I do indeed care that an ambassador, along with 3 others, were killed. It seems though that many on this board and on bullshit mountain (Fox News) care a lot more about one dead ambassador than they did/do about the 4 thousand plus American troops, God only knows how many innocent Iraqi civillians, which includes scores and scores of children, and, last but not least, the thousands of servicemen and women that came home with arns and legs blown off... all for absolutely nothing. The point of my comment doesn't concern "all those others" that called for President Moron's impeachment. What wasn't enough for me was Pirro's lack of outrage towards a president that steered a nation into a war that led to the needless deaths of tens of thousands of people and the needless maiming of tens of thousands of more... not to mention the cool $800 billion to a trillion dollars we dropped... again all for absolutely nothing. Anyone that only cares when people die needlessly when it happens on the watch of a president with a "D" next to his name instead of an "R" is a ******* disgraceful human being.