Good lord. Whoever this is needs to check out of following politics completely and live their life.
What on ******* earth do they have to be so miserable about? The low unemployment? The tax cuts?
I guess they're sad that gay people can't buy a cake from a religious guy? Or that some people aren't forced to buy health insurance anymore?
I mean what is the big huge ******* problem? Why not just accept that not everyone thinks exactly like you and not everything is going to be exactly the way you wish it would be and go ahead and live your life?
When Obama was elected I wasn't happy, but I didn't curl up into a ball and cry. Life went on. I paid for my ******* Obamacare every month and it sucked but I followed the law because, well, they won and we lost and that's what democracy is all about. Yeah I bitched and moaned about it but I didn't let it ruin my life.
Sorry, I have had a few beers.
Liberals must always have something to be angry at, or to be miserable gives meaning to their meaningless lives.
And when advocating for the victims of "social injustice", they without conscious thought become victims themselves ...and when you are a victim, guess what? are a "somebody".
I know how the minds of these liberal malcontents work.