So you add liar to all your other other wonderful traits. I seen people combat your retard right in the open no need to go into inboxes.
You try hard to include others because you know your opinion alone doesn’t mean sh!t . You are right because it doesn’t. You are a backwood hick that has kindergarten assessments of football.
You don’t know concepts you window lick your opinion out and often look silly. I am thankful you aren’t the Steelers GM as your takes suck most everything about you sucks. Like the pathetic piece of sh!t that you are and always will be. Congrats!
No you don’t draft who is available you reset it if is unrealistic so that you try to make it semi realistic or you go to the next player that semi makes sense. Not baldy he likes to live in fantasy just like your take on me all fantasy.
The reality is you will always meltdown like a little b!tch when someone challenges your preposterous takes. You are now and forever will be a joke clown.