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Kavanaugh hearing

I hope they are physically removing those nutballs disrupting Senate proceedings.
The petulent little children are acting up.

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Imagine if hitlery was president the trash she would have tried to out on the court. Kagan, Sotomeyer and Ginsburg would look conservative by comparison.
Liberals pissing themselves beacuse they know most of their "successes" are not legitimate, meaning are not actual laws approved by a legislative process. They have used activist judges to usurp the democratic process.

That’s why they are so freaked about abortion, because it’s not a real law. They never bothered tompass it as a law. Same with myriad other liberal agenda items.

I don’t understand. They constantly tell us that liberal ideology is now the majority sentiment in the country. Passing these as laws should just be formality then, right?

They know it’s not. They know the secret that they are a small minority and if they put all their crackpot ideas to actual votes, that would become clear in defeat after defeat. They can’t allow that. Their big shadow on the wall that scares people into submission would be exposed as the small mouse they are.
Watching Grassley. Pretty sure the Founders were not envisioning a Congress led by 85 year old career politicians.We really need term limits.

You are correct. However, iowa currently has no replacement with the balls to get anything done.
McConnell on TV saying the Left did something the Republicans in Congress couldn't figure out how to do, which is fire up the GOP base. We want Republicans to act like Republicans, you dumb ****!
Funny that all Kavanaughs accusers just happened to be liberal activist whack jobs, what were the odds, eat **** Demoncrats.
Imagine if hitlery was president the trash she would have tried to out on the court. Kagan, Sotomeyer and Ginsburg would look conservative by comparison.

Justice Barry Obama!
I applaud and congratulate the U.S. Senate for confirming our GREAT NOMINEE, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, to the United States Supreme Court. Later today, I will sign his Commission of Appointment, and he will be officially sworn in. Very exciting!


Back to the radical lefties board

I held out hope for a miracle, not believing he could actually be confirmed. Now I can’t stop crying. Heartbroken

My tremor in my hands is significantly worse. I can't concentrate. I am halfway through a bottle of Tequila

I knew it was coming, but when Pence read the confirmation aloud it just made it real. I am in tears. Again.

Congratulations Justice Kavanaugh.

So, we should look forward to Ginsberg retiring like she said she would do if Kavanaugh was confirmed, right?

Yeah, I'm no holding my breath either.
Watching Grassley. Pretty sure the Founders were not envisioning a Congress led by 85 year old career politicians.We really need term limits.

I agree we need younger more everyday americans in the senate / politics in general . They could either go with term limits or early retirement age.
WIth most Democrats preferring to be called socialists today, you wonder how long their lame leadership will last. This was an epic loss to them, and one that will linger as they tried to railroad a clean man with no evidence what so ever.