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Kavanaugh hearing

Good lord. Whoever this is needs to check out of following politics completely and live their life.

What on ******* earth do they have to be so miserable about? The low unemployment? The tax cuts?

I guess they're sad that gay people can't buy a cake from a religious guy? Or that some people aren't forced to buy health insurance anymore?

I mean what is the big huge ******* problem? Why not just accept that not everyone thinks exactly like you and not everything is going to be exactly the way you wish it would be and go ahead and live your life?

When Obama was elected I wasn't happy, but I didn't curl up into a ball and cry. Life went on. I paid for my ******* Obamacare every month and it sucked but I followed the law because, well, they won and we lost and that's what democracy is all about. Yeah I bitched and moaned about it but I didn't let it ruin my life.

Sorry, I have had a few beers.

Liberals must always have something to be angry at, or to be miserable about...it gives meaning to their meaningless lives.

And when advocating for the victims of "social injustice", they without conscious thought become victims themselves ...and when you are a victim, guess what?..you are a "somebody".

I know how the minds of these liberal malcontents work.
The funny part about Democrats bitching and moaning about Garland not getting in is that Garland was not a liberal... he was a centrist Bush appointee that was a lot older than the typical SC nominee... the idea was the Dems knew they couldn’t get the Senate and figured an uber conservative like Scalia being replaced by a moderate was a net gain for them... he wasn’t ever going to be the liberal they needed to swing stuff far into their progressive fantasy utopia....

And the dems figured his age would allow them another chance sooner if he did swing conservative... that was the whole ideal behind the nomination...

I never minded Garland... but if he was the nominee to replace a RBG type, the Democrats would lose their **** over him
The funny part about Democrats bitching and moaning about Garland not getting in is that Garland was not a liberal... he was a centrist Bush appointee that was a lot older than the typical SC nominee... the idea was the Dems knew they couldn’t get the Senate and figured an uber conservative like Scalia being replaced by a moderate was a net gain for them... he wasn’t ever going to be the liberal they needed to swing stuff far into their progressive fantasy utopia....

And the dems figured his age would allow them another chance sooner if he did swing conservative... that was the whole ideal behind the nomination...

I never minded Garland... but if he was the nominee to replace a RBG type, the Democrats would lose their **** over him

Agree. I never thought the Republicans should have blocked Garland. He was as Conservative a justice as Bomma was going to nominate.
Agree. I never thought the Republicans should have blocked Garland. He was as Conservative a justice as Bomma was going to nominate.

Garland and Kavanaugh's decisions coincide 93% of the time.
Garland and Kavanaugh's decisions coincide 93% of the time.

But remember... Garland would have been great and Kavanaugh is the devil who will destroy democracy as we know it... i mean unless you are a right winger, then reverse that statement...
Will there be riots today?


Liberal groups won't support Democrats backing Kavanaugh

Democrats have organized to oppose Kavanaugh, with opposition intensifying after Christine Blasey Ford last month accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault when they were teenagers.

Bredesen, who polls indicate is locked in a dead heat for the Tennessee seat being vacated by a Republican, said in a statement Friday that he would have voted for Kavanaugh had he been in the Senate. Manchin, who is leading in his re-election bid to represent conservative-leaning West Virginia, said Friday that he will back Kavanaugh in the final senate confirmation vote expected on Saturday.

MoveOn said on Twitter it has canceled campaigning for Manchin and would also cancel more than $100,000 worth of online advertising it had planned to buy in support of Bredesen.

It would be far better if the votes weren’t announced yesterday.....

Like if there was still hope and then it was dashed... thats the real entertainment...

Liberal groups won't support Democrats backing Kavanaugh

Democrats have organized to oppose Kavanaugh, with opposition intensifying after Christine Blasey Ford last month accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault when they were teenagers.

Bredesen, who polls indicate is locked in a dead heat for the Tennessee seat being vacated by a Republican, said in a statement Friday that he would have voted for Kavanaugh had he been in the Senate. Manchin, who is leading in his re-election bid to represent conservative-leaning West Virginia, said Friday that he will back Kavanaugh in the final senate confirmation vote expected on Saturday.

MoveOn said on Twitter it has canceled campaigning for Manchin and would also cancel more than $100,000 worth of online advertising it had planned to buy in support of Bredesen.


Thats right you shortsighted *******... cut that nose off to spite your face... because you can afford to flush two senate races down the drain... lol if they don’t take the senate by a seat and one of the two ancient judges croak or retire, and a third conservative gets seated... do you think they will realize their scorched earth instant gratification strategies are stupid, or will it be more temper tantrums and weeping over the mean opposition

Seriously they are idiots... that party is just ****** in the head right now... it’s actually sad...
How did the Democrats get rolled?

For all the chaos of the Trump White House, the GOP remains adroit at using the levers of power in our modern political system. Senate Democrats and Republicans are not even playing the same kind of game. The GOP comes to work ready for full-contact boxing while Democrats were setting up for a friendly game of checkers.

The road to Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation started during the presidential campaign. Candidate Donald Trump demonstrated his political savvy when he produced a list of potential nominees, most of whom have ties to the Federalist Society. The list was an ostensibly brazen effort to win over conservatives who otherwise might not be able to support him. Regardless of how a Republican felt, Trump had successfully defined his presidency as an avenue toward conservative courts.

He delivered on the promise right away when he announced the appointment of Neil Gorsuch to replace Antonin Scalia. The seat had been open for months since Senate Republicans refused to even meet with President Obama's nominee Merrick Garland. After Obama tried to outsmart the Senate majority by appointing someone who was so centrist and non-ideological that moderate Republicans would have to vote for him, the GOP proved him wrong. They kept the seat warm until a Republican was in the White House.

Good lord. Whoever this is needs to check out of following politics completely and live their life.

What on ******* earth do they have to be so miserable about? The low unemployment? The tax cuts?

I guess they're sad that gay people can't buy a cake from a religious guy? Or that some people aren't forced to buy health insurance anymore?

I mean what is the big huge ******* problem? Why not just accept that not everyone thinks exactly like you and not everything is going to be exactly the way you wish it would be and go ahead and live your life?

When Obama was elected I wasn't happy, but I didn't curl up into a ball and cry. Life went on. I paid for my ******* Obamacare every month and it sucked but I followed the law because, well, they won and we lost and that's what democracy is all about. Yeah I bitched and moaned about it but I didn't let it ruin my life.

Sorry, I have had a few beers.

And we dammed sure didn't go out and protest and tear up **** either did we....
Watching Grassley. Pretty sure the Founders were not envisioning a Congress led by 85 year old career politicians.We really need term limits.
The problem is libs define democracy as them getting their way because they always make the wrong assumption that everybody agrees with them and they are in the majority. The reality is they are not.

They only listen to each other in the echo chamber. Hollywood just reinforces that misconception that liberalism is the mainstream. It’s not and most of these liberal message movies and tv shows tank.

"Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views."

William F. Buckley, Jr.

The vote is scheduled to begin around 3:30 p.m. EST this afternoon

What are the chances those 3 change their vote?

I am not as optimistic as most. Will believe it when it happens.
So the democrats publicly line up to find anything to block Kavanaugh, and when he calls them out on it the narrative becomes that he is too partisan. Apparently he would be more qualified to some if he was either too stupid to notice that, or acted like he didn't know what was going on.
So the democrats publicly line up to find anything to block Kavanaugh, and when he calls them out on it the narrative becomes that he is too partisan. Apparently he would be more qualified to some if he was either too stupid to notice that, or acted like he didn't know what was going on.

I think they’re still hoping Flake will flip.

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But remember... Garland would have been great and Kavanaugh is the devil who will destroy democracy as we know it... i mean unless you are a right winger, then reverse that statement...

Yeah. I have trouble picking up those subtle nuances.
I hope they are physically removing those nutballs disrupting Senate proceedings.