Obama is a stumbling, bumbling fool trying not to offend Muslims
Chuck Hagel tries to clean up Obama’s comments about making ISIS ‘manageable’
We are getting to the stage where the members of this administration spend more time staking out rhetorical positions on the Islamic State and cleaning up each other’s misstatements than they do actually addressing the ISIS threat
Hagel suggested that America should focus on Obama’s prepared remarks and ignore the president’s extemporaneous musings on America’s objectives and capabilities.
Obama was “pretty clear,” Hagel insisted. America’s goal is to “degrade and destroy the capability of ISIL to come after U.S. interests all over the world and our allies.”
“However way he addressed that later in the news conference, I wasn’t aware of that,” the secretary added, if you can believe it.
“That’s the end game? Degrade and destroy, not contain?” Sciutto asked.
“No, it’s not contain,” Hagel replied. “It’s exactly what the president said: ‘Degrade and destroy.’”
But that’s not “exactly what the president said.” Reading the statements coming out of this White House has become a form of Kremlinology. Americans are instructed after the fact to ignore some of administration officials’ statements and take others as gospel.