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Joe Biden opens his campaign in Pittsburgh

I hope the media carries Biden a few more rounds. Yes, he's not very smart and old, but compared to the other three, his views are very mainstream.

His view use to be mainstream. Not anymore. He's for everything Sanders is for best I can tell. This collection of buffoons running in the Dems primary are almost entirely identical. The ones that are different are polling about 0%. If you aren't 100% socialist you aren't winning the nomination.
His view use to be mainstream. Not anymore. He's for everything Sanders is for best I can tell. This collection of buffoons running in the Dems primary are almost entirely identical. The ones that are different are polling about 0%. If you aren't 100% socialist you aren't winning the nomination.

That's the Dems' problem right now. Whatever you have to do to win the primary will make you unelectable in the general.
That's the Dems' problem right now. Whatever you have to do to win the primary will make you unelectable in the general.

They're for everything because they can't seem to find one single thing they're genuinely passionate about. Well except for Orange Man Bad. Keep moving further to the Socialist left and you'll alienate a good majority of American people.
His view use to be mainstream. Not anymore. He's for everything Sanders is for best I can tell. This collection of buffoons running in the Dems primary are almost entirely identical. The ones that are different are polling about 0%. If you aren't 100% socialist you aren't winning the nomination.

i don't think he is for Sanders healthcare plan or the free college.... The dems are forcing him off mainstream which is resulting in him stumbling and bumbling. When asked though questions he just says "come on man" that is not going to cut it.
i don't think he is for Sanders healthcare plan or the free college.... The dems are forcing him off mainstream which is resulting in him stumbling and bumbling. When asked though questions he just says "come on man" that is not going to cut it.

He's always done that. Hell go back and watch him when he ran in 08'. He's always been a blubbering fool.

I'm not sure what he really wants with health care or college. But my guess is when you see him in the next debate he won't be far off from them.
If I had to pick a Democrat, I'd pick Biden over almost all of them. Just saying.

I can't stand Marxist Bernie. I don't trust Kamala Harris at all. I think she's a sneak and a conniver. Spartacus would sellout his Mom if it got him more votes. Warren is too all over the place for me. What she wants doesn't make any sense. Buttilieg is too young and in over his head. Beto has air between his ears and would be teleprompter-in-chief.

While I fully admit Biden is part of the swamp, at least I can survive 4 years of Washington swamp and rubbing elbows like the old days. It would just be same old, same old 2003 all over again just with a (D) instead of an (R). And if the republicans hold on to the Senate, I don't think Biden will do all that much except talk a big game to pander his base and try to get re-elected.

The others are all way too gung-ho about everything. Their ideas are literally the stupidest and most far-fetched stuff I've heard out of politicians mouths in a long, long time. And I thought politicians promising the world was normal. Now they're promising free everything and saving the planet to boot. It's literally unbelievable anyone buys the **** they are trying to sell America right now.

People talk about Trump not living up to building a $25 billion wall. The left is promising $1 trillion health care and $1 trillion save the planet funds. Tibs doesn't consider this stuff horseshit but calls out Trump for his exaggerations? My God....
I believe it very important to give kudos, when merited, to any politician, left or right, who proffers a well-founded policy relative to the United States economy. One candidate said this in part:

Sure, these companies wave the flag — but they have no loyalty or allegiance to America. Levi’s is an iconic American brand, but the company operates only 2% of its factories here. Dixon Ticonderoga — maker of the famous №2 pencil — has “moved almost all of its pencil production to Mexico and China.” And General Electric recently shut down an industrial engine factory in Wisconsin and shipped the jobs to Canada. The list goes on and on.

These “American” companies show only one real loyalty: to the short-term interests of their shareholders, a third of whom are foreign investors. If they can close up an American factory and ship jobs overseas to save a nickel, that’s exactly what they will do — abandoning loyal American workers and hollowing out American cities along the way.

And a lot of people blamed a supposed “skills gap” for job losses — that American workers lacked the skills or credentials they needed to fill the jobs available. Except that wasn’t true either. It was just a symptom of high unemployment rates. Companies felt comfortable demanding more skills from workers as an excuse to be more selective about which workers to hire.

The truth is that Washington policies — not unstoppable market forces — are a key driver of the problems American workers face. From our trade agreements to our tax code, we have encouraged companies to invest abroad, ship jobs overseas, and keep wages low. All in the interest of serving multinational companies and international capital with no particular loyalty to the United States.

That candidate is Elizabeth Warren.


Unfortunately for all, Warren does not have the slightest hint of a shadow of a clue as to how to keep manufacturing and production in the United States. But I give her credit; she is 100% correct that vast multi-national corporations don't give a flying **** about American employees, and would shut down a plant, fire 5,00 employees, and ruin a town if it could save $100.

Trump's approach - using tax benefits, regulatory cuts, and tariffs - is the proven way to go. Warren should man up and give Trump credit on this front.

But in the interim, I have to give her credit for caring about America's manufacturing jobs, i.e., "fly over" country jobs.
If I had to pick a Democrat, I'd pick Biden over almost all of them. Just saying.

I can't stand Marxist Bernie. I don't trust Kamala Harris at all. I think she's a sneak and a conniver. Spartacus would sellout his Mom if it got him more votes. Warren is too all over the place for me. What she wants doesn't make any sense. Buttilieg is too young and in over his head. Beto has air between his ears and would be teleprompter-in-chief.

While I fully admit Biden is part of the swamp, at least I can survive 4 years of Washington swamp and rubbing elbows like the old days. It would just be same old, same old 2003 all over again just with a (D) instead of an (R). And if the republicans hold on to the Senate, I don't think Biden will do all that much except talk a big game to pander his base and try to get re-elected.

The others are all way too gung-ho about everything. Their ideas are literally the stupidest and most far-fetched stuff I've heard out of politicians mouths in a long, long time. And I thought politicians promising the world was normal. Now they're promising free everything and saving the planet to boot. It's literally unbelievable anyone buys the **** they are trying to sell America right now.

People talk about Trump not living up to building a $25 billion wall. The left is promising $1 trillion health care and $1 trillion save the planet funds. Tibs doesn't consider this stuff horseshit but calls out Trump for his exaggerations? My God....

Man thats a tough one. I cant stand Warren, Harris comes off as fake to me. Bernie has crazy ideas that I doubt would work in reality. Mayor Pete seems somewhat down to earth and not as far out there....If I had to pick one though I would choose Tulsi gabbard even though she has 0 shot at winning.
The DNC and big money donors have already picked Biden, nothing the far left base says will matter, they will vote D regardless.

He will wrap himself with Obama nostalgia stories and mention his name 100 times in every speech

They think Joe will get back the blue collar white working class voters in PA and the other rust belt states they lost, they are betting thats all they need to win.
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The DNC and big money donors have already picked Biden, nothing the far left base says will matter, they will vote D regardless.

He will wrap himself with Obama nostalgia stories and mention his name 100 times in every speech

They think Joe will get back the blue collar white working class voters in PA and the other rust belt states they lost, they are betting thats all they need to win.

I agree with what the DNC hopes happens, but I am much less confident that in fact it does occur. I think Biden benefits from the black vote due to his affiliation with Obama, and he will do okay in the South, but not as well in the Northern Atlantic states (Maine, Mass, RI, NY, NJ). I think Harris does okaaaaay-not-great in California, Oregon, Washington. Warren will poll well in the Northern Atlantic states, and Sanders will get some support, not as much as 2016, in the Midwest states.

The (D)im primaries in Florida, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Minnesota probably decide the candidate. I believe it a very real possibility, even a probability, that no candidate gets the required delegates to win the nomination on the first ballot, despite the (D)im's corrupt super-delegate practice.
Joe Biden: Now with flavor crystals!

Biden overhauls his 2020 campaign before second Democratic debate

After self-inflicted wounds from his boasts over decades-old work with segregationist senators and a desultory debate performance, Joe Biden is resetting his campaign to confront his Democratic primary rivals.

The former vice president's strategy, previewed Wednesday night at a Detroit fundraiser, marks a dramatic shift from the front-runner's version of a Rose Garden strategy, which was heavy on campaign fundraising and light on taking on his two dozen primary rivals.

He is now pledging to attack his rivals head-on, abandoning his nonaggression campaign promise made in May. His poll numbers plummeted after a near-disastrous debate performance in Miami last month, when he wilted under an attack from Sen. Kamala Harris of California. He will now face Harris again in a Detroit debate next Wednesday, along with Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey, with whom he has tangled this week.



Uncle Joe gonna get in the pen and wrestle with the pigs, I predict they gang up and turn him into a piñata
Uncle Joe gonna get in the pen and wrestle with the pigs, I predict they gang up and turn him into a piñata

I believe you are correct, but I hope old Joe stumbles on. If Biden, Warren, Sanders, Harris, Buttplug, and Spartacus all remain in the race, then the (D)ims will not have a candidate reach the required 1,885 pledged delegates needed to win the nomination on the first ballot. That throws the superdelegates into the vote. I think it unlikely the super delegates can carry a single candidate over the top on even the second ballot, so the voting goes on and on and on and on.

The (D)ims have a history of doing just this in 1972, when floor wrangling wound up having McGovern give his acceptance speech at 3:00 a.m., with nobody watching. The McGovern campaign then stumbled and bumbled its way to one of the worst showings, ever, by any major party candidate.

I root for a replay in 2020, for our nation's future.
I believe you are correct, but I hope old Joe stumbles on. If Biden, Warren, Sanders, Harris, Buttplug, and Spartacus all remain in the race, then the (D)ims will not have a candidate reach the required 1,885 pledged delegates needed to win the nomination on the first ballot. That throws the superdelegates into the vote. I think it unlikely the super delegates can carry a single candidate over the top on even the second ballot, so the voting goes on and on and on and on.

The (D)ims have a history of doing just this in 1972, when floor wrangling wound up having McGovern give his acceptance speech at 3:00 a.m., with nobody watching. The McGovern campaign then stumbled and bumbled its way to one of the worst showings, ever, by any major party candidate.

I root for a replay in 2020, for our nation's future.

The Super Delegates are one of the Dims' problems. Their votes count "more" than the regular elected delegates so basically if the delegates vote for a candidate the Super Delegates don't like, the SD's can extend a middle finger and say "**** you". The SD's make sure the nominee is who they really want. Kinda like how D.C. feels about President Trump. If memory serves, it's how they got Kerry in 2004. If the delegates vote for a far-Lefty who is clearly unelectable (aren't they all?) and the SD's select someone else, be Chicago '68 all over again.

The GOP does not have Super Delegates.
The Super Delegates are one of the Dims' problems. Their votes count "more" than the regular elected delegates so basically if the delegates vote for a candidate the Super Delegates don't like, the SD's can extend a middle finger and say "**** you". The SD's make sure the nominee is who they really want. Kinda like how D.C. feels about President Trump. If memory serves, it's how they got Kerry in 2004. If the delegates vote for a far-Lefty who is clearly unelectable (aren't they all?) and the SD's select someone else, be Chicago '68 all over again.

Good points. As far as the SD's are concerned, however, if Old Joe has a significant minority of the vote (1300 delegates, for example), the SD's can swing the thing his way and end the debacle after two votes.

I am looking for much more than that - 5 or 6 votes minimum, ugly wrangling, shouting, crying, and pouting. In other words, the lefties' go-to.
Good points. As far as the SD's are concerned, however, if Old Joe has a significant minority of the vote (1300 delegates, for example), the SD's can swing the thing his way and end the debacle after two votes.

I am looking for much more than that - 5 or 6 votes minimum, ugly wrangling, shouting, crying, and pouting. In other words, the lefties' go-to.



Is Tulsi Gabbard gonna be this election's version of Jill Stein?

Democratic activists worry Tulsi Gabbard will launch third-party presidential run 'to help Donald'

Ronald Reagan famously postulated an Eleventh Commandment: “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.”

Democrats desperate for a united front against President Donald Trump have hoped their presidential candidates this year would follow a similar decree.

This was, of course, wishful thinking. The knives are out. The latest to strike: Hawaii Democratic Congresswoman and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard, who took a swipe this week at the candidate who’s arguably the primary race’s new front-runner.

"I think one of the things I’m most concerned with is Kamala Harris is not qualified to serve as commander-in-chief, and I can say this from a personal perspective as a soldier,” Gabbard said.

“Hot take/prediction: Tulsi Gabbard is going to endorse Trump in the end,” The Hill correspondent Reid Wilson tweeted on Tuesday.

Neera Tanden, the president of the Center for American Progress, weighed in as well:

“My prediction: Tulsi runs as third-party Green candidate to help Trump win. I will take bets on this.”

“Hot take/prediction: Tulsi Gabbard is going to endorse Trump in the end,” The Hill correspondent Reid Wilson tweeted on Tuesday.

Unlikely ... even if the candidate is the disgusting, "Ooooohhh, me, me, me, ME!" candidate Kamala "kneepads" Harris, Gabbard is not likely to torch her political future by endorsing Trump.

Is Tulsi Gabbard gonna be this election's version of Jill Stein?

Democratic activists worry Tulsi Gabbard will launch third-party presidential run 'to help Donald'

Ronald Reagan famously postulated an Eleventh Commandment: “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.”

Democrats desperate for a united front against President Donald Trump have hoped their presidential candidates this year would follow a similar decree.

This was, of course, wishful thinking. The knives are out. The latest to strike: Hawaii Democratic Congresswoman and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard, who took a swipe this week at the candidate who’s arguably the primary race’s new front-runner.

"I think one of the things I’m most concerned with is Kamala Harris is not qualified to serve as commander-in-chief, and I can say this from a personal perspective as a soldier,” Gabbard said.

“Hot take/prediction: Tulsi Gabbard is going to endorse Trump in the end,” The Hill correspondent Reid Wilson tweeted on Tuesday.

Neera Tanden, the president of the Center for American Progress, weighed in as well:

“My prediction: Tulsi runs as third-party Green candidate to help Trump win. I will take bets on this.”


I doubt Gabbard will allow Trump to flip a state he didn't win. It will however cost whichever clown the Dem's nominate in the popular vote,
Gabbard knows she is getting pushed to the back by Google and her "fellow" Democrats..
Gabbard knows she is getting pushed to the back by Google and her "fellow" Democrats..

She isn't Far Lefty enough.