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Joe Biden opens his campaign in Pittsburgh

Ha ha ha! Come on Spike, throw some ****. Smash things! Rage, rage rage!!!!!!

******* ******* hang around like groupies waiting for that ******* Tibs to say something and garbaging up all my threads, U are missing the good ****

“Vote for me! My wife says I won’t do it any more!”

Jill Biden Promises End To Joe’s Alleged Inappropriate Behavior

Former second lady Jill Biden promised an end to her husband Joe Biden’s alleged inappropriate behavior. She also praised the “courage” of the women who made complaints against the former vice president.

Jill Biden also discussed the thought process that went into her husband’s decision to launch a third bid for the White House this year, saying she and her husband initially decided against it, but were persuaded by family to run. The 76-year-old long-time senator and former vice president previously ran for president in 1988 and 2008.

“And we weren’t going to run, but then we kept hearing this,” Jill Biden said. “And so we started to think about it and then we called our family together, we spoke to our children, we got our grandchildren all together. And we said, what do you think? Do you think Pop should run for president? And to a grandchild they said Pop has to run.”

“He has to change the direction and bring people together and stop all this vitriol in this country,” she added.



Go Bernie bots go!

Sanders' Supporters May Revolt at Convention and Damage Democratic Nominee

Sanders supporters "say they are not afraid to stage another revolt at the 2020 Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, even if doing so damages the party’s nominee ahead of the general election contest against President Trump."

Some Bernie backers are livid, and they claim there is some type of sabotage afoot. For hardcore Sanders supporters, Mr. Biden’s early domination of the race smacks of 2016, when the Democratic National Committee attempted to sabotage Mr. Sanders and clear the way to the nomination for Mrs. Clinton.

“The mainstream media and the DNC are colluding against the American people. That’s what it feels like. It’s the same thing all over again,” said Laurie Cestnick, a Sanders supporter who founded Occupy DNC to protest the nomination of Mrs. Clinton at the party’s 2016 convention in Philadelphia.

If they feel jilted again, Ms. Cestnick and fellow activists say they are not afraid to stage another revolt at the 2020 Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, even if doing so damages the party’s nominee ahead of the general election contest against President Trump.

Sanders backers already mistrust polls that show Mr. Biden with a commanding lead and the news organizations that have put a spotlight on the former VP since he joined the race April 25.


******* ******* hang around like groupies waiting for that ******* Tibs to say something and garbaging up all my threads, U are missing the good ****

I don’t miss anything. Look up the **** ton of your karma that came from me. Bitchslapping Tibs is a blast. Try it, you’ll like it!
“And we weren’t going to run, but then we kept hearing this,” Jill Biden said. “And so we started to think about it and then we called our family together, we spoke to our children, we got our grandchildren all together. And we said, what do you think? Do you think Pop should run for president? And to a grandchild they said Pop has to run.”

Because if he campaigns and is elected, he will finally stop fondling them at home.

Tibs should be outraged!

Bernie Backers Blame DNC For 2020 Media Sabotage

“The mainstream media and the DNC are colluding against the American people. That’s what it feels like. It’s the same thing all over again,” said Massachusetts neuroscientist Laurie Cestnick, a Sanders supporter who founded Occupy DNC to protest the nomination of Mrs. Clinton at the party’s 2016 convention in Philadelphia. ...

“People are becoming more upset and becoming more firm behind Bernie due to mainstream media not covering a lot of his events and the strong push for Biden,” Ms. Cestnick said. “Is 2016 going to happen all over again? It is sure feeling like it. But I tell you, they are going to see a fight like they have never seen before.” ...

Byler concludes that the Democratic Party, at least the mainstream of it and likely majority or at least plurality, simply want to win in 2020 above anything else. The fear, among voters who may even have a positive view of Bernie, is that he simply wouldn’t be able to win in the general election against Donald Trump



They gonna steal another election from ya!

Fight Bernie Fight!
Go Bernie bots go!

Sanders' Supporters May Revolt at Convention and Damage Democratic Nominee

Sanders supporters "say they are not afraid to stage another revolt at the 2020 Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, even if doing so damages the party’s nominee ahead of the general election contest against President Trump."

Some Bernie backers are livid, and they claim there is some type of sabotage afoot. For hardcore Sanders supporters, Mr. Biden’s early domination of the race smacks of 2016, when the Democratic National Committee attempted to sabotage Mr. Sanders and clear the way to the nomination for Mrs. Clinton.

“The mainstream media and the DNC are colluding against the American people. That’s what it feels like. It’s the same thing all over again,” said Laurie Cestnick, a Sanders supporter who founded Occupy DNC to protest the nomination of Mrs. Clinton at the party’s 2016 convention in Philadelphia.

If they feel jilted again, Ms. Cestnick and fellow activists say they are not afraid to stage another revolt at the 2020 Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, even if doing so damages the party’s nominee ahead of the general election contest against President Trump.

Sanders backers already mistrust polls that show Mr. Biden with a commanding lead and the news organizations that have put a spotlight on the former VP since he joined the race April 25.



Revolt? Give me a break. In the end, they will all line up behind the Democratic nominee. Everybody knows that, because while their favorite candidates may disagree on any number of stupid ideas, one thing they all agree on is that Trump is bad. That's all they need to know.
Revolt? Give me a break. In the end, they will all line up behind the Democratic nominee. Everybody knows that, because while their favorite candidates may disagree on any number of stupid ideas, one thing they all agree on is that Trump is bad. That's all they need to know.

If Biden is the nominee the Dims are in big trouble. There's still some douche running as an Independent who will get a chunk of the Berntarder votes. And Trump would get some as well.
Not revolt. Apathy is what we (Republicans) want.

We want them to start saying "ho hum, same old stuff". That means less turnout.

You know, I was thinking that Democrats, in their dominance of Urban "group think" mentality actually hurt them a lot in general, Presidential elections. If you live in a city, why the **** vote at all? You know its going to be a democrat. In many major urban areas, Democrats get 80% of the vote. And democrats in major cities actually WANT low turnout, especially in primaries because that often means the incumbent wins. I mean I bet only 25% of registered voters in major cities vote during the democratic primaries (which is really the election). And once it gets to (D) vs. (R), who the **** cares at that point? Why show up?

That apathy is GREAT for the hundreds of City Councils members and Mayors and DA's about the country, but it kills them in Presidential elections.

Unlike urban areas, voting in suburbia and rural areas MATTER. We (I live there) vote almost all the time. We're more engaged with our local electorate. The races are closer so our votes matter. Hell, there's less voters so our votes matter.

They key to Trump winning is to have apathy in the cities around America at Joe Biden. Just like Tibs who said "he doesn't really do much for me, but I'll vote him", we need millions of democrats to say "he doesn't really do much for me and maybe I'll skip voting".

The truth however is if the Democrats get someone that ENGAGES the cities, they are too wacko and far-left to appeal to rural and suburban voters (and they still vote, just the other way). Cities in America have been so indoctrinated with socialism and group-think ideologies that they are literally out of touch with everything. The democrats are damned if they get them to vote and damned if they don't get them to vote.

Which is fine by me.
The truth however is if the Democrats get someone that ENGAGES the cities, they are too wacko and far-left to appeal to rural and suburban voters (and they still vote, just the other way). Cities in America have been so indoctrinated with socialism and group-think ideologies that they are literally out of touch with everything.

Not revolt. Apathy is what we (Republicans) want.

We want them to start saying "ho hum, same old stuff". That means less turnout.

They key to Trump winning is to have apathy in the cities around America at Joe Biden. Just like Tibs who said "he doesn't really do much for me, but I'll vote him"

We need millions of democrats to say "he doesn't really do much for me and maybe I'll skip voting"..

Which is fine by me.

why you think I been pimping Sleepy Creepy Joe so much? LOL

Millennials take one look at him and they go back in their parents basements!

Bernie's "revolution" died when he was outted as a 1%er, he's toast

A small town **** or some lightweight skirts won't pass Biden, he's IT for their only hope for the next two years.

Oh sure some fringe clingers like Tibs still think the 2016 election will be overturned and Hillary awarded the Presidency, they get down and pray every night a new Messiah will come and .... oh, Mueller is retiring? and going home....lolololol
why you think I been pimping Sleepy Creepy Joe so much? LOL

Millennials take one look at him and they go back in their parents basements!

Bernie's "revolution" died when he was outted as a 1%er, he's toast

A small town **** or some lightweight skirts won't pass Biden, he's IT for their only hope for the next two years.

Oh sure some fringe clingers like Tibs still think the 2016 election will be overturned and Hillary awarded the Presidency, they get down and pray every night a new Messiah will come and .... oh, Mueller is retiring? and going home....lolololol

I think they think Trump will get impeached, then Pence will be shown to collaborate and HE will get impeached and Nancy Pelosi will be President. I think that is what Tibs really wants.
I think they think Trump will get impeached, then Pence will be shown to collaborate and HE will get impeached and Nancy Pelosi will be President. I think that is what Tibs really wants.
Pence would have plenty of time to a announce Steve Bannon as Veep to keep the alcoholic crypt keeper from POTUS.

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Sleepy Creepy Joe got this, he don't even need to campaign

'I'm not a Bernie Bro': Sanders' base splinters in California

SAN FRANCISCO — Bernie Sanders put down roots in California during the last presidential race — and he never really left. Now, he is making the delegate-rich, early voting state, where progressives are ascendant, a central part of his 2020 campaign.

But as the Vermont senator sets up camp here again, he finds himself in a different and perhaps less favorable environment, without Hillary Clinton to play off, surging energy behind a progressive rival in Elizabeth Warren and a popular home-state senator, Kamala Harris.

A crush of events this weekend centered around the state Democratic Party convention here — from ballroom speeches to intimate meals to a liberal forum organized by the influential group MoveOn — laid bare the emerging scramble to cut into Sanders’ progressive base.

“Last time, Sanders was able to run as the only progressive against an establishment candidate,” said Doug Herman, a California-based Democratic strategist. “There are multiple options for a progressive candidate at this point—if that’s who you want to elect. And polling is showing that Warren is taking the biggest bite out of Bernie’s base.”



C'mon Bernie Bots, fight you *******!
The hard "progressive " left won't show up to vote in the general election if Biden wins (or steals) the nomination.
The hard "progressive " left won't show up to vote in the general election if Biden wins (or steals) the nomination.

After spending the last decade demonizing white men, the Dems will not get much enthusiasm from their voters if they nominate a white man. Unless he's gay, which I'm sure is why Pete Buttgag is running.
Their candidate MUST be from a protected group.
Their candidate MUST be from a protected group.

Nope, the rabid radicals can try, but the DNC and big money donors want a centrist to pick up white rust belt votes, Biden is their guy, he's the only one that can reach a national voter base

Liberals go after Joe Biden

Liberals go after Joe Biden, trying to blunt his presidential candidacy and the recent centrist surge in the Democratic Party

The liberal wing of the Democratic Party launched a sudden volley of attacks against presidential candidate Joe Biden and his allies over the weekend, showing a new urgency to wrest control of the party from moderate forces that had seized an advantage in recent months.

Some of the most scathing, if veiled, admonitions came Sunday from Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who repeatedly condemned “middle ground” policy ideas ... “We cannot go back to the old ways,” Sanders warned ... “We have got to go forward with a new and progressive agenda.”

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) delivered a fierce rebuke of Biden’s professed faith that Republicans will be more cooperative once President Trump is out of office. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi faced shouts from the audience in her hometown demanding that she and other Democratic leaders move to impeach Trump.

The broadsides amounted to the loudest warning yet from the party’s left flank that it intends to aggressively challenge the centrist ideas and cautious politics that have gained a foothold eight months before presidential balloting begins with the Iowa caucuses.

Biden, a more traditional Democrat who has rejected Sanders’s brand of socialism and calls for dramatic change, has built a persistent and comfortable lead in the polls.


Plagiarism charge hits Biden climate change plan

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign came under fire on Tuesday for putting out a $1.7 trillion climate change plan that included passages identical to previously published documents, in an echo of the plagiarism scandal that helped drive him from the 1988 presidential race.

Biden's campaign called the latest episode an error.

“Several citations, some from sources cited in other parts of the plan, were inadvertently left out of the final version of the 22 page document,” a Biden spokesperson said in an email. “As soon as we were made aware of it, we updated to include the proper citations.”


Plagiarism charge hits Biden climate change plan

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign came under fire on Tuesday for putting out a $1.7 trillion climate change plan that included passages identical to previously published documents, in an echo of the plagiarism scandal that helped drive him from the 1988 presidential race.

Biden's campaign called the latest episode an error.

“Several citations, some from sources cited in other parts of the plan, were inadvertently left out of the final version of the 22 page document,” a Biden spokesperson said in an email. “As soon as we were made aware of it, we updated to include the proper citations.”


His campaign manager is a dumbass. He had it locked up, then he went and hit on another little girl and turned hard left on climate. He would kill all the fracking, oiling, mining and trucking jobs that Trump brought roaring back. He’s ******.
His campaign manager is a dumbass. He had it locked up, then he went and hit on another little girl and turned hard left on climate. He would kill all the fracking, oiling, mining and trucking jobs that Trump brought roaring back. He’s ******.

Inevitable. He is a weirdo and a moron. You can't be both and expect to hide either. I was hoping he would make it to the general election.
Inevitable. He is a weirdo and a moron. You can't be both and expect to hide either. I was hoping he would make it to the general election.

He still might. Everyone else is a full blown Socialist. Venezuelans are eating garbage to stay alive. Yay Socialism!

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I expect things to go even further radical left when the debates start. With the dems it has been who can out lefty the others. The debates will force candidates to go further left.