keep them from sleeping by replaying the stressors on an endless loop later, trying to find ways to "fix" whatever went wrong.

Humans come in varieties, not exactly like dog breeds, but close enough that the analogy works: If you need a bite dog, you don't start with a Golden Retriever. Possibly, you can teach the Golden to bite on command, if you're persistent enough, and mean enough, but in the process, you'll ruin everything that made him a Golden to begin with.

Now translate that back to people.

Warriors, soldiers and great war generals like Patton may live for the fight but they don't always play well with others after the battle. They can be harsh. They can use bad language in settings where you wish they were polite. They find humor in ugly, dark places that just frighten the rest of society. They're not always...nice.

If you want only a cuddly, soft, empathetic officer whose first response is always a soft answer and compassion, you can have that. She'll never embarrass her chief at Coffee with a Cop. He'll present well on camera every time and remind you of someone's grandfather. He'll be the perfect SRO until there's an active shooter at your kid's school.

Suddenly, society insists on the warrior.

They want the demon Malinois, 55 pounds of rawhide, spring steel and gator teeth, driving into the gunfire and doing anything it takes – anything – to keep the children safe.

And once the threat is gone, society wants the Malinois to morph back into the therapy dog. They want the warrior gone, the counselor returned, the off switch thrown.

That's not how it works.

And it's not fair.

I tell you now: the unicorn doesn't exist. You can't have it. What you can have is a human.

If you recruit well, conduct thorough background checks and train constantly, you can have a human with a kind heart and good ethics who is willing to fight hard, be uncomfortable and even get hurt for you.

You can have a human who tries. You can have someone who struggles, who sometimes fails, who gets better with time and experience and who has setbacks.

But you can't have perfection. In fact, you can break perfectly good humans by insisting they be something they can't be – things no one can be.

Decide now that as long as cops get recruited from the human race, they're going to be exactly human, with everything that means. The rest of society is also human, after all.

Maybe it's time we decide what we want from the rest of us, too.

Next: If you are a member of the public reading this article, PoliceOne recommends you check out 15 things cops wish the public knew about policing.
Difference between what I was speaking of and laws like stop and frisk. My point was they seem fine with letting their community burn and be looted while removing those that protect that from happening. Do you think it will improve with their removal? I for one am happy when I see police patrol my area. I for one am grateful when their presence deters criminal acts from happening. I for one am happy when/if I need help, they are there to help. Why am I not afraid? Because I’m a good human.

No, I do not think the police should be should be removed or defunded. I've been very vocal about that, but they have to be given a clear set of rules to follow, and it would help to have cops hold their peers accountable, especially if they are on site during a problematic situation.

The problem with Stop and Frisk was a constitutional one, working against unreasonable search and seizure.
80's coke fiends were a pretty mild bunch. They just liked to party. Your modern era crackheads are violent and commit crimes to support their habit.

And that is 100% accurate, in every single instance. Except for Tony Montana, who doesn't like ******* Colombians.

And that is the exact viewpoint that was created to separate 2 different races of drug abusers abusing the same drug.
I'm always open for discussion. An innate reason for the points you've discussed, can be caused by the psychological underpinning of the black race since Slavery, through the black order, through Jim Crow, through passing more laws to benefit the privatization of penitentiaries.

It is very interesting to me, that when psychological studies are done with children (who are from loving families of all races), when given a choice of which doll is the bad doll, or which skin color is ugly, the dark skinned examples are chosen, regardless of race. Possibly media driven examples, but the playing field is not level. The rest of your examples are a continuation of that innate bias driven into children through mass media.

Statistics pull the argument away from what is the issue. Our black friends, neighbors, and players we root for, do not feel safe.

Your explanation is excuse making. Because of "slavery, Jim Crow, privatization of prisons, and the black order" - blacks commit 80% of violent crimes. Yeah...NO.

I had a hard upbringing, full of poverty. I've read hundreds of stories here over the years. Most have. You say you're a Quaker and you listen and interview others. Everyone has a story. Few are truly privileged. Most of us have dealt with some adversity from abuse to alcoholic parents to poverty to oppression. Humans face adversity. The test is how you deal with it and what you do with the limited opportunities you are presented.

Then you shift to saying the media (another excuse) is to blame.

And finally you dismiss the statistics, the facts, in favor of feelings. African Americans don't feel safe.

They don't feel safe from the police. So the way they address it is to continue to commit crime. Seems brilliant, doesn't it?

Stats do not pull the argument from the issue, the stats show what the real issue is. There is a national lie being peddled that people, like you, are believing. Tell the lie long enough, it becomes truth to some.

The people who should feel unsafe are white Americans confronted by police. They have a higher chance of dying in an encounter gone wrong. That race should feel very unsafe. Blacks...less so. Because STATISTICALLY based on the total encounters with police, they are killed at a lower rate.

How do you dismiss that statistic while saying you understand their fear? The fear is media concocted and institutionally driven by the lie being peddled. Fact remains, they are safer in police enounters than whites.

The lies are lies. We should be operating on facts. We are not.
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Last I checked, Humanity was composed of all races.

Last I checked "Cornerstone" means the first stone placed at the start of a foundation. So the "cornerstone" of "Humanity" means that humanity starts with diversity. An all black country isn't diverse and thus according to your definition hasn't started on the journey to humanity. Unless you don't really know what "Cornerstone" means and were just trying to come up with some slick sounding word salad.
Feelings are not facts. Deciding life-changing policies becomes a group "feels something" is about the most illogical statement I've read here in a long, long, time.
You have to love Cope's heart though. It shines through. I don't agree with everything he says nor feel that I have to. I understanding wanting better for people it just that the media is portraying a lot of untrues.

Sent from my moto g(7) power using Steeler Nation mobile app
Word salad is a convoluted cornucopia of fragmented thoughts, phases, and ill-conceived notions relating to nothing but vapid, amorphous, and nebulous words.

In other words, a Mike Tomlin presser after a loss. Or anytime, really.