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It is Good to Experience a Peaceful Protest

That doesn't matter at all. It's all white peoples fault no matter what.

Nobody in my entire family has oppressed anyone in their lifetime. My grandfathers never oppressed anyone.One was a Sargeant in the 101st WW2.My great grandfathers never oppressed anyone. My great great grandfathers fought in the civil war for the Union. The helped free the oppressed. My great great great grandfathers fought in the Revolutionary War to help secure this wonderful divine idea of America. To this day some land purchased from one of William Penn's son's is kept by the German side of my family.

The other side goes back to John Adams

Tired of this blanket blame. Tired of the racism game. I treat all with dignity and respect until the give reason not to.

Be at war with your vices,at peace with your neighbors,and let every New Year find you a better man. Benjamin Franklin

I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong. Abraham Lincoln

I part ways with those destroying my neighbors house and livelihoods. I part ways with those inciting violence and murdering the innocent because they feel need to destroy.. I part ways with thieves. I part ways with anarchists who would remove all peace makers and destroy the very fabric of a civilized society.

If you lead a noble civil life respecting others and the rule of law in a civilized society. I think it would be extremely difficult to find yourself in a perilous situation with those charged to uphold the law. And the peacemakers should absolutely be held to the highest standard in enforcement.

That everyone can agree with.

People who are extremist on the left/right spectrum will not agree though.
Our country is where it’s at is because of pride/ego, entitlement.
Cope, although I disagree with much you may say and perhaps vice versa, please stay safe and don't say too much to anyone right now, no matter what. Heed Teddy Roosevelt's words "speak softly and carry a big stick" right now. Seriously, I understand you have a big heart and you're trying to be there for your friends, but you have the mob out there and they are growing strong and they are not taking prisoners:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The mayor of Minneapolis — <a href="https://twitter.com/Jacob_Frey?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@Jacob_Frey</a> — was just chewed up and spat out by protesters <a href="https://t.co/JDy1qyB2wH">pic.twitter.com/JDy1qyB2wH</a></p>— Raheem Kassam (@RaheemKassam) <a href="https://twitter.com/RaheemKassam/status/1269421385660719106?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 7, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Yes, that's a public figure, and you are not, but don't doubt that this is becoming a war -- and you being the good-hearted person that you are, empathizing with people, it doesn't exclude you from any possible violence whatsoever. You said to be mindful, caring, righteous etc.

Be vigilant also.
People who are extremist on the left/right spectrum will not agree though.
Our country is where it’s at is because of pride/ego, entitlement.

And jealousy of your neighbor and what he has. It's a cycle that repeats all over the world.

If you look at how long the Israelites(Jews)have had to endure people wanting to wipe them from the face of the earth. Yet they still remain. They get the blame from all kinds of people. Enslaved for thousands of years. Had an entire country Germany dedicate themselves fully to their extermination. Couldn't accomplish it. They still remain.

Do they walk around blaming everyone else ? No. They plug along and are still extremely successful. I understand why they tend to be more liberal with people. They've been targets for other people's own problems for a very long time.
Germany almost wiped them (Jews) from the face of the Earth. It's really hard to get an accurate number, but from everything I've read and heard, there were 250,000 Jews left on this Earth when the Nazis were done with them.

Right now, I think it's close to 14.6 million.
Yet blacks are 12% of the population, therefore black men are 6% of the population, and young black men would be about 3% of the population.
Blacks are 12% of the population. The other 88% are racists.
Germany almost wiped them (Jews) from the face of the Earth. It's really hard to get an accurate number, but from everything I've read and heard, there were 250,000 Jews left on this Earth when the Nazis were done with them.

Right now, I think it's close to 14.6 million.

They got close. A good thing the world stopped them. They would have eliminated other races as well.
They got close. A good thing the world stopped them. They would have eliminated other races as well.

China for Chinamen. Japan for Japanese. India for Indians. Africa for Africans. Arabia for Arabs. Mexico for Mexicans. Israel for Jews.

America and Europe for everybody.

I agree with Patton in the sense that communism and the international banking cartel should have been wiped out after Hitler was dispatched. Multiculturalism is simply the balkanization and divide and conquer of white nations and institutions that were previously at the vanguard of liberty and freedom.

Exhibit A: Bill Clinton putting 100,000 Somalis in Minneapolis. What could go wrong?

As my friend said, we aren't a nation united by God, flag, and country anymore -- there are just Duck Dynasty remnant dudes scattered here and there. Just a nation of a million balkanized special and hyphenated interests.
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Blacks are 12% of the population. The other 88% are racists.

There are specific white people who have to get past this victim mentality. As much as minorities are painted as victims.........some embrace that narrative and do not change their thinking or their self awareness and let that mentality dictate their worth. There are some white people out here who are doing the same thing. Do not let the media dictate to you how you think you are perceived by the black community. I can tell you straight up man that the majority of my community does not hate you or assume you are racist on a personal level. White people's history is what it is.......but personally.......that's what you make it. That's a hard point to get across because a lot of people aren't around people who don't look and think like them. For a lot of white people......their only REAL exposure to black people is through the media or through entertainment. That leaves a really big gap in between where there are actual diverse real people who all think and act differently. I was lucky enough that I wasn't raised to have a victim mentality or to be unwilling to befriend people who look different than I do. I give my parents alot of credit. I moved from Detroit which is 85% black to Las Vegas when I was 8 years old......I'd never met or seen a white person before in my life. Real talk. The first friend I made when we moved to Vegas was some white kids that lived in the building next to us. My parents never said anything negative about it. They let us be us. My Dad always encouraged us to read and have diverse thought.......and have diverse people around us. He struggled with it but he wanted that for me and my sister. Both me and my sister are very well read and well travelled. I'm forever grateful to him for that. It changed my life. So don't be a victim man. Don't let the media rob you of a chance to really get to know someone or about a community you don't know about. Form your own opinion.
I'm white and grew up in mostly white AZ. My mom had a friend at work who was black and lived in south Phoenix. We played at her house and became buddies with her kids and some neighborhood kids. It had a huge impact on my ability to be friends with other blacks in my schools, neighborhoods and employment. When I moved to Iowa and went to Job Corps the blacks there were treated by most as someone scary because they'd never known blacks in their communities. I was different and all of the black kids knew it. I was either friends or on friendly terms with every one of them. They would even comment "You're different. Whats up with that?". Arizona and multiculturalism plain and simple. One of my best friends for over 25 years is black. I love her as much as any friend I've ever had.
There are specific white people who have to get past this victim mentality. As much as minorities are painted as victims.........some embrace that narrative and do not change their thinking or their self awareness and let that mentality dictate their worth. There are some white people out here who are doing the same thing. Do not let the media dictate to you how you think you are perceived by the black community. I can tell you straight up man that the majority of my community does not hate you or assume you are racist on a personal level. White people's history is what it is.......but personally.......that's what you make it. That's a hard point to get across because a lot of people aren't around people who don't look and think like them. For a lot of white people......their only REAL exposure to black people is through the media or through entertainment. That leaves a really big gap in between where there are actual diverse real people who all think and act differently. I was lucky enough that I wasn't raised to have a victim mentality or to be unwilling to befriend people who look different than I do. I give my parents alot of credit. I moved from Detroit which is 85% black to Las Vegas when I was 8 years old......I'd never met or seen a white person before in my life. Real talk. The first friend I made when we moved to Vegas was some white kids that lived in the building next to us. My parents never said anything negative about it. They let us be us. My Dad always encouraged us to read and have diverse thought.......and have diverse people around us. He struggled with it but he wanted that for me and my sister. Both me and my sister are very well read and well travelled. I'm forever grateful to him for that. It changed my life. So don't be a victim man. Don't let the media rob you of a chance to really get to know someone or about a community you don't know about. Form your own opinion.

Great reply. Thank you. My comment was more tongue in cheek in response to Bermuda's post in another thread, basically stating white people are racist from birth..no "if, ands, or buts". It just is. ...We are racists... ...The End... I don't know if he thinks that way but, he was the one that thought it was great writing. As for me? I don't think I'm racist. I don't trust anyone right away regardless of color.( I've been in business too long.) But, once I get to know a person, and they come across as a stand up person....We can be friends. I also expect to be judged by others by my character and actions, not looks. (Nobody would like me by that measure..lol)
I'm white and grew up in mostly white AZ. My mom had a friend at work who was black and lived in south Phoenix. We played at her house and became buddies with her kids and some neighborhood kids. It had a huge impact on my ability to be friends with other blacks in my schools, neighborhoods and employment. When I moved to Iowa and went to Job Corps the blacks there were treated by most as someone scary because they'd never known blacks in their communities. I was different and all of the black kids knew it. I was either friends or on friendly terms with every one of them. They would even comment "You're different. Whats up with that?". Arizona and multiculturalism plain and simple. One of my best friends for over 25 years is black. I love her as much as any friend I've ever had.
A lot to do with whites or blacks being prejudice is their surroundings growing up. Prejudice is taught one way or another. I had enough happen to me I could have disliked the race. But being a military brat the kids interact more than some other situations.So I was smart enough to know it is individual based behavior over an entire race.

Sent from my moto g(7) power using Steeler Nation mobile app
A lot to do with whites or blacks being prejudice is their surroundings growing up. Prejudice is taught one way or another. I had enough happen to me I could have disliked the race. But being a military brat the kids interact more than some other situations.So I was smart enough to know it is individual based behavior over an entire race.

Sent from my moto g(7) power using Steeler Nation mobile app

I also could have turned away from black people based on certain circumstances. I went to 9th grade in Denver. I was a threatened in class, lived through a riot/hours long lockdown in the school, punched in the hall between classes, etc. It was situational though. One of my very best friends in Denver who sparked my interest in computer programming was a black man, former Marine MP and awesome guy. I knew those kids in that school were bussed from the projects and were pissed off at life. I was mature enough to not let it impact my future relationships with black people.
China for Chinamen. Japan for Japanese. India for Indians. Africa for Africans. Arabia for Arabs. Mexico for Mexicans. Israel for Jews.

America and Europe for everybody.

I agree with Patton in the sense that communism and the international banking cartel should have been wiped out after Hitler was dispatched. Multiculturalism is simply the balkanization and divide and conquer of white nations and institutions that were previously at the vanguard of liberty and freedom.

Exhibit A: Bill Clinton putting 100,000 Somalis in Minneapolis. What could go wrong?

As my friend said, we aren't a nation united by God, flag, and country anymore -- there are just Duck Dynasty remnant dudes scattered here and there. Just a nation of a million balkanized special and hyphenated interests.

They should have listened to Patton. It could have saved 75-100 million lives .
The data doesn't support police genocide against the black community -- it just doesn't. "Understanding and change" are as nebulous as the mythical "conversation" (very one-sided at that) we are continually told we need to have as well.

How did that "conversation" work out for Drew Brees?

You brought Biblical perspective into the argument, but know also that it's possible to "have a zeal, but not according to knowledge."

The zeal and fervency with the "protest movement" is emotion-based and not supported by the larger overall data context. It's political in nature in an Election Year and hardly organic. Athletes are the biggest hypocrites alive when it comes to truth telling -- just look at how they bowed the knee to China and how the pack turned on Drew Brees. AV went through a Humiliation Ritual with the American flag while his whole team stayed in the locker room. No, we haven't forgotten the Pontius Pilate approach the Steelers took on the flag.

They need us way more than we need them.

Interesting argument and confusing to me why people who are offended for the way Brees was being treated with death threats, are the same people that didn't bat an eye when Kaepernik received the same, and still continues to. At least Brees had time to talk with his black teammates to gain perspective. AV as well.

That is all this movement asks for.
So I say I understand...”No you don’t. You’ve never been a black man, you can’t understand”. So now I have offended them.

Change...I can’t change anyone else. All I can do is treat everyone fairly and based on their actions regardless of race or color. I do my best to do that everyday. I really don’t know what else they are asking of me.

I understand your frustration. I find it more productive to ask, what are the biggest problems you face growing up in America? What are the examples of racism you've faced? What can be done to help?

These are good questions to start a conversation.
We ask the police to understand and change.We ask whitey to understand and change. Ok sounds good...Do minorities have to understand and change anything? Or just everybody else?

Everyone, and it would help to listen. This problem isn't going away with distractive arguments, it can be difficult and uncomfortable to understand. People of every race, nationality, and religion are protesting world wide, because this exists.
You know who the most important people are in taking the black community seriously and enacting change? The mayors of these cities that they live in, the governors and all of their local politicians. Last I checked, the cities with the most violence and police brutality are largely Democrat-controlled cities. Prayers and protests only go so far. Real change comes at the ballot box.

Straight from Shaun King's mouth:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">STOP generically telling us to VOTE in response to all of the police brutality we have right now.<br><br>Yes we should vote. But we have to be VERY specific.<br><br>Democrats, from top to bottom, are running the cities with the worst police brutality in America right now.<br><br>We voted for them.</p>— Shaun King (@shaunking) <a href="https://twitter.com/shaunking/status/1268911183878410246?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 5, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

I don't know what this argument has to do with the existence of police brutality, and I am not a democrat. What I do believe in is that racism is unacceptable at any level, and I refuse to be silent about it.
Cope, although I disagree with much you may say and perhaps vice versa, please stay safe and don't say too much to anyone right now, no matter what. Heed Teddy Roosevelt's words "speak softly and carry a big stick" right now. Seriously, I understand you have a big heart and you're trying to be there for your friends, but you have the mob out there and they are growing strong and they are not taking prisoners:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The mayor of Minneapolis — <a href="https://twitter.com/Jacob_Frey?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@Jacob_Frey</a> — was just chewed up and spat out by protesters <a href="https://t.co/JDy1qyB2wH">pic.twitter.com/JDy1qyB2wH</a></p>— Raheem Kassam (@RaheemKassam) <a href="https://twitter.com/RaheemKassam/status/1269421385660719106?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 7, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Yes, that's a public figure, and you are not, but don't doubt that this is becoming a war -- and you being the good-hearted person that you are, empathizing with people, it doesn't exclude you from any possible violence whatsoever. You said to be mindful, caring, righteous etc.

Be vigilant also.

I appreciate it SW! It's very emotionally draining to speak. I wasn't planning to speak, but I was moved to do so. The message to me needs to be heard, and screaming from a position of hate, will not add any new listeners. I also didn't want the police force, who was doing an excellent job of tending to the safety of our protest, to become the objects of hate. They keep us safe, and the message that 'we need the help of good cops to change the culture within precincts' was necessary to say, and needed to achieve actual change.
The statistics shown on crime are compelling arguments, but they don't address the conversation we are protesting for. Also I haven't seen the white race blamed at all in any of my protests. I'm sure there may be people that think that way individually, but the argument is being made to change the system, laws, and accountability to make this diverse, multicultural country free for all - equally.
The statistics shown on crime are compelling arguments, but they don't address the conversation we are protesting for. Also I haven't seen the white race blamed at all in any of my protests. I'm sure there may be people that think that way individually, but the argument is being made to change the system, laws, and accountability to make this diverse, multicultural country free for all - equally.

If people world quit breaking laws, wouldn't most of this fix itself ? That should be the question being asked, why are people so morally corrupt ?
if people world quit breaking laws, wouldn't most of this fix itself ? That should be the question being asked, why are people so morally corrupt ?
If people world quit breaking laws, wouldn't most of this fix itself ? That should be the question being asked, why are people so morally corrupt ?

Kipling got a 2 for 1 in his last 3 stanzas of "The Gods of the Copybook Headings" : Guaranteed income and eternal absolution from sin or anyone taking personal responsibility in The Brave New World. The problem, as always, is that the ending isn't a happy one with that course:

(in the poem, "The Gods of the Market" represent progressive fancies that defy wisdom and lessons of the ages. The Copybook headings represent wisdom and spiritual laws as the pupil learning letters would copy admonitory sayings or Scriptures for the dual purpose of instilling virtue and morality -- before "society" ruled that was inappropriate in schools)


Then the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew
And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to believe it was true
That All is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two make Four
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more.

As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;

And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!
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I'm sorry, but these excuses for not taking the black community seriously isn't good enough for me, when all they are asking for is understanding and change.

Cope, do you agree with me that no useful change can be reached until all involved - black, white, Hispanic, male, female, ALL - accept that we are not the be-all and end-all? That our lives are important not for ourselves alone but for the greater good of the world around us? And that we are part of an incredible mechanism known as the universe, and we either make our universe better, or we make it worse?

How many of these protesters have never volunteered time to visit elderly and infirmed? Or volunteered time to help homeless veterans? Have never given any real money to help the poorest among us who need and deserve the help?

And who express vicious dislike of family - blood relatives - based on political views? Who will not date a person because of his or her political views? My point is that protesters attend some public event, express outrage at the way some guy is treated, and then go home and don't do a goddamn thing to make the world around them - the one they actually influence - a better place. Instead, the degrade, and divide, and judge, and announce their holier-than-thou verdict.

All while the protester has a grandfather all alone today in a retirement home, or a neighbor struggling to pay the bills, or a boss who needs help making ends meet this month. What do they actually DO to help? Their go-to: Nothing.

Know how I make the world a better place? Something that if we all did, we would not be having a discussion about funding police because WE WOULDN'T NEED THE GODDAMN POLICE. I love my wife, respect her, care for her, sacrifice for her. I love my kids, care for them, make sure they are safe and happy. I stop by my neighbors every week, the four homes nearest me. Travis, who lives north of me, has a beautiful little girl who is special needs. I have him and his daughter over to my home so that his kid can ride a pony and feel good. I look after my neighbor's homes and plants when they travel. I respect my neighbor's property and animals, show them kindness.

The result? I think I make the world a better place. That's really all we need to do.

So one of our long-time members has a wife, two sons, works hard, takes care of his family. Oh, and has opened his home to two African-American teens who needed help. He has actually done something to make the world a better place. No, he hasn't blocked traffic and prevented some middle aged white guy from getting home in time to put his daughter to bed, and instead he has actually DONE SOMETHING.

You know what he and I have in common? We have both been called racists on this forum, repeatedly.

And that is the recipe for hate and fear. Living like the Lord commanded makes me a racist. Doing nothing while putting on a show to make you feel better, a public showing of how great you are - you know full-Pharisee mode - is the preferred path nowadays.

So it is with the vast, vast majority of protesters.
What are the examples of racism you've faced?

Tongue-in-cheek response, but true nonetheless ...

I applied for college.
I applied to law school.
I applied for jobs.

We do indeed have institutionalized racism authorized by the Supreme Court in the form of racial preferences for schooling and employment. Not the white race, by the way. Fact.
The statistics shown on crime are compelling arguments, but they don't address the conversation we are protesting for. Also I haven't seen the white race blamed at all in any of my protests. I'm sure there may be people that think that way individually, but the argument is being made to change the system, laws, and accountability to make this diverse, multicultural country free for all - equally.

Bullshit. This whole thig started because the cop was white. If it was the other way around, they wouldnt give a ****. And we all know it.